Chapter 102 Do you understand what the value of enlightenment is?
[In this mysterious state of epiphany, your mind is extraordinarily pure, and the problems that you couldn't figure out before are like enlightenment, suddenly enlightened. 】

[Under the blessing of the epiphany state, your whole body is immersed in the cultivation of Yuanli, forgetting time, eating and sleeping, and your proficiency in mastering Yuanli is increasing day by day! 】

【Three days later, you slowly withdrew from this mysterious state of epiphany, and you were amazed by the changes in yourself. 】

[The good news is that your mastery of Yuanli has reached the second stage, Yuanli entanglement! 】

[The bad news is that because you have been in a state of epiphany for three consecutive days and did not take care of the Juling Flower, all the more than ten immature Juling Flowers you have died...]

Su Xing blushed when she saw this.

"Hey, I didn't expect this accidental epiphany to be so strong? After only three days of epiphany, the level of Yuanli operation has directly entered the second stage! If you follow the normal speed of practice, it will take at least 30 years to step into the second stage. stage?"

"Based on this calculation, in the state of epiphany, one day's comprehension is worth ten years of hard training on weekdays!"

The corner of Su Xing's mouth rose wildly, he could see it.

This accidental epiphany is a "lottery-type talent". It is an invisible talent on weekdays, but once it is triggered by luck, it is definitely lucky to wake up, which is equivalent to winning the lottery.

"I just don't know how powerful this elemental energy entanglement stage is?"

There was a touch of curiosity in the awake eyes, and then proceeded to simulate.

[Yuanli has successfully entered the second stage, making you swell unprecedentedly. You used the special strength training machine made by the Daxia military, and found that your strength is close to 800 million catties under the condition of using Yuanli! 】

[Such terrifying power is beyond the reach of a heavenly king-level professional, so you made a bold decision. You challenged Lu Yuanwu, a martial emperor-level powerhouse, to test whether your strength has reached the level of a martial artist. Emperor level. 】

[You were rubbed hard by Lu Yuanwu on the ground. The facts tell you that although your strength has improved greatly, there is still a huge gap between you and Lu Yuanwu, a veteran Martial Emperor-level powerhouse. 】

[You asked Lu Yuanwu what level his own strength was, and Lu Yuanwu told you that with your strength, you are probably invincible at the Heavenly King level, but if you are at the Martial Emperor level, it is still impossible to win! 】

【You can't believe it, ask him why the gap is so huge. 】

[Lu Yuanwu tells you that killing a Heavenly King-level strongman by a Martial Emperor-level powerhouse is as easy as crushing an ant. When you can achieve this level, you will be considered to have reached the Martial Emperor-level threshold. 】

[Your mentality of unprecedented expansion has been broken, because you know that although you can defeat a king-level professional, you are far from being able to achieve instant kills. 】

[So you learn from the pain and continue to practice hard! 】

[No. 14 years, you are addicted to cultivation and cannot extricate yourself, you feel that your physical strength is getting stronger and stronger, and you have taken a solid step towards the great perfection of Yuanwu Realm! 】

[In the year No. 15, Luo Shuying’s hometown was invaded by aliens. Tens of thousands of spirit tribes died in the battle. Thousands of Luo Shuying’s spirit tribe compatriots fled to Blue Star. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"In the beginning, Luo Shuying's hometown world was wiped out in only the eighth year, but now it has been delayed to 15 years. It can be seen that the improvement of the spirits by the Concentration Pill has allowed them to persist for seven more years. as long as."

After a pause, he regained consciousness and sighed again:

"Sigh, it's a pity that the gap between the Martial Emperor level and the Heavenly King level is so huge? Even if you learn how to use Yuanli, you can't defeat the Martial Emperor level powerhouse..."

"And the Martial Emperor-level professional is equivalent to the old-fashioned God Transformation Realm powerhouse... If this is the case, I am still far from defeating Zong Laogou single-handedly!"

"It seems that we can only wait for the Qi refining cultivation to be raised to the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen. If the Qi refining and body refining are both perfect, maybe we can fight against the Martial Emperor level powerhouse?"

Su Xing is not sure what level his strength is at, but he thinks it would be good to improve his cultivation level more.

So wake up and continue the simulation.

[No. 16 years, you swallowed the essence of the demon emperor's flesh and blood every day, and your strength increased rapidly. In this year, your cultivation finally took a solid step, and you became a monk of Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen! 】

[You swelled up again after your breakthrough, so you challenged Lu Yuanwu again, and Lu Yuanwu pressed you on the ground again and rubbed you. 】

[You asked Lu Yuanwu how strong you were, and Lu Yuanwu said coquettishly that to him, you were just a bigger ant. 】

【You were greatly shocked after hearing this, and turned your grief and anger into motivation, hoping to break through to the realm of divine power. 】

[No. In 17 years, you practiced day and night, your physical body became more and more complete, and your strength increased a lot compared to a year ago, so you were greatly encouraged and continued to practice hard. 】

[No. In 18 years, your cultivation growth has slowed down, but you are still improving. You firmly believe that heaven rewards hard work, so you work harder to practice. 】

【No. In 19 years, your cultivation is still at the Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen stage, and you start to pray that you can enter the state of epiphany, so as to break through the divine power realm in one fell swoop. 】

[No. 20 years, you still haven't been able to wait for an epiphany, so you start to find another way, you pin your hope on a kind of medicine called Shenli Pill, hoping to break through the realm by refining Shenli Pill . 】

[But you have encountered the biggest problem, that is, even in the entire Daxia Kingdom and the Advent Sect’s treasury, there is no main ingredient for refining the divine pill: the divine vine! 】

[Divine power vine is an extremely rare medicinal material that needs to be cultivated for hundreds of years before it can be used as medicine. You finally found a few seeds of the divine power vine in the apprentice ceremony that Qing Yunzi left you, but it is too late to plant at this time, you can only Give up for now. 】

[No. In the year of 20, your cultivation still stays at Yuan Wu Realm Great Perfection, and the speed of improvement is slow, so you put more energy on the comprehension and use of Yuan Force. 】

[No. In the second year of 20, you have become more and more proficient in using Yuanli, and you can wrap Yuanli around any part of your body, thus greatly improving your defense and hardness. 】

【No. 20 In the past three years, your cultivation has stagnated, and you continue to practice hard on the use of Yuanli. 】

[No. 20 In the past four years, your energy strength has risen to a higher level than before, and your hard work has not been in vain. 】

【No. In the fifth year of No. 20, the foreign race summoned an army to attack Zhenyao Pass. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers guarded Zhenyao Pass for several months. In the end, the city was destroyed and people died, and Zhenyao Pass was finally broken! 】

[In the same year, a giant beast that covered the sky and sun came to the real world and swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one bite. 】

【You were swallowed by a giant beast, you died! 】

【Your talent is activated...】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】After the simulation ended, Su Xing fell into deep thought.

"Sure enough, it is not that easy to break through from the Yuanwu Realm to the Divine Power Realm. And my current cultivation level is already at the seventh level of the Yuanwu Realm. I will soon face the difficulty of breaking through to the Divine Power Realm..."

"There are only two ways to overcome this difficulty. The first is to make another breakthrough in body training talent! The purple-grade body training talent may allow me to train faster and more confidently break through to the divine power realm..."

"But drawing out the purple-quality body-refining talent depends entirely on luck! If you're not lucky, you might not be able to draw it out after dozens of simulations, so you can't pin your hopes on it!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"So, the safest way is to refine the divine power pill. With the power of the pill, coupled with the blessing of the demon emperor's flesh and blood essence and the talent of the Big Stomach King, we may be able to break through to the realm of divine power..."

"And if you want to refine the supernatural pill, you must first cultivate the supernatural vine. It takes a hundred years to cultivate the supernatural vine. Even if I have the plant-friendly talent, I'm afraid it will take two or thirty years to cultivate it?"

"But even if the divine power vine is cultivated, this is only the first step, and it is even more difficult to master the refining method of the divine power pill..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a headache again, only felt that there was still a long way to go before breaking through the divine power realm.

"Oh, no matter! Let's take into account the immediate matter first, choose the simulation reward first and then talk about it..."

Su Xing sighed, and looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Accidental epiphany]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[Yuanwu Realm Great Perfection]: Body training, selling for 300 million points of energy.

[25 years of alchemy experience]: The price of alchemy is 50 energy.

[Yaohuang flesh and blood essence 10 catties]: The essence of the demon emperor's body contains a large amount of life essence, and the price is 1000 million energy.

[Thirty Juling Flowers (mature stage)]: The price is 300 million energy.

[Yuanli cultivation results]: Contains the perception and results of Yuanli cultivation, if you choose it, you can directly obtain the winding level (second stage) Yuanli, and the price is 1000 million energy.

Looking at the simulated reward in front of him, Su Xing quickly made his choice without thinking too much.

"I choose the accidental epiphany of the purple talent, and the results of the cultivation of Yuanli in this simulation!"

First of all, there is nothing to say about the choice of purple talent. This accidental epiphany is called a magic skill. Once triggered, one day of practice can be worth ten years!
Su Xing doesn't have high requirements for this talent, at least a simulation will trigger me an accidental epiphany, right?

As long as it is triggered, the awakening is the kind that makes a lot of money!
As for the second choice of awakening, the results of Yuanli cultivation.

It is really because the cultivation of this elemental force is too time-consuming, counting the 20 years of awakening and the three days of epiphany, the comprehensive cultivation time is more than 50 years!

It is equivalent to waking up and spending a full 50 years before cultivating Yuanli to the second stage, the winding level!

If you don't choose this time, if you don't have an epiphany next time, Su Xing will suffer a lot.

As for the spirit-gathering flower and Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen cultivation base, these are all things that can be obtained by Su Xing as long as he is willing to spend time, and the choice is not in a hurry.

After waking up and making a choice, the simulator's prompt sound came from the ear.

[Ding, it has been detected that your current talent bar is full. To expand the second additional talent bar, it will cost 10 points of simulated energy. Do you want to expand it? 】

[You can also choose to replace a certain talent you already have, which requires 10 simulation energy points. Do you want to replace it? 】

Su Xing's lips twitched when he heard the voice. Damn, didn't he only need 1 points of simulated energy last time?Why does it cost [-] to expand the talent bar this time?

One hundred thousand energy is not much for awakening, but if this rhythm continues, the third extra talent bar may require a million energy!

However, replacing a talent also requires [-] points of energy, so Su Xing might as well expand an extra talent bar.

"I choose to expand the extra talent bar!"

【Ding, you choose to expand an extra talent column, spending 10 energy points, and the remaining energy is 3480 points. 】

[You choose to bring out the purple talent by accidental epiphany, spending 100 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 3380 points. 】

[You choose to bring out the results of Yuanli cultivation, spending 1000 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 2380 points. 】

Looking at the sharply reduced notification sound on the analog panel, distressed expression appeared on his awake face.

"Hey, this time the simulation was really bloody, and it took almost 2000 million energy... If you follow this flower method, no amount of energy will be enough to make it!"

However, Su Xing understood that the reason why the cost was so huge this time was entirely because of the cultivation of Yuanli, including the cost of the previous immersive simulation, the cost of this thing alone was almost 2000 million.

"Hey, I hope that the improvement brought by this Yuanli can be worth 800 million energy!"

As Su Xing made a choice, two mysterious energies soon descended on Su Xing.

The purple light that symbolized accidental talent fell on Su Xing and quickly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's mind flooded with a lot of memories about Yuanli cultivation... With the influx of memories, Su Xing's grasp of Yuanli rapidly improved.

No, not just an influx of memories!
The energy content and strength of the awakened body also increased several times at this moment!
After a long time, Su Xing opened his eyes, looked at the Yuanli covering his hands with a shocked face, and murmured:

"Hiss~ Entangling level mastery, actually has such a terrifying improvement?"

(End of this chapter)

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