Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 119: Zhenyao Pass is bathed in blood and finally reaches the limit!

Chapter 119: Bloody blood at the Demon Suppression Pass, finally reaching the limit! (First update)
When Su Xing saw this, his little heart clenched.

It has exceeded 900 million pounds!
This far exceeded Su Xing’s expectations!
According to this progress, perhaps the final strength breakthrough can reach tens of millions of kilograms!
"Great Perfection of Divine Power, one hundred thousand tons of power! Here I come!"

Su Xing clenched her fists and shouted in her heart.

What is the concept of a force of one hundred thousand tons?
The weight of an aircraft carrier is only about [-] tons.

And Awakening, whose pure physical strength reaches [-] tons, is completely able to hold the Nimitz in one hand and the Carl Vinson in the other, and then stand and fly leisurely over the Pacific Ocean.

It is not a dream for one person to destroy a country!

"If I can really reach the strength of 1000 million kilograms, then when I first break through the divine power realm, my strength can be doubled...that is, 2000 million kilograms!"

"Only the veteran Martial Emperor can achieve this kind of power, right?"

"Although those powerful Martial Emperors have skill bonuses... I also have Yuan Power. After the Yuan Power is attached... my power is doubled!"

Su Xing instantly became excited.

This means that he will soon be able to compete with the Martial Emperor level powerhouse!

"Martial Emperor-level powerhouses! There are only dozens of people in the entire Great Xia...the total number of Martial Emperor-level powerhouses in the seven kingdoms and twelve domains of the human race is only a few hundred. In this way, I am about to become a top powerhouse the one!"

Su Xing couldn't help but get excited.

"Perhaps I can no longer hide it...by exposing my strength to gain more resources!?"

Su Xing secretly thought about the possibility of this approach...

But then he woke up and shook his head, the methods of alien races are unfathomable, once exposed, they will face endless assassinations.

Although the benefits are great, the risks faced at the same time are beyond what Su Xing can bear.

"Perhaps, we can try it in simulation first... What level of strength have I reached now?"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In No. 16, you still work out hard every day, building up your body through the Wu Clan's unique body training method, while performing high-intensity strength training, and using the essence of the Demon King's flesh and blood. 】

[With your day and night efforts, although the growth in strength has slowed down, there is still room for stable improvement. 】

[This year, your strength reached 910 million kilograms! 】

[In No. 17, you still adopt the previous practice methods, but as your strength grows, it becomes more and more difficult for you to break through. 】

[This year your strength has only increased by 920 jins, reaching [-] million jins. 】

[In No. 18, you feel that you are stuck in a bottleneck period. In the past, your physical strength would improve at a speed visible to the naked eye every day, but now this progress is getting slower and slower, and you may even stagnate sometimes. 】

[Besides, high-intensity training also makes your body overwhelmed. 】

[This year, your strength only increased by 920 jins, reaching [-] million jins...]

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"Are we about to reach our limit? We only gain [-] kilograms a year... This speed is not enough!"

"I have to find a way to continue the speed of strength growth..."

Several thoughts flashed through my waking mind at this moment.

Devouring the flesh and blood of higher-level monsters?
Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Regardless of whether the legendary level monster flesh and blood can be obtained.

Even if you get it, after swallowing the awakened Yuanwu realm, you will probably explode and die, right?
"Then there is only one way... through fighting, you can better control your power!"

Su Xing wanted to reach the realm of divine power and then leave the blessed land of the spiritual field, but the improvement in power was too slow.

But if you continue to fight on the battlefield, your potential may be further unleashed.

And the best place to fight... is undoubtedly the Demon Suppression Pass!
Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

[In No. 19, you left the copy of Lingtian Paradise and returned to the real world. 】

[In less than half a month after returning to the real world, you have been assassinated three times. Fortunately, you are strong and Luo Shuying protects you, so you are not in serious trouble. 】

[You have gone to the dungeon of Demon Suppression Pass, preparing to improve your strength through battle. 】

[After knowing your idea, Luo Shuying and Daxia's senior officials strongly opposed it, because you are now a thorn in the demon clan's side, and it would be too dangerous if you show up. 】

[But you are determined to go to the Demon Suppression Pass and digest your own strength through fighting. 】

[You went to the Demon Suppression Pass, swallowed the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence every day, and joined the battlefield. 】

[You are powerful. When using spiritual power, an ordinary demon king can barely survive three punches under your arrogant strength. 】

[In just half a year, you killed hundreds of demon kings! 】

[Just as you think, through high-intensity battles and the essence of the Demon King’s flesh and blood, your strength will increase dramatically every day! 】

[This year, your strength increased to 940 million kilograms! 】

[In No. 20, you are still the god of death on the battlefield. The ordinary demon king is no match for you. Even if the demon king attacks you personally, you can still persist until Luo Shuying comes to help. 】

[You were assassinated thirty times on the battlefield this year. Soldiers in the army swung their swords at you, and several demon kings surrounded and suppressed you, but you survived all of them. 】【The most dangerous time, even a legendary monster attacked you personally, but you hid in the Lingtian Blessed Land in time and escaped. 】

[In one year, you have killed hundreds of demon kings and are covered in blood. Your fighting consciousness has rapidly increased. 】

[This year, your strength increased to 950 million pounds! 】

[No. 20 One year later, the demon beasts at the demon king level have gradually come to know how terrifying you are. They no longer want to fight you, and they will run away when they see you from a distance. 】

[In desperation, you can only set your sights on the strong ones at the Demon King level! 】

[With your strength, when using the Mo Bing Sword, you can compete with the Demon King. Even if you are at a disadvantage most of the time, your life will not be threatened. 】

[In one year, you have fought hundreds of battles with Demon King-level monsters, and your combat awareness has been greatly improved. 】

[In this year, you have been injured many times, but every time you survived, your strength soared to 970 million kilograms! 】

[No.20 In the second year, as your power gets stronger, you feel that you have reached a certain limit, and you have the urge to break through to the realm of divine power immediately! 】

[Because you know that as long as you break through the divine power realm, you will immediately have the strength comparable to the demon emperor! 】

[But you still forcibly resisted this impulse, because the closer you are to the limit in Yuanwu Realm, the higher your future achievements will be! 】

[This year, your strength increased to 980 million pounds! 】

[No. In the third year of No. 20, the situation of the human race in Zhenyaoguan became worse and worse. With the continuous fighting, the strong people of the human race lost more and more, but the monsters seemed to be endless. There will always be a demon king, Monster beasts of the Demon King level appeared on the battlefield. 】

[Under the huge strength gap, the human race can only be trapped in the Demon Suppression Pass and can no longer fight out of the city. 】

[But your performance is still brave, fighting against the Demon King every day. On the battlefield, your role is almost equivalent to that of a powerful Martial Emperor. 】

[This year, your strength increased to 980 million pounds! 】

[No. 20, high-intensity battles continue. Every day when you open your eyes, you kill monsters. When you are hungry, you eat the essence of the flesh and blood of the Demon King. Countless monsters die in your hands. 】

[You finally know the horror of the Demon Suppressing Pass, and you even feel the despair of the soldiers at the Demon Suppressing Pass, because even if you kill more and more monsters every day, you still can't kill them all. 】

[You alone can kill hundreds of monsters in one day, but compared to the number of monsters on the entire battlefield, it is still a drop in the ocean. 】

[The only thing that makes you feel hopeful is that your strength is still growing and gradually approaching a certain limit. 】

[This year, your strength increased to 96 million kilograms! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing had a complicated expression on his face.

Through the cold words in front of him, he seemed to see the helplessness of the soldiers of Zhenyao Pass, and also felt his own powerlessness.

Even a strong Yuanwu realm, even comparable to the Martial Emperor... there is still a limit to what they can do on this battlefield.

Only by becoming the strongest can you suppress everything!
It was enough to rescue the human race from the oppression of alien races for thousands of years.

Just enough to prevent the apocalypse decades later...

Su Xing’s goal to become stronger is not for others, but for himself to live a better life.

"Fortunately, I have seen hope!"

"As long as I can go to the limit in this simulation and break through the realm of divine power! It will be considered a solid step!"

Su Xing clenched his fists to cheer himself up, and then looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In the fifth year, you no longer remember how many days you have been at Demon Suppression Pass. You only know the endless demon beasts outside the city and the compatriots who are injured every day. 】

【Yesterday, Luo Shuying was injured again trying to save you, but you still feel a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of a strong man of that level. 】

[The only thing that supports you now is your ever-increasing power, constantly pushing you to that limit! 】

[A few months have passed, and your strength has increased by another 1000 catties, and you are getting closer and closer to the goal of [-] million catties...]

[But there are fewer and fewer humans in the Demon Suppression Pass, and more and more soldiers are dying in battle. You don’t know how long you can last, five years, three years...or is it shorter? 】

[You keep fighting, eager to reach the limit of tens of millions of pounds earlier! 】

[A few months have passed and your strength has reached 99 million kilograms, but the increase has been almost imperceptible. 】

[Maybe a few hundred catties of strength increase every day, or less...]

[This feeling of approaching the limit but not seeing the end, you can only hold on with faith. 】

[Finally, one day when you were fighting a demon king, you swung the strongest sword in your history! 】

[You feel that a certain shackle in your body has finally been broken! 】

[You fought with the Demon King for several hours, and finally he was seriously injured with a sword and finally beheaded. 】

[You take out the essence of the demon emperor’s flesh and blood, and swallow it in big gulps, regardless of the bitterness and pungency. 】

[A hunch arises in your heart that it’s time to break through to the realm of divine power! 】

(End of this chapter)

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