Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 116 Triggering epiphany, the magic pill is finally completed!

Chapter 116 Triggering epiphany, the magic pill is finally completed!

Su Xing was overjoyed to see this.

Finally, finally waiting for you!

Fortunately, I did not give up!

Look at the simulation panel.

[You triggered the accidental epiphany of your talent, and looked at the elixir in your hand thoughtfully. The details of elixir refining that were previously puzzling became clear to you at this moment. You took the time to start refining the magical elixir. 】

【You were obsessed with refining the divine power pill, and three days passed without knowing it. 】

[When you come to your senses again, you realize that the magical vine on hand has been used up, and there are a full 200 magical pills in front of you! 】

[These divine power pills are round in shape and attractive in color, and there are even several top-quality magic pills among them. 】

[Your divine power pill refining has entered the Dacheng level! 】

Su Xing saw the corners of this mouth crazily raised.

"Finally, finally what I've been waiting for! An epiphany by chance!"

"Damn, I didn't trigger the simulation several times. I thought this talent was invalid... I didn't expect that one simulation would trigger twice! My luck is really against the sky!"

Su Xing was ecstatic in his heart. He didn't expect that the effect of accidental enlightenment would be so powerful. In just one time, the refining of the Su Xing Divine Power Pill reached the master level!
This means that the success rate of refining the divine power pill after awakening will reach more than 90.00%, and there is a chance to refine the best divine power pill.

"On average, one divine power vine can refine 200 divine power pills. In this calculation, five divine power vines can provide a thousand divine power pills!"

Su Xing did some calculations, and found that he suddenly had another powerful skill in the simulation.

If one thousand divine power pills are given to a heavenly king-level professional, a heavenly king-level professional may have to eat more than ten pills to have enough growth, assuming that one of the three heavenly king-level powerhouses is born with a Martial Emperor-level... …

At most, more than 30 Martial Emperor-level professionals can be born, and with luck, even forty can be born!

"Oh my god, there are less than fifty Martial Emperor-level powerhouses in the entire Great Xia, right? If you do the math...the number of Martial Emperor-level powerhouses will almost double!"

Su Xing thought to himself, this is his own thinking, of course the implementation still depends on the specific situation.

"After understanding the refining method of the divine power pill, the reward of this simulation, the pill refining experience seems to be a must... plus the Shen Nong's spiritual cultivation technique that I had learned before, it is basically certain..."

Su Xing rubbed her chin, and she has already started planning, which will determine how her next simulation will proceed.

"So, since you want to bring out the alchemy experience, it's better to learn a few more pills. The previous healing pill is very good, it can heal the powerhouse of the king level... and the effect of the mirror pill is also good..."

Su Xing had a plan in mind, and looked at the simulation panel.

【After refining the Divine Power Pill, you are overjoyed and can't wait to try the effect of the Divine Power Pill. 】

[But you know that your strength has not yet reached the upper limit, if you take the Divine Power Pill too early, the gain will outweigh the loss...]

[So you donated the Divine Power Pill to the Daxia military, hoping to make the Daxia Kingdom produce more Martial Emperor-level powerhouses, thereby prolonging the simulation time. 】

[After refining the Divine Power Pill, you start to try to refine the Mirror Pill. 】

[In the first month, you refined thirty furnaces of Mingjing Dan, and the pill was completed in one furnace. You gradually figured out the refining routine and details of Mingjing Dan. 】

[In the second month, you refined thirty batches of Bright Mirror Pills, and three batches of Chengdan. One-tenth of the Chengdan rate led you to refine Bright Mirror Pills and finally got started. 】

[In the fourth month, you refine thirty furnaces of Bright Mirror Pill and ten furnaces of Chengdan, with a success rate of close to one-third. 】

[In the sixth month, you refined thirty furnaces of Bright Mirror Pill, and the refining success rate finally exceeded half. 】

[Because you have the alchemy wizard talent, and after learning how to refine the divine power pill, your alchemy skills will be even more superb, and you will be able to learn the Mingjing pill with ease. 】

[In No. 16, your Mingjing Dan refining skills reached a minor level, and you began to try to refine the Bone Sheng Dan. 】

[The Shenggu Dan is an advanced elixir of the Healing Pill, and it is the same low-grade elixir as the Mingjing Dan. It is not complicated for you to learn. 】

[Furthermore, one of the refining materials for the Bone Bone Pill is spiritual dew. After you collect the spirit dew every day, some of it will be left as the refining material for the Bone Bone Pill. 】

[In No. 17, your refining skills of Shenggu Dan also reached the level of minor success. 】

[In the same year, because of your help in the Great Xia Kingdom, a total of ten new Martial Emperor-level powerhouses were born, and the defensive strength of Zhenyaoguan was greatly increased in a short time! 】

Su Xing was taken aback when he saw this, and murmured:
"Two hundred divine power pills can give birth to ten Martial Emperor-level powerhouses... On average, two veteran Heavenly King-level powerhouses can produce one... This probability is even higher than I imagined!"

Su Xing was overjoyed, this meant that with a thousand divine power pills, he could add fifty Martial Emperor-level powerhouses to Da Xia in total!
"And the refining of elixir has also been introduced. In the next time, I should find a way to improve Shennong's spiritual cultivation..."

"As for breaking through the divine power realm..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, this matter is not in a hurry, I have learned the Divine Power Pill, is it still far from the Divine Power Realm?

It is obviously unrealistic to give up the experience of alchemy in exchange for the cultivation level of the divine power realm. After all, the divine power pill is the foundation and cannot put the cart before the horse.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 18, due to the addition of ten Martial Emperor-level powerhouses, the strength of the Demon Suppression Pass has greatly increased, and the essence of the Demon Emperor’s flesh and blood that you can obtain every year is more abundant. 】

[But your body is obviously approaching its limit, and your strength is growing more slowly. 】

[In No. 19, the dozens of spiritual earthworms you cultivated before have grown stronger and stronger after more than ten years of growth, bathed in spiritual energy every day, and have been born with spirituality. 】

[One of the spirit earthworms is already as thick as an arm. They cultivate the spirit field every day, and the growth of the spirit plants in your spirit field is even more gratifying. 】

[In the same year, the three-tailed phoenix you planted has grown a second phoenix tail and is getting closer to maturity. 】

[No. For 20 years, you have insisted on working hard all these years, and your physical strength has finally reached 680 million catties. 】

[But you can only increase your strength by 700 to [-] catties a year now, and you estimate that the upper limit of your physical potential is only about [-] million catties...]

Su Xing felt a little disappointed seeing this.

"Is the upper limit only 700 million catties of strength... This seems to be far from the rumored Wu Clan..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, the genius of the Wu Clan, rumored to be able to reach 800 million catties.

And he has the talent of divine power, but his potential is obviously not as good as the genius of the Wu clan. It is estimated that the talent of body refining is equivalent to that of a more powerful descendant of the Wu clan...

【No. In the year of 20, you continue to learn the knowledge of spiritual planting in Shennong's spiritual nurturing technique, and you begin to understand the medicinal properties of each elixir, the conflicts between medicinal materials, and how to plant elixir. 】

[No. 20 In the second year, you finally successfully entered the small spirit gathering array. You can ensure that the success rate of your formation is more than half, and you can mobilize the surrounding spiritual energy to control the intensity of the small spirit gathering array. 】

[In the same year, the struggle between the human race and the foreign race in Zhenyaoguan became more and more fierce. Almost every month, some powerful people at the level of Heavenly King and Martial Emperor were seriously injured. 】

【You hurriedly refined a batch of raw bone pills, which greatly reduced the probability of death of the frontline king-level powerhouse. 】

【No. In the third year of 20, Zhenyaoguan is still standing firm, and the human race is still persisting. 】

[No. 20 four years, this year you were assassinated by the Adventists. They learned that the elixir was made by you, and they knew your hiding place, so they did not hesitate to enter the capital to get rid of you Big trouble. 】

[Fortunately, Luo Shuying protected you. For your own safety, you decided to stay in the blessed land of Lingtian and minimize the number of times you went out. 】

【No. In the five years of No. 20, Zhenyaoguan has more and more human casualties, but every year there is fresh blood infused into it, and it is still strong. 】

[No. In the sixth year of 20, an endless army of monsters rushed into the Zhenyao Pass crazily, and the Zhenyao Pass was broken. 】【In the same year, a giant beast came to the real world and swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one gulp. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated...】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing froze in place.

"Damn it, the Demon Suppression Pass was still in a good situation... but it was actually breached the next year... What on earth is going on?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, puzzled.

"It seems that the power at the level of the Martial Emperor is still not enough to make Zhenyao pass last for too long... Is it only one more year? This shows that the foreign race has not put forth all its strength before... otherwise Zhenyao pass will only be broken Earlier!"

Su Xing sighed, and it was only extended for one year, which was less than Su Xing expected.

"Forget it... Let's take a look at the simulation rewards first! The rewards this time are too rich!"

Su Xing looked at the selection panel of the simulation reward.

[The most beautiful boy in the crowd]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[26 years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, a small increase in experience in elixirs that have been learned, newly learned Mingjing Dan (Xiaocheng), Shenli Dan (Dacheng), Shenggu Dan (Xiaocheng), priced at 300 million energy.

[Shen Nong Nurturing Spirit Art (Introductory)]: Contains small spirit gathering array (introductory), earth dragon art (introductory), spirit dew art (small success) level alchemy experience, priced at 300 million energy.

[Three-tailed phoenix grass (ten plants)]: The 280-year-old three-tailed phoenix grass is about to mature, and the price is 1000 million energy.

Looking at the rewards on the panel, Su Xing didn't hesitate much.

"Oh, I also want to be the most handsome boy in the crowd! But this alchemy experience and Shen Nong's spiritual cultivation skills are so delicious!"

Su Xing sighed, but the corners of his mouth rose crazily.

"I choose alchemy experience and Shen Nong's spiritual cultivation technique!"

[You have successfully brought out 26 years of alchemy experience, spent 300 million energy, and the remaining energy is 2146 points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Shennong Spiritual Nurturing Technique (entry level), spending 300 million points of energy, and the remaining energy is 1846 points. 】

The reminder sound of the simulator came from the awake ear, and then a lot of memories suddenly appeared in my heart.

These memories are all about the knowledge of Shennong's spiritual nurturing technique, including the small spirit gathering array, the earth dragon technique, the spirit dew technique, and some knowledge about the cultivation method of spiritual plants.

Immediately afterwards, the influx of alchemy experience, Su Xing successfully mastered the refining of the Divine Power Pill, and only felt that he must be handy in refining the Divine Power Pill. Besides, Su Xing also learned the Bright Mirror Pill and the Bone Pill.

It can be said that as long as there are medicinal materials, Su Xing can easily refine a batch of raw bone pills.

After a long time, Su Xing opened his eyes with a shocked expression:

"Hiss~ This Shennong spirit nurturing technique is actually so powerful..."

Su Xing twitched the corner of his mouth, already regretting that he did not choose the Shen Nong Spirit Nurturing Technique earlier. After all, the three spells contained in it were all amazingly powerful and mysterious.

"Spiritual dew technique requires wood or water spiritual roots to learn...Fortunately, I have wood spiritual roots, so I can perform it!"

"Just taking this spirit dew is equivalent to a high-quality healing medicine, and it is also an important material for many high-level healing medicines! Learned to be true to blood..."

Su Xing suddenly sighed again, saying:
"It's a pity that this earth dragon spell is divided into two chapters. The spell that controls the shape and structure of the land requires earth spirit roots to be cast..."

"Hey, but it's pretty good after learning how to envoy earth dragons..."

Wake up and open the properties panel.

【Name: Wake Up】

【Age: 21 years old】

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator (the only hidden occupation)]

[Cultivation: Great Perfection in Yuanying Stage, Great Perfection in Yuanwu Stage]

[Cultivation techniques: Changchun Kungfu, the secret method of congealing alchemy]

[Talent: Sword Crazy, Accidental Epiphany, Alchemy Wizard, Big Stomach King, True Spiritual Root of Wood and Fire, Innate Divine Power, Appearance as Panan (omitted)...]

[Skills: Lihuo (minor success level), alchemy (minor success level), spiritual explosion technique (minor success level), Shennong nurturing spirit technique (entry level), fifty-foot spiritual consciousness (five-sense realm), Yuanli mastery (entanglement level) Level), Sancai Swordsmanship (Sword Mastery)]

[Equipment: Spirit Sword Black Ice]

In these few simulations, Su Xing's strength has improved a lot.

Not only has he learned a lot of new skills, but his strength has also reached the peak of his current realm.

"Then, the next step is to find a way to break through to the realm of divine power..."

Su Xing is full of energy when he thinks of the huge improvement in strength brought about by breaking through the realm.

So Su Xing seized the time to start alchemy.

Soon, a week passed.

Su Xing consumed [-] pills, and then went to see Jin Congxue.

After a simple meal and talking about business (flirting), Su Xing returned to the blessed land of Lingtian.

Exchanged the new week's cargo for simulated energy, adding over 1000 million energy.

In the new era, April 2024, 4, Su Xing’s birthday, he did not slack off and still started the simulation of the new discussion on time.

"Alas, the end will be over in twenty more years. Only the strong deserve to celebrate their birthday!"

"Start the simulation!"

Su Xing said silently.

【Ding!This simulation consumes 3400 energy points, leaving 2853 energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing rubbed his hands excitedly, hinting in his heart that he was possessed by the Emperor Ou, and then silently said:
"Draw the purple talent!"

Immediately, the emulator sound came from the awakened ear.

[Congratulations on obtaining the purple talent: Mighty! 】

(End of this chapter)

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