Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 11 Enter the copy of Qingyun Lingtian, the mysterious old man!

Chapter 11 Enter the copy of Qingyun Lingtian, the mysterious old man!
【So you make up your mind and prepare to follow Jin Congxue, because you know that you may be able to find the entrance to the dungeon by following her. 】

[Jin Congxue was wary of you, but after confirming that your strength did not pose a threat to her, he stopped paying attention. 】

【You followed her all the way, but saw that she just wanted to return to Jinling City. 】

[Jin Congxue chose to go back to the city by a small road, and you thought that she might have found the entrance to the dungeon on this small road. 】

[Turning around, Jin Congxue disappeared, and you were shocked, thinking that she had already entered the dungeon. 】

[At this moment, a cold voice sounded behind you: Who are you?What are you doing behind me? 】

[Looking at the slightly angry beauty in front of you, you can only bite the bullet and say that you like Buddhism very much. I heard that Jin Congxue has a lot of research on Buddhism, so I want to ask for advice. 】

[Jin Congxue expressed disbelief. She asked you some common sense and questions about Buddhism. 】

[Fortunately, you have learned some Dharma in advance. Although you stumbled in your answer, you still barely convinced her. 】

[Jin Congxue asked you what questions you wanted to ask her. You asked yourself the "Top Ten Difficulties in Buddha's Verse" that you saw online, but Jin Congxue couldn't answer. 】

【Jin Congxue said he would reply you in a few days, and you took the opportunity to say that you want to go back to the city with her. 】

【Jin Congxue reluctantly agrees, you are walking on the path outside the city. 】

[After walking for a while, you discovered that a strange light suddenly appeared under a willow tree not far away. 】

【Jin Congxue was both surprised and delighted. She said that this should be a temporary copy, and she wanted to go in and explore it. 】

[You quickly said that you also want to go in and explore, but Jin Congxue said that your strength is too low, and she can't protect you. 】

【You insisted on going in, but she only thought you were going to die, and she didn't refuse. 】

[You have entered the copy of "Qingyun Lingtian". 】

Su Xing was overjoyed when he saw this, it was a success!
Qingyun Lingtian is obviously a copy of Cultivating Immortals, and the secret awakening hidden in it is unknown for the time being, but it will definitely be of great use to him.

Su Xing continued to simulate with excitement.

【You have come to a strange environment, here is a mountain with beautiful scenery, and there is a thatched cottage in the distance. 】

【You are ecstatic, because you have noticed a strong aura from the surrounding environment, this is indeed a monk's residence! 】

【Jin Congxue walked towards the thatched cottage, and you followed. 】

【You knocked on the door of the thatched hut, and an old man with white hair and youthful face walked out of the thatched hut. 】

[The old man was very surprised by your arrival. He said that this is the secret realm of the Naixian family, and those who are not blessed are not allowed to enter. 】

[The old man said that you are people with good luck. If you are willing to fulfill his commission, he is willing to give you a chance. 】

[You have accepted the task, the task is to take care of a spiritual field within a week. 】

[You and Jin Congxue each received an acre of spiritual fields. There are many spiritual grains planted in the spiritual fields. Your task is to make the spiritual grains grow better. 】

【You and Jin Congxue looked at each other and realized that this might be a great opportunity, so you took care of the Lingtian carefully. 】

[Because you lived in the countryside since you were young, you have a lot of experience in growing crops, and you get started quickly. 】

【Because Jin Congxue has never planted crops, he is clumsy and clumsy in taking care of them, and has ruined a lot of spiritual grains. 】

【Jin Congxue asked you for advice, and you readily agreed, and taught her a lot of common sense about growing crops. 】

[Jin Congxue's affection for you has increased, and you have become friends. 】

[In the process of taking care of the spiritual field, you found that spiritual energy can promote the growth of the spiritual field, especially your wood-attribute exercise Changchun Kung Fu, which is extremely effective for growing the spiritual field! 】

【You cherish the opportunity of this mission very much, so you spend eight hours every day tending the spiritual field and instilling spiritual energy. 】

[Under your caring care, Linggu is growing very gratifyingly. 】

[Seven days have passed quickly. In these seven days, in addition to taking care of the spiritual field, you have been practicing in your free time. Your Qi refining realm has broken through to the fifth level of Qi refining. 】

[On the day when the task is submitted, the old man comes out of the hut to inspect your farming results. 】

[The old man first went to investigate Jin Congxue's spiritual field, and after walking around in the field, his expression was calm. 】

[Soon he came to your spiritual field, seeing the gratifying growth of the spiritual valley in your spiritual field, the old man showed surprise. 】

[After inspecting the spiritual field, the old man called you aside and distributed mission rewards to you. 】

[The old man gave Jin Congxue ten spirit stones and a small bag of spirit rice. 】

Su Xing saw the surprised expression on this face.

If he remembered correctly, Jin Congxue's previous reward should have been three spiritual stones and a small bag of spiritual rice.

But now the reward is seven more spirit stones, and there is only one reason...

With the help of Su Xing, the growth of Linggu in Jin Congxue Lingtian improved!

And the awakened Linggu has grown much more than Jin Congxue, so what reward should he get?

Waking up with some anticipation.

[After giving Jin Congxue the reward, the old man waved his hand, and Jin Congxue was sent out a copy. 】

【Then the teacher took out a transparent stone and asked you to put your hand on it. 】

[You put your hand on it, and a faint light of five colors flashed on the stone. 】

[The old man sighed slightly, he said that you are a mixed spiritual root of the five elements, although you have a talent for cultivation, you have no hope of immortality. 】

Su Xing was not surprised to see this. After all, his innate spiritual root holder was of white quality, and the mixed spiritual roots of the five elements were also normal.

[The old man hesitated for a while, and finally took out a small bag of spiritual stones and a large bag of spiritual rice for you. There are 30 spiritual stones in the bag, and the spiritual rice weighs about 30 catties. 】

【The old man waved his hand and kicked you out of the copy. 】

[After you left the dungeon, you met Jin Congxue. Jin Congxue asked you what rewards you had received. 】

[You took out part of the spiritual stones and rice, saying that the rewards you received were the same as hers, but in larger quantities. 】

[Jin Congxue nodded slightly, not making things difficult for you. 】

【You stayed in Jinling City for a few more days, got along well with Jin Congxue, and then returned to Kyoto Vocational College. 】

[After returning to Kyoto Vocational College, you continued to sell equipment and established the Tarot Club. 】

[You have a lot of money. Wang Qingxuan found you. You understood it and tried new postures that you had never tried before. 】

[Wang Qingxuan disappeared afterward, and you continued to run the business. 】

【You didn't use the spirit stones you got from the instance, but you cook a bowl of spirit rice every few days to satisfy your cravings. 】

[Lingmi is sweet and delicious, you can go without food for three days after eating a bowl, and it nourishes your body. 】

[One year has passed, and you find that your body training has unknowingly broken through to the bone training level! 】

【You understand in your heart that it's probably the result of the cooperation between the Lingmi and the fitness expert. 】

[In the fifth year, you were expelled from school, you had expected it, and continued to do your old job of selling second-hand equipment. 】

[During the past five years, your body training has continued to improve, and you have become a monk at the fifth level of bone forging. 】

(End of this chapter)

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