Chapter 105 Purple Talent, Sword Crazy!
After seeing this newly acquired talent, Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

"This is already the third time I have received a talent related to swords. Could it be that... I am really destined to swords? Do I want to become the Supreme Sword Immortal?"

From the original kendo genius to the kendo wizard, and now he has awakened to draw the purple quality sword madness talent!
As the saying goes, things only last three, Su Xing was really moved this time.

But the point that makes Su Xing a little tangled is that Su Xing doesn't have any skills or cheats for practicing swords, so how can he practice swords?
At this moment, Su Xing noticed the introduction behind this talent... "In the ninth year of sword practice, you realized the thirteen deadly swords"!
"So, the meaning of this sentence is that I can comprehend swordsmanship by myself? If this is the case, then this talent is really a must!"

When I woke up, my heart beat for a while.

"As for whether you can comprehend the exercises, don't you know if you try it?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You feel that you suddenly have a strong interest in swords, and you take out a blue quality sword weapon from the storage ring. 】

[With a sword in your hand, you feel pride in your heart, and you feel that you were born for the sword! 】

【So, you started to practice swordsmanship hard! 】

[Three months have passed since this training! 】

[During these three months, apart from daily alchemy, you put all your energy and mind on the way of the sword. 】

[You haven’t had much contact with swords before, but it is extremely easy for you to get started. In just three months, you have swung the sword tens of thousands of times and completed the basic swordsmanship skills found in several books online. 】

[In just a few months, you have mastered the basics of swordsmanship: strike, stab, square, and wash. You are not satisfied with this at first, and want to practice more advanced swordsmanship. 】

【So, you decided to go to the dungeon of the Luotian Conference, wanting to learn better swordsmanship. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature, lasting two hours."

[Ding, you have successfully used the immersive simulation, consuming 20 energy points, the simulation time is 2 hours, and the remaining energy is 1550 points]

The reminder sound of the simulator came from the awakened ear.

In the next second, the waking figure disappeared in place and appeared in the dungeon of the Luotian Conference.

Still following the familiar task process, Su Xing took Uncle Shennong to pay homage to his master.

During this period, Su Xing also asked Uncle Shen Nong about swordsmanship, but Shen Nong Youtian was a farmer, so naturally he didn't know this.

So Su Xing had no choice but to go to the Library Pavilion, trying to find a sword method that suits him.

Soon, Su Xing found an ancient book he was looking for in the Library Pavilion - "General Outline of Sword Cultivation Classics".

Although this book has an ordinary name, it is one of the important introductory books on sword cultivation. The reason is simply because it was written by the world-famous swordsman Lu Dong tens of thousands of years ago!
This general outline of swordsmanship covers almost all the basics of swordsmanship practice. It can be said that as long as this general outline is thoroughly understood, it will be no problem to learn any advanced swordsmanship in the future.

Soon, Su Xing became obsessed with the practice of this general outline.

Two hours passed by in a flash. Seeing that the immersive simulation time was coming to an end, Su Xing chose to renew without hesitation.

[Ding, you have successfully used the immersive simulation, consuming 220 energy points, the simulation time is 22 hours, and the remaining energy is 1330 points. 】

Time became sufficient again, and Su Xing focused on the general outline of swordsmanship.

From the initial obscurity, to ignorance, to comprehension, Su Xing frantically absorbs the knowledge in this general outline of swordsmanship.

In the process of continuous learning, Su Xing felt that his understanding of swordsmanship was increasing rapidly.

After an unknown amount of time, when Su Xing opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the real world, but he didn't notice it at all.

"Hiss~ When will I come back to the real world...the immersive simulation is over, how come I don't know?"

Su Xing's eyes widened, and then he realized something, and murmured in confusion:
"Could it be that I just entered a state of epiphany?"

Su Xing digested the memories in his mind, only to feel that he instantly became an absolute master in swordsmanship theory!
"So, I have the talent of being a swordsman, and when I was learning the general outline of swordsmanship, I accidentally triggered an epiphany... to be able to make such progress?"

It's unbelievable to wake up, such a coincidence happened to him, triggering the talent of epiphany in the immersive simulation.

Judging from the fact that one day of epiphany can be worth ten years of practice, awakening is at least equivalent to a master who has been immersed in studying the theory of swordsmanship for ten years!

"Tsk tsk, I'm really lucky... The knowledge of swordsmanship in my mind should be enough for me to digest for a long time, right?"

Su Xing closed his eyes and recalled that the general outline of swordsmanship divides the sword of the mortal world into three parts, which are human, earth, sky, and three swords!
Among them, the human sword can kill all enemies in the world, and there is no one who cannot be killed in the world.

The earth sword is to use the general trend of heaven and earth to form a sword of good fortune. A sword can change the sky, and can cause landslides and tsunamis.

The last stage is the Heavenly Sword. After practicing the Heavenly Sword, one can directly access the path of the Sword Immortal.

Su Xing watched the general outline of the swordsmanship for a day during the immersive simulation, triggering an epiphany, which is equivalent to studying the general outline of swordsmanship for ten years before barely reading the first part of the vast sea.

After that, Awakening also launched an immersive simulation.

But just the first part of the cultivation of the human sword is enough to wake up and digest for a long time.

"If I perfect this human sword, I'm afraid I can really become the Nascent Soul War Transformation God?"

Su Xing's face showed a look of shock, and at the same time there was a hint of expectation.

Which young man has never dreamed of becoming the sword fairy who is elegant in white, holds a fairy sword, and is independent of the world?
Even waking up is no exception.Thinking of this, Su Xing's face became hot, and he couldn't wait to start the simulation.

【You came out of the dungeon of the Luotian Conference and couldn't wait to practice swordsmanship. 】

[So you spend six hours every day practicing the most basic swordsmanship and mastering it. 】

【Three months later, Wang Qingxuan found you. 】

[You had no choice but to temporarily give up practicing swordsmanship. One night later, you and Wang Qingxuan joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You showed super strength and amazing alchemy skills in the religion, and you got your wish and joined Luo Shuying's faction. 】

[The next day, you uttered that secret word to Luo Shuying and gained Luo Shuying's trust. 】

[Luo Shuying helped you obtain a lot of medicinal materials. You spend two hours a day refining medicinal materials, and you choose to spend more time on cultivation. 】

[In the second year, you became the No.18 elder of the Advent Sect, code-named Yao Lao. 】

[You put more thoughts on the practice of swordsmanship, and your actual combat ability has improved rapidly. 】

[You have no choice to go to the Luotian Conference dungeon again, because just the swordsmanship knowledge in your mind is enough for you to practice for a long time. 】

[In the third year, you took Luo Shuying to defect from the Adventist Church, and took away most of the treasures in the church's treasury. 】

[In addition to several guardians and elders from the Advent sect, they are hunting you down, but I didn’t expect that you had already contacted the Daxia military, and instead killed the elders and guardians that the Advent sect came to hunt down one by one. 】

[In the fourth year, because you have enough spiritual energy and take the Dragon Spirit Pill every day, your cultivation level rapidly improves, and you become a second-level monk in the Nascent Soul Realm. 】

[In the same year, because you exercised your body and practiced swordsmanship every day, coupled with sufficient supplies of flesh and blood essence and Yuanwu Dan, your body refining skills were upgraded to the eighth level of Yuanwu Realm! 】

[In the fifth year, you refine the Concentration Pill and give the refined Concentration Pill to Luo Shuying, the strength of the Spirit Race has greatly improved. 】

[In the same year, Luo Shuying was promoted to a legendary powerhouse. 】

[In the sixth year, you still guarantee two hours of sword practice time every day, but you focus more on training and alchemy. 】

[In this year, you exhausted all the medicinal materials you had accumulated before, and added tens of thousands of master-level and hundreds of heavenly king-level powerhouses to the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded, but he kept thinking in his heart.

"Six years have passed, and there will be no more pressure to refine alchemy. So next, should we practice swordsmanship or improve our cultivation?"

Su Xing doesn't know how difficult it is to practice the general outline of swordsmanship, but judging from the fact that you can become an immortal after practicing it, its difficulty is absolutely astonishing.

Then I don't know how much time it will take to be able to practice the first part of the general outline of swordsmanship, the human sword!
The unknown investment of time made Su Xing hesitant, but when he thought of the huge improvement of Su Xing's strength once the human sword was successfully cultivated, Su Xing became firm again.

"You still have to practice swordsmanship! But you have to share the risk. You can practice for four hours a day. In the remaining time, you can try to improve your cultivation. If you fail to practice swordsmanship, you can still receive enough cultivation, which is not a loss. "

But at the same time, Su Xing also had a hint of luck in his heart, just in case, just in case, if Su Xing triggered another epiphany while practicing sword, wouldn't it be a big profit?
With this mentality, I woke up and continued the simulation.

[In the seventh year, you still spend four hours a day practicing swords, but after practicing swords, you start to try to refine the magic pill. 】

[You cut off a section of the divine power vine grown in Lingtian Blessed Land and ground it into fine powder for use as medicine. Then you took out the remaining medicinal materials for refining the divine power pill. After the preparations were completed, you began to refine the divine power pill. 】

[Because you have limited divine power vines on hand, you may only be able to refine five hundred furnaces of divine power pills at most, so you cherish every opportunity to refine pills. 】

[In the first month, you refined one furnace of divine power pills every day, and tried to refine thirty furnaces of divine power pills in one month, but all the thirty furnaces of divine power pills failed, and the refining of divine power pills is more difficult than you imagined . 】

[In the second month, you still refine thirty furnaces of divine power pills, and zero of them become pills. The failure rate is [-]%. 】

[The third month...]

【Fourth month...】

[In the eighth year, you have been refining the divine power pill for a year, and you have almost consumed all the five divine power vines in your hand, but you have not been able to refine a batch of medicinal pills according to the evidence, and on your skill panel, the refining of the divine power pill is still at a low level. Inactive state. 】

[You know, this is because the difficulty of refining the divine power pill is far greater than that of you currently. Under normal circumstances, you will not be able to successfully refine it at all, unless you enter a state of enlightenment! 】

[You look at the only half of the divine power vine left in your hand, hoping to trigger the enlightenment state and successfully refine it. 】

[More than a month later, as expected, you failed. You did not enter the state of enlightenment, and all the divine power vines in your hand were consumed. 】

Su Xing saw that his eyes widened, and then sighed:

"Sure enough, the refining of this divine power pill is more difficult than imagined. It seems that it is impossible to successfully refine it with ordinary methods..."

"In this case, we can only try our luck..."

The sober idea is that in every simulation, try to refine the divine power pill, and the refining process should be slow enough, for example, refining one furnace in four hours.

In this way, Awakening will have more time to refine the divine power pill, and the probability of triggering epiphany will be greater!
And in several or even dozens of simulations, the awakening must be successful once, and then you can take the divine power pill.

Of course, this is just a sober idea, and whether it can be successfully implemented depends on luck.

"However, before that, Yuan Wujing Great Consummation is also something that must be done!"

Su Xing murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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