Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 114 Planting the Seed of Immortals, Seeing the Way of Immortals!

Chapter 114 Planting the Seed of Immortals, Seeing the Way of Immortals!
Su Xing saw a black line rising on his forehead.

What the hell?

Because the rate of turning heads is too high, he was watched by the uncle on the bicycle when he was walking on the road, and he lost [-] yuan?

This special meow is too magical, right?

"Sure enough, it's not a good thing if the eye-catching rate is too high!"

Su Xing sighed, and looked back at the simulation panel.

[You are aware of the distress this talent has brought you, but luckily you don't go out often, so it would be a good thing to just hide in the blessed land of Lingtian all day for alchemy and practice. 】

[One day, you went out to the dungeon of the Luotian Conference, planning to ask about the fourth-class Nascent Soul. 】

[In the dungeon of the Luotian Conference, the person in charge who opened the dungeon for you was successfully attracted by you and took another look at you. 】

[You have entered the Luotian Conference copy! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing quickly said silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for two hours!"

[Ding, you have successfully used the immersive simulation, consuming 20 energy points, the simulation time is 2 hours, and the remaining energy is 2446 points. 】

As the beep fell, Su Xing's vision began to change, and then he appeared in a palace.

Su Xing looked up, and standing in front of him was the elder Niu Rulie he had seen in the last simulation.

Niu Rulie came over and patted Su Xing on the shoulder and said:

"My good disciple, you have finally passed the customs! Go to the back mountain to invite you, Master Shen Nong, and call him to participate in the Luo Tian Conference!"

Su Xing nodded when he heard the words, but calmly digested a small piece of extra memory in his mind.

"My identity is Luo Xiaochuan, Niu Rulie's personal disciple... and also one of the twelve strongest Yuan Ying (Yuan Wu) monks of Luo Tian Sect?"

"At the same time, he is also a star disciple who has fascinated thousands of girls, ah... who has fascinated millions of junior brothers and sisters from the inner and outer sects?"

"Hiss...the identities seem to have changed again! The twelve strongest Nascent Soul cultivators? Is it because of the Nascent Soul cultivating both body and qi cultivation?"

Su Xing quickly flashed his thoughts, and saluted Master Niu Rulie:

"Follow Master!"

Su Xing walked directly towards the back mountain without asking about Niu Rusi and other Nascent Souls.

After all, in his opinion, Niu Rulie is obviously a cultivator of body refinement, and he should not know much about Qi refinement...

Soon, Su Xing met Shennong Arita.

Shennong Arita was casting the plowing spell. After seeing Su Xing woke up, he stopped casting the spell and said to Su Xing:
"Martial nephew! I noticed you when you came all the way! Are you calling me to attend the Luo Tian Conference?"

Su Xing nodded when he heard the words, but was speechless for a while, he was indeed the most beautiful boy in the crowd...

Su Xing takes Uncle Shennong to the venue of the Luotian Conference, Su Xing and Uncle Shennong chat along the way.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Su Xing asked the doubts in his heart.

"Uncle, do you know what the fourth-class Nascent Soul is, and how can one become a cultivator of transformation?"

Shennong Arita smiled after hearing this, and responded:
"Master nephew, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I didn't expect you to have cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage and reached the Great Perfection... You are really a formidable person!"

"But you asked about the fourth-class Nascent Soul, could it be that you want to seek the way to become a fairy?"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this, and asked:

"Uncle, what is the relationship between these four nascent souls and the way of becoming an immortal?"

Shennong Arita said:
"The so-called becoming a fairy is the process of a fairy seed taking root and sprouting... But if you want to become a fairy, you must plant a fairy seed!"

"Throughout the ages, all the ancestors who have ascended through the catastrophe are all Nine-Turn Golden Pills, because this is the foundation of everything..."

"And after the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, there are four grades of Nascent Souls, namely: third-class Nascent Souls, second-class Nascent Souls, first-class Nascent Souls, and super Nascent Souls!"

"The third-class Nascent Soul can become the realm of transforming gods. If there is no great opportunity, it may be difficult to make progress in the stage of transforming gods in one's life."

"The second-class Nascent Soul can glimpse the wonder of returning to the void and enjoy a life span of three thousand years!"

"A first-class Nascent Soul can be a combined, Mahayana monk, with an endless lifespan, living for thousands of years! But if there is no chance, he cannot become an immortal..."

"Only a super nascent baby is equivalent to opening up a piece of fertile soil for the planting of the immortal seed. After the transformation of the gods is completed, the immortal seed can be planted. After it takes root and sprouts, you can see the secret of becoming an immortal, and your lifespan will be equal to the sky... ..."

Su Xing looked at Shennong Arita who was talking and shaking his head in front of him, and was also a little absent-minded for a while.

Become a fairy... what a distant word.

Throughout the ages, countless senior masters in the world of immortality have tried to ascend to immortality, but how many true immortals are there in the world?

Even if Su Xing possesses such heaven-defying plug-ins as simulators, he currently doesn't dare to think about becoming an immortal.

After all, in mythology, immortals are really omnipotent beings...

Su Xing came back to his senses and asked Uncle Shennong in front of him:
"So, you can become a fairy by condensing a super Nascent Soul?"

Shennong Arita shook his head slightly and said:
"To be precise, in the process of refining Qi, one must gather a super Nascent Soul to have the hope of becoming an immortal..."

Su Xing nodded when he heard the words, I understand, this is called a necessary but not sufficient condition!
So he woke up and asked:
"So, how are the four grades of Nascent Soul divided, and how do they become the super Nascent Soul?"

Shennong Arita said: "By taking the Forging Infant Pill and passing through the five levels of lust, fear, greed, pride, and anger, you can achieve a super Nascent Soul!"

"It's not difficult to just take the Forging Infant Pill. After all, there is a ration in the elixir sect. You are cultivating the Nine-Turn Golden Pill. You can take up to three Forging Infant Pills, and you can directly become a first-class Nascent Soul."

"First-class Nascent Soul is not difficult, but it is difficult to pass the five tests. Only by passing the five tests of lust, fear, greed, arrogance, and anger, can the state of mind be firm enough to become a super Nascent Soul..."

Su Xing suddenly felt a headache when he heard the words, leaving aside the five levels of mood, it's just that Su Xing couldn't get the baby training pill.

In case the medicinal material for refining the training baby pill does not wake up, then there will be big troubles.

So Su Xing hurriedly asked:

"Uncle, I wonder what this recipe for the Infant Forging Pill is? My nephew is very interested..."

After hearing this, Shennong Arita said strangely:

"What's the use of nephew asking this? With your status, you can go directly to the alchemy room to get it..."


Damn, if the things in the dungeon of the Luo Tian Conference can be taken out, is he still talking about it?

Su Xing looked up at Shennong Arita.

Seeing Su Xing's sincere eyes, Shen Nong Arita sighed and said:

"Forget it, since my nephew is interested in this alchemy process, my uncle will help you."

After finishing speaking, Shennong Arita pointed at the center of Su Xing's eyebrows, and Su Xing suddenly felt a mass of memories in his mind.

Forging Infant Pill Recipe!
The main medicine is three-tailed phoenix grass, supplemented by snow jade bone ginseng...

Except for these two medicinal herbs, the rest are ordinary herbs. Su Xing can find a way to get them.

But the key is these two herbs, Su Xing has never heard of them!
"This is a lot of fun! Not only is it difficult to refine the Divine Power Pill, but the Infant Training Pill is beyond reach!"

Su Xing sighed, the only thing he hoped for now was that the treasure house of the Advent Sect, or the seeds left to him by the old Taoist Qing Yunzi contained these two herbs.

Su Xing and Shennong Arita rushed towards the Luotian Conference.

Along the way, Shennong Arita talked and laughed, but Su Xing frowned.

After sending Shennong Arita to the Luotian Conference, Su Xing rushed to the Cangjing Pavilion non-stop, found the Canon of Medicinal Materials, and wrote down the appearance of the three-tailed phoenix grass and snow jade bone ginseng, as well as how to distinguish the seeds.

Soon, two hours passed, and I woke up and returned to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Su Xing frowns for a while, and sighs:
"Oh, I hope I can successfully find the medicinal materials..."

Wake up and look at the simulation panel.

[You left the copy of the Luotian Conference and returned to the Lingtian Paradise. 】

[You opened a bag of seeds left by the old Taoist Qing Yunzi, scanned them one by one with your spiritual sense, and finally found a few seeds that were suspected to be three-tailed phoenix grass! 】

【You planted these few seeds, but you didn't find the Snow Jade Bone Ginseng, so you felt a little annoyed, and you could only place your hope in the treasure house of the Adventist Sect. 】

[In the next few months, in addition to refining elixirs day and night, you also took good care of the three-tailed phoenix grass. Unfortunately, the three-tailed phoenix grass grows very slowly. According to the prescription records, the three-tailed phoenix grass is a type of grass that is rumored to be used by Phoenix. Three sharp tails grow, one tail grows in 100 years, and it takes 300 years to mature! 】

[But you have no choice but to wait and use wood-type aura to ripen it every day, hoping that it will take root and sprout soon. 】

[One day, Wang Qingxuan found you, and after one night, you joined the Adventist Cult. 】

【You exposed your cultivation and alchemy talent just after you joined the Adventist Cult, and proposed to become an elder. The Adventist Cult agreed to your request. As long as you simply complete a few alchemy tasks, the position of elder will be granted to you. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this. Planting the three-tailed phoenix grass was more difficult than he imagined. 300 years... Even if he had the talent of plant affinity and used spiritual power to ripen it every day, it would probably take 70 years. Years of time...

It takes one simulation to get a full 25 years, but it takes three simulations to wake up and three times to waste three choices of rewards to bring out the three-tailed phoenix grass.

This is unacceptable to Su Xing.

"Is there any other way to make the three-tailed phoenix grass mature faster..."

Su Xing thought of Shen Nong's spiritual cultivation technique. This spiritual cultivation technique was infinitely mysterious and almost Taoist.

But there is too much content in it, it is comparable to a novel with tens of millions of words, Su Xing has never had time to read it, let alone write it down.

For a long time, Su Xing's application of Shen Nong's spiritual cultivation technique was just raising chickens and learning the spirit gathering formation.

But now, waking up can only rely on Shen Nong's spiritual cultivation technique.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You realize that the three-tailed phoenix grass is too late to mature, and you can't wait so long, so you read the Shennong spirit cultivation technique that Qing Yunzi left for you. 】

[The content of this Shennong Spiritual Cultivation Technique is vast, and it took you a month to find some techniques for ripening spiritual plants in this book. 】

[You are going to try to learn the earth dragon technique and the spirit dew technique! 】

[Earth Dragon Art is to cultivate earth dragons in the field, let them continue to cultivate in the spiritual field, so as to increase the fertility of the spiritual field...]

[An earth dragon with a sufficient age can even double or even multiply the fertility of the spiritual field, thus speeding up the maturity of the spiritual plant! 】

【As for the spirit dew technique...】

(End of this chapter)

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