Chapter 108 You call this a human nuclear bomb?

After bidding farewell to Jin Congxue, Su Xing quickly returned to school and skillfully entered the blessed land of Lingtian.

First, exchange the received equipment and dungeon props into simulated energy.

Su Xing's luck is good. This time, the equipment and props that Jin Congxue gave contain a total of nearly 900 million energy points.

On April 2024, 4 in the new era, the awakening started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 3100 energy points, leaving 1830 energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Nonsense, of course the purple talent is drawn!"

Su Xing said decisively.

【Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent, humanoid nuclear bomb! 】

[Humanoid Nuclear Bomb]: You are a well-deserved humanoid nuclear bomb. At the moment of your death, the energy equivalent to the explosion of [-] Big Ivans will explode from your body, destroying everything around you.

After seeing the purple talent in front of him, Su Xing's forehead was completely blackened.

"Hey, hey, that's what the human-shaped nuclear bomb means, right? Temiao's employees are all dead, so what's the point of blowing up the monsters?"

It is equivalent to [-] Big Ivans. Su Xing doesn’t know how powerful it is, but no matter how big it is, it’s useless, right?
With such a mood, Su Xing started the simulation with a dark face.

[In the blessed land of Lingtian, you realized that you were imitating. 】

【You felt an inexplicable energy surging in your body, and you ran to the toilet...】

【You seriously thought about what to do next, and after thinking about it for a while, you decided to refine the elixir first. 】

[In the next six months, you practice diligently every day and ensure a sufficient supply of elixirs to Jin Congxue. In your spare time, you will also keep in touch with your elementary school girl Wang Qingxuan. 】

[Because there are enough spirit-gathering flowers planted in the blessed land of Lingtian, your strength is steadily improving. 】

[One day, Wang Qingxuan found you, and after one night, you joined the Adventist Church under her leadership. 】

[After joining the Adventist Cult, you did not choose to hide yourself, but directly exposed your strength and alchemy talent. 】

[Luo Shuying and Zong Laogou extended an olive branch to you at the same time, and you joined Luo Shuying's faction without hesitation. 】

【You confessed everything to Luo Shuying and uttered that code word. 】

【Luo Shuying chooses to believe you, and asks what you want her to do. 】

[You tell her decisively to help you obtain a large amount of medicinal materials in the treasure house of the Advent Sect, and Luo Shuying agrees. 】

[In the second year, you were successfully promoted to the elder of the Adventist Church. Because of your good performance in the past few months, the senior management of the Adventist Church has a lot of trust in it. 】

【You have lived up to their trust. During the six months you became an elder, you embezzled a lot of medicinal materials every month. 】

[You refine Longling Pill and Yuanwu Pill every month, and use them to assist your own cultivation. In your spare time, you also refine some Viscera Refining Pills and Yuanyang Pills, which are prepared to be donated to the Great Xia military. 】

[In the same year, because of your sufficient spiritual energy supply, your cultivation was upgraded to the second level of Nascent Soul Stage. 】

[In the third year, you feel that the time is right. In the past two years, you have almost emptied the treasure house of the Adventist Teaching, and you are about to take Luo Shuying to run away. Before you leave, you did not forget to transfer the school girl Wang Qingxuan to a safe place. 】

[Unsurprisingly, the senior leaders of the Adventist Sect launched a hunt for you and Luo Shuying, among them, several guardians were dispatched, and the guardians who led the team were even the old dog of your sworn enemy. 】

【Fortunately, you made an appointment in advance with Lu Yuanwu and other high-level officials of Daxia to come to support you. Not only did you successfully escort you to the capital, but you even killed the three guardians on the spot! 】

[The only pity is that Zong Laogou only had a broken arm, and he escaped in the end. 】

[After you joined the Daxia military, you began to refine large quantities of Yuanyuan Pills and Fu-Refining Pills. In just one year, you refined 2 pills, including the tens of thousands of pills you had saved before. Yao, you have added more than [-] master-level powerhouses to the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

[At the same time, you have not neglected your own cultivation, your body cultivation and qi cultivation have progressed hand in hand. 】

[In the fourth year, you refined another [-] elixirs and added another [-] master-level powerhouses to the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

[In the same year, because you had sufficient supplies of Yuanwu Dan and the essence of the demon king's flesh and blood, your body training was upgraded to the eighth level of Yuanwu realm! 】

[In the fifth year, the number of master-level powerhouses newly added by the Daxia military exceeded 5. 】

[People in the Great Xia military call you the hero of the human race, the savior who fought against the alien race. Many citizens have unprecedented hope for the future, thinking that they can completely defeat the alien race. 】

[But you know, the strength gap between you and the foreign race is too great, all you have done is just to delay time. 】

[In the sixth year, you spent a year refining more than 1 Lingwu Pills and Longling Pills, and kept half of them for your own cultivation, and you handed over the rest to the Daxia military. I hope that more heavenly kings will be born. 】

[This year, the number of Heavenly King-level experts in Daxia’s military increased by nearly [-]. 】

[In the seventh year, you started to refine the Ningshen Pill. Your refining of the Ningshen Pill has reached a small level, and you can guarantee a [-]% to [-]% refining success rate. You will give all the refined thousands of Ningshen Pills to Luo Shuying was hired to help increase the strength of Luo Shuying and her spirit clan. 】

[In the same year, your Qi refining practice broke through to the third level of Nascent Soul stage! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, the simulator is indeed an existence that can reflect his inner thoughts.

When he didn't get a good talent in this simulation, Su Xing had already thought about what he was going to do in this simulation.

That is to improve the strength as much as possible, and then bring out a strong enough cultivation base!

Only in this way can Su Xing be able to guarantee that he can break through to a cultivator in the realm of divine power the first time he successfully refines the divine power pill!
"It shouldn't be difficult to reach the Great Perfection of the Yuan Wu Realm in this simulated training, but I just don't know what level my Qi refining cultivation level can be raised to?"

There was a look of expectation in Su Xing's eyes.

Nascent Soul stage monks can break through a small realm for ten or decades at every turn.

This means that Su Xing has dual-line True Spiritual Roots, coupled with having enough Dragon Spirit Pills to speed up his cultivation, even the spiritual power in the blessed land of Lingtian is so abundant.So that Su Xing can guarantee the speed of breaking through a realm for several years?
However, the cultivation becomes more and more difficult as it progresses towards the late stage, and Su Xing doesn't know whether he can guarantee such an astonishing speed of strength improvement after entering the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Su Xing then looked at the simulation panel in front of him.

[In the eighth year, Luo Shuying successfully broke through to become a legendary powerhouse, and the Great Xia military specially set aside a place for the spirit clan to survive in Zhenyao Pass. 】

[With the addition of the Spirit Race and the improvement of the strength of the Human Race in recent years, the situation of the Human Race in Zhenyao Pass has gradually improved. 】

[But you didn't take it lightly, and still told Luo Shuying and the soldiers to be careful. 】

[For the sake of your own safety, in this simulation, you did not join the battle of Zhenyao Pass, but chose to stay in the real world to practice safely. You live in the safest area of ​​Kyoto, and you spend most of your time away from home. Stay in the blessed land of Lingtian to practice. 】

[In the ninth year, you remembered that the soldiers will be attacked by the monster clan in the future, resulting in insufficient supplies. 】

【So you start preparations in advance. In addition to your daily practice, you also set aside two hours a day to refine Healing Pill and Bigu Pill. 】

[In the tenth year, your Qi refining and body refining cultivation levels both broke through, and you became a monk at the fourth level of the Nascent Soul Stage, and your body training level was promoted to the ninth level of the Yuanwu Realm. 】

[After the ninth level of Yuan Wujing, you obviously felt that the speed of your physical strength and strength has slowed down, so you asked the Daxia military to obtain the essence of flesh and blood at the level of the demon emperor. 】

[No. In 11 years, Luo Shuying brought you a hundred catties of the demon emperor's flesh and blood essence. You thanked her, and then began to work harder on your body and improve your body training. 】

[The strength of the demon king's flesh and blood essence is more than a notch higher than that of the demon king, and your body training speed has become faster again. 】

[No.12, as expected, the foreign race launched a sneak attack on the human race in Zhenyao Pass, and the frontline supplies were cut off. 】

[Just when the senior officials in Daxia were worried, you made a move. You took out hundreds of thousands of pills that had been refined a few years in advance, and sent them to the front line of Zhenyao Pass by the legendary powerhouse, solving the shortage of supplies on the front line The problem. 】

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"No. 12? Why do I remember that it wasn't this year before... It's strange, there seems to be no pattern in the demon clan's sneak attacks on the human frontline soldiers, or maybe I haven't discovered this pattern yet?"

Su Xing shook his head, he didn't care what year it was.

As long as you wake up and make preparations in advance, and refine enough healing pills and bigu pills, then the front line will not suffer too much loss.

Su Xing thought so, then looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 13 years, as your cultivation level becomes more refined, you become more comfortable in cultivation, and you start to think of ways to improve the efficiency of cultivation. 】

[Long Ling Dan is a pill specially designed for monks in the Nascent Soul stage to increase their cultivation. Its greatest effect is actually to expand the ability of monks to absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world. 】

[This means that the thicker the concentration of spiritual energy, the greater the increase in the speed of cultivation of the Dragon Spirit Pill. 】

[In the blessed land of Lingtian, although the aura is already strong enough, you still found a way to further enhance the aura. 】

[That is the small gathering spirit array! 】

[You know that it would take too much time for you to learn the small gathering spirit array and arrange it yourself, so you decided to modify the layout of the blessed land of Lingtian. 】

[Shen Nong's spiritual cultivation technique records that spiritual plants such as Juling flowers are very fragile in their infancy and are extremely demanding on the surrounding environment, but once they enter the mature stage, Juling flowers become vigorous and can survive with aura , and the more aura there is, the better the growth of the Juling Flower will be. 】

【So, you decided to plant the spirit-gathering flower in the spirit-gathering formation at the bottom of the blessed land of Lingtian! 】

[Just do it as you say. In addition to practicing, you spent three months learning the basic principles of the Small Spirit Gathering Array, and spent a month transplanting the Spirit Gathering Flower into the underground Small Spirit Gathering Array. In the eyes. 】

[Although the scope of the small spirit-gathering array is not large, and the soil underground is not fertile enough, the spirit-gathering flower still survives tenaciously and becomes more and more prosperous. 】

[As the spirit-gathering flower is planted in the underground spirit-gathering array, a steady stream of spiritual energy is released, and this spiritual energy is continuously condensed by the spirit-gathering array, as if a small-scale spirit vein has been man-made to continuously provide energy for the spirit-gathering array. 】

[You found that after planting the spirit-gathering flower underground, the concentration of spiritual energy around the small underground spirit-gathering array doubled faster than before, so you built a secret cultivation room underground for your own cultivation. 】

【During the day, you will come to the ground to build up your body and improve your body training skills. At night, you will practice in the secret room underground. 】

[You find that in this way, the efficiency of your cultivation is much higher than before. 】

【No. 14 years, while practicing, you decided to try your luck. 】

[You will spend two hours every day refining a furnace of divine power pills. Although you have not succeeded once, you still hope that you can be lucky enough to trigger the "accidental epiphany" talent. In this way, once the epiphany is triggered, you are likely to directly Learn to refine the divine power pill. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"That's right, since the chance of epiphany triggering by chance is low, just try more, and spend some time on alchemy every day. If the refining is not successful, the loss is not big, but if it succeeds, it will make a lot of money. !"

Although Su Xing’s plan is to cultivate to the Yuanwu Realm of Great Perfection first, then consider the matter of the divine power pill.

But if Su Xing was the first to realize the refining of the Divine Power Pill, it would undoubtedly save more effort.

"However, moving the gathering spirit flower to the underground gathering spirit formation, this matter..."

Su Xing glanced at the Juling Flower in the distance, and shook his head slightly.

For him, he will get more and more spirit-gathering flowers in the future. He has seen the place underground, and it is impossible to grow hundreds of spirit-gathering flowers.

The reason why he did that in the simulator was just to save the time of setting up the small spirit gathering array.

But in reality, Su Xing can learn the small spirit gathering array, and then arrange it on the ground, which is obviously more useful.

Su Xing thought so, and looked at the simulation panel again.

[No. 15 years, no accident, you tried for a year, and you didn't trigger the lottery talent of accidental epiphany. 】

[But the good news is that in this year, your body training has broken through again, and you have become a Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen monk! 】

[In the same year, your qi refining practice also broke through again, and you became a fifth-level monk of the Nascent Soul Stage! 】

[In No. 16, after your body refining cultivation reached the Great Perfection of the Yuanwu Realm, you were surprised to find that the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence was still of great help to you. Taking it could still strengthen your strength and body. Although this The improvement is much less than before. 】

[In order to provide a solid guarantee for breaking through to the realm of divine power in the future, you still take the trouble to improve your physical strength. 】

[But what makes you a little troublesome is that the essence of flesh and blood at the demon emperor level has been exhausted. 】

(End of this chapter)

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