Chapter 118 The horror of purple talent! (Third update)

[In the fifth year, your strength increased by 50 kilograms in just one year, and your pure physical strength reached 550 million kilograms! 】

[But the Demon King’s Flesh and Blood Essence is limited. You can only take more than 100 kilograms of Demon King’s Flesh and Blood Essence every year. Most of the time, you can only take the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence. 】

[Kenni's talent is astonishing, coupled with the peculiar structure of your stomach, you can add a lot of strength even with the essence of the demon king's flesh and blood. 】

[In the sixth year, you start refining the magic pill. 】

[The refining of divine power pills is much more complicated than ordinary middle-grade pills. Even if you are already a master of alchemy skills, you can only make two furnaces a day. 】

[In addition to practicing, you will refine two furnaces of divine power pills every day. In one year, you have successfully refined eight hundred divine power pills! 】

[Fifty of them are top-grade divine power pills. You kept some of the top-grade divine power pills for yourself, and gave the rest to the Daxia military! 】

[This year, your strength has skyrocketed to 620 million kilograms! 】

Seeing this excited expression, Su Xing couldn't help nodding frequently.

Divine power pills are used to help those in the Yuanwu realm break through to the divine power realm, and they can also be taken to increase cultivation in the divine power realm.

But it doesn't take so many magical pills to revive a person. It is estimated that a few pills will be enough for a breakthrough.

The remaining elixirs will be given to Daxia Kingdom. Martial Emperor-level warriors will emerge in Daxia Kingdom, and they will be stronger. The more Demon Emperor flesh and blood essence will be harvested after awakening, the faster the cultivation will be improved!

"Tsk tsk, the purple talent is different! After only four years of training, my strength has increased by 120 million kilograms!"

"This cultivation speed is almost twice as fast as before!"

"I just don't know if the upper limit of purple quality power will be higher..."

Su Xing fell into thinking. The upper limit of strength growth in his previous simulation was only 700 million pounds.

Logically speaking, after the talent upgrade, you should have a stronger talent limit, and the awakening requirement is not high, reaching 800 million jins, and the strength of an ancient wizard genius is enough.

Wake up and continue the simulation.

[In the seventh year, after you handed the Divine Power Pill to the top management of Daxia, Daxia promoted and selected hundreds of veteran king-level professionals and asked them to take the Divine Power Pill. 】

[In one year, the strength of these veteran king-level experts has increased by more than [-]%. 】

[After you handed over the divine power pill to Daxia Kingdom, you stopped caring about it and concentrated on practicing and improving your own strength. 】

[Because you have been taking the Condensing Pill for several years, the range of your spiritual consciousness has increased significantly, and your spiritual consciousness has reached 750 feet. 】

[Logically speaking, the increase in the intensity of your spiritual consciousness should make it easier for you to detect the location of Old Dog Zong. However, you have not sensed his aura for several years. You can only attribute this to the fact that he is too far away from you. Far. 】

[In the eighth year, nearly fifty Martial Emperor-level powerhouses emerged one after another in the human race, and the strength of the entire human race increased greatly in a short time! 】

[As the Martial Emperor-level powerhouses join the battlefield of Demon Suppression Pass, the situation in Demon Suppression Pass gradually improves. You can get more than three hundred kilograms of Demon Emperor’s flesh and blood essence every year! 】

[So your strength skyrockets again. Take one pound of Demon King’s flesh and blood essence every day to make your energy and blood more abundant! 】

[This year, your strength skyrocketed to 700 million catties! 】

Su Xing was overjoyed when he saw this. Seven million catties was the previous upper limit of potential. He had not reached it for more than 700 years in the last simulation, but now he has achieved it in only the eighth year.

This overwhelming talent bonus is stronger than he imagined!

"Could it be... the sum of my strength in Yuanwu Realm can reach 900 million catties?"

The little heart that wakes up is beating fast. This is a huge force of 900 million kilograms!

If you have such an increase and reach the perfection of divine power, you will get a twenty-fold bonus... that is [-] tons of power!

What is the concept of blowing down [-] tons with one punch... Su Xing can no longer imagine it.

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[In the ninth year, because you have sufficient flesh and blood essence, your strength growth is still in the explosive period, far from reaching the upper limit of your body, your strength has increased to 750 million catties in this year! 】

[In the same year, your consciousness also increased a little, reaching 780 feet. Because you gave half of the Concentrating Pill to Luo Shuying before, the Concentrating Pill in your hand has been exhausted. 】

[And you lack the means to cultivate your spiritual consciousness, so your spiritual consciousness finally stopped at 780 feet and could not advance any further. 】

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"Is it a means to cultivate spiritual consciousness... Indeed, my current spiritual consciousness growth is almost entirely based on the Concentration Pill, so it is indeed somewhat powerless..."

"But the stage of transformation into gods is when the divine consciousness can really play its role. At that time, you can definitely find a way to practice a spiritual consciousness-type technique, so that the true role of the divine consciousness can be exerted!"

Su Xing figured this out and had already included the growth of his spiritual consciousness in his plan.After all, spiritual consciousness has many uses. Before awakening, it was only used to refine elixirs, so fifty feet was enough, but now the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique requires the use of spiritual consciousness.

In addition, you may learn more techniques that require spiritual consciousness in the future, so you must not ignore it!
"That's right! There's no rush to improve your spiritual consciousness for the time being. The most important thing right now is body refining!"

"I wonder if I can break through to the realm of divine power in this simulation!?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[In the tenth year, your identity was exposed by a spy assigned to the Great Xia Army. For a time, the entire foreign race and the human race knew that it was you who made Great Xia have so many strong men. 】

[For a moment, the entire alien race was angry, and they ordered the Advent Cult to assassinate you! 】

[In just one year, you were assassinated more than 50 times!There were even legendary strong men taking action. Thanks to Luo Shuying's help, you barely escaped, but Luo Shuying was also seriously injured. 】

[But the Adventist Cult's assassination of you is still continuing. You have become the number one target of the Adventist Cult's actions in the real world. All elders, guardians and even faction leaders regard you as the number one enemy! 】

[In desperation, you can only hide in the blessed land of Lingtian and try to avoid going out. 】

[In the past year, the assassinations you have encountered have made you feel frightened, from assassinations and poisoning to pedestrians on the roadside to soldiers in the army... Maybe everyone in your sight may secretly take out a Stab a knife at you. 】

[Even if you are very strong, it is difficult to bear such frequent assassinations. 】

[So you came up with an idea, that is, meet Luo Shuying at an irregular time every month, and you will only tell her one person at this time, and Luo Shuying will bring you the essence of the Demon King’s flesh and blood at this time. , and you entrust the refined supply elixir to her. 】

[Relying on this method, you can practice in the blessed land of Lingtian every day and still have a sufficient supply of flesh and blood essence. 】

[Due to practicing alone in seclusion for many years, you have endured the unbearable loneliness of ordinary people, but your cultivation has grown even faster. 】

[This year, your strength has skyrocketed again, reaching 770 million catties! 】

[In No. 11, you spent a boring year practicing in the blessed land of Lingtian. You could only say a few words every month when you saw Luo Shuying, which also made your relationship with Luo Shuying quickly warm up. 】

[Finally one day, you will sleep until the success of your cultivation is complete. 】

[In No. 12, you received news from Luo Shuying. She told you that the human race’s supplies at the Demon Town Pass were cut off by the demon race, and the situation on the front line was not good. 】

【You handed over the Bigu Pill and Healing Pill that you have been accumulating over the years to Luo Shuying. 】

[Luo Shuying was shocked after seeing these pills, and finally believed at this moment that you told her about your time travel. 】

[This year, your physical strength increased to 800 million pounds! 】

[In No. 13, as your strength became stronger and stronger, the growth rate of your physical strength finally slowed down, but you couldn't bear it, so you decided to take one and a half kilograms of Demon King's flesh and blood essence every day to maintain your strength. Growing rapidly. 】

[One and a half kilograms of Demon King’s flesh and blood essence has exceeded your daily energy digestion limit, so you can only speed up the absorption of this flesh and blood essence’s energy through constant exercise. 】

[You practice sword practice for four hours every day, and use different metals to build a huge 800 million kilogram iron ball. You transport the iron ball every day to exercise your body and consume energy. 】

[Such days make you very tired every day, so you can only meditate for three hours every day, using spiritual power to warm your body and relieve fatigue. 】

[But your efforts are rewarded. This year, your strength increased to 840 million kilograms! 】

[In No. 14, you still exercise your strength every day by practicing swordplay and lifting iron balls of different metals, but the weight of the iron balls increases dramatically every day, increasing as your strength continues to grow. 】

[You use the aura to control the Lihuo Technique, and then use the Lihuo Technique to melt the foreign metal and fuse it into an iron ball. The size of this iron ball is getting bigger and bigger, like a hill. 】

[This year, your strength reached 870 million kilograms! 】

Su Xing saw that his breathing became rapid.

Close, closer!

In just No.14 years, the strength reached 870 million kilograms!
This speed was faster than he imagined!
At this rate, it may not be long before we can break through 900 million pounds!
"It's amazing... The purple-quality talent has given me a body-refining talent bonus, has it exceeded that of the Wu Clan genius... The Yuanwu realm has a power of 900 million kilograms. I don't know if it is among the Wu Clan. Can anyone achieve it?"

After waking up, he was in a daze for a while, and couldn't help but compare himself with this ancient race.

"Come on, 900 million pounds, I'm coming!"

[In No. 15, as you continued to practice swordsmanship, your swordsmanship skills became more advanced. The spiritual sword Mo Bing was already indestructible. Coupled with your huge strength, it is no longer a legend that you can crush mountains with one sword. 】

[This year, you have consumed a full five hundred kilograms of the Demon King's flesh and blood essence. Fortunately, the battle situation on the front line is tense, so you have enough flesh and blood essence to increase your strength. 】

[This year, your strength reached 900 million kilograms! 】

(There is another chapter after twelve o'clock~)

(End of this chapter)

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