Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 106 Nian Grinds 1 Sword, the Sword to Kill the Enemy at Zhenyao Pass!

Chapter 106 Ten years of sharpening a sword, the sword of Zhenyao Pass to kill the enemy!
Su Xing's short-term goal is to kill Zong Laogou in the transformation stage, and then inherit his legacy.

But it's not easy to achieve this. Zong Laogou's strength is at least equivalent to that of the Martial Emperor, and he has lived for a thousand years. There are too many cards to save his life. If he wakes up, he will capsize in the gutter.

So Su Xing reckoned that at least he had to refine Qi Transformation God and Body Refining Divine Power Realm, and he also had to be good at attacking methods in order to be able to handle Zong Laogou with confidence.

In order to achieve this goal, Su Xing had to simulate many times to accumulate background information.

But right now, the purple gifted sword idiot, together with this "General Outline of the Sword Manual", undoubtedly gave Su Xing hope.

Not to mention the ground sword, as long as the first part of the human sword is practiced, as said in the general outline, invincible in the world, Su Xing is sure to defeat Zong Laogou.

Of course, for the sake of insurance, the level of strength should also be mentioned upwards.

Su Xing thought so, and continued to simulate.

[In the ninth year, after your attempt to refine the divine power pill failed, you focused all your attention on cultivation. 】

[You practice the general outline of the sword manual every day, and you always have new insights, and your swordsmanship practice is advancing by leaps and bounds. 】

[In the same year, because you possessed sufficient essence of monster flesh and blood, and took Yuanwu Dan every day, your cultivation was raised to the ninth level of Yuanwu Realm. 】

[In the tenth year, your comprehension of swords is even better, but you know that no amount of hard work will pay off. You did not aim too high, did not pursue the so-called sword intent and sword spirit, but practiced every sword steadily. Move, do every move well. 】

[In the same year, because of the abundant aura in the blessed land of Lingtian, your qi refining practice further increased, and you became a third-level monk in the Nascent Soul Stage. 】

[No. 11 years, you have been practicing swordsmanship for ten years, and you already know the four basic types of swordsmanship. You have practiced dozens of basic swordsmanship. Your sword skills, you want to practice killing swords! 】

【You know very well that the purpose of the sword is to kill people, kill monsters, and kill all enemies. However, if you practice swords for ten years, if you only practice basic sword moves, you will never have a greater improvement. 】

[No.12, at your strong request, you joined the Zhenyaoguan army and became a member of the frontier fighters. 】

[Big Xia's high-level officials blocked you in every possible way at the beginning. They thought your status was too important to risk yourself in the Demon Suppression Pass, and the Demon Suppression Pass did not lack your strength. 】

[But you know very well that you kill enemies not for others, but to hone your sword skills. In the end, with your persistence, the Daxia military agreed that you join the Demon Suppression Pass and kill the enemies with your own life. 】

[However, in order to ensure your safety, the Great Xia military sent several Heavenly King-level powerhouses and a Martial Emperor-level powerhouse to protect you. The Great Xia military's order to them is that before they die, you must not make any mistakes . 】

[You are not worried about your own safety, because you know that Luo Shuying, a legendary powerhouse, is always watching you on the battlefield. Unless the legendary aliens personally take action, your life will not be in danger. 】

【You have joined Zhenyaoguan. In order to ensure that your swordsmanship can get enough experience, you disguise yourself, start from the most ordinary pawn, and fight wantonly on the battlefield. 】

[You are strong enough to kill king-level monsters, but you have no experience in fighting with people on the battlefield, so you plan to pick the weak one first. 】

[In the first month of joining Zhenyaoguan, you killed 36 master-level monsters, 178 master-level monsters, and countless monsters below the gold level! 】

[In the second month of joining Zhenyaoguan, you killed 60 master-level monsters, 270 master-level monsters, and countless monsters below the gold level! 】

[In the third month, you became a commander of a thousand by virtue of your military merits, commanding thousands of people under your command. 】

[But you don’t care about all this. You just want to keep fighting enemies that are strong enough to hone your sword skills. 】

[In the fourth month, countless monsters died in your hands, and you began to be dissatisfied with killing master-level monsters, so you set your sights on the monster king. 】

[In the beginning, because of your lack of combat experience, although you could win the battle with your strength, it was very embarrassing to win. 】

[But as you continue to fight, your understanding of the "sword of murder" becomes even stronger in your heart, and you start to make deadly moves without dragging your feet. 】

[In one month, you killed all seven demon kings!By virtue of your military merits, you have become the commander of Zhenyao Pass, and you even commanded two heavenly king-level professionals under your command. 】

[In the fifth month, you are still obsessed with fighting and honing your skills. This month, more than ten demon kings have died in your hands! 】

[In the sixth month, your amazing record has attracted the attention of the foreign race, and the foreign race sent a full six demon kings to encircle and kill you. 】

[You fought with the six demon kings for a full day and night with one person and one sword. When the other soldiers found you, you were surrounded by the demon kings' flesh and blood. 】

【During this battle, you were also seriously injured, with a wound more than a foot long on your abdomen. You had no choice but to retreat from the front line and began to recuperate. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing's face became serious.

"That's right! I've always paid attention to improving my realm strength, but I neglected to improve my actual combat ability and fighting experience..."

"In this case, it's okay to deal with weak enemies, but when encountering enemies with similar strength or even stronger than yourself, you will definitely be at a disadvantage because of this!"

This simulation can be regarded as a reminder to Su Xing that in addition to realm strength, sufficient combat experience is also necessary.

"However, combat experience should also be obtained from the simulator, right?"

Su Xing thought so, and continued to simulate.

【No. In 13 years, you have been cultivating for several months, and your injuries have basically healed, and you have almost no hidden wounds, and because you have swallowed the essence of flesh and blood every day during this period, you have strengthened your physique, and your cultivation has further improved. 】

[The fighting in the previous half year made you understand that the sword of a swordsman is very important. In half a year, you used up dozens of swords, and the lack of quality of the sword also affected your performance. 】

[So, you asked the high-level human race for a treasured sword, a legendary sword weapon, Mo Bing! 】

[All weapons that have reached the legendary level are the treasures of the human race, but as you are, it is not difficult to obtain a legendary sword. 】【Like all other legendary weapons, Mo Bing also has its own special effects; all enemies killed by Mo Bing will have ink-colored wounds. 】

[And when you hold Mo Bing, even though you are killing on the battlefield, there will be a refreshing coolness on the hilt of Mo Bing, which will keep your heart calm and will not lose your eyes due to the killing. 】

[After possessing the legendary sword Mo Bing, you returned to the battlefield of Demon Suppression Pass, even more powerful. In just half a year, no less than a hundred demon kings died in your hands, and countless demon beasts below the grandmaster level. 】

[No.14, the supply of the human race in Zhenyao Pass was accidentally cut off, and hundreds of thousands of Daxia soldiers were facing the danger of food shortage. 】

【You can only temporarily give up going to the front to kill the enemy, and start refining Bigu Pill. 】

【Fortunately, even though you haven't refined elixir for a few years and your skills are a little rusty, you have mastered the low-level elixir like Bigu Dan perfectly, and the refining speed is extremely fast. 】

[And you have accumulated a lot of spirit rice and monster flesh over the years. In just half a year, you have perfectly solved the food supply problem for tens of thousands of people. 】

[Afterwards, in order to prevent accidents, you have refined a batch of healing pills, which can guarantee the recovery supplies of the human race in the Zhenyao pass in a short period of time. 】

[No. 15 years, you once again entered the Zhenyaoguan battlefield, turning into the nightmare of all demon kings and master-level monsters. 】

[Your threat to these demon kings is no less than that of an emperor-level professional. Often, it only takes 10 minutes of fighting to kill an enemy at the level of a demon king. 】

[This year, you were assassinated again by a foreign race, because you were too threatening on the battlefield, they sent two demon beasts at the level of the Demon King to assassinate you on the battlefield. 】

[Fortunately, Luo Shuying and the other strong men of the human race are always paying attention to you. They blocked this fatal assassination for you, and you successfully survived. 】

[No.16, after the assassination, you became more cautious, your swordsmanship became more and more concise, you began to abandon the original cumbersome sword moves, everything was simple, and everything was swung to kill the enemy. 】

[You understand better what the sword of killing the enemy is, that is to abandon all unnecessary moves and kill the enemy in front of you in the fastest and most energy-saving way. All cumbersome sword moves are for the purpose of killing the enemy. 】

[In the past, you needed several swords to kill a master-level monster, but now, a master-level monster is no longer enough for you to make a second sword. 】

[In the battle with the demon king, you have become more and more handy. Even a ten-meter-tall and huge demon king can't last 10 minutes in your hands. 】

[No. In 17, with the help of Luo Shuying, you encircled and suppressed two demon king-level monsters, and obtained the flesh and blood essence of one of them. 】

[In one year, you took hundreds of catties of the flesh and blood essence of the Demon Emperor, and your realm successfully broke through, and you became a Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen monk! 】

[In the same year, two hundred demon kings died in your hands!Your role on the battlefield alone can be equal to that of dozens of heavenly kings! 】

[One day, a bad news came that Luo Shuying's hometown was completely invaded by aliens after holding on for more than ten years. Thousands of spirits fled to Blue Star to jointly fight against the aliens in the real world. 】

[No. 18 years, this is the best year for Zhenyao Pass. 】

[Because of the addition of the Spirit Race, the pressure on the Human Race side on the battlefield has been greatly reduced, and you have become more and more brave on the battlefield. No demon king can survive ten rounds in your hands, and your swordsmanship has become even more terrifying. 】

[In the same year, your qi refining practice was upgraded to the fourth level of Nascent Soul Realm! 】

[No. In 19, the situation in Zhenyaoguan began to become weird and unpredictable. 】

[You don't know why, the monsters on the battlefield seem to be endless, there are always monsters that can't be killed, and aliens that can't be killed. 】

[There seems to be an endless army of monsters like a black hole, and the number of human races is limited after all. Even though you have created many strong people for the human race over the years, the masters of the human race and the king-level professionals have been fighting for more than ten years. , is still decreasing. 】

[And the newly born masters and heavenly king-level professionals are far behind the speed of death, and the overall strength of the human race has begun to decline. 】

[No. In 20 years, the human race completely gave up the counterattack, and began to hide in the Zhenyao pass, wanting to rely on this most majestic pass in the world to defend against the attacks of alien races and monsters. 】

【Although you desire to completely expel the monsters, but your strength is limited, and you can't do it alone. You can only keep killing monsters to vent your depression. 】

[No. 20 year, this is the 11th year since you joined the Demon Suppressing Pass. Your fighting on the battlefield has lasted for ten years. You have been honing the enemy-killing sword for ten years. The one who died in your hands The demon king is approaching thousands. The weapon Mo Bing in your hand has completely turned into a sword to kill the enemy. Before the sword is unsheathed, the murderous intention on it is enough to frighten the demon beasts. 】

[However, in recent years, the situation of the human race in Zhenyaoguan has become worse and worse. More and more robes and comrades around you are dying at the hands of monsters. The friends you once made are enough to give their lives on the battlefield. Your companions fell in front of you one by one. 】

[Ten years of killing demons in Zhenyao Pass, your mind has become more determined, your swordsmanship has become more fierce, your whole temperament has become more bloodthirsty, and your eyes are daunting. 】

[You start to think about whether this is the result you want. Ten years of experience in Zhenyaoguan has made you an iron-blooded soldier, but you seem to be more indifferent to life and more cold-blooded than before. 】

[The sword seems to be no longer your partner, no longer your beloved object. It is just a tool in your hand, a tool for killing enemies. 】

[This deviates from your original intention and the original purpose of practicing swordsmanship. 】

【So, you are going to retreat from the Demon Pass, return to the real world, and ponder over your swordsmanship and intentions in your heart over the years. 】

[On the day you left Zhenyaoguan, tens of thousands of soldiers saw you off, and your former comrades-in-arms all cast admiring glances at you. 】

[Under the farewell of tens of thousands of people, you left Zhenyaoguan and returned to the real world. When you left, relying on the military exploits you accumulated over the years, you became the only one who was not a martial artist in Zhenyaoguan for hundreds of years. The imperial rank becomes a general's soldier. 】

【Your comrades said that you were the one who worked the hardest in Zhenyaoguan. After you left, this wish will continue to be inherited by them. 】

[You returned to the real world, and it took three months to escape from the bloody and killing memories. Luo Shuying and Jin Congxue visited you during this period, your parents, Little sister also gave you care. 】

[With a smile on your face again, you start to rethink the sword in your hand, and start to rethink your swordsmanship. 】

(End of this chapter)

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