Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 12 Treating a good brother as a cash machine, the energy soars!

Chapter 12 Treating a good brother as a cash machine, the energy soars!

[Fifth level of bone forging, tens of thousands of catties, your strength has been greatly improved! 】

[You try to challenge the silver-level dungeon. Your strength crushes the silver-level boss and you pass the level easily. 】

Su Xing saw that he clenched his fists, and at the fifth level of bone forging, he could crush a silver-level boss. This shows that the potential and actual combat ability of cultivating immortals is much higher than that of ordinary professionals!
You must know that ordinary silver-level professionals form a team of five, and the team is equipped with professionals such as meat shields, fighters, mages, and priests, so that they can barely defeat the silver-level boss.

And he can easily be crushed by just one person!
"Is this the benefit of practicing both physical training and qi training..."

Su Xing was very satisfied, and then looked down.

[You's business is getting bigger and bigger, and your net worth exceeds one billion. 】

[This year, Wang Qingxuan came to you and she gave you the first half of Changchun Gong. You refused and asked her to help you find the second half. 】

[Another two years later, your sister died and you attended her funeral. 】

[Three years later, your good brother Fatty Yu also died, and you were also helpless. 】

[In the market fluctuations a year later, you will make a lot of money and be worth more than tens of billions. 】

[You found Jin Congxue and want to buy the ten spirit stones from her. 】

[Jin Congxue did not ask you for money, but made a request to you. 】

【You took away her first time and spent several months with her. 】

【Jin Congxue was recruited, and a month later, news of Jin Congxue's death came. 】

【Four years later, the giant beast that blocks the sky and the sun reappears. 】

【You raised your middle finger at him, and he swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one bite. 】

[You died at the age of 36! 】

【Your talent is activated! 】

【You have witnessed the human tragedy in the belly of the giant beast. 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

[You can choose one of the following rewards: fitness expert (talent), bone forging level [-] (cultivation level), Qi refining level [-] level (cultivation level), forty spirit stones (props)]

Su Xing took a deep breath, held back the excitement in his heart, and looked at several rewards.

[Fitness expert]: White talent, priced at 1000 energy points.

[Fifth Level of Bone Forging Realm]: cultivation base, priced at 4000 energy points.

[Fifth Floor of Qi Refining Realm]: cultivation base, priced at 400 energy points.

[Forty Spirit Stones]: Props, priced at 40000 energy points.

Su Su thought for a while.

Fitness master is obviously a good talent that can improve his body training potential, but it is of no use to him for the time being.

The fifth level of bone forging level is a reward that can immediately improve his strength, which is indeed very attractive.

As for the fifth level of Qi Refining Realm, it was directly ignored by Su Xing.

And what Su Xing really wants to exchange for is those forty spirit stones!

Because with these forty spirit stones, Su Xing can completely use it in subsequent simulations to quickly break through in strength!

It means that with forty pieces, there are countless pieces...

Moreover, forty spirit stones may be enough for him to cultivate to the Great Perfection of the Qi Refining Realm, or even the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Wouldn't it be nice to bring the cultivation base back from the simulator at that time?

But the only problem is that the energy value of awakening is not enough.

He only has 18240 energy points now, even if he spends all his money on white equipment, he can barely reach 2000 energy points.

There is still nearly half a gap.

"Alas, a penny can't defeat a hero...it seems there is only one way!"

Su Xing sighed, and then dialed Yu Yan's mobile phone number.

"Hey fat man, can you hear me?"

"I can hear you! I'm just about to download a dungeon! You scared me... What can you do with me?"

"Well, bro, money is a little tight recently, lend me some money!"

"How much?"

Su Xingshi opened his mouth loudly: "Uh, one hundred million! Do you have any?"

Fatty Yu's roar came from the other end of the phone: "What the hell are you treating me like a cash machine? One hundred million, why don't you dream?"


"Then how much do you have now?"

"The maximum I can lend you is 5000 million! Not even a penny more!"

"Okay, send the money over there now!"


There was the sound of the phone being hung up.

Ten minutes later, Su Xing received a remittance of 10 million in his bank card.

Su Xing looked at the huge amount of money in his bank card and felt moved in his heart.

Including the 500 million Yu Yan lent to Su Xing before, the total has been lent to Su Xing 5500 million!

Although Yu Yan is a genius, his family background is also average. His main source of money comes from school rewards and the money he earns from selling dungeons and equipment.

Apart from the consumption of buying equipment and improving his strength, this 5000 million is probably the largest number Yu Yan can come up with.

After all, Yu Yan probably hasn't become a master-level professional yet.

After Su Xing received 5000 million, he did not hesitate. He immediately went to the largest low-level professional equipment trading market in Kyoto and placed a large order.

Su Xing placed an order for [-] pieces of white quality equipment.

This is definitely a big order, so the owner of the equipment market personally received it and sold it to Su Xing at the lowest price of 1000 yuan.

But because the quantity was too large, the boss said it would take a week to adjust the goods.

Therefore, Su Xing only received [-] pieces of white equipment immediately after paying the deposit.

Awakening converts all these white equipment into energy.

As a result, the awakened energy surged, from [-] points to a full [-] points!
"Fortunately, I can collect rewards at any time before the next simulation...otherwise I really wouldn't be able to save so much energy for a while."

Su Xing spent [-] energy points to bring out the forty spirit stones without hesitation.

After acquiring forty spirit stones, Su Xing felt full of security in his heart.

These spiritual stones can be said to be the guarantee for him to make a fortune and improve his strength!

But forty spirit stones are not enough!
Su Xing narrowed his eyes. He planned to choose spirit stone rewards in the next few simulations to accumulate his initial capital.

After all, so far, the only way Su Xing knows about obtaining spirit stones is through this copy.

And this dungeon will be officially opened in a month.

Therefore, Su Xing must hoard as many spiritual stones as possible before the "Qingyun Spiritual Field" copy is officially opened.

"It's coming soon... With enough spirit stones, with the help of the simulator, my cultivation will definitely improve rapidly!"

The awakening heart was beating fast.

But then he woke up and said to himself:

"No... still can't float! In the future, the master-level powerhouses will be cannon fodder... 15 years from now will be the end of the world, and it's still too far away to change everything!"

The waking state of mind became more and more stable.

Soon, a week passed, and it was time to wake up and simulate again.

During this week, Su Xing is still working diligently every day to take the junior girls to level up and upgrade equipment.

It's just that the level of the new students has been getting higher and higher recently, so there are fewer and fewer students looking for guidance from Su Xing.

In a week, Su Xing only made less than 50 yuan.

Fortunately, the boss of the equipment trading market sent the remaining [-] pieces of equipment in time.

The awakened energy points skyrocketed again, reaching a full 25 points!

When you wake up in a short time, you don’t have to worry about insufficient energy.

Su Xing glanced at the date, October 2023, 10 in the new era.

There is still a month before the Qingyun Lingtian dungeon is fully loaded.

After everything was ready, Su Xing chose the simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Consumption of 700 energy points, 25 remaining energy points, no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract the white talent, and 1000 energy points to extract the green talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Extract green talents"

[Ding, congratulations on your green talent and long life. 】

(End of this chapter)

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