Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 107 An unpreventable assassination, a small success with the human sword!

Chapter 107 An unpreventable assassination, a small success with the human sword!
Su Xing saw this, his whole face was full of shock.

In the last simulation, he was still a farmer concentrating on farming.

But in this simulation, he directly became the God of Killing guarding Zhenyao Pass!
Guard the demon-suppressing pass for ten years, sharpen your sword for ten years, master the enemy-killing sword, and kill thousands of demon kings!
"Hey, am I so fierce?"

Su Xing didn't expect that his future strength in the simulator would have grown to such an extent.

Of course, the reason why he was able to achieve such a record is inseparable from Su Xing's constant practice of swords and killing enemies in the simulator.

In the real world, although Su Xing is now very strong, he has reached the level of Demon King or Heavenly King, and he is even considered upper-class at this level.

But because of Su Xing's lack of actual combat experience, he would suffer a bit of a disadvantage when fighting against the same level.

In this simulation, Su Xing perfectly avoided this drawback.

"Ten years of sword learning, ten years of sword sharpening, and a full 20 years of dedication to the sword, how strong is my sword?"

Su Xing felt a little doubtful, but at the same time was full of enthusiasm, and couldn't wait to experience the sword that killed the enemy he had repaired in the simulator.

Wake up and then simulate.

[No.20 In the second year, you have a deeper understanding of your own swordsmanship. You seem to understand what the human sword described in the general outline of the Sword Code is to kill all enemies in the world. This is the original intention of practicing swordsmanship. 】

[Between countless times of life and death, and in countless times of killing, every time you strike your sword, it carries killing intent and is used to kill the enemy. 】

[But you understand that this killing intent is not because you have mastered the sword intent, but the murderous intent you carried during your ten-year blood-congested career in Zhenyaoguan, and what you have to do now is to get rid of your own killing intent from the way of the sword Master the most original swordsmanship and kendo. 】

【You have spent a whole year with Mo Bing, the sword in your hand, every day, practicing the most basic sword skills every day. 】

[You learn from the most basic sword moves, from slashing and thrusting to comprehend. Every time you practice, you will have a new comprehension, and you will understand every movement change. 】

[You learned the new by reviewing the past, and further simplified the original cumbersome swordsmanship, and you returned to the process of simplifying sword moves in the middle of sword training. 】

[One year has passed. In this year, you have swung your sword a hundred thousand times. Every sword you wield is smooth and smooth, pleasing to the eye. You have achieved the achievement of simplifying the way of swordsmanship. 】

[No. 20 three years, this year, your cultivation has improved further, and you have become a fifth-level monk in the Nascent Soul Stage. 】

[But compared to the progress of your cultivation, your progress in swordsmanship is greater! 】

[It took you three full years to finally integrate what you learned from ten years of sword training and ten years of sword sharpening. According to the records in the general outline of the sword canon, your swordsmanship has reached the level of the first-level human sword. ! 】

[One day, you were practicing swordsmanship every day, but you were killed into the courtyard by dozens of mysterious people. These people came from the remnants of the Adventist Cult! 】

[Even if there are Martial Emperor-level powerhouses protecting you, facing the assassination of several Martial Emperors and a legendary powerhouse, you are still powerless and die in the assassination! 】

【you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated! 】

【You widened your eyes and saw the cruel smile of Zong Laogou after beheading you. 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned and murmured:
"Unexpectedly, didn't you live until the day when the giant beast came and the end of the world?"

Waking up was a bit of a surprise, knowing that he had returned to the last day in the previous simulations.

But after thinking about it, Su Xing felt that it was reasonable.

In this simulation, he can be said to show his sharpness.

After ten years of learning swordsmanship, using the demon race as a pedal, ten years of sword sharpening, and more than 20 years of imitation, nearly a thousand demon kings died in his hands.

And in the simulation for more than 20 years, because Su Xing showed his sharpness, he also encountered several assassinations by alien races.

Moreover, the degree of assassination became more and more outrageous. From the demon king's siege to the demon king's sneak attack, he finally woke up and returned to the real world without letting him go.

In the later stage of the simulation, the strength of the human race declines, and more and more powerful people need to stay in the Zhenyao Pass all year round, so the protection for awakening will inevitably be weaker.

It is precisely because of this that the lackeys of the Adventist Church were given an opportunity.

"Hey, with a strength close to that of the Martial Emperor... is it still difficult to escape death under the assassination of a group of Advent Cults?"

Su Xing sighed, and at the same time became more vigilant in his heart.

"It is precisely because of this that we must be more careful in the real world... It doesn't matter if you die in the simulation, after all, there is still a chance for the next simulation, but if you die in the real world, it is really over!"

Su Xing repeatedly reminded himself that with a plug-in existence like an emulator, he can completely fight until he is invincible in the world, and he must not let himself fall into any crisis!

"However, the strength of this sword technique is really amazing!"

"If I can cultivate to the general outline of this sword manual, coupled with my strength in body training and Qi training, I can definitely fight at a higher level!"

"And according to the description in the general outline of the Sword Code, if the Heavenly Sword is successful! You can become a fairy and become a sword fairy!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart became even hotter.

Who doesn't want to become a sword fairy?Sword cultivator is synonymous with strength!
Su Xing sighed, because of the immersive simulation, Su Xing still has all the content of the first volume of the sword manual, the human sword part, in Su Xing's mind.

Don't say that finishing all the three volumes of Heaven, Earth and Man, just finishing the human sword part is enough for Su Xing to benefit infinitely!
"I just don't know what the rewards for this simulation are. Is there an option for swordsmanship training results?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he opened the simulation reward selection in front of him.

[Sword Fanatic]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy. [Yuanwu Realm Great Perfection]: Body training, selling for 300 million points of energy.

[25 years of experience in alchemy]: perception of alchemy, including a small amount of experience in refining supernatural pills, priced at 70 energy.

[Experiences of practicing the human sword (small success)]: Contains the experience of cultivating the human sword in the first volume of the sword cultivation manual "The General Outline of the Sword Code". After ten years of learning the sword and ten years of sharpening the sword, the way of swordsmanship has been simplified. I have already practiced the human sword part. It has reached the realm of Xiaocheng and is not far from Dacheng. The price is 300 million energy.

[Ten Years of Fighting Mood on the Battlefield]: Contains the experience of countless fights in Zhenyaoguan for ten consecutive years.

[Fifth level cultivation base of Nascent Soul Stage]: Qi refining cultivation base, priced at 400 million energy points.

[Legendary weapon Mo Bing]: The body of the sword is like ink, and the heart of the sword is like ice.The price is 3000 million energy points.

Su Xing looked at the simulated reward selection in front of him.

"Sword Chi is a talent that must be chosen. I have already made mistakes twice. This time, the talent of sword practice must not be missed!"

"And the knowledge of swordsmanship acquired in the immersive simulations in my mind also requires sword idiots to make the most of it."

Su Xing first determined the priority of Jian Chi's talent.

Then Su Xing looked at the other options.

"There is no rush to refine Qi and body. After all, my main focus in this simulation is to practice swordsmanship, and this swordsmanship is the most important thing!"

"As for Mo Bing's sword, the price is too expensive! Let's see if there is a way to get a good sword from the real world later, after all, there is a ten-fold difference in the price of the items brought out in the simulator..."

Su Xing looked at the two choices of "Ten Years of Battlefield Fighting Experience" and "Small Skills" for the final choice.

"Ten years of fighting experience on the battlefield, can I still comprehend killing intent... This is really good, it can increase my actual combat experience... But I can completely fight in Zhenyao Pass for 20 years in the next simulation, wouldn't I be able to gain more? Fighting experience, there is no need to waste a chance to choose..."

After some hesitation, Su Xing decided to choose Human Sword Cultivation Experience (Xiao Cheng).

"I choose the talent of the Sword Maniac and the experience of practicing the Human Sword (Xiao Cheng level)!"

Su Xing said silently, and then a reminder sounded in his ear.

[You choose to bring out the purple talent Jian Chi, which costs 100 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 1230 points. 】

[You choose to bring out the human sword training experience (small success), spending 300 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 930 million 3888 points. 】

As Su Xing made a choice, two mysterious energies fell into Su Xing's body.

A lot of memory fragments emerged in my waking mind, which were the memories of my ten years of sword learning and ten years of sword sharpening, and my experience of summarizing and sublimating my 20 years of sword practice.

When Su Xing digested all these memories, his understanding of the sword had already reached an extremely deep level.

But at this moment, Su Xing has an inexplicable impulse in his heart, he wants to have a sword, a sword that suits his wishes!

This is the change in Su Xing's mentality after he obtained the talent of Sword Madness. He has a heartfelt love for swords.

Su Xing took out a blue-quality sword from the storage ring, but after using it for a while, he felt that it was quite uncomfortable.

"Hey, the blue quality sword is still too bad for me, maybe I have to find a way to get a good sword!"

Su Xing muttered.

"The next time you see Jin Congxue, please ask her again!"

Su Xing sighed softly, the matter of finding high-level equipment and weapons should be handed over to Jin Congxue, the daughter of Jin's firm!

After receiving the reward, Su Xing started his daily alchemy to make money again. One second he was a sword cultivator aspiring to become a sword fairy, and the next he became a ruthless alchemy machine.

"Hey, there is no other way. If you want to improve your strength, you have to get more simulated energy!"

So, in the next week, Su Xing worked hard to refine alchemy, and once again refined [-] pills.

A week passed quickly, Su Xing made an appointment with Jin Congxue as usual, and came to the villa.

Today Jin Congxue turned into a blue enchantress, wearing a long blue dress, looking extremely beautiful.

After having their fill of wine and food, Su Xing and Jin Congxue got to the point.

Su Xing handed over the elixir refined this week to Jin Congxue, and Jin Congxue handed over this week's goods to Su Xing.

When it was about to end, Su Xing asked Jin Congxue:

"Sister Xue! Can you get high-quality sword weapons? I'm practicing swordplay recently!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue showed a look of surprise on his face, and joked:
"You are quite versatile! Not only can you practice alchemy, but you can also practice swords?"

After thinking for a while, Jin Congxue said:

"Jin's Trading Company has a lot of high-quality weapons, but the ones that suit you may not be in stock..."

"How about this, I'll help you pay attention, if it's as short as a week, as long as a month, I'll help you get a good sword!"

After Su Xing heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said quickly:

"Then please, sister Xue!"

(End of this chapter)

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