Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 112 4th grade Nascent Soul, Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen Cultivation!

Chapter 112 Fourth-class Nascent Soul, Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen Cultivation!
[You directly stated your purpose to Luo Shuying, and uttered the code word and request. 】

【Luo Shuying believed you. She used her contribution points to help you exchange for many elixir. 】

[In the next six months, you will complete the alchemy task assigned to you by the higher-ups of Advent Sect every month, refining [-] elixirs every month, but secretly embezzle more medicinal materials. 】

[After half a year, you became an elder of the Adventist Church, and you have a more free identity. In addition to alchemy, you put more energy on your own practice every day. 】

[In the second year, you mastered the principles of the Small Spirit Gathering Array and put the Spirit Gathering Flower into the Small Spirit Gathering Array to increase the speed of your practice. 】

[You have opened a secret room near the spirit gathering array, practice in the secret room every day, swallow the Dragon Spirit Pill to increase the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, your cultivation base is improving day by day. 】

[During this year, Luo Shuying cooperated with you and evacuated most of the medicinal materials of the Advent Sect. You have sufficient medicinal materials to make alchemy in the next few years. 】

[In the third year, you think the time is right and plan to take Luo Shuying to defect from the Adventist Church. 】

[You contacted Lu Yuanwu through Jin Congxue in advance, and gave him tens of thousands of Yangyuan Pills to gain his trust, and asked the high-level officials of Daxia to siege and kill the Advent Cult protectors and elders who were going to pursue them. 】

[The senior officials of Daxia believed in you and decided to dispatch three Martial Emperor-level experts and a Legend-level expert to cooperate with you. 】

[You are very confident about this. With the help of these strong men and Luo Shuying, you will definitely be able to kill all the strong men who are chasing you. 】

[Of course, this is not your ultimate goal. Your goal is to take this opportunity to get rid of Zong Laogou and inherit Zong Laogou's legacy of cultivating immortality! 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he shouted calmly.

"There is a legendary powerhouse, three Martial Emperor powerhouses, Zong Laogou, let me see where you are going this time!"

Su Xing's heart is a little excited, if he can really kill Zong Laogou, then he will definitely inherit the legacy of Zong Laogou!

Su Xing clenched his fists and murmured:

"I want all the immortal cultivation techniques, secret books, elixirs, materials and treasures from heaven and earth!"

Wake up and then go down the simulation.

[At the appointed time, you and Luo Shuying met, secretly spread the word, and announced your rebellion against Adventism. 】

[As expected, the Advent sect sent out three guardians and more than ten elders to hunt you down. 】

[You have successfully waited for the powerful Daxia who came to meet them, and launched a counter-siege against the elders of these people. 】

[You alone killed several Advent Cult elders, while the remaining three guardians of the Advent Cult were successfully killed by Luo Shuying and the strong Daxia. 】

[For a time, the Advent Sect’s overall strength suffered heavy losses. 】

[But what you didn't expect is that Zong Laogou didn't participate in this operation, and he escaped successfully. 】

【Although you feel a little regretful, you have no choice but to rush to Daxia Capital with Luo Shuying. 】

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"How could it be? It was clear that Zong Laogou came to hunt him last time...why did Zong Laogou not fall into the trap this time after I prepared an ambush in advance?"

"Could it be that the senior management of Daxia leaked the news, and the old dog Zong knew about it in advance?"

Su Xing then shook his head slightly. If the news really leaked out, not only would the old dog of the sect not come, but even these guardians would not come to hunt him down...or the Advent Sect would just send stronger people and that would be the end of it.

"It's probably because the news was leaked, so why didn't Zong Laogou come? Could it be that Zong Laogou has the ability to predict the future? Or maybe... the steps in my simulation this time were a little different from before?"

After waking up for a while, I couldn't figure it out.

But the matter of the unknown prophet is too unimaginable, perhaps only the rumored immortal can do it, and it is impossible for ordinary monks to do this.

Therefore, Su Xing is actually more inclined that something went wrong in the simulation this time.

After all, although the simulation is a simulation of the future trajectory, Su Xing cannot control every detail, and there is still a slight gap between it and personal participation.

"Forget it, it's just that the old dog can't be killed for the time being, let him live a little longer..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, and then looked at the simulation panel.

[After returning to the capital, you started to refine pills, because of the addition of alchemy talents, your alchemy skills and efficiency gradually improved. 】

[You refine the elixir for four hours every day, and during the remaining time you practice hard in the underground secret room of Lingtian Paradise. 】

[In one year, you have refined 1 Yuanyang Pills and Viscera Refining Pills, adding more than [-] master-level powerhouses to the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

[In the fourth year, you continue to ensure the length of your practice, because you find that after your cultivation reaches the late Nascent Soul stage, the improvement of your realm becomes slower and slower. 】

[So you decided to work hard for a year to refine the elixirs needed by Daxia Kingdom and Luo Shuying in advance, so that you can practice in seclusion with peace of mind in the following time. 】

[It took you a year to refine 10,000+ pills, adding tens of thousands of master-level powerhouses to the Great Xia Kingdom. In this year, the number of master-level powerhouses in the Great Xia Kingdom exceeded 7 million people. 】

[In the same year, you ordered people to help you search for elixirs in Daxia's treasure house. In addition to Yangyuan grass and Huangxianjing, you also asked them to help you find some rare medicinal materials. 】

[Because of your contributions to the human race in the past two years, you have been regarded as the hero of the Great Xia Kingdom and the hero of the entire human race. 】

[And because of your existence, the Tarot Society has become the leading chamber of commerce in the entire Daxia Kingdom. You don’t care about this, but the expansion of the Tarot Chamber of Commerce is beneficial to you. You let the people of the Tarot Chamber of Commerce help you. You collect more elixirs and treasures related to the world of immortality. 】

[In the fifth year, you refined all the medicinal materials in the Great Xia Treasure House, and added thousands of master-level powerhouses to the human race. 】

[At the same time, you also refined thousands of Dragon Spirit Pills and Yuanwu Pills, and you left thousands of Dragon Spirit Pills and hundreds of Yuanwu Pills for your own use, and you contributed all the rest of the pills to the Great Xia Army square. 】

[Because of your help, Great Xia Kingdom has hundreds more Heavenly King-level professionals. 】

[In the rest of the time, you refined a lot of Concentration Pills, and gave Luo Shuying the Concentration Pills to help her and the Spirit Race break through their strength. 】

[In the sixth year, with your help, Luo Shuying successfully promoted to a legendary powerhouse. 】

[You then spent half a year refining a batch of healing pills. After doing all this, you began to practice hard. 】

[In the seventh year, you spent half a year in seclusion and practiced underground every day. You felt that you were getting closer and closer to the eighth level of Nascent Soul. 】

[In the eighth year, under continuous retreat, you finally succeeded in breaking through the eighth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, and your cultivation has gone a step further! 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

The improvement of Nascent Soul's later cultivation level was more difficult than he imagined.

Excluding the two and a half years spent on elixir refining, it took him almost six years of practice before he was promoted from the seventh level of the Nascent Soul stage to the eighth level of the Nascent Soul stage.

At this rate, he may reach the perfection of the Nascent Soul Stage in this simulation. Of course, this is only with good luck.

But if you are unlucky, you may even be able to cultivate to the ninth level of Nascent Soul...

"I hope I can successfully break through to the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen..."

Su Xing prayed silently in his heart and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the ninth year, you meditate and practice every day, crazily absorbing the amount of spiritual energy around you, and taking Long Lingdan to increase your absorption rate of spiritual energy. 】

[But the journey of cultivation is against the sky. In the late stage of Yuanying, it is difficult for ordinary monks to break through a small realm for decades. Although you have true spiritual roots and your cultivation speed is amazing, you want to break through a small realm within a few years , is still extremely difficult. 】

[And the more difficult it is to break through, the more impatient your mentality will be, which will affect the speed of cultivation, such a vicious circle. 】

[So in desperation, you began to look for other methods. You took out the ancient book of Lihuo Alchemy, hoping to find a formula to improve the speed of practice. 】

[After several days of checking, I didn’t expect you to find out the clues. 】

[There is a kind of elixir called Bright Mirror Pill, which can improve the monk's state of mind and reach an ethereal state during cultivation, thus effectively improving the efficiency of cultivation. 】

[This Bright Mirror Pill is a low-grade pill, and it is not complicated to refine. The refined medicinal material Bright Mirror Grass is also relatively common, and it is available in the treasury of the Adventist Sect. 】

[What makes you even more surprised is that when you were flipping through the elixirs, you found that there was a kind of elixir called Infant Training Pill recorded in the book, and there were several rumors attached to it. 】

[This Infant Forging Pill can improve the quality of the Nascent Soul. After breaking through to the Divine Transformation Stage, it can make the path to immortality go further and increase the spiritual energy content in the Dantian. 】

[It is recorded in the book that Yuanying is divided into three levels: lower, middle and upper. Above the third level, there is a perfect Yuanying. The only pity is that this elixir is missing the most critical main ingredient and you cannot refine it. 】

Su Xing saw this slight frown, the speed of Nascent Soul's cultivation was much slower than he imagined, if there was Mingjing Pill, it might be able to improve.

But what about the fourth level of Nascent Soul?Could it be that Nascent Soul is also divided into high and low?
But even so, if I don't have the elixir recipe, how can I refine this Infant Training elixir and how can I achieve the perfect Innocent Soul?
Su Xing felt a little sore for a moment. After hesitating for a moment, Su Xing could only sigh:

"Forget it, let's work hard to improve our cultivation to Nascent Soul Dzogchen first. Next time we go to the Luotian Conference, we can ask what happened to these fourth-level Nascent Souls..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, and looked at the simulation panel again.

[Next, you spent half a year successfully learning the Mirror Pill and refining several hundred of it. 】

[You start to swallow Mingjing Dan and continue to practice, you find that the effect of Mingjing Dan is outstanding, after taking it, your mind will become ethereal, the whole person will become more quiet, you can practice more attentively, and your cultivation speed will generally increase Thirty percent. 】

[In the next few months, you took Mingjing Pill every day, but you finally discovered the side effects of this pill, that is, if you take it for many times in a row, it is easy to become lazy from mind like a mirror and practice with peace of mind. In sage time, nothing matters. 】

[In desperation, you reduced the frequency of swallowing the Mirror Pills. After taking a few pills, you stopped for a day or two. Your overall cultivation speed increased by about [-]%. 】

[Even so, you are very satisfied. For low-grade pills, it is not easy to increase the speed of cultivation by [-]%. This speed is enough for you. 】

[In the tenth year, you are still practicing every day, because you have taken the Mingjing Pill, your mind is calm, and you don’t know how long you have been practicing. 】【No. 11, the bad news that the supply was cut off came from the front line of Zhenyao Pass, and the military was in a panic. You promptly took out the Bigu Pill and Healing Pill that you had refined in advance to save the crisis. 】

[No. 12 years, a year of hard training, you feel good, the buff effect of Mingjing Pill on you is still excellent, you are getting closer and closer to the ninth stage of Nascent Soul Stage. 】

[No. In 13 years, your Ming Jing Dan has been used up, so you re-refined a new batch of Ming Jing Dan. 】

【No. In 14 years, your cultivation has finally broken through. You have become a Nascent Soul Ninth Layer cultivator. You are only one step away from reaching the end of the Nascent Soul Stage and becoming a Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk! 】

[The time to break through to the Ninth Layer of the Nascent Soul is two years earlier than you expected. After a little calculation, you think that the remaining time is enough for you to break through to the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul. 】

[So you set aside an hour or two every day to prepare the magic pill, hoping to try your luck to trigger an epiphany and successfully learn the magic pill. 】

[No. 15, this year, you did not trigger the epiphany, but because you are a wizard of alchemy, you learned the magic pill quickly, and you gradually began to scratch the surface of the magic pill. 】

[In No. 16, as you continue to practice, the spiritual power in your body becomes stronger and stronger, and you feel that you are getting closer and closer to the Great Consummation of the Nascent Soul Stage. 】

[This year, Luo Shuying's hometown was invaded by aliens. Thousands of people from the spiritual tribe came to Blue Star Daxia Kingdom and joined the battlefield of Zhenyao Pass to jointly resist the invasion of aliens. 】

[No. 17 is another boring year of cultivation. Your cultivation is still at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul stage. 】

[No. 18 years, several consecutive years of refining have exhausted your divine power vines. Even with the blessing of alchemy wizard talent, you have barely refined some defective divine power pills. Refining barely entered the entry level. 】

[But you didn't choose to take the defective Divine Power Pill, because you are still not satisfied with the current strength of the Yuanwu Realm, and you think that your strength can be further improved, so you don't want to do this thing that drains your potential. 】

[But the divine power pills are hard-won, and you don’t want to waste them, so you hand over the dozens of refined divine power pills to the Daxia military, hoping to contribute to the strength of the human race. 】

[No. In 19 years, you are still in the ninth stage of the Nascent Soul stage, but you feel that you are getting closer to the Nascent Soul Dzogchen. 】

[No. 20, what you didn’t expect was that the divine power pill was actually very effective on the king-level powerhouses. The divine power pills you gave were distributed to three king-level powerhouses. Unexpectedly, after taking it, one of them The Heavenly King-level powerhouse successfully completed the promotion and became the Martial Emperor-level powerhouse. 】

Su Xing was overjoyed when he saw this, unexpectedly found a kind of elixir that can help professionals improve their strength.

"The Divine Power Pill can enhance the strength of a Heavenly King-level powerhouse. It should be of great help to power-based professionals. After taking it, the strength will be further improved, thus breaking through to a Martial King-level powerhouse, right?"

Su Xing murmured slightly.

This is definitely good news for him, because it means that Su Xing officially has the ability to help the human race create Martial Emperor-level powerhouses.

Although Su Xing has not yet learned how to refine the divine power pill, and the number of divine power vines is limited, Su Xing has to take the refined elixir himself.

But when the divine power pills are no longer needed after waking up, these pills can be used to enhance the strength of the heavenly king-level powerhouse, thus creating a martial emperor-level powerhouse.

Even if only a dozen Martial Emperor-level powerhouses are created, their role on the battlefield may be no less than hundreds of Heavenly King-level powerhouses, and the strength of the human race will be greatly improved by then.

"This is really good news, but for now, let's work hard to break through the divine power realm..."

After waking up to calm himself down, he looked at the simulation panel again.

【No. In the year of 20, you continue to practice hard, and the spiritual power in your body becomes stronger and stronger. 】

[No. In the second year of 20, the human race encountered setbacks in the Zhenyao Pass, and the situation in the Zhenyao Pass became bad. 】

[You feel more urgent, so you practice harder. 】

[No. In the third year of No. 20, your cultivation finally broke through and you became a Dzogchen monk in the Nascent Soul stage! 】

[After breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, you feel that your strength has reached a bottleneck, and you decide to spend the last few years to experience life well. 】

【No. In the four years of No. 20, the human race in Zhenyaoguan suffered heavy losses and was on the verge of collapse. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 20, the Demon-Suppressing Pass was completely breached, and hundreds of thousands of Daxia soldiers died in the pass. 】

[In the same year, a strange beast descended and swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one gulp. 】

[One second before death, you raised your middle finger at the giant beast. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated...】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief.

In any case, my goal in this simulation was finally achieved, and I achieved great perfection in the Nascent Soul stage!

As long as you go one step further, you will be able to reach the stage of transforming gods!

Thinking of this, Su Xing had a cheerful look on his face and murmured:

"Old dog Zong, just wait, you are not far from death..."

The practice of Dzogchen in the Nascent Soul Stage is much more difficult than Su Xing imagined, perhaps because of the essence of the demon emperor's flesh and blood, Su Xing didn't feel so strenuous when he was in the Yuan Wu Realm.

Su Xing closed his eyes and meditated carefully, carefully summarizing the experience of replaying this simulation.

The first is the breakthrough of Divine Power Pill and Divine Power Realm!

"With my current physical strength, it is far from reaching the limit. Before breaking through the divine power realm, I should make my strength stronger, so that I can maximize my potential..."

"With enough essence of the demon emperor's flesh and blood, maybe my strength can reach 600 million catties, or maybe even higher..."

There is some expectation in Su Xing's heart, because the stronger the power of the Yuanwu Realm, the greater the increase in the Divine Power Realm.

Every time the strength increases by 100 million kilograms, when it reaches the perfection of the divine power realm, the increase is twenty times, which is a strength gap of 2000 million kilograms!
It is not an exaggeration to say that the difference is a thousand miles away!
"Secondly, after the Dzogchen cultivation of the Nascent Soul stage, the fourth-level Nascent Soul matter must be clarified, otherwise it may affect your future path..."

For awakening, there is no shortage of time. Let alone the fourth-level Nascent Soul, even the eighth-level Nascent Soul and the sixteenth-level Nascent Soul are just a matter of simulating a few more times.

And the stronger the foundation is laid, the farther the road after awakening can go. After all, the goal of awakening is not a small stage of transformation into a god, but an immortal!

Even a higher realm.

"This alchemy wizard talent is not bad. Although the bonus is not subversive, it can improve my alchemy speed and alchemy rate... and it is very helpful in learning new pills. It is a good auxiliary talent. !”

In the previous simulation, Su Xing had not even started refining the divine power pill, but in this simulation, he had barely reached the entry level without triggering the epiphany, which was considered a very good bonus.

Su Xing looked at the simulated reward selection in front of him.

[Alchemy Wizard]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[Yuanying Stage Dzogchen]: Qi refining practice, the ancestor of Yuanying, was only one step away from entering the realm of transforming gods, and the price is 300 million energy points.

[25 years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, a small increase in experience in elixirs that have been learned, newly learned Mingjing Dan (small success), and Shenli Dan (entry level), priced at 150 million energy.

[Mastering the principle of small gathering spirit array]: The price is 5000 energy.

In this simulation, the goal of awakening is very clear, that is, to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, so there are a lot of reward options left for awakening.

Looking at the four rewards in front of him, Su Xing had nothing to hesitate and said directly:

"I choose the alchemy genius talent, and the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen cultivation base!"

There is nothing to say about the talent of Pill Dao Wizards. The bonus of this thing is really good. With this talent, alchemy will be much more convenient after awakening. It can be said that it is a must.

Apart from that, the only thing that may be entangled is the alchemy experience and the Dzogchen cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage.

In this simulation, Su Xing succeeded in refining the Divine Power Pill, but he is still far from the Xiaocheng level. Su Xing conservatively estimates that at this speed, it will take two or three simulations to reach the Xiaocheng level. That is, the level that is useful to oneself.

But Su Xing did not intend to choose alchemy experience.

Because the speed is too slow!In case of waking up next time, if you are lucky and directly trigger epiphany next time, wouldn't you be able to directly obtain Xiaocheng-level experience.

Even if it is not triggered, Su Xing can still learn a few more elixirs, such as several low-grade healing elixirs, so as to bring out more alchemy experience at once and be more efficient.

Moreover, it is not easy to improve the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, and Su Xing does not want to spend another 25 years breaking through to the Nascent Soul Stage.

After waking up and making a choice, the simulator's prompt sound came from the ear.

[You have successfully brought out the Dzogchen cultivation base in the Nascent Soul stage, spending 300 million energy, and the remaining energy is 1587 points. 】

[You have successfully brought out the purple talent Dan Dao wizard, spent 100 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 1487 points. 】

After Su Xing made a choice, two mysterious forces fell on Su Xing.

Su Xing first felt that his thoughts of alchemy had become much clearer, and he felt a sense of intimacy when looking at the alchemy furnace in the distance.

This is the purple talent Dan Dao Wizard taking effect.

And in the next second, a powerful cultivation breakthrough burst out from the awakened body.

(Two chapters in one are required for the continuity of the plot. Three chapters will be resumed tomorrow. This number of words will not be included in the charge.)
(End of this chapter)

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