Chapter 9
Tingen?Su Ya was instantly alert.

This name undoubtedly has a special meaning in his eyes, not because his viscount's fiefdom is there, nor because Tingen is the capital of Ahova County, but because that is where everything began, where Mr. Fool lives now. place.

He also knew that the traitor that Atil wanted to capture, the former Archbishop of the Church of the Night, Ince Zangwill, who was carrying Sealed Artifact 0-08, was there now.

At the same time, he seemed to remember where he had seen the captain's name.

In the original plot, due to the appearance of the 'Antigonus Family Notes', Backlund would send three Nighthawks carrying sealed objects to Tingen for support.Suya was very impressed by the puppet seal that made people sluggish and had to keep bending and stretching their arms, but he didn't remember much about the three tool men who carried the seal.

Now that I think about it, the business trip the captain mentioned must be this one, right?

Well, without him, Simon's sequence is not suitable. Rila has agreed to take a vacation next week in advance. Presumably the three people in the original book should be the captain, Ms. Lolotta and Borgia.

"Well, Sulia, what do you think?" Al's deep voice interrupted Suya's thoughts, bringing him back to his senses instantly.

"Of course, no problem, Captain." Suya put his hand on Al's shoulder and said with a smile, "I like the life of the Nighthawks very much. Compared to the luxurious aristocratic ball, this place makes me feel more at ease."

"However, in the days to come, I may not be able to clock in and go to work on time every day like you." He said, spreading his hands out of nobility. My absence from a formal aristocratic occasion for a week is the limit.”

"After this business trip, I'm afraid I will be busy 'socializing' in the next one to two months." Su Ya sighed deeply. He really didn't like those noble banquets, but there was no way, since he To enjoy the convenience brought by this status, one must bear corresponding responsibilities.

"Of course that's no problem." Al let go, put the pipe he was holding tightly back into the pocket of his windbreaker, and nodded.

"The church has approved the application of the Tingen Nighthawk Team, and I still need to add some procedures. Well, at ten o'clock on Wednesday morning, you came to the company, and together with me and Luoluota, we took out Sealed Artifact 2-049 and went to Tingen. "

"Okay captain." Su Ya narrowed her eyes slightly and nodded, "I'm looking forward to this business trip."

"Very looking forward to it."

"Good morning, Atil." Su Ya adjusted his formal tie and leisurely greeted Atil, who was sitting in the study reading the newspaper.

"I heard from Al that you were on vacation today, why did you go out so early?" Adil glanced at his brother, shook the newspaper in his hand and turned it over.

"Viscount Greint made an appointment with me this afternoon, and I'm going to visit Jon in the hospital in the morning." Suya put on his coat, put on his hat, and was ready to go out with a cane, "You know, Jon is because of me I was just implicated, I should always go and visit.”

"Be safe." Adil didn't say anything. He nodded to his brother, "Come back early in the evening. I have something to give you."

Su Ya waved his hand, turned around and went out and got into the carriage, not paying much attention to what Atil said.

"Go to Hillston District Central Hospital." Su Ya gave instructions to the coachman, on the surface she was playing with the ebony cane inlaid with gemstones, but in fact she secretly opened the panel and fell into deep thought.

In the past week, because the ability of "title manifestation" is completely indiscriminate, no matter whether it is extraordinary or ordinary people, it is treated equally, which made him suffer a lot in normal life.

Because he couldn't control himself from moving his eyes to the top of other people's heads, his eyes were hurt by the colorful and glittering titles of Extraordinary from different sequences, and occasionally he was blocked by some people whose names and titles were too long.

For example, Archbishop Anthony, his title is [Anthony Stevenson - Bishop of Fear - Archbishop of Backlund Diocese of the Church of Evernight - Goddess.] with a dark and dark title. The latter part cannot be displayed at all because it is too long, even Completely blocking Attil, who was standing behind the archbishop, put Su Ya's perspective to the test.

So after turning on this function several times experimentally, Su Ya decisively turned off this function in the next week, and only turned it on when he needed to fight to prevent his team from being attacked.He also did allow Simon to avoid a covert attack, which also made him admired by his teammates again and again.

Although the function of the title is still useful in battle, it is completely cumbersome in daily life, and he doesn't like opening it very much.It's just that in a few days, he will go on a business trip with the captain to Tingen to watch Mr. Fool who is only a Sequence 9, and he will need it at that time.

Moreover, he is also planning to try to see if he can make his luck work. If he meets Ince Zangwill or Lanrewus by chance, it will be easier to achieve his goal with the help of the panel, so he needs to adapt to this mess in advance. vision.

Su Ya sighed, and turned on the function of 'title display'. He closed his eyes slightly, and opened them after getting used to them for a while. Looking at the white titles quickly passing by on both sides, he couldn't help taking out a small mirror Take a look at yourself.

[Palka-Lucky-Viscount Tassok-Becklund Apprentice Nighthawk]

The silver-white title flashes with flowing light like mercury and looks very beautiful.

Very good, I haven't looked at my title for a week, and I have another trainee Nighthawk. If he joins the Tarot Society or some other secret organization in the future, his title won't be longer than Archbishop Anthony, right?

Well, and Mister Fool, what would his title be?

[Klein Moretti-Zhou Mingrui-Seer-Seer-Tingen Nighthawk of Church of the Evernight-Tarot Society Fool]?
Suya thought with some anticipation, wishing that time would come to Wednesday immediately so that he could go to Tingen early and see Klein Moretti in person.

"Your Excellency the Viscount, we are here." The servant's respectful voice interrupted Su Ya's reverie. He got off the carriage and shook hands with the doctor who stood at the door of the hospital to greet him.

"Welcome, Viscount Auchinleck." The tall and thin young doctor in a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses said coldly, but was not overly enthusiastic.

"Alan Kress, Mr. Jon's surgeon, you can just call me Dr. Allen."

Doctor Allen?Will Auceptin's future father?Su Ya resisted the urge to look over the opponent's head, and took a light breath.

 Ready to sign a contract!I haven't saved the manuscript and usually I can only write about it. Maybe it is a little updated. I will add more when it is recommended.Please read and collect!


(End of this chapter)

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