Chapter 113 Legendary Sword, Mo Bing!
"It's about to break through!"

Such thoughts flashed through Su Xing's mind, and then he quickly meditated and adjusted his breath.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's aura rose sharply.

The seventh level of the Nascent Soul... the eighth level of the Nascent Soul... the ninth level of the Nascent Soul!
Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen!

In just one minute, Xing Xing's momentum climbed three levels.

After his cultivation reached the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, Su Xing was not in a hurry to try new cultivation powers, but kept his eyes closed and meditating.

A quarter of an hour later, after Su Xing was fully familiar with this power, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and began to realize the improvement in strength after the sudden increase in cultivation base.

call out!
Su Xing's heart twitched, and a ball of flame appeared in his hand, which was the supernatural power from fire technique.

Su Xing controlled the flame to keep jumping in his hand.

From a weak fire to a fierce fire, Su Xing kept experimenting.

After a while, Su Xing put away the Lihuo magical power in his hand with satisfaction and murmured:
"That's right, after being upgraded to the Nascent Soul stage, the strength of the spiritual power in the body has nearly doubled! And the quality of the spiritual power has also improved!"

"Even if I maintain the Lihuo technique, I don't feel tired all day and night now..."

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

The improvement of cultivation level, besides the leap in strength for Su Xing, is more important...Su Xing can make alchemy more continuously and efficiently!

After all, for Su Xing, alchemy is the greatest use of spiritual power.

"The Nascent Soul stage is complete, this is the expected cultivation level... I just don't know how effective this Alchemy Dao wizard will be in practice?"

After the simulation is over, wake up and start daily refining pills.

The road to practice is long and boring, so Su Xing must be patient and refine enough pills every week, so that his strength will improve faster!

"Thinking back half a year ago, I was just a monk in the Qi refining period, equivalent to a bronze-level professional... I didn't expect that half a year later, I would become the ancestor of Yuanying directly! I am almost close to the strength of the Martial Emperor!"

While refining alchemy, Su Xing couldn't help but think wildly, and the rapid increase in strength made Su Xing couldn't help but drift.

"Damn it! If the fire is not controlled properly, this furnace pill will be destroyed!"

It wasn't until Su Xing saw the mass of black matter in the alchemy furnace that black lines hung on Su Xing's face.

He was already familiar with the refining of this beauty pill, but he didn't expect that today he was distracted and overturned.

"Damn it, you still can't float! Hold on to the waves and wake up!"

Su Xing muttered a few times in his heart, and began to pour chicken soup on himself to adjust his mentality.

Then continue alchemy.

In just one week, Su Xing refined nearly [-] pills!

This is the speed of alchemy that Su Xing could achieve all day and night in the past, but now Su Xing can do it in only ten hours of refining.

The efficiency has indeed improved a lot, so that when he wakes up, he will have two more hours of entertainment time.

As for sleeping... For Su Xing, the Yuanying Patriarch, he only meditated for an hour a day, and his energy became full again.

Soon, a week passed.

Su Xing took the elixir this day, and was about to meet Jin Congxue at the villa where he usually went, but received Jin Congxue's news in advance.

"Boss! Come here early today, this girl has prepared a big surprise for you! Do you want to guess what this surprise is?"

Su Xing smiled slightly after seeing Jin Congxue's news, and tried to reply:
"Let me's the high-quality sword weapon I asked you to help me find last time. Did you find it?"

Jin Congxue: "...I'll go, can you tell fortunes? Can you guess this?"

Su Xing: "Hey! Do you want me to help you figure it out, do you count marriage or career line?"

Jin Congxue: "Don't be poor, come here quickly! Otherwise, this girl will throw away this sword! (白眼.jpg)"

Su Xing replied a few words, then hurried towards the villa.

Ten minutes later, Su woke up and went to the room of the villa, and saw Jin Congxue wearing a purple dress with a little makeup on.

Two words, amazing!

As always, Su Xing and Jin Congxue had a meal first.

Then Jin Congxue mysteriously took out a sword box from the storage ring and handed it to Su Xing.

"Come on, open it and take a look!"

Jin Congxue reminded.

Su Xing couldn't wait to open the sword box, and then saw a sword that was as black as ink.

Su Xing took the sword out of the sword case, pulled out the scabbard, and suddenly felt an unbearable throbbing in his heart.

It's as if this sword was born just for him...

Su Xing held the sword in his hand and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

This is not the kind of cold that makes people uncomfortable, but the warmth and coolness that makes people feel calm and comfortable.

"Good sword!"

A gleam flashed in Su Xing's eyes, the sword was in his hand, he seemed to be able to feel the intention of the sword, which made people feel at ease.

Su Xing knew that this was his sword-mad talent coming into play, allowing him to better cooperate with a sword.

Su Xing looked at the hilt of the sword, and saw a piece of black square jade inlaid on the hilt, on which were engraved two dragons and phoenixes in italics.

Mo Bing!

After Su Xing saw these two words, he was stunned for a moment.

"This sword is Mo Bing?!"

Su Xing blurted out, no longer caring about Jin Congxue.

After Jin Congxue saw Su Xing's crazy appearance, he curled his lips and said:
"That's right! Legendary weapon, Mo Bing! This is one of the few good sword weapons produced in the dungeon!"

"Do you know how much effort this girl spent to get this weapon?"

Su Xing was so focused on the sword at this moment that he didn't even hear Jin Congxue's words clearly.

In this world, is there really such a coincidence?

This sword is the weapon that Su Xing obtained in the previous dungeon simulation, worth tens of millions of energy points, but now, by accident, it has returned to Su Xing's hands...

Awakening obtained this sword more than ten years earlier than in the simulator.

"Could it be, is there really a will?"

Su Xing whispered slightly.

At this moment, Mo Bing in Su Xing's hand began to moan softly, seeming to welcome Su Xing as his master.

"What a fine sword!"

Su Xing held Mo Bing in his hand and danced a sword flower, feeling extremely smooth.

Su Xing's sword moves were originally practiced with this Mo Bing sword. Now that Mo Bing is in Su Xing's hands, Su Xing can use it without even needing to break it in.

It is no exaggeration to say that this Mo Bing Sword has at least increased Su Xing's strength by [-]%!
Because "Small Success in Human Sword" is also one of Su Xing's biggest attack reliance now.

After Jin Congxue saw the Mo Bingjian in Su Xing's hand moan softly, he was also shocked and said:
"I didn't expect you to get the approval of this sword so quickly?" "Even for those professional swordsmen, it will take at least several years to get the approval of a sword... I saw it for the first time. The man whose sword is so suitable!"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and said in doubt:

"Get the approval of the sword?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue nodded slightly and said:

"Excalibur has a spirit! Although this ink ice is not a divine weapon, its legendary quality is enough to give birth to a weak spirit."

"And this spirit will continue to grow when getting along with the master..."

"A sword with spiritual meaning will even choose its own owner. If you don't like it, the sword in your hand will even guard against the swordsman. Therefore, whether the sword has the right personality is undoubtedly very critical..."

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's words, he fell in love with Mo Bing in his hand even more. This legendary sword is indeed connected with Su Xing.

Su Xing believes that the sword in his hands can definitely exert its strongest power.

After carrying the sword close to his body, Su Xing chatted with Jin Congxue about business again.

Hand over the elixir refined this week to Jin Congxue, and then get the new week's goods from her.

After Jin Congxue counted the elixirs, he said with surprise in his eyes:

"I refined another six thousand pills... Darling, I really don't know how you did it!"

After Su Xing heard this, he smiled and said nothing, nothing but familiarity.

Su Xing was doing two things at once, refining two furnaces of elixirs at the same time, doubling the elixir refining speed. Coupled with the blessing of his talent, he was refining inferior elixirs.

I can only say, sprinkle water!
Jin Congxue put away the pill, and then said to Su Xing:

"By the way, the copy of the mining area that produced the abnormal metal that you asked me to apply for last time has already begun... The military just came down with two newly mined abnormal metal minerals."

"Most of the applications applied by ordinary chambers of commerce are secondary mining areas, which are mining areas that have been mined by the official for decades and are no longer needed and can be reserved for civilian use..."

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing Jin Congxue's words, and said in doubt:

"In the mining area that has been mined, can the quality of the foreign metal be guaranteed?"

Jin Congxue nodded and said:

"In fact, most of the mining areas that circulate between chambers of commerce have been mined for hundreds of years. This kind of copy of the mining area is extremely inefficient in producing foreign metals...but it is still profitable, and even many chambers of commerce are flocking to it."

"But this kind of military mining area that has been mined for decades is different. Because it has not yet been used by civilians, the number of foreign metals is actually relatively abundant... This can be regarded as the top mining area that ordinary chambers of commerce can receive. gone."

"Of course, this mining area can only mine first- and second-level exotic metals at most. No matter how high-level it is... it will already be under official control."

Woke up and nodded slightly after listening.

He really didn't understand these things. If Su Xing wanted to obtain a large amount of exotic metals from a high-level mining area, he might be able to contact the official and show his own value. Then it would be absolutely easy to obtain a high-level mining area copy.

But in this way, although the speed of gaining energy will soar, it is really too dangerous.

You can already know it by referring to the assassination encountered in the wake-up simulation...

Su Xing would never put himself in danger unless he had absolute self-protection strength.

"In that case, I'll leave it to you...I don't know much about this aspect either." Su Xing said.

Jin Congxue nodded and said:

"Don't worry, things are basically settled. My relationship with the military is very strong!"

"It's just that the approval process is a bit cumbersome. It is expected to take at least four to five months, or even half a year..."

Su Xing nodded after hearing this and said nothing more, but secretly thought to himself:
Damn, can you not be close?Great Xia Wuhuang, the general guarding Zhenyao Pass is your grandfather...

After exchanging a few words with Jin Congxue, Su Xing returned to school and skillfully entered the blessed land of Lingtian.

First, he exchanged the equipment and copy props given to him by Jin Congxue into energy.

This week’s goods totaled 980 million simulated energy points.

Although not as much as last time, it is still a lot for Su Xing.

An average of 1000 million energy per week is enough for awakening, as long as you save some in the dungeon, you don't need immersive simulation.

Of course, it may not be enough if the cultivation base is raised to the stage of transforming gods or after the realm of divine power.

After all, when the time comes for the Nascent Soul stage, it will take millions of energy to wake up and break through the first level.

In the stage of transforming gods, maybe 1000 million is enough to break through the first level of advancement...

"Hey, after all, I still lack energy!"

"Now, we can only hope that Jin Congxue will apply for the mining rights of the mining area dungeon soon..."

Su Xing said this and then opened the simulation panel.

On the afternoon of April 2024, 4 in the new era, Awakening started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 3300 energy points, leaving 2476 energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Although Awakening already has a premonition that the future simulation energy will be short.

But the so-called province, the flower, the [-] drawing fee for a purple talent in this area, Su Xing can still afford it.

So Su Xing said without hesitation:
"Draw the purple talent!"

Immediately, the emulator sound came from the awakened ear.

[Congratulations on getting the purple talent: the most beautiful boy in the crowd! 】

[The most beautiful boy in the crowd]: Purple talent, wherever you go, you are always the focus of the crowd, even if you are walking on the road, the rate of turning heads is [-]%, no matter where you are, you will attract the attention of people around you.Of course, sometimes too much attention is not a good thing...

Su Xing frowned slightly after seeing this newly acquired talent.

The most handsome guy in the crowd, this seems to be a conceptual talent.

After waking up for a while, I don't know what this thing does, so I can only try it in the simulation.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

【You took out the mirror and looked at your face, and found that you were still as handsome as before, without any difference. 】

【So you start alchemy as always, and prepare to hand over the next week's goods to Jin Congxue. 】

[At this moment, the spirit chickens you kept in the chicken coop looked at you, jumped out of the chicken coop, and walked towards you, chirping as if they wanted to say something. 】

[With your tenth-level animal language, you successfully heard the voices of these chickens: Oh?This two-legged beast looks so handsome!Have you heard of chickens, come and have a look...]

[You were speechless after hearing the conversation of the chickens, and then seized the time to redecorate the chicken coop so that they would not come out to see you. 】

[But in the following days, wherever you go, you will attract attention. Walking on campus, the old man riding a bicycle is almost killed by a BMW car because he saw you. 】

[You also suffered a blackmail for this, and lost [-]! 】

(End of this chapter)

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