Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 111: Talented Alchemy Wizard, the Mystery of the Divine Power Realm!

Chapter 111: Talented Alchemy Wizard, the Mystery of the Divine Power Realm!
"Alchemy genius? Could it be a talent related to alchemy!?"

Su Xing had a look of excitement on his face.

I'm really hungry and want some milk!

What Su Xing wants most now is to refine the supernatural power pill!

I originally thought that I would need to go through many simulations of trial and error, and finally bring out the alchemy experience of the Divine Power Pill with the help of my epiphany talent. Unexpectedly, I have now picked up an alchemy-type talent.

"Perhaps, there is no need to wait any longer. With this talent, I will be able to refine the divine power pill soon!"

Su Xing couldn't wait to see the effects of the Alchemy Wizard's talent.

[Wizard of Alchemy]: You are born with extraordinary sensitivity in alchemy. You are very talented in grasping the amount of medicinal materials, the temperature of alchemy, and the timing, and you will learn new alchemy faster.

After seeing the effect of Dan Dao Wizards, Su Xing's eyes brightened.

The content of this talent is the same as what he thought, but he doesn't know how big the improvement effect is?

"If I remember correctly, I drew a green gifted swordsman before... all of them use the adjective "wizard", but the purple talent should be better, right?"

Su Xing thought with some uncertainty and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You start to think about the talent you have drawn, the Wizard of Alchemy. In order to verify the effect of this talent, you decide to refine a few batches of pills. 】

[Sure enough, you find that you can make alchemy faster!Regarding the control of the heat and the timing of refining the elixir, you will always have a premonition in your heart, and you feel that you have a magical intuition - this is how the elixir should be refined! 】

[In the next week, you spent all your time in alchemy, and you found that even those alchemy formulas you were familiar with, your refining speed had increased by nearly [-]%, and you even vaguely felt that this speed was not enough. Room for improvement. 】

[So you start refining alchemy day and night, constantly familiar with your alchemy talent, and use your talent more skillfully. 】

[Soon, a month has passed, and today, you are going to the Luotian Conference dungeon. 】

[You made a reservation one month in advance, and now you finally have a place. Under the watchful eyes of the person in charge of the dungeon, you stepped into the dungeon of the Luotian Conference. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for two hours!"

[Ding, you have successfully used the immersive simulation, consuming 20 energy points, the simulation time is 2 hours, and the remaining energy is 1887 points.]

A white light flashed before Su Xing's eyes, and his vision suddenly changed, and he soon appeared in the Luotian Conference copy.

"Good disciple! Go and invite Master Shennong here! Your Master Shennong lives in seclusion in the back mountains, but he is also one of the best monks in our Luotian Sect's spiritual cultivation lineage. If you have any questions, you may want to ask him for advice. "

There was a thunderous shout in the awakened ear.

Su Xing took a closer look, only to find that the person in front of him was no longer the previous master, Elder Che, but a middle-aged monk who was as strong as an ox, full of powerful aura, and with two scars on his face.

Su Xing recalled the memory in his mind, the name of the man in front of him was Niu Rulie!

His identity is the great elder of Luotian Sect!
The master of Luo Tianzong's Body Refining Peak, the strongest among the elders!
And this time Su Xing's identity in the dungeon of the Luotian Conference has also changed, it is no longer the disciple of an ordinary elder before, but the direct disciple of the great elder in front of him!

"Yes, Master!"

Su Xing verbally agreed, but his body did not act.

Niu Rulie frowned slightly when he saw that he was awake, scratched his smooth head, and said doubtfully:
"Xiao Chuan, why don't you go to Master Shen Nong?"

Su Xing bowed first after listening, and then asked:

"Master, I have some doubts about body training and I want to ask you about the realm of divine power..."

After hearing this, Niu Rulie flashed a bright light in his eyes and said:

"Hahaha, good disciple! As expected of me, Luo Tianzong Tianjiao! I'm less than a hundred years old, and I'm about to break through to the realm of divine power?"

"Ahem, you go and invite Uncle Shennong here first. As for your cultivation problems, it's not too late to ask me for advice later!"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this and turned around to find Shennong Youtian.

Su Xing was thinking all the way.

With the improvement of his strength, it is clear that the identity of "Luo Xiaochuan" has changed again this time.

He became a disciple of the Great Elder Niu Rulie.

Niu Rulie, on the other hand, is a strong monk who has gone to the extreme in body training.

Originally, when he woke up, he planned to ask Shennong Arita about his doubts about the divine power realm, but now, he obviously has a better questioner.

"Who is this Luo Xiaochuan? What is his original identity?"

Doubts arose in Su Xing's heart, then he shook his head slightly and walked towards the back mountain.

Soon, Su woke up and arrived beside Shennong Arita.

Shennong Youtian was standing in the center of the spiritual field at this time, casting seals and casting spells in his hands, and saw a large area of ​​the spiritual field rolling like an earth dragon turning over.

There is also a spirit beast that is as thick as a python, but looks like an earthworm, constantly rolling in the spiritual field.

"This is me, what plot is triggered?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and then he stood outside the spiritual field and waited quietly without saying anything.

After a while, Shennong Arita finished casting the spell and walked towards Waxing.

"Master Nephew Luo, I've been waiting for a long time. Was it your master who called me here?"

Shennong Arita smiled and said to Su Xing.

Su Xing nodded, and the two rushed towards the Luotian Conference.

On the way, Su Xing asked out the doubts in his heart:
"Uncle Shennong, what kind of spell did you cast just now?"

Shen Nong Arita smiled and said:

"It's the earth dragon technique passed down from my ancestors. I use it to farm and make the spiritual fields more fertile!"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and his thoughts kept churning.

Earth Dragon Technique! ?

Isn't this one of the spells recorded in "Shen Nong Nurturing Spiritual Art"?Why does the Uncle Shennong in front of me know?
And the name of Uncle Shen Nong...

For a time, Su Xing's heart was full of thoughts.

At the beginning, he woke up and did not connect Shennong Arita with Shennong's Nurturing Spiritual Art. Although the names are similar, he got one from his master Qingyunzi after all, and here is Luotianzong, which is very different from Qingyunzong...

But at this moment, Su Xing had to connect it.

Thinking about it carefully, Su Xing still couldn't figure it out.

"Uncle Shennong, could it be that the method passed down from your ancestors is the Shennong Spiritual Cultivation Technique?" Su Xing asked directly.

Shennong Arita was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said:
"The things that my ancestors handed down are all farming things. How can there be such an imposing name...Shen Nong Nurturing Spiritual Art, this name is really not bad!"

After Su Xing saw that Shennong Arita had denied it, he frowned slightly and thought to himself:

"It seems that we can only explore it in the future. The two may be related, but it is not clear now..."

Soon, Su Xing sent Shennong Arita to the Luotian Conference.

Then he woke up and stood beside his master Niu Rulie and returned to his command.

Niu Rulie nodded satisfied with Su Xing, and said with a smile on his face:
"Good disciple, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask! My master just gave you some advice today!"

Su Xing was overjoyed when he heard the words, and asked out the doubts in his heart:

"Master, what is the difference between the Divine Power Realm and the Yuan Martial Realm? How can the Yuan Martial Realm break through to the Divine Power Realm better?"

Niu Rulie laughed when he heard the words, and said very boldly:
"My dear student, the Yuanwu realm is the stage of mastering vitality, and it is also a sign that the road of body training has embarked on a journey. At this stage, compared with the refinement stage, both vigor and physique have greatly increased, but the most useful It is the mastery of Yuanli, if you have mastered enough Yuanli during this period, it will be of infinite use in the future!"

After a pause, Niu Rulie continued:

"However, cultivators in the divine power realm are the beginning of our body-refining cultivators' strength! Before the divine power realm, body-refining cultivators and Qi-refining cultivators had their strengths and weaknesses. When cultivating qi training monks who do not use the method, they will also fall into a disadvantage."

"But the realm of divine power is the beginning of a body-refining cultivator truly breaking through all spells!"

"Because as long as a monk in the Yuanwu realm breaks through the realm of divine power, his strength will be doubled directly! A monk in the Yuanwu realm with a strength of one million catties will directly soar to two million catties! A monk with a superior divine power of three million catties can soar to 200 catties in strength. Ten thousand catties!"

After Su Xing heard this, there was a touch of shock in his eyes, the divine power realm, so it is like this, as long as the breakthrough is made, the power will be doubled directly!
Niu Rulie saw the shock in Su Xing's eyes clearly, but smiled lightly and said:

"Good boy, this is just the beginning!"

"The realm of divine power is not just as simple as doubling the power! At the ninth level of divine power, each level's power will be increased by [-]%! When the realm of divine power reaches perfection, the power will be ten times that of a monk at the first level of divine power!"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

The Divine Power Realm is perfect, and the power is ten times stronger than when it first entered the Divine Power Realm! ?

If you do this calculation... Now the initial strength of awakening is 500 million catties, then it will be 1000 million catties when you reach the realm of divine power!
Ten times... [-] million catties! ?
In other words, a giant force of [-] tons!
This is equivalent to saying that relying on pure physical strength, one can lift an aircraft carrier!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a real power to move mountains and fill seas, right?

If this punch hits someone... Hiss, who can bear it?
At the moment of waking up, his eyes kept turning, with a look of excitement in them.

Niu Rulie saw the enthusiasm in Su Xing's eyes clearly, but said:
"Hahaha, good apprentice! It's not just that!"

"Divine Power Realm is a special realm! In this realm, no matter how fast your cultivation base improves, or whether your foundation is solid or not, the increase in strength is fixed, ten times!"

"So, this shows the importance of having a solid foundation at the Yuanwu Realm! The stronger the Yuanwu Realm, the stronger he will be at the Divine Power Realm! The strong get stronger, and the weak get weaker!"

"When you are in the Yuanwu realm, you must try your best to make your own strength perfect, so that you can burst out with greater potential when you are in the divine power realm!"

Su Xing nodded when he heard the words. It can be regarded as the breakthrough of Yuanwu Realm and the improvement of Divine Power Realm. When reaching Yuanwu Realm Great Perfection, the strength increase will be astonishing twenty times!
Therefore, the greater the strength and the stronger the foundation at the Yuanwu state, the stronger it will be in the future, this is the reason!
Thinking of this, Su Xing was a little confused and said:
"Master, how can we consider the cultivation of Yuanwu realm to be complete?"

After hearing the words, Niu Rulie thought for a while and said:

"Yuan Wujing monks are generally divided into three classes."

"Inferior Yuan Wu Realm Great Perfection, with a strength of one million catties, seven or eight out of ten cultivators are like this."

"Medium Yuan Martial Realm Great Perfection, with a strength of 200 million catties, among the body cultivators, one or two out of ten can achieve it."

"The first-class Yuanwu Realm is perfect, with a strength of 300 million catties. Among a hundred body cultivators, there are only one or two who can cultivate this divine power..."

"If you can break through from a high-level Yuanwu realm monk to a divine power realm, then your final strength can even reach 6000 million catties! Shattering mountains and rivers with one punch is no problem!"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and blurted out:
"Then what if the strength is 500 million catties?"

Niu Rulie laughed and said:

"Fool, don't be kidding me!"

"When I was in the Yuanwu Realm, I beat a group of monks. I was the No. 1 body refiner under the age of 400 in the Luo Tianjie, and my strength was only 8000 million catties. When I broke through to the Great Perfection of the Divine Power Realm, I had a strength of 1 million catties, which can be called the Luo Tianjie. No.[-] in ten thousand years!"

When Niu Rulie said this, with a look of pride on his face, he said:

"Being a teacher doesn't require you to be as strong as me, as long as you have a strength of 350 million catties, you don't lose face as a teacher..."

After Su Xing heard Niu Rulie's words, a strange look appeared on his face, his strength was 350 million catties, which he had already reached!
But he is already 500 million catties now, and there is even the possibility of continuing to grow... Isn't this normal?
So he woke up and asked unwillingly:

"Master, is it true that there is no one with a strength of 500 million catties, but someone who breaks the realm of divine strength?"

Niu Rulie thought about it, and then said:

"I once heard that in ancient times, there was a clan named Wu. The people of the Wu clan were born with supernatural powers and strong bodies. The average height of the Wu clan people is more than ten meters, and the giants of the Wu clan are even more than [-] meters tall. !"

"This witch clan is also rumored to be the origin of the way of body training..."

"Among them, if the Wu Clan reaches the Great Perfection of the Yuanwu Realm, their strength may reach five million catties, and what's more, they will have a strength of tens of millions of catties... and the reason why they can achieve such strength is because they were born to eat demons. The flesh of beasts and the essence of flesh-eating flesh, we in Luotian Realm do not have these, so we are weaker than them... Of course, this is just a legend..."

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he heard this.

In ancient times, the power of the witch clan was tens of thousands of catties...the essence of the flesh and blood of demon-eating beasts...what is the connection between these monsters and the monsters in the Yaozhen pass?
Su Xing finished digesting Niu Rulie's knowledge, and finally asked:
"Master, how do you break through from Yuanwu Realm to Divine Power Realm?"

Niu Rulie laughed and said:

"Yuanwu realm monks, I wish I could stay in the current realm for a few more years! This way, the upper limit of the future will be higher, why are you still thinking about breaking through?"

"Generally speaking, Yuan Wujing Dzogchen monks who cannot increase their strength may take the Divine Power Pill to break through, because when there is no increase, they are already at the limit of their physical body..."

Su Xing was thoughtful after hearing Niu Rulie's words.

Soon, the immersive simulation ends and the person wakes up and returns to the real world.

Su Xing muttered thoughtfully:
"In the realm of Yuanwu Realm, the longer you stay, the more beneficial it is?"

"Ordinary monks in Yuanwu Realm have a lifespan of only 500 years...how long can they stay?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, and looked at the simulation panel again.

【You left the dungeon of the Luo Tian Conference with a lot of emotion in your heart. 】

[In the next few months, you still try to find your own limit, but you have no choice but to find that after losing the essence of monster flesh and blood, the improvement of your physical strength becomes slower. 】

【When you were disappointed, Wang Qingxuan found you, and after one night, you joined the Adventist Cult. 】

[You exposed your strength and alchemy talent to the Adventist Sect, and successfully joined Luo Shuying's faction. 】

(End of this chapter)

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