Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 110: Double breakthrough in cultivation, Yuanwu realm reaches perfection!

Chapter 110: Double breakthrough in cultivation, Yuanwu realm reaches perfection!

[Humanoid nuclear bomb]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[Yuanwu Realm Great Perfection]: Body training, selling for 300 million points of energy.

[25 years of experience in alchemy]: The perception of alchemy contains a small amount of superficial perception of the supernatural pill, and the price is 70 energy.

[Seventh Level of Nascent Soul Cultivation]: The ancestor of Nascent Soul is so terrifying. After redemption, he will enter the later stage of Nascent Soul. The price is 600 million energy.

[Mastering the principle of small gathering spirit array]: The price is 5000 energy.

After looking at the five rewards above, Su Xing didn't hesitate much.

Human-shaped nuclear bomb is too talented, let him stay in the talent pool honestly.

As for alchemy experience, the refining of divine power pills is not easy, Su Xing may have to refine one or two thousand furnaces to get started, and stepping into Xiaocheng may need to refine thousands of furnaces.

Relying solely on accumulating alchemy experience may require more than five simulations to achieve, which is not cost-effective.

Therefore, Su Xing said without hesitation:
"I choose, Yuanwu Realm Dzogchen cultivation base, and Yuanying stage seven cultivation bases!"

[You choose to bring out the Great Perfection of Yuanwu Realm, spending 300 million energy, and the remaining energy is 1520 million 1527 points. 】

[You choose to bring out the seventh level of cultivation in the Nascent Soul Stage, spending 600 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 920 points. 】

As he wakes up and makes a choice, the simulator's prompt sound comes to his ears.

Then two mysterious energies fell into the awakened body.

The first thing Su Xing felt was the surge of strength and the increase of momentum!

The eighth level of the Yuanwu Realm... the ninth level of the Yuanwu Realm... the great perfection of the Yuanwu Realm!
In just a few minutes, Su Xing's body training has climbed three levels, and he doesn't feel any discomfort. This power seems to have been obtained by Su Xing's cultivation.

Immediately after the increase in body training, the awakened Qi training also began to skyrocket!
Nascent Soul Stage [-]... Nascent Soul Stage [-]... Nascent Soul Stage [-]!

A few more minutes passed, and Su Xing's aura was still growing.

In the end, the Nascent Soul Stage is at the seventh level!
There seemed to be a weak and crisp sound coming from Su Xing's ear, and he easily entered the late stage of Nascent Soul!

Whether it's body refining or qi refining, the bottleneck is not only the breakthrough between the big realms, in fact, there are often bottlenecks between the small realms, which even trouble ordinary monks for several years!

For example, from the early stage of Nascent Soul to the middle and late stage of Nascent Soul.

But for Su Xing, his process of crossing the bottleneck was carried out in the simulator, and there were enough pills to support him. When the simulator gave feedback on his cultivation, Su Xing would naturally break through easily.

As for letting Su Xing practice in the real world and break through the bottleneck?
That is obviously something only a fool would do. After all, in the real world, how many times faster would it be to wake up and survive to make money, then exchange for energy and improve your cultivation level?
Doesn't he enjoy practicing at such a fast pace?
Su Xing's momentum surged for several minutes.

Su Xing had been sitting cross-legged during this period, constantly adjusting his inner breath. After a long time, Su Xing opened his eyes.

At this moment, Su Xing still had some violent aura on his body just now, but he has completely restrained himself, and Su Xing can better understand his cultivation power.

"In the later stage of Yuanying, his spiritual power is actually much stronger than when he first entered Yuanying..."

Su Xing took a deep breath, he only felt that the spiritual power in his body had nearly doubled, he could mobilize the original power more easily, and the speed of recovering the spiritual power was also much faster.

The awakened spiritual power was like a small river before, but this small river has now doubled in width and is constantly developing towards the big river!

Perhaps after awakening and reaching the stage of becoming a god, the spiritual power in the body will transform again and the mana will become stronger.

In the past, waking up and using the Lihuo technique might only last for a few hours, but now waking up can even be used for a day and a night, and there is still room for it.

"Hiss, the spiritual power in the later stage of Nascent Soul is so strong, how terrifying must it be in the stage of becoming a god?"

There was a hint of caution in Su Xing's eyes.

He thought of Zong Laogou, who had lived for thousands of years in the stage of transforming gods, and his cultivation might be close to the peak of the stage of transforming gods, right?
"No... I still have to be more cautious. With my current strength, I must be far from being the opponent of that old dog!"

Su Xing silently said "I am a rookie" three times in his heart, and then his mood became stable again.

But in fact, what Su Xing didn't know was that although Zong Laogou's cultivation was at the peak of transforming gods, he was only a top-grade golden elixir, and his spiritual power was not as strong as Su Xing thought.

Moreover, Zong Laogou is already old and his strength is not as strong as before.

What is really tricky is Zong Laogou's ruthless combat experience and various mysterious methods accumulated over thousands of years.

"Also, with my body-refining cultivation base, Yuan Wu Realm Great Consummation, plus hundreds of catties of the demon emperor's flesh and blood essence improving my physique, how terrifying is my current strength?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the time. It was still afternoon in the outside world. In the middle of the night, maybe he could go to the training hall to test his strength.

Thinking of this, Su Xing skillfully took out the alchemy furnace, and then started alchemy.

Soon, several hours passed, Su Xing took advantage of the middle of the night when there was no one there, changed his appearance and held his breath, and sneaked to the training hall to test his strength.

After counting 10 minutes, Su Xing returned to the dormitory from the training hall, glanced at his roommate Yu Fatty who was still sleeping, and Su Xing's face was full of excitement.

"Unexpectedly, after reaching the peak of the Yuanwu realm, the physical strength has reached a full 500 million kilograms?"

"Moreover, this is pure physical power. How terrifying would it be if this power were doubled after being attached with Yuan Li?"

It was unimaginable to wake up, and he did not continue to test in the training hall.

After all, the most advanced strength testing machine in Kyoto Academy can only withstand the peak strength of a king-level powerhouse. If Su Xing uses Yuan Li, he will definitely bomb the strength machine with one punch!

And this will definitely cause a sensation!

It's okay to say that the grandmaster-level power machine exploded, maybe it was done casually by some king-level powerhouse.But if all the king-level power machines were bombed, it would be great fun.

After all, there are only dozens of Martial Emperor-level powerhouses in the whole country, and each of them is a strong man with a name and surname, so it is easy to find clues.

"My current strength is not enough. It's okay to appear in front of the world again after I truly have absolute power. It's just that it's too early to show up now, and my life may even be in danger..."

Su Xing comforted himself so much, he naturally wanted to appear in front of others, but after thinking about it, his life was the most important thing.

I couldn't hold it anymore, so I went to the simulator for an immersive simulation, and lived an admirable addiction.

Su Xing thought so.

Just when he was about to leave the dormitory and find a deserted corner, Fatty Yu's voice suddenly came from the bed.

"Xiao Xingzi, why have you been shitting for so long? Let me tell you, it's not good to wake up in the middle of the night! You are so young, how come your kidneys are like this..."

Su Xing was startled when she heard Fatty Yu's voice. Is this guy still awake?

Will not be found out?
Su Xing stared closely at Fatty Yu on the bed, but seeing him turn over and continue snoring to sleep, Su Xing heaved a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, is this fat man just talking in his sleep?"

Su Xing carefully exited the dormitory.

After re-entering the blessed land of Lingtian, Su Xing continued to start the liver elixir.

He practiced alchemy day and night, and when he woke up and was tired, he meditated for an hour or two, and his energy became vigorous again.

Immortal cultivators are good at this, super capable liver!

Soon, a week passed, and Su Xing was going to send Jin Congxue the elixir, and bring back some energy by the way.

Just as he was about to go out, Su Xing received a text message from Jin Congxue in advance.

"Brother Su Xing, my sister has something to do today, so I can't have dinner with you face to face. Just go to the room of the villa and find the butler. He will give you the goods for this week."

Su Xing froze for a moment after seeing this text message, and replied:
"What are you doing? (Doubt.jpg)"

Jin Congxue replied instantly: "What? Are you still afraid that your sister has a wild man outside? (Naughty.jpg)"


Jin Congxue finally said: "Forget it, I won't tease you anymore! Didn't you ask me to help you get a high-quality sword weapon last time?"

"Guess what? It's really lucky for you boy! Aotian Chamber of Commerce just has a legendary sword weapon to be auctioned. I plan to go there to see if I can use my relationship to buy it in advance. If I can't buy it, You have to spend money on it!"

Just as Su Xing was about to reply, Jin Congxue replied again:
"Legendary weapons, these are not common! There are only a few of them circulating in the market every month. They cannot be bought with money. Most of them are bartered..."

"Don't worry, my sister is fully prepared this time, and I promise to bring you back this legendary weapon!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after seeing Jin Congxue's text message. It is true that high-level equipment, weapons or props will generally not flow into the market, let alone be auctioned in the public circle.

After all, this thing is too precious. If we really measure it in terms of money, billions or tens of billions may not be enough.

So bartering is the most common method.

What equipment do you lack today, I happen to have this equipment, and then you happen to have the props you need, the value is similar, so just change it.

This most primitive way of trading, on the contrary, will protect the large market order between ordinary people and low-level professionals.

As for the business owners with hundreds of billions or trillions of net worth, in Jin Congxue's words, this is just a ticket to enter that circle.

Thinking of this, Su Xing quickly replied with a thankful expression, and chatted with Jin Congxue for a while.

After that, Su Xing went to the villa not far from the school, and after handing over the pill to the housekeeper, Su Xing brought back a new batch of goods.

In Lingtian Paradise, Su Xing exchanged the newly obtained goods for energy.

Su Xing's luck is good. This week's equipment and dungeon items are worth nearly ten million points. It is conceivable that as the Tarot Chamber of Commerce continues to grow, it will provide more and more energy for Su Xing.

After waking up and exchanging goods for energy, I am ready to start the simulation.

On the afternoon of April 2024, 4 in the new era, Awakening started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 3200 energy points, leaving 1917 energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing rubbed his hands and said silently in his mind, "Blessed by the Blessed Xuanhuang Heavenly Lord". The purple talents that Su Xing drew in the first two times were not very good. This time Su Xing wanted to draw a better talent.

"Draw the purple talent!"

Soon, a pleasant sound came from Su Xing's ears.

[Ding, congratulations on obtaining the purple talent, Dan Dao wizard! 】

(End of this chapter)

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