Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 10 Obtained the spirit stone for the first time, set foot on the fairy road!

Chapter 10 Obtained the spirit stone for the first time, set foot on the fairy road!
【Jin Congxue hesitated for a moment, and she told you that Zhenyaoguan is the lifeblood of the human race, and the human race has extremely powerful enemies, and the situation of Zhenyaoguan is not optimistic at the moment. 】

【You wanted to ask more, but Jin Congxue refused to continue. 】

[The next day, you sent Jin Congxue to Zhenyao Pass. 】

[A month later, you attended Jin Congxue's funeral, you had no joy or sorrow, you just wanted to improve your strength as much as possible. 】

[You chose to sell all your assets and obtained more than 500 billion in cash. 】

[You used the money to purchase a large number of items for improving your body. You want to break through to the second level of the body-refining monk: the bone-forging realm. 】

[Three years have passed, and your body training has continued to improve, but you still feel that you are still a little short of the bone forging realm, but for some unknown reason, you have never been able to break through. 】

[Finally, it’s a day when you are familiar with me in my memory. 】

[A giant beast covering the sky and sun appeared in the sky over Daxia. 】

[Countless people in the entire Great Xia Kingdom were terrified, and several golden figures flew into the sky, besieging this giant beast! 】

[They failed, the giant beast that shrouded the sky swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one gulp. 】

[Before you were swallowed, your eyes widened and you raised your middle finger to the giant beast in the sky. 】

[You died at the age of 36! 】

[You have activated your talent and you will never rest in peace! 】

[You were swallowed into the belly of a giant beast, and you found that not all people died immediately. 】

[The stomach of this giant beast is extraordinarily wide, like a world. 】

[The ground began to tremble continuously, and an inexplicable energy began to corrode all life and matter around it...]

[Your eyes have been digested into a part of the giant beast, and the talent of dying with peace is invalid! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

[You can choose one of the following rewards: I have become bald, but not stronger (talent), half-step bone forging state (cultivation level), second level of Qi refining level (cultivation level), two half-spiritual stones ( Props)]

coming!Successfully brought out the Lingshi!

Su Xing endured the excitement in his heart, and checked the cost of these rewards.

[I'm getting bald, but not getting stronger]: White talent, priced at 1000 energy.

[Half-step Bone Forging Realm]: Cultivation base, priced at 500 energy.

[Second Level of Qi Refining Realm]: Cultivation level, selling price is 100 energy.

[Two Half Spirit Stones]: Props, priced at 2500 energy.

Su Xing touched his thick hair without even looking at this deceptive talent.

On the contrary, Su Xing took a few more glances at the half-step Bone Forging Realm.

Judging from the description of the simulator, in this simulation, he was really close to breaking through to the Bone Forging Realm, but he just couldn't break through.

Maybe it's because of insufficient aptitude, or maybe it's because there is no secret method of body training, or suitable medicine for body training?

It is unknown when he wakes up, but at this moment the spirit stone he desires most is right in front of him.

"Unexpectedly cheap..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows, he understood that this spirit stone might not be a particularly precious thing, but the number is very rare in the real world.

"Exchange for two and a half spirit stones!"

[Ding, you chose to bring back the spirit stone from the simulation, which consumed 2500 energy points and left 18940 energy points. 】

Three thumb-sized spirit stones appeared in the awakened hand.

The spirit stone is crystal clear, as warm as jade, and you feel refreshed just by being close to the human body.

Two of the spirit stones are the size of a thumb, and one is only the size of a little finger, which should have been digested during the simulation.

"Based on this... the value of a spirit stone should be around [-] points of energy..."

Su Xing began to study the spirit stone in his hand.

He first asked the simulator the price of spirit stone recovery.

[Ding, a low-grade spiritual stone has been detected. The recycling price is 100 energy. Do you want to recycle it? 】

wake:? ? ?
What the hell!
I needed 1000 energy to bring it out, but the recovery price was only 100 energy. This simulator is too dark, right?
"Damn it, I hope there are no second-hand recyclers in the world to make the difference!"

Su Xing complained.

Then he woke up and held the half of the spirit stone in the palm of his hand, sat cross-legged, and began to operate the Changchun Gong.

Wisps of warm breath emerged from the spirit stone, passing through the palms of the hands and into the awakening limbs and bones, making people feel refreshed and relaxed.

"Hiss~ Is this the feeling of absorbing spiritual energy?"

After Su Xing waited for his big eyes and spiritual energy to enter his body, he clearly felt subtle changes in his body.

After Su Xing practiced for an hour, he felt that the meridians in his body could no longer absorb spiritual energy.

At the same time, the spirit stone in his hand was about one twentieth smaller.

"Sure enough, this spirit stone is enough for me to practice for half a month, right?"

There was longing in his waking eyes, but he did not choose to continue absorbing it.

Because these few spirit stones in his hand have even greater uses!
In the following week, Su Xing continued to boost leveling and upgrade equipment as usual, and saved more than 50 in just one week.

During this period, Su Xing did not choose to continue absorbing spirit stones for cultivation.

On this day, the cooldown time of the awakened simulator is refreshed again.

Su Xing took a deep breath, holding the spirit stone in his hand, he wanted to verify an idea in his heart.

"Start the simulation!"

[The simulation consumes 600 energy points, the remaining energy is 18340 points, and the number of remaining simulations is none. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract the white talent, and 1000 energy points to extract the green talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Draw white talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on obtaining the white talent: fitness expert]

[Fitness expert]: You are more talented than ordinary people in exercising your body.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this talent, then he reacted and murmured:

"Could it be... this fitness expert is a talent for body training?"

This sudden talent disrupted Su Xing's plan, but Su Xing was still prepared to give it a try through simulation first.

[You are in the dormitory, looking at the two and a half spirit stones in your hands in a daze. 】

[You begin to absorb the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone, the spiritual energy enters the body, and your Qi refining cultivation has improved slightly. 】

[In the next month, you will take the freshmen to download dungeons to make money during the day, and in your spare time, you will absorb spirit stones and transform them into cultivation bases. 】

[Because you have good qi-refining skills and enough spiritual stones, your qi-refining cultivation has improved rapidly. 】

[In just one month, your cultivation level has risen to the fourth level of Qi Refining. 】

[New era, November 2023, 11, on this day, you left Kyoto Vocational College and bought a high-speed rail ticket to Jinling City. 】

[In the evening of the next day, you successfully arrived in Jinling City. 】

【You searched outside Jinling City for a week, hoping to find the copy that Jin Congxue mentioned. 】

[But you found nothing, did not find this dungeon named "Qingyun Lingtian". 】

[You never gave up and continued to search. 】

[A few days later, you met a woman outside Jinling West City. This woman was very beautiful, but she seemed very cold. 】

[You have a premonition in your heart, this woman is probably Jin Congxue! 】

(End of this chapter)

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