Chapter 100 Purple Talent, Accidental Enlightenment!
Su Xing froze for a moment when he heard the prompt, and said in disbelief:
"The garbage produced in these dungeons actually contains so much energy?"

After waking up, he opened the storage ring and checked the dungeon props.

It is really strange to find these replica props.

"The fat time used by the witch Lilian"...

Mrs. Alia's hairpin... Feathers of an unknown bird... Expired Diao Brand chocolate sauce... Laundry detergent with strong decontamination ability... Necrotic unknown pet eggs...

From daily necessities, to small gifts given by some npcs in the dungeon, to the body parts of the dungeon boss, there are all kinds of strange things.

These strange dungeon props are called dungeon garbage by professionals.

This is not unreasonable, because the number of these props is huge and their uses are unknown, but they are always regarded as treasures by daydreamers who hold "finding peerless treasures from garbage dumps".

These professionals who have unrealistic fantasies and buy props from dungeons are affectionately called "garbage guys".

Because of these weird dungeon items, the market price is really pitifully low, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are sold by the catty.

The price of a piece of "copy garbage" ranges from 100 yuan to several thousand yuan, and the quantity is large and enough is available.

Su Xing estimated that this storage ring contained at least a million pieces of "duplicate garbage". Based on the average price of less than 1000 yuan per piece, the market price was estimated to be over a billion dollars.

But it's just this dungeon garbage worth more than one billion, and the energy contained in it is actually close to 200 million points!
On average, one hundred and thirty forty yuan can be exchanged for a little energy!
This price/performance ratio is even [-]% higher than exchanging for white quality equipment before waking up!

"Hey~ If you think about it this way, buying dungeon junk and converting it into energy can be a great success!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. The energy contained in these dungeon props was uncertain, but through a large number of acquisitions, based on a huge base, among the tens of thousands of dungeon props, there were always [-] or [-] props containing a lot of energy.

Moreover, there are a lot of dungeons and junk, and large purchases will not arouse suspicion. It is definitely an excellent channel for awakening and exchanging energy!

Thinking of this, Su Xing stroked his chin and muttered:
"In this way, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce can add a business of buying dungeon garbage!"

Su Xing's mobility is very high, so he did what he said, and immediately called Jin Congxue to ask her to help him buy the garbage props produced in the dungeon.

Although Jin Congxue was puzzled by Su Xing's request, he was used to such strange demands of Su Xing, so he agreed.

It's just that it takes a lot of time to acquire dungeon garbage, and if you get it from professionals, you just leave it to the people under your hands to do it, and you only need to sit back and reap the rewards when you wake up.

So far, the channels for awakening to obtain simulated energy have expanded again.

White equipment, exotic metals, dungeon garbage!
Among them, white equipment and different metals belong to the relatively stable ones, while buying dungeon garbage is a blind box. If you are lucky, you can even get a huge amount of energy!
"Huh... It feels like the future is bright!"

The corner of Su Xing's mouth is slightly raised. If the plan is feasible, sufficient simulation energy can make Su Xing's development faster, at least it will not fall into the predicament of stagnant development due to insufficient energy.

"It's time to start a new round of simulation!"

Su Xing looked at the more than 200 million points of simulated energy on the simulation panel, feeling happy.

On March 2024, 3 in the new era, Su Xing prepares to start his 17th simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

As soon as Su Xing finished speaking, the sound of the simulator came to his ears.

[Ding, it is detected that the host simulation energy is sufficient, do you want to spend 1000 million simulation energy points to upgrade the simulator to version 3.0? 】

"Ah, I almost forgot about this one!"

Su Xing froze for a moment, then nodded and said:
"Spend energy and upgrade!"

"Hey, purple-quality talent! Here I come!"

[Ding, I successfully spent 1000 million energy points to upgrade the simulator, and the remaining energy is 4223 points! 】

[The simulator is being updated... please wait... Ding, version 3.0 of the life simulator is at your service, and the following functions have been unlocked...]

Su Xing took a look at the update content on the simulation panel and found that there was no difference from the update preview, so he officially started the simulation!
"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 2800 energy points, leaving 4220 remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Seeing that the simulation interface finally had an option to extract the purple talent, Su Xing rubbed his hands excitedly, and said decisively:
"Draw purple quality talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on obtaining the purple talent, you have an epiphany by chance! 】

[Accidental Enlightenment]: Occasionally, you will be smart enough to enter a mysterious state of enlightenment. After entering this state of enlightenment, your efficiency will increase horribly when you practice, refine elixirs, comprehend exercises, etc., triggering The probability is uncertain, and the duration of enlightenment is uncertain.

Su Xing frowned slightly after seeing the purple talent he had drawn out.

"Accidental epiphany, what the hell is this?"

After reading it carefully, Su Xing was immediately shocked by the power of this talent.

"Hiss~ Is it actually a talent that can increase the probability of epiphany?"

"If this epiphany is really as miraculous as described in the fantasy novels of the previous life, wouldn't it have taken off?"

After waking up, he was a little excited, the talent for increasing comprehension, he had drawn a similar one before, and the blue talent had an idea!
When triggered, it can indeed improve the efficiency of alchemy, and even increase the possibility of thinking deeply about something.

But obviously, this brainstorm talent is far from reaching the effect of epiphany.

“I just don’t know what the probability of this epiphany is… What is the effect of this epiphany?”

Su Xing rubbed his hands, ready to start the simulation, he was looking forward to his first purple talent.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[䱱 checked himself to see if there had been any changes, but found that he was no different from before. 】

【So you started your daily practice and alchemy. A week later, you brought the [-] pills you refined to meet Jin Congxue. 】

【Jin Congxue reported to you about the acquisition of the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce industry, and discussed with you the details of the establishment of the "Copy Junk" acquisition department. 】

[According to Jin Congxue's estimate, the number of dungeon garbage purchased every week will be between 50 and [-] pieces, and as the department continues to expand, this number will increase. 】

[At the same time, Jin Congxue informs you that she plans to acquire several copies of minerals that can produce heterogeneous metals. The estimated acquisition cost is around 2000 billion. Pay for the labor costs of mining. 】

【You agreed to Jin Congxue's plan and rewarded her eagerly. 】

[In the next month, you will work harder to refine the elixir, hoping to save enough money to contract several copies of the mining area that produces exotic metals. 】 Su Xing saw this and his eyes lit up.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of the acquisition of different metal minerals?"

Different metals are produced in the dungeon's mining area, and professionals need to dig to obtain a small amount of different metals.

Such dungeons that can produce different metals are often extremely valuable and are called mining dungeons.

Most of the copies of mining areas are in the hands of the state and the government, but there are also some powerful chambers of commerce that can also be contracted privately at sky-high prices.

The top chambers of commerce, such as Jin's Trading Company, have the business of contracting copies of mining areas. They sell the excavated foreign metals at market prices, but only pay for labor costs.

But for Su Xing, if he can contract several copies of mining areas, it means he has a cheap and stable source of foreign metals. In other words, it means he has a stable source of simulated energy.

Of course, the contracting of the copy of the mining area of ​​the foreign metal needs to go through strict official review, there are many procedures, and it will take a lot of time to form a complete mining chain of the mining area, and it is estimated that it will not have much effect in the short term.

"Tsk tsk, Jin Congxue is really my nobleman!"

Su Xing affirmed Jin Congxue's professional ability, and then went on to simulate.

[One day, you took Yi Rong Pill and Lianxi Pill, and you were about to enter the instance of Luo Tian Conference. 】

[You are lucky, the professional who made an appointment in advance that day did not come, and you got the chance to enter the instance of the Luotian Conference! 】

Su Xing saw the light in his eyes, and said without hesitation:
"Use an immersive simulation! Lasts 24 hours!"

Waking up now has enough simulation energy, and a day's immersive simulation only consumes 240 million energy points, which is completely affordable.

And in the Luotian Conference, regardless of whether there are other opportunities, just the Sutra Pavilion is completely worth it for Succeeding!

[Ding, you have successfully used the immersive simulation, consuming 240 million energy points, the simulation time is 24 hours, and the remaining energy is 3970 points! 】

Following the notification sound in his ear, his waking eyesight changed, and he came to the copy of the Luo Tian Conference.

"Xiao Chuan, the Luo Tian Conference is about to start, you go to the back mountain to invite Uncle Shen Nong to attend this Luo Tian Conference!"

In front of Su Xing, an old man smiled and said that it was the master Che Elder who woke up in the last simulation.

"Yes, Master!"

Su Xing bowed and walked towards the back hill.

Along the way, Su Xing pondered over the memory fragments in his mind.

Su Xing's identity is still Luo Xiaochuan, a disciple of Luo Tianzong, and his master is Elder Che, but his cultivation has increased to the seventh level of Yuanwu Realm, and he is officially accepted as a direct disciple by Elder Che!
"Sure enough, in the last simulation, I was still an ordinary inner disciple, but now I have been promoted to the elder's direct disciple! As my cultivation continues to increase, my status in the instance will also change!"

Su Xing muttered with some understanding.

Soon, Su Xing arrived at the back mountain of Luotian Sect.

Along the way, I saw countless Juling flowers and all kinds of rare and rare herbs, but after all, it was the second experience, and I was not as shocked as I was when I woke up.

"Uncle Shennong! Master ordered me to invite you to the Luotian Conference!"

Su Xing saluted a young man working in the fields.

Soon, Shennong Arita put down the farming tools, nodded to Su Xing and said:
"It's Xiaochuan! I haven't seen you for a few years, and my cultivation has improved a lot!"

In this simulation, Shennong Arita seemed to be familiar with Luo Xiaochuan. On the way to the Luotian Conference, the two chatted with each other.

Su Xing finally discovered that Shen Nong Youtian was a chatterbox because he farmed all year round and rarely saw people. After meeting Su Xing, he happily talked non-stop, while Su Xing nodded and responded sometimes.

Su Xing benefited a lot from the communication with Shennong Arita.

"Uncle, Xiao Chuan has a question I want to ask you..."

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the venue, Su Xing was ready to seize the opportunity and make another wave.

Uncle Shennong nodded and asked, "If you have anything you want to ask, my nephew, just tell me!"

Su Xing hurriedly asked: "Recently, my nephew has encountered some difficulties in the practice of body training. It is about the mastery of Yuanli..."

Su Xing asked his own doubts, he currently has a superficial grasp of Yuanli, and there is still a huge potential for development in this area.

Shennong Arita nodded slightly after hearing this, and replied:

"Body-refining cultivators who cultivated to the Yuanwu Realm can be regarded as formally stepping into the body-refinement process. Primordial Martial Realm cultivators cultivate the mastery and use of Yuanli, and the subsequent Divine Power Realm is an explosion of strength and physical fitness. realm……"

Shennong Arita talked a lot, but never got to the point. He finally said:
"Ahem, my uncle doesn't know much about body training. If my nephew wants to know more, you can read two books in the Sutra Pavilion, namely "Detailed Explanation of the Use of Yuanli" and "Advanced Use of Yuanli" ", digest these two books completely, and your mastery of Yuanli can be regarded as proficient!"

After Su Xing heard this, she blushed for a while, dammit, this uncle didn’t know for a long time, why are you still pretending to understand?

But after this incident, Su Xing also understood that there is a specialization in the arts, and this Master Shen Nong is good at nurturing spirits. If he has any doubts about this, he can only ask.

If you don't understand other aspects, the Sutra Pavilion may be the best place to go.

Being asked by Su Xing about his knowledge blind spot, Shennong Youtian was also a little embarrassed and seemed to no longer want to answer Su Xing's questions.

So Su Xing didn't talk too much, and after sending Shennong Arita to the master, he immediately set off for the Sutra Pavilion, picked up the "Detailed Explanation of the Use of Yuanli" and became obsessed with it.

In immersive reading, the day passes quickly.

When Su Xing heard the notification sound of the simulator, Su Xing reluctantly exited the immersive simulation and returned to the real world.

"So, that's the way it is. The use of Yuanli is also divided into three stages, and I'm currently only staying at the most superficial strengthening stage, which can only strengthen strength and defense... But if it reaches the advanced stage, Yuanli can even be released Hurt people, and learn attack methods that match Yuanli!"

Su Xing's face showed excitement. If he could cultivate Yuanli to an advanced stage, Su Xing might be able to fight against the cultivators of the Transformation of God when he reaches the Great Perfection of Yuanwu Realm!
"Alas, it's a pity that this immersive simulation is too expensive. One day of simulation requires 240 million energy points, and one simulation can go to the Luotian Conference dungeon up to three times. If it is used for learning, that is 700 million energy points spent!"

Su Xing felt a little distressed, sighed, and continued to simulate.

【You came out of the dungeon of the Luotian Conference, and you have a deeper understanding of Yuanli. 】

[In the next few months, you continued to refine alchemy and practice steadily every day, until one day, Wang Qingxuan found you...]

【After a night of ups and downs, you followed Wang Qingxuan to join the Adventist Church. 】

[With the improvement of strength and the expansion of confidence, you no longer hide your alchemy skills, and directly propose that you want to become the elder of the Advent Sect. 】

(End of this chapter)

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