Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 109: The awakening exploded, and the giant beast began to have diarrhea

Chapter 109: The awakening exploded, and the giant beast began to have diarrhea
[You tried to take the essence of the demon king's flesh and blood again, but found helplessly that the essence of the flesh and blood of the demon king, after you raised your cultivation base to Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen, improved you even more weakly. 】

[In desperation, you asked Luo Shuying and the general guarding the Zhenyao Pass to bring you some demon emperor's flesh and blood essence. 】

[No.17, Luo Shuying once again brought you two hundred catties of the demon emperor's flesh and blood essence. 】

[When she handed you the flesh and blood essence, her face was a little pale, and she seemed to be seriously injured. 】

【You hurriedly asked her how she was injured and why she was injured, but she smiled lightly and shook her head, forcing herself to leave. 】

[Afterwards, you learned from Lu Yuanwu that in order to help you obtain the blood and flesh essence of the demon emperor level, Luo Shuying committed suicide in the demon army and killed two demon emperors. Besieged, barely escaped, but was seriously wounded. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing was a little moved.

Killing the Demon King is not that easy, even if it is done by a legendary powerhouse.

Because the vitality of monsters is much higher than that of humans, a legendary powerhouse may be able to easily kill a Martial Emperor, but it is difficult to directly kill a [-]-meter-high Monster Emperor. Strong, like Godzilla.

What's more, on the battlefield, a demon emperor may not act alone.

In an army of tens of thousands of monsters, it is indeed not an easy task to kill the Monster Emperor and get out of the way. Even a legend-level powerhouse will be in danger of falling if he is not careful.

But Luo Shuying was willing to risk her life for him.

Su Xing sighed, and continued to look at the simulation panel.

[Afterwards, you wanted to help Luo Shuying recover from the injury as soon as possible, so you refined a lot of healing pills. 】

[However, for legendary-level powerhouses, healing pills have almost no effect. Even top-grade healing pills can only be effective for master-level powerhouses, and it is difficult to treat heavenly-level powerhouses. 】

【So you dug up the Lihuo alchemy technique again, and found a healing elixir called Bone Bone Pill. This elixir claims to be able to break bones and regenerate, and it is also effective for Nascent Soul Transformation Spirit cultivators. 】

[But you know that Bone Bone Pill may have an effect on legendary powerhouses, but it is definitely not immediate, so you found the top of the middle-grade elixir, Rejuvenation Pill, this elixir can even heal the injuries of monks in the Void Return Stage , it may have a miraculous effect on Luo Shuying. 】

[Unfortunately, the main drug of Rejuvenation Pill, Longwen Grass, is not easy to find, so you can only give it up for now; instead, the three ingredients of Shenggu Pill: Yinyuehua, Centennial Polygonum multiflorum, and Perseverance Grass can all be found in the treasure house of Advent Sect. turn up. 】

Su Xing saw this slight frown. The Healing Pill is indeed a non-grade recovery pill, but it is easy to refine and easy to find medicinal materials. It has a good effect on most professionals (gold, master level).

But for those professionals with strong strength, their vitality is stronger, and ordinary minor injuries can recover on their own, but once they are seriously injured, it is definitely very troublesome, and it may not be healed in a year or even a few years.

And if you want to treat these high-level powerhouses, you need medicinal materials that contain more life energy. Generally speaking, you need natural materials and earthly treasures.

The mid-to-high-level recovery potions produced in the dungeon are rare, but awakening is different. He can stably produce slightly higher-level healing potions through alchemy.

And once he successfully develops it, the human race's strength in the Demon Suppression Pass will definitely increase significantly!

Just imagine, the human race's Heavenly King and Martial King-level professionals can recover in just a few days after being injured. They can definitely fight one against three or even more on the battlefield!

Thinking of this, Su Xing murmured:
"It seems that we have to pay attention in future simulations and try to refine higher-level elixirs."

But this matter cannot be rushed for a while, Su Xing still starts the next simulation.

[You tried to find hundreds of Yinyuehua and Perseverance Grass from the medicinal materials brought by the Advent Sect. As for the century-old Polygonum multiflorum, there are still many in the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

[After confirming that you have the basic refining materials, you did not refine the elixir, but continued to steadily improve your cultivation. 】

【No. In 18 years, your body training still remained at Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen and failed to break through, but your physical strength was nearly [-]% higher than when you first entered Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen. You were pleasantly surprised, Understand that this is the reason why you have been taking the essence of the demon emperor's flesh and blood for two years. The high-level energy essence can gradually improve your physique. 】

[This also makes you understand one thing, that is, in the same realm, due to different talents and background, the strength will be very different, so you try your best to make yourself stronger in the same realm. 】

[No. In 19 years, you still worked hard to build up your physique and took the blood and flesh essence of the Demon Emperor every day. The two hundred catties of flesh and blood essence that Luo Shuying brought to you before had been eaten, but the battle in Zhenyao Pass has become more and more serious in recent years. Intensified, both the human martial emperor and the demon emperor have fallen, so you have enough flesh and blood essence. 】

[Learning from the previous experience of breaking through the body refining realm, you understand that if you want to steadily upgrade from the Yuanwu realm to the divine power realm, you must work hard to improve your physical strength, so you pay more attention to the improvement of Yuanwu realm cultivation base while working hard to refine Qi. 】

[No. In 20 years, your physical strength has been further improved. Your strength and physical strength have increased by nearly [-]% compared to when you first entered Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen. The essence of the emperor's flesh and blood is more, you swallow more than half a catty of the demon emperor's flesh and blood every day, and your strength is still in a stable improvement period. 】

[In the same year, your qi refining practice broke through, and you became a monk at the sixth level of Nascent Soul! 】

[No. 20, this year, your good brother Yu Yan died in the Zhenyao Pass. You feel a little sad in your heart, but you know that this kind of sadness may last forever, because as the end of the day gets closer As it gets closer, more and more friends and relatives you are familiar with will die in Zhenyaoguan, until the day when the giant beast comes, everyone will die in the mouth of the giant beast. 】

[So you practice harder and crazily improve your cultivation. You are afraid of that day coming, and you are even more afraid of watching your beloved die in front of your eyes. 】【No.20 In the second year, your physical strength has become stronger, and your Qi refining cultivation is getting closer and closer to the seventh level of the Nascent Soul stage. 】

[In the past few years, you tried to refine the magic pill every day, hoping to stimulate the talent of accidental enlightenment, but there is no doubt that you failed. The god of fate is not on your side, but you believe that as long as you refine it in every simulation If you try hard, good luck will eventually come to you. 】

【No. In the past three years, your physical fitness is still improving steadily, and it is much slower than when you just broke through the Great Perfection of Yuanwu Realm. You know that every stage of realm has a limit, and you may have already touched this limit. . 】

[No. 20 four years, your cultivation has finally broken through, you successfully entered the late stage of Nascent Soul, and became a monk of the seventh level of Nascent Soul! 】

【No. In the fifth year of No. 20, the human race was defeated in Zhenyaoguan. Hundreds of thousands of Daxia soldiers died in the battle of Zhenyaoguan. 】

[You didn't expect the end to break out this year. You thought it would come later, but it was still destroyed in No. 20, Zhenyao Pass. You know that maybe the time has reached a critical point, and you want to be bigger. To delay the end of the world to a certain extent, we need to make as many changes as possible. 】

[With the destruction of the Demon Suppression Pass, the giant beast descends into the real world. 】

[The giant beast that covered the sky and the sun swallowed the entire Daxia Kingdom in one gulp, and you were swallowed into the belly of the giant beast. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Your talent humanoid nuclear bomb is activated! 】

[At the moment you explode, your entire body evaporates in situ, and your talent is invalid%]

【boom!A human-shaped nuclear bomb equivalent to [-] Ivan the Great exploded in the giant beast's stomach. This huge energy... made the giant beast loose for several days...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

Su Xing was stunned after seeing this scene.

"What the hell, [-] big Ivans, just made that giant loose for a few days?"

"What is the level of existence of this giant beast? Is it really a god level? Or even a higher level?"

The complexion of waking up is a little ugly. The nuclear bomb already means the peak of Blue Star's technological power.

Even a Martial Emperor-level powerhouse can only ignore the radiation of the nuclear bomb, and he dare not even say that he can stand in the core area of ​​the nuclear bomb explosion without any damage.

And these [-] Big Ivans didn't even cause the giant beast to be seriously injured, but just made him eat up his stomach?

Thinking of this, Su Xing understood even more that there is a long way to go.

The awakened Dao Xin could hardly hold on for a while. After realizing the huge gap between the enemy and us, is there really any point in resisting?
Su Xing's inner strength inspired him, it seemed to be an indomitable belief, Su Xing's eyes became firm again.

"I have the bug-like ability to simulate the future, and I can definitely drive out the giant beast! If you fail once, you can do it twice, and if you fail twice, you can do it ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times!"

"My strength keeps getting stronger, while the strength of other races remains the same. If one goes up and down the other, the winner must be all human beings!"

Su Xing clenched his fists.

The fighting spirit was restored in his heart, and he woke up and started to resume this simulation.

It's a sim that sticks around until the end of the world, and Wake survives long enough.

After such a long time, Su Xing basically achieved his goal.

The physical body has reached the Great Perfection of the Yuanwu Realm, and it is only one step away from breaking through the Divine Power Realm!
And the practice of refining qi has also reached the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage, maybe if you do it again, you will be able to become a Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen monk after waking up.

Then the next goal is to try to break through the divine power realm.

The bad news is that the divine power pill was not successfully refined, but I will try again after waking up.

"Besides, the refining of more advanced healing pills is also on the agenda..."

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows, and then looked at the reward selection on the simulation panel.

(End of this chapter)

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