Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 103: With a strength of 5 kilograms, the divine power vine!

Chapter 103: With a strength of 500 kilograms, the divine power vine!

The mastery of Yuanli has been upgraded to the winding level, which directly doubles the increase of Yuanli to strength!
The power of Su Xing's pure physical body now reaches 250 million kilograms, so after entangled with Yuanli, the power that bursts out will reach 500 million kilograms!

And this is just the improvement of Yuanli's strength.

In addition to the increase in strength, Awakening can now wrap Yuanli around any part of the body, such as the skin!
Wrapped around the skin of the abdomen, the defense power of the awakened abdomen can be doubled in a short period of time until the energy is exhausted!

In the same way, wrapping around the arms and back will have the same effect.

The only pity is that Su Xing has just entered the entanglement level and cannot yet achieve full-body entanglement with Yuanli.

Once the whole body is entangled, waking up is equivalent to wearing an invisible heavy armor, and the defense power will increase in a straight line!

"Tsk tsk, no wonder the value of this Yuanli is so high. The reason why a body-refining cultivator is powerful is probably closely related to Yuanli!"

Su Xing murmured a little, and he finally understood that body-refining monks with Yuan Power are the complete bodies and can truly exert the power of body-refining!

"Entangling-level Yuanli, an existence that can only be grasped by monks in the divine power realm, but I didn't expect it to be mastered by me in advance by accident. It's really lucky!"

After waking up, he was in a good mood, and opened the professional panel to take a look.

【Name: Wake Up】

【Age: 21 years old】

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator (the only hidden occupation)]

[Cultivation level: first stage of Yuanying Stage, seventh stage of Yuanwu Realm]

[Cultivation techniques: Changchun Kungfu, the secret method of congealing alchemy]

[Talent: Accidental epiphany, big stomach king, true spiritual roots of wood and fire, natural supernatural power, good luck, appearance like Panan (omitted)...]

[Skills: Lihuo (minor level), alchemy (minor level), spiritual explosion (minor level), Shennong nurturing spirit (beginning), fifty-foot spiritual consciousness (five-sense realm), mastery of Yuanli (entanglement) class)】

Sure enough, on the panel, Yuanli Mastery (Tangle Level) was classified as a skill.

Counting it in detail, Su Xing now has quite a few offensive methods. Lihuo Technique and Yuanli are both powerful weapons, and only Su Xing's self-comprehended Spirit Explosion Technique is slightly inferior.

"Tsk, tsk, compared to the body-refining cultivation, the Qi-refining cultivation of the first level of Nascent Soul Realm is a bit lacking..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. His short-term goal is to cultivate both body refining and qi refining to the current level of perfection, and then find a way to break through to the realm of transforming gods and the realm of divine power.

At that time, I will wake up and get the blessings of the two major body refining and qi refining practices, and then I will find trouble with that old dog!
Once Zonglaogou is killed, he will definitely be able to inherit Zonglaogou's legacy, and then his awakened strength will leap again, a positive cycle!

"Hey, although the goal is beautiful, you still have to keep your feet on the ground!"

Su Xing sighed, skillfully took out the alchemy furnace and started alchemy.

It is still a boring alchemy life, so Su Xing can concentrate on two purposes, refining two furnaces of pills at the same time, and the number of pills refined in just one week exceeds [-] pieces.

Even after waking up to refine alchemy, he even took the time to plant the divine power vine.

As the main raw material of the mid-grade pill, Shenli Pill, the divine power vine is not as labor-intensive to grow as the spirit-gathering flower.

Simply put, as long as you wake up and water it every few days, this thing can thrive.

But what troubles Su Xing is that the divine power vine grows slowly and takes hundreds of years to mature. Even with the plant affinity bonus, it will take 30 to [-] years.

A week passed quickly, and Su Xing came out of the blessed land of Lingtian and walked towards the familiar Tarot Club villa.

"Hey, I've lived a two-point-one-line life for a few months, every day except alchemy is simulation... When will this day be the end!"

Su Xing sighed, although he is a cultivator, he still retains his humanity, and he will feel dull and boring.

This life of two o'clock and one line every week even reminded him of his senior year in high school in his previous life.

"Hey, the strength is still too low! When the strength is stronger, maybe you can go to various dungeons to see..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, cheering himself up again.

Come to the familiar villa and enter the private room.

Jin Congxue has been waiting for a long time. Today she is wearing a yoga sportswear, and the tight yoga clothes outline her figure exquisitely and curvaceously.

After Su Xing saw it, his eyes lit up. Having this meal with Jin Congxue every week was one of the few times he had time to relax.

Soon after the meal was finished, the two began to get down to business.

Jin Congxue took out a storage ring and said:

"This is the equipment produced by the Tarot Chamber of Commerce last week, as well as the purchased dungeon garbage... By the way, why do you need so many dungeon garbage?"

Su Xing took the ring, hehe smiled and said:

"Of course it's to get a shocking baby from the garbage props! Don't those garbage guys have such a dream?"

Jin Congxue was amused when he heard Su Xing's words and said, "Is that so? I thought you bought it to eat again!"

Su Xing rolled his eyes, and then handed over the elixir refined this week to Jin Congxue.

Then Su Xing suddenly thought of something and asked:
"Sister Xue, you said that if we contract a few dungeons of mining areas that specialize in producing exotic metals, let's see if this can be done?"

Jin Congxue froze for a moment after hearing this, and joked:
"Hey! To acquire the copy of the mining area, our big boss has a lot of ambitions! He has just annexed the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce, and he wants to buy the copy of the mining area. This is to kill Jin's firm within a few years and become a top-level chamber of commerce?"

Su Xing felt a little guilty after hearing this. Isn't the person in front of her the eldest lady of Jin's Trading Company?
To replace Jin's Firm and become a top-tier chamber of commerce, just think about it in your heart, but you can't say it out.

"Ahem, just tell me if it can be done? Mining exotic metals is mainly for my personal needs. We just don't want to export them..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue thought for a moment and said:

"It's not impossible. Different metals are controlled items. Apart from the official ones, few chambers of commerce dare to dig them."

"It's just that a batch of second-level copies of the foreign metal mining area are released every year, which can produce first-level foreign metals and a small amount of second-level foreign metals..."

"It's just that it's troublesome to apply. Our Tarot Chamber of Commerce is a first-class chamber of commerce, so we are barely qualified, but we still need official approval from Daxia!"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this. He knew that Jin Congxue's grandfather was Lu Yuanwu, the famous martial emperor of the Great Xia military. With this background, Jin Congxue would definitely be a big boss in the military and commercial circles in the future!

"Sister Xue, just tell me if it can be done? There is nothing in this world that I, Sister Xue, can't do!" Su Xing blinked and begged.

Jin Congxue rolled his eyes after hearing this, and said:
"The little mouth looks like it has been smeared with honey! Let's talk about it in advance! I dare not guarantee whether this matter will be successful. I do have some resources in my hand, and I can get access to the copy of the mining area..."

"However, the review of this copy is very troublesome. It will take at least three to five months before we can completely contract the copy and start mining."

"And this contracted copy of the mining area is not a small number. It requires at least several hundred billion to be enough..."

Su Xing patted his chest when he heard the words, and said to himself:
"Don't worry, I will take care of the money! Sister Xue, just use your connections!"

Jin Congxue nodded after hearing this, as if he agreed to the matter.

After the meal was over, Su Xing returned to the school, and while there was no one around, he entered the blessed land of Lingtian.

Taking out the storage ring that Jin Congxue gave him, Su Xing's heart moved, and he exchanged the white equipment and dungeon garbage in the ring for energy.

After the completion of the acquisition of the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce, the awakened energy naturally cannot increase by tens of millions as before, but it is better because of a stable source and a steady flow of water.

The 40 pieces of white quality equipment brought 220 million points of energy to Awakening, plus the dungeon garbage from the purchase, the energy of Awakening increased by another 600 million points!

In this way, there are still about 3000 million points of energy left in the simulator.

On March 2024, 3 in the new era, wake up and start a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 2900 energy points, leaving 3003 remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Do you even need to think about this? It must be to extract the purple talent! Who are you looking down on?"

Su Xing said immediately, and a reminder sounded in his ear.

[Ding, congratulations on obtaining the purple talent, dragon slayer! 】

[Dragon Slayer]: You are born to be the nemesis of dragons. All creatures with dragon blood will be involuntarily afraid of you when they see you. All damage you cause to dragon creatures is increased by 50.00%!

"Huh? Dragon Slayer talent? This seems to be a buff talent!"

Su Xing carefully read the introduction of the dragon slayer's talent and found that this talent is simple and crude, and is designed to deal with dragon creatures.

"But the problem is... Fuck me, I've never seen a dragon! I don't know if there are dragons in this world. What do I need this talent for?"

Su Xing complained frantically.

"Perhaps you will meet a dragon when you enter the world of cultivating immortals, but it's too far away now, isn't it?"

Su Xing quickly made a decision. This talent can be temporarily reserved, kept in the talent prize pool, and maybe it can be selected again when Su Xing needs it?
"If you look at it this way, you shouldn't choose the simulation talent reward this time... Maybe you can make a simulation plan first."

Su Xing thought about it, and he felt that there are still two things to do first, the first is to find a way to break through to the divine power realm, and the second is to find a way to increase the reserve of spiritual energy in the blessed land of Lingtian.

Thinking of these two points, Su Xing already has a preliminary plan for this simulation.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[In the first week, you refined pills and cultivated spiritual plants daily, and nothing special happened. 】

[In the second week, you went to the instance of the Luotian Conference, and luckily got the chance to enter the instance. 】

[You have entered the Luotian Conference instance...]

Su Xing saw this movement in his heart, and quickly said:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for two hours!"

[Ding, you have successfully used the immersive simulation, consuming 20 energy points, the simulation time is 2 hours, and the remaining energy is 2973 points. 】

With the change of sight in front of him.

Su woke up and arrived at the copy of Luotian Conference.

Still familiar with the mission process, Su woke up and went to the back mountain, where he met his uncle Shennong Arita.

"Master Nephew Su, you are here!"

Shennong Arita was as friendly as ever, and chatted with Su Xing at random.

Su Xing also listened quietly, and when the time was right, Su Xing couldn't help asking:

"Little uncle, I have a question to ask you...Spiritual plants like divine power vines grow slowly, and can only be used as medicine for a hundred years. I don't know how to speed up the maturity of divine power vines?"

Yes, that’s why Su Xing uses immersive simulation this time.

It is good to read books in the Sutra Pavilion, but the price is too expensive.

Su Xing simply regards the Luo Tian Conference as a copy for him to solve his doubts. As long as he grasps the timing and rhythm, Su Xing can get the answer he wants from this Uncle Shen Nong.

For example, the previous planting of Julinghua, or this problem at hand.

Uncle Shennong smiled and asked after hearing the question of waking up:

"Martial Nephew, are you about to break through to the Divine Power Realm in body training? You want to refine the Divine Power Pill, so you asked me how to grow the Divine Power Vine?"

Su Xing nodded after listening, he really thought so.

Shennong Arita thought for a while and replied:
"There are many ways to make spiritual plants mature quickly. The most common one is to use wood-type spiritual energy to accelerate ripening... As long as wood-type spiritual energy is instilled day and night, even plants like the Divine Power Vine can mature quickly..."

"In addition, the divine power vine likes the sun and hates the shade, likes drought and hates the tide. The correct planting method can also make the divine power vine mature faster!"

After a pause, Shennong Youtian added:

"However, I heard that there is a special characteristic that can increase the speed of spiritual plants to mature several times when planting spiritual plants!"

(End of this chapter)

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