Chapter 117: Talent, overwhelming strength! (Second update)

"Strengthening the mountain?!!"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment and murmured subconsciously:
"Could it be that this is a purple-quality body-refining talent!?"

He suddenly became excited when he woke up. If he really had a talent for body training, he came at the right time!

Look at the simulation panel.

[Strength to lift mountains]: Purple talent, your strength and physique are different from ordinary people, you are a rare martial arts wizard in a thousand years, with the power to lift mountains and seas, your physical training talent has been greatly increased, your strength to lift mountains is unparalleled~ Qi Unparalleled~
"It is indeed a purple-quality body-refining talent!"

Su Xing clenched her fists excitedly.

From being a fitness guru at the beginning, to being a strong man, and now having natural power... being able to push the mountain is obviously a more powerful talent.

"I just don't know how much higher the power of the mountain is compared to the bonus of the divine power of the gods?"

Su Xing's eyes were inexplicably excited, and he couldn't wait to experience the simulation.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You feel that your whole body is full of strength, and you even have the urge to pull down Mount Tai. 】

[Although you can't wait to practice, you currently lack the flesh and blood of monsters, so practicing will be half the result with half the effort, so you can only wait for the time being. 】

[You started daily alchemy and refined a batch of Bigu Pills and Healing Pills to prepare for the needs of Daxia sergeants in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[A few days later, you entered the Luotian Conference instance. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, it has been detected that you are using the immersive simulation function, which lasts for 24 hour, consumes 240 energy, and has 2613 remaining energy points. 】

Su Xing's vision changed for a while, and when he came to the dungeon of Luo Tian Conference again, the person in front of him was still the Great Elder Niu Rulie.

"Good disciple, you go to the back mountain to ask Uncle Shennong..."

Su Xing nodded and walked towards the back mountain with ease.

Soon, Su Xing brought Shennong Youtian to the Luotian Conference, and then Su Xing rushed towards the Sutra Pavilion non-stop!
This time, Su Su came to participate in the immersive simulation with a mission!

The reason why Su Xing renewed the 24-hour immersive simulation time is because he wanted to learn a tracking-type magical power!
"Hmph, that old dog of the sect is erratic and cautious... If the cultivator in the transformation stage is really a coward, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find him..."

"After I break through to the realm of divine power this time, I will start thinking about killing Zong Laogou. After all, this guy still hides a lot of secrets!"

That's right, Su Xing cooperated with Luo Shuying to ambush Zong Laogou a few times before, but this guy always hid him, although Su Xing didn't know how this guy did it.

But this does not prevent Su Xing from still finding a way to find him.

The magical powers and spells are endless, and among them there must be spells that can track people. As long as he wakes up and learns this spell, he will definitely be able to find Zong Laogou.

When the time comes, the legendary strongman Luo Shuying will be in charge, plus the martial emperors of Daxia Kingdom, I don’t believe that this old dog will survive.

Su Xing has been coveting the babies on his body for a long time.

Soon, Su Xing arrived in the Sutra Pavilion and began to search in the third level of the magical power area.

As Su Xing's current personal disciple, he is enough to reach the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

"Where are the tracking spells...?"

"Have it!"

Su Xing quickly came to a row of magical jade slips and began to look for the spell he wanted.

The third floor of the Sutra Pavilion is full of earth-level exercises, which are extremely powerful, but the number is much smaller than those on the first and second floors, so Su Xing easily found the exercises he wanted.

"Thousand Miles Blood Soul Technique...Divine Consciousness Brand..."

"Yes, Thousand Miles Tracking Technique!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he quickly found the spell he wanted.

"Earth-level skills and the Thousand Miles Tracking Technique. As long as your spiritual consciousness is stronger than the opponent's, you can leave a mark in the opponent's soul without anyone noticing, and then you can sense the opponent's whereabouts. The sensing distance depends on the strength of your spiritual consciousness... …”

Su Xing's eyes were filled with joy, and he immediately began to try to learn the exercises.

One hour... five hours... ten hours...

Su Xing tirelessly tried to memorize this magical technique, but with little success.

Seeing that the simulation time is coming to an end, Su Xing has not learned yet, so he can only sigh:

"It seems I can only come back in the future to continue learning..."

Su Xing stood up and prepared to leave, just when Su Xing was preparing for a long battle.

Suddenly an old woman's voice came from afar.

"Hehe, you are the inner disciple Luo Xiaochuan, right? Why are you sighing? I think you have been studying the exercises here for a long time. Why, you have fallen into a bottleneck..."

Su Xing raised his head when he heard the words and saw an old woman wearing a gray robe with an old face.

Su Xing felt something in his heart. This old woman was the one who guarded the Sutra Pavilion before.

Generally speaking, those who guard the Sutra Pavilion all year round are big guys!

So Su Xing sighed and said:
"Senior, I really want to learn a spell to track targets, but this method is too difficult. I won't be able to learn it for a while..." Su Xing shook his head pretendingly and glanced at the old woman quietly.

The old woman glanced at the jade slip in Su Xing's hand and said:
"This is the Thousand Miles Tracking Technique you learned? Haha... This technique is a bit old-fashioned. You can learn it or not..."

Su Xing looked at the old woman speechlessly when he heard this. At the beginning of this technique, Zeng said that the person who created this technique was a peerless strong man in the integration stage. How come you have become worthless?

The old woman smiled and said to Su Xing:

"What, you don't believe it? This technique was created when I was young... Now that thousands of years have passed, it is indeed not very practical..."

Su Xing was stunned when he heard the words, good guy, the senior who created the technique is actually in front of him?
So Su Xing hurriedly asked:

"Senior, you mean... there is a better tracking technique?"

The old woman nodded and said:
"Indeed, I later improved the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique. Its power is close to that of a heaven-level spell. Even someone with a similar soul strength to yours can't detect any abnormalities, and the tracking distance is longer. Are you willing to learn it?"

Su Xing nodded quickly when he heard the words:
"The disciple is willing to learn!"

The old woman smiled and said: "There is no such thing as free food in the world. After you learn this unique secret technique of mine, you have to help me with something..."

Su Xing nodded quickly and said, "Disciple is willing to do it!"

The old woman was stunned when she heard the words. Before she could say what it was, Su Xing agreed?

But Su Xing secretly rejoiced:

"Tch, anyway, we have to start the simulation all over again next time. This matter doesn't have to be done. It's a waste of time to get a stronger secret technique, and you'll make a lot of money!"

The old woman thought for a while and said:

"That's fine! You can come to the Sutra Pavilion again next year, and I'll tell you then... As for this technique, it's not a bad idea to teach it to you first!"

After saying that, the old woman tapped Su Xing's eyebrows with one finger.

Immediately, Su Xing felt an extra memory in his mind.

It’s about how to practice the Thousand Miles Tracking Technique!
And it’s even better and more mysterious than what I saw before I woke up!

"Thank you senior!"


Soon, the awakening immersive simulation time ended and we returned to the real world.

Because of his memory, Su Xing successfully learned how to practice the secret technique of Wanli Tracking.

And the awakening in the simulator should also have learned this secret technique.

"Great, with this secret technique... we will be able to know the whereabouts of Zong Laogou in the future..."

Su Xing smiled and looked at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian Conference copy, you have mastered the top-level secret technique of the Earth Level, the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique... You return to Lingtian Blessed Land and prepare to learn this technique. 】

[However, your spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, so it is quite difficult to learn. In desperation, you can only master the most basic parts first, and then practice after your spiritual consciousness improves in the future. 】

[Soon, several months passed. 】

[One day, Wang Qingxuan found you, and one night later, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You directly exposed your own strength and alchemy talent to gain the attention of Advent Cult. 】

[Later, you chose to join Luo Shuying’s faction and successfully gained Luo Shuying’s trust. 】

[In the next few months, you obtained a large number of elixirs through Luo Shuying and began to refine the Concentrating Pill. 】

[The next year, you became the elder of the Advent Sect, and cooperated with Luo Shuying to almost empty out the entire Advent Sect’s elixirs. 】

[Because you took the Condensing Pill, your consciousness increased dramatically. In just one year, your consciousness increased from fifty feet to three hundred feet. 】

[In the third year, your consciousness increased to five hundred feet, and you have accumulated a lot of Yuan Yang Pills and Fu Refining Pills. 】

[You think that the time has matured, and there is little use in staying in the Advent Cult. You want to join the Great Xia Kingdom to obtain the essence of monster flesh and blood faster. 】

[So you plant a spiritual mark on Zong Laogou in advance. With this mark, you can easily sense Zong Laogou's position. 】

[After that, you secretly contacted the senior officials of Daxia Kingdom, and then called Luo Shuying to identify the Advent Sect together. 】

[As expected, you were chased by the Advent Cult, but with the help of the powerful men of Daxia, you successfully killed them...]

[Sure enough, Zong Lao Gou has never appeared. You activated your secret technique to sense Zong Lao Gou's position, but your spiritual consciousness is not strong enough and you are too far away from him, so you still cannot sense it. 】

[In desperation, you and Luo Shuying can only go to Kyoto. 】

[You took out the [-] pills you refined in advance and gave them to Daxia’s military. Daxia gained [-] master-level experts within a year! 】

[In the fourth year, you continue to refine the elixirs and hand them over to the Daxia military at regular intervals. Grandmaster-level and Heavenly King-level powerful men begin to appear in Daxia Kingdom one after another. 】

[In the same year, through the Daxia military, you successfully obtained one hundred kilograms of the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence. You began to use the flesh and blood essence every day to increase the strength and strength of your physical body. 】

[Due to the improvement of your natural physique, your physical strength will increase rapidly again. 】

[You can feel that your current body has more potential. You can take the Demon King's flesh and blood essence every day, and your strength will increase visibly! 】

(Sorry, it’s even later, I’ll have another one later)
(End of this chapter)

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