Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 99 Life Simulator Version 30, a new batch of energy media!

Chapter 99 Life Simulator Version 3.0, a new batch of energy media!

"If this unlucky talent can be used reasonably, the damage it will cause will definitely exceed the scope of the blue talent, but it is harmful to me now..."

"But once you miss this talent, it will be difficult to get it again in the future!"

Just when he was hesitating to wake up, the simulator's prompt sounded in his ears.

[Ding, life simulator version 3.0 update notice! 】

[This update requires 1000 million simulated energy!The new features of the update are as follows:]

[1. Add purple epic talent options, and the talent intensity will be greatly improved! 】

[2. Increase the function of the talent accumulation prize pool. All the talents experienced before will be included in the talent prize pool, and energy can be exchanged at any time when needed. 】

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing the beep of the simulator, and muttered:

"This update notice is too timely... In this case, you don't have to worry about it!"

"Although this bad luck talent is powerful, comparable to human-shaped nuclear weapons, but with my current strength, I still can't control it. Maybe it won't be too late to make a choice when I can completely control this bad luck in the future."

Obviously, the bad luck talent has too many side effects for the current awakening, and it is very unfavorable for the development of the early stage of awakening. It can only be stored in the small black room temporarily, and then make a choice when the time is right.

Thinking of this, Su Xing stopped worrying and looked at the rewards of this simulation.

[I can't be unlucky alone]: Blue talent, priced at 10 energy points.

[Seventh Floor of Yuanwu Realm]: Body training, priced at 500 million energy points.

[22 years of alchemy experience]: perception of alchemy, including low-grade pills Yuanwu Dan (Dacheng), Ningshen Dan (Small success), Guixi Dan (Small success), Bigu Dan (Consummation) experience, priced at 100 million energy.

[Yaohuang flesh and blood essence 10 catties]: The essence of the demon emperor's body contains a large amount of life essence, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Two Juling Flowers (mature stage)]: The price is 20 energy.

"My dear, one kilogram of demon emperor-level flesh and blood essence is worth millions of energy. Isn't this too expensive?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. From this point of view, exchanging flesh and blood essence from the simulator can be directly ruled out in the future, but after the strength becomes stronger, flesh and blood essence can be a good choice to exchange for energy.

Su Xing didn't hesitate too much, and said directly:
"I choose to exchange for the seventh-level cultivation of Yuanwu Realm and 22 years of alchemy experience!"

[You choose to bring out the seventh level of Yuanwu Realm cultivation base, spending 500 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 199 points. 】

[You choose to bring out 22 years of alchemy experience, spending 100 million points of energy, and the remaining energy is 99 points. 】

A reminder sound came from Su Xing's ear, and then two mysterious forces descended on Su Xing's body.

A lot of alchemy memories appeared in his waking mind. It was the scene where he worked hard day and night to refine the pill in the simulation!

With the influx of memories, the refining of Awakening Concentration Pill finally broke through to the small level, ensuring that the alchemy rate is above [-]%. In this way, with the help of sufficient Concentration Pill, the realm of spiritual consciousness after awakening will usher in a period of rapid development growth period.

Secondly, Su Xing's knowledge of Bigu Pill has also reached the perfect level, not only can he refine the improved Bigu Pill, but the rate of refining Bigu Pill has also reached [-]%.

And Guixi Pill has also become the second middle-grade pill that Su Xing has mastered.

In this way, Xing Xing's alchemy skills increased significantly in one simulation.

But compared to alchemy skills, the growth of Awakened Body Refining is even faster.

When the energy containing cultivation descended on Su Xing, his strength surged again in a short period of time, and his aura surged to an astonishing level.

The third level of Yuanwu Realm...the fifth level of Yuanwu Realm...the seventh level of Yuanwu Realm!

In just a few breaths, the awakened body training realm has directly increased by five levels!

Feeling the surge of power in his body, he felt a little drifted after waking up for a while.

"Fuck, I feel like my punch is enough to knock down a hill. What's the matter? I don't know how far my current strength is from the stage of transformation?"

Su Xing's face flushed with excitement, his original strongest attack method should belong to Lihuo, after all, Lihuo can cause fatal damage to masters and master-level professionals.

But after reaching the seventh level of Yuanwu Realm, Su Xing felt that he was stronger than ever before, and he reckoned that his strength had even doubled!
The sudden increase in strength in a short period of time made Su Xing feel at ease again, so Su Xing began to brainwash himself again.

"Garbage! I'm a piece of garbage! I can't even beat Zong Laogou, why should I float?"

"Be more steady and hold on to the waves!"

Su Xing carried out some self-strikes on a daily basis, after a few minutes, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief and became cautious again.

After experiencing the benefits of this simulation, Su Xing became a little worried again.

"Hey, this energy is too expensive. Just one simulation cost me more than 800 million energy points!"

"It's really cool to improve your cultivation, but it requires too much energy... This is the Yuanwu Realm. It takes 100 million energy to break through a small level. Doesn't it cost tens of millions of energy to break through the Yuanwu Realm?" energy?"

"Based on this trend, the Divine Power Realm after Yuan Martial Realm will only require more energy! Even a small realm may require tens of millions of energy!"

Su Xing sighed.

This energy comes fast and spends even faster!

"Wait, it takes 1000 million energy to unlock the epic talent, but I only have 100 million energy points now, and I have to get enough energy in a short time to unlock the 3.0 version of the simulator... But according to my cost With the speed of energy, it is basically impossible to unlock the simulator in a short time!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing suddenly felt a toothache.

To ensure the rapid improvement of strength, a lot of energy must be spent.

And spending energy, you can't unlock more functions of the simulator...

The contradiction between short-term gains and long-term gains seems impossible to reconcile.

Su Xing gritted his teeth and said flatly:

"Damn it, it's impossible to save money! If the speed of cultivation base is slowed down, then it's a fart! Only by opening up the source, can we barely maintain the appearance of life!"

Su Xing saw that the remaining 100 million energy was less than [-] million, so he called Jin Congxue.

"Hey, Xiaoxue!"

"What's the matter, busy person, why do you call me when you have time?" Jin Congxue's lazy voice came, and there was the sound of sparse running water beside him, as if he was taking a bath.

Su Xing inexplicably thought of a joke he had seen before: If a girl replies to your messages while taking a shower, it proves that you are really important to her.

"Ahem, what... Xiaoxue, can the goods from Lingyun Chamber of Commerce be delivered in advance? I'm in a bit of a hurry here!"

Su Xing returned to the topic and asked quickly.

According to Jin Congxue, the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce should still have a large amount of hoarded goods to be handed over. Jin Congxue said that this is a large sum, but it is not known how many people are awake.

Jin Congxue smiled and joked:

"Why, so much equipment before is not enough for you to eat? How much more do you need to eat?"

Su Xing smiled and said, "The more the better, of course! I have a big appetite!"

Jin Congxue rolled his eyes and said, "Please, it takes time to mobilize the goods from all over the country, okay? Lingyun Chamber of Commerce has more than a dozen branches across the country. If they want to transfer all the goods to Kyoto, they still need to count them. It will take half a month..."

Half a month?Can't wait to wake up.

So Su Xing played a rogue and said: "My good sister, just help me! Do you think it is possible to transfer most of the goods to the capital this week?"

Hearing this, Jin Congxue sighed and said, "Oh, does someone have any conscience? I was running around here and there some time ago, and now that I'm done with the acquisition, the big boss is here to send me work again? I really don't give you any rest. Time? That's not how you squeeze employees!" Su Xing quickly comforted him: "Hehe, good sister, just help me! When this batch of equipment is shipped over, I'll treat you to a meal!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue thought about it and said:

"Okay then, I'll be busy for a while, and try to transfer the goods to Kyoto as soon as possible. Come and check them out in a few days!"

After Su Xing heard this, he nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work, sister!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief.

If the quantity of this batch of equipment is large enough, Su Xing will have enough energy to update the simulator, and there is no need to wait too much.

"Hey, keep at it and refine more pills, so that you can get more energy!"

Su Xing sighed, first spent an hour farming and cultivating spiritual plants, and then devoted himself to the boring alchemy.

In just one week, he woke up and turned into the liver emperor, full of motivation, and refined a total of [-] pills.

Su Xing also took the time to go to the strength training hall to test his strength after reaching the seventh level of Yuanwu Realm.

A huge force of 250 million catties!
This is Su Xing's pure physical strength without using his vitality. After using his vitality, his strength increased to 300 million kilograms!
Although it is not as big as Su Xing's imagination of doubling the strength, it is still [-]% to [-]% increase in strength!

In the Yuanwu realm, the most important thing is the use of Yuanli. Unfortunately, Su Xing has not fully mastered Yuanli yet. He can only wait until the next time he goes to the Luotian Conference dungeon to learn Yuanli.

A week passed quickly.

Su Xing finished packing up the refined elixirs that day, booked a VIP room in a restaurant in advance, and invited Jin Congxue over.

At noon, Jin Congxue went to the appointment on time.

Today's Jin Congxue is wearing a red dress with flaming red lips, which looks extraordinarily attractive.

"Hey, the busy man really invited me to dinner today. The little girl is really flattered!"

Jin Congxue blinked and said playfully.

Su Xing scratched his head and said, "Ahem, that's a must! The dishes are all ordered, and they are all your favorites!"

The meal was finished quickly, and the two sides quickly began to get down to business. (cough cough, don't get it wrong)
Jin Congxue took out a few storage rings and handed them to Su Xing, saying:
"Here, big boss, these are the things you requested! Goods transferred from various branches of Lingyun Chamber of Commerce.

"In addition to the white equipment you requested, there are also a lot of green and blue quality equipment, a total of nearly 400 million pieces!"

"Of course, this batch of goods is not only equipment, but also some unprocessed foreign metals, skill scrolls, potions needed by professionals, and strange props obtained from various dungeons. You can count them yourself. "

After a pause, Jin Congxue said coquettishly:

"Big boss, you don't know. I've been traveling all over the country these days and my legs are almost broken. Your meal is not enough!"

Su Xing blinked his eyes after hearing this, looked at Jin Congxue's fair, fat-free calf, his brain twitched, and asked:

"Then I'll give you a massage? I'm good at massage!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue thought for a moment, actually stretched out her legs and said:

"That's all right, the big boss will give me a massage, the little girl is really honored!"

There was endless spring in the box for a while.

After experiencing a pure green massage, Su Xing returned to school in the afternoon, and then you couldn't wait to enter the blessed land of Lingtian.

Seeing the goods filled with several storage rings, Su Xing couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

"Hey, how much energy is this batch of goods worth?"

Su Xing swallowed and began to exchange the goods into simulated energy batch by batch.

[Ding, 384 million pieces of white quality equipment were detected, worth a total of 2077 million energy points. Is it converted into simulated energy? 】


Su Xing agreed without hesitation, and in the blink of an eye, more than 2000 million points of energy appeared on the simulation panel.

And this is just the energy worth the first batch of white equipment!

Su Xing continued to take out the ring containing the green equipment.

[Detected 13 pieces of green quality equipment, worth a total of 608 million energy points, whether to convert? 】


Swish, an additional 600 million points of energy instantly appeared on the awakened simulation panel.
For green quality equipment, the energy contained in an average piece is close to 50 points, but the price is too expensive. The market price of a piece of green equipment is close to 2 points, and the price/performance ratio is only about half that of white equipment.

So Su Xing usually wouldn't exchange green quality equipment for energy.

Just considering that this batch of goods was hoarded by Lingyun Chamber of Commerce, the price is slightly lower, and even if Su Xing sells it, he will probably have to wait for several months, and all the money from the sale will be spent on white quality equipment.

At that time, the energy obtained will indeed be more, but it is too wasteful of time, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Su Xing then looked at the blue quality equipment.

[Detected 2 pieces of blue quality equipment, worth a total of 985 million energy, whether to convert? 】


Su Xing said without hesitation.

A piece of blue-quality equipment contains nearly 500 energy points, but the market price is more than ten times that of green-quality equipment, and the price/performance ratio is even lower. When I wake up, I don’t bother to wait and exchange it for energy.

After successfully converting all the 400 million pieces of equipment he had obtained into energy, Su Xing looked at the storage ring containing the medicine.

[Ding, 1 low-level recovery potions were detected, worth 500 million energy points in total, do you want to convert them? 】

After hearing this prompt, Su Xing sighed, shook his head and said, "Cancel the conversion!"

Low-level recovery potions, in the professional trading market, the price of one is close to 50, and one can only be worth 500 points of energy, which means that 1000 yuan can be exchanged for a little energy, and the price/performance ratio is still too low.

After all, low-level recovery potions can save the lives of gold-level professionals at critical moments, so the price is naturally very high.

Su Xing didn't intend to exchange this batch of potions for energy, but planned to return them to Jin Congxue and ask her to sell them in the chamber of commerce.

Su Xing took out the storage ring containing the first-order foreign metal.

[Ding, 136 tons of first-order foreign metals were detected, worth a total of 272 million points of simulated energy, do you want to convert? 】


Su Xing didn't hesitate much, the price-to-performance ratio of foreign metals for energy exchange was close to that of white quality equipment, and it was considered one of the most valuable energy conversion media.

After exchanging tens of millions of simulated energy points in a row, Su Xing looked at the last storage ring.

This storage ring contains all kinds of strange props produced in the dungeon.

Many of the props produced in the dungeon have unknown uses, and are often recycled by some professionals as garbage to the chamber of commerce.

Su Xing originally had no hope of being able to exchange much energy, but he didn't expect these strange dungeon props, the valuable energy gave Su Xing a big surprise!

[Ding, some energy-containing substances have been detected, with a total value of 1186 million energy points. Do you want to convert them? 】

(End of this chapter)

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