Chapter 120 Finally reaches the realm of divine power! (Second update)

"Finally, are you going to break through the divine power realm?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel and murmured in a low voice.

Seeing the slow growth in the last few years when his body reached its limit, Su Xing even thought that he would have to wait until the next simulation to reach the realm of divine power.

But after all, it reached the limit of 1000 million kilograms!
"1000 million kilograms. Even the Wu Clan in ancient times would not be able to reach this power in the Yuanwu realm, right?"

"Even those in the weakest realm of divine power only have this level of power..."

Su Xing's heart surged inexplicably.

He could feel his efforts in the Demon Suppression Pass in order to reach this limit.

And at this moment, he finally reached it!

"Break through the realm of divine power! The bright future is right in front of you!"

Su Xing's breathing quickened slightly and he looked at the simulation panel again.

[When the situation in the Demon Suppression Pass is getting worse and worse, you chose to retreat. 】

[You returned to the blessed land of Lingtian, adjusted your physical condition to the best, and prepared some essence of the Demon King's flesh and blood, as well as the top-grade divine power pills left behind before. 】

[You swallowed three kilograms of the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence in one breath, and felt that the surging energy in your body was almost overflowing. 】

[When your body was about to be unable to support this energy, you took the magic pill to prepare for a breakthrough. 】

[Shenli Pill turned into a warm current and entered your belly, and instantly turned into violent energy. This energy is like a hammer, constantly beating every inch of flesh and blood in your body. 】

[Energy is still accumulating, spreading to every inch of your body's flesh and blood. You feel your bones hurting and whining. 】

[This is a transformation of your body's muscle density and bone density. How can an ordinary flesh and blood body withstand such shocking power? 】

[This is a more brutal and thorough strengthening than the bone forging level before, and you feel endless pain. 】

[It starts with skin, then flesh, then bones... and finally strengthens to your internal organs. 】

[Under the wash of this energy, you feel that your body strength and life are sublimated at this moment. 】

[The pain continues, day and night, which almost makes you want to give up several times. It is the ten years of grinding in the Demon Suppression Pass that have made your mind stronger, and you have gritted your teeth and persevered all the way. 】

[Finally, after you continued to persevere, at a certain moment, you felt your body become relaxed. 】

[You even thought you had succeeded in breaking through, but then, you felt an endless feeling of hunger coming from your body. 】

【Since your golden core period, you have been able to eat grains. Although you have a basic appetite, it is reasonable to say that you will not be so hungry. 】

[But at this moment, this feeling of hunger is so real, like a person who has been hungry for three days and three nights without eating. There is only one thought in your mind, eat! 】

[You looked at the Demon Emperor’s flesh and blood essence aside and started to devour it crazily. You ate a full five kilograms of the Demon Emperor’s flesh and blood essence before you felt that you couldn’t eat anymore. 】

[Subsequently, the energy in your body increased again, and you decisively took the second divine pill... then the energy exploded and pain struck. 】

[Your body is being washed and transformed by this energy again...]

[The cycle goes back and forth like this. You no longer remember how much monster flesh and blood essence you have eaten. Perhaps it is more than you have eaten in the past month. You also do not remember how many Yuanwu Dan you have swallowed. You have also suffered from physical pain. Habit. 】

[Finally, at a certain moment, you feel a clicking sound in your body, and a certain shackle in your body is successfully broken! 】

[You broke through and became a monk in the realm of divine power! 】

[But the surge in strength you imagined did not come, because during these few days of breakthroughs, your strength has actually been skyrocketing! 】

[In just a few days, your strength has increased to 2000 million pounds! 】

[Then you felt hungry, so you ate another five kilograms of Demon King’s flesh and blood essence in one go, but this time there was no pain or energy explosion. You just felt that your whole body was full of strength! 】

[The surface of your body seems to be bathed in sunlight, covered with a thin golden veil. 】

[You seem to understand that the Divine Power Realm is not just an increase in strength, but an all-round increase in physical strength!This is another powerful leap in the physical strength of the body-refining cultivator! 】

[Because only higher physical strength can control such great power! 】

Su Xing's face turned red when he saw this.

"Finally, finally broke through!"

In the realm of divine power, there is an existence that can rival the mighty Martial Emperor!

Although he has just entered the divine power realm for the first time, his strength is not even weaker than that of the veteran divine power realm experts. If you calculate it this way, he is not weak among the Martial Emperors!

"After this time is over, I will definitely be able to break through to the realm of divine power... By then I will be considered the strongest among the human race. Do I want to expose myself in exchange for more energy?"

Su Xing fell into deep thought.

It is conceivable that as long as he exposes his own power, cooperates with Daxia's senior officials, and gathers the power of a country, the speed of obtaining simulated energy will definitely increase tenfold, a hundredfold, or a thousandfold!

And this also means that Su Xing's strength is about to usher in a period of explosive growth!

After reaching the divine power realm, the energy required to break through the realm will probably increase tenfold, reaching 1000 million energy per level!

Based on this calculation, whether it is enough is also an important question...

"Oh, it's really troublesome! As for whether to expose it, maybe I can go to the Demon Suppression Pass first to have a look? How big is the gap between the human race and the alien race?"

Su Xing already had an idea in his mind, and that was to take a look in the simulator.

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[After breaking through the realm of divine power, you returned to the real world, in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[At this moment, the battle at the Demon Suppression Pass is raging. The human side is completely crushed by the demonic beasts, and soldiers are dying every minute on the battlefield. 】

[You didn’t say anything more, and joined the battlefield silently, staring at a demon king-level monster. 】

[When you reached the Great Perfection of Yuanwu Realm, you could still fight the Demon Emperor. Now that you have broken through to the Divine Power Realm, you have no reason to fear the Demon Emperor anymore. 】

[This time you did not choose the realm of divine power, but chose to use your fists to fight the Demon King in hand-to-hand combat. 】

[The huge demon emperor who is hundreds of meters tall in front of him seems to be in sharp contrast with you who is less than two meters tall. You are like an ant in front of him. 】

[But the huge difference in body size will not make you less powerful. On the contrary, it will be easier for you to avoid the Demon King's attack. 】

[You punched out, and the 2000 million kilograms of force packed with Yuanli hit the Demon Emperor. The Demon Emperor was seriously injured with just one blow. 】

[You fought with the Demon King for 10 minutes, and finally beheaded him and took away the essence of his flesh and blood. 】

[Although you have the upper hand on the battlefield, the human race as a whole is still at a huge disadvantage. You didn't have time to think about it and quickly joined the battlefield! 】

[The opponents you choose are all monsters at the level of the Demon King!You were once the Demon King’s nightmare, and now you will become the Demon King’s nightmare! 】

[In the next few months, you will have to fight the Demon Emperor every day, and you will be able to kill a strong Demon Emperor every few days. Your role on the battlefield even exceeds that of most of the Martial Emperors! 】

[Because although the Martial Emperor is strong, he does not have such terrifying strength and physical strength as you! 】

[And as you swallow the flesh and blood of the Demon King every day, you feel that your strength and physical strength are still increasing. 】

[In addition to fighting every day, you will also take divine power pills and the essence of the Demon King’s flesh and blood, and your strength will steadily increase. 】

[No. 20, although the situation at Demon Suppression Pass was very bad this year, you were still able to persevere, and you took advantage of this opportunity to rapidly increase your strength! 】【Until one day, everything changed! 】

[The endless army of monsters appears on the endless horizon. Countless monsters are pressing towards the Demon Suppression Pass like crazy. One after another, extremely powerful monsters appear in your field of vision. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing took a deep breath and said:
"Use the immersive simulation function, duration, one hour!"

[Ding, it has been detected that you are using the immersive simulation function, which lasts for 1 hour, consumes 10 energy, and has 2603 remaining energy points. 】

Su Xing's eyes changed, and the next second he appeared in a strange place.

The sky was filled with dark clouds, and there was faint lightning and thunder.

There were crazy shouts all around and the smell of blood in the air.

Su Xing glanced around blankly. There were mages in robes throwing away skills, warriors in armor raising swords and flying monsters in the air.

From time to time, golden light and fluctuations came from the city wall.

"Sir, we can't hold on any longer! Let's retreat!"

At this time, a king-level professional came to Su Xing and said this to Su Xing.

But Su Xing remained unmoved. If we retreat now, where can we retreat to?
Leaving the Demon Suppression Pass and entering the real world is only a matter of time.

Su Xing strode to the edge of the city wall, and saw the black monsters on the ground in the distance.

There are monsters ranging from a few meters to tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters.

They attacked the city wall frantically, trying to blast a hole in the thousand-foot-high Demon Suppression Pass.

Su Xing saw some soldiers risking their lives to stop the monsters.

Some succeeded, others died.

Suddenly, Su Xing heard a terrified cry.

Following the sound, a person stared blankly ahead.

Su Xing followed his gaze and saw that as far as the eye could see, giant beasts with extremely powerful auras were attacking.

"This is not something that an emperor-level beast can achieve!"

He made this judgment the moment he woke up.

"At least it's a legendary beast!"

Su Xing took a breath, because this legendary beast was thousands of meters tall, not one with two heads, nor dozens of heads... but hundreds of heads!
Hundreds of legendary beasts as tall as the city wall were attacking the city wall, hoping to destroy the city wall with brute force.

"You actually want to destroy my Demon Suppression Pass!?"

Su Xing heard roars coming from behind him, and more than a dozen strong men with golden light on their bodies rushed towards the legendary beast.

The moment he woke up, he realized that this should be all the strength to guard the Demon Town Pass.

But ten to hundreds...

The result is visible!

After only a few rounds of fighting, the legendary powerhouse on the human side fell into an absolute disadvantage and was almost crushed.

Just when a demon-suppressing pass was about to be destroyed, a sigh came from within the demon-suppressing pass.

An old man appeared high in the sky at some point and launched an attack on the legendary beast in front of him.

However, something even more desperate happened. Two humanoid figures emerged from the demon army. Although these two men looked human, they exuded the aura of demons.

The old man immediately started fighting with them.

Su Xing didn't even see clearly when he saw the old man defeated and hundreds of legendary monsters pouring into the city.

When I woke up, my vision went dark, and my consciousness returned to its original form.

[Ding, due to the death of the character, this immersive simulation ended early! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

Su Xing looked at the cold words in front of him and remained silent for a long time.

"Even beings above legend can't save this ending..."

Su Xing took a deep breath, the demon clan was much stronger than he imagined!

In the thousands of years of inheritance of the human race, there may always be one or two powerful individuals appearing.

But the alien race, that is a powerful group!
Absolute crushing strength, coupled with crushing numbers!

"Sure enough, I still thought it was too easy!"

"The realm of divine power may only be considered good, but it is far from good enough!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and gave up the idea of ​​exposing his identity and gaining energy quickly.

It’s good to have energy, but you also need life flowers!
"Hey, why do you think so much? There must be a way to the mountain... Let's improve our strength first!"

Su Xing looked at the choice of simulated rewards.

[Strengthen the Mountain]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[26 years of alchemy experience]: Alchemy insights, including some alchemy insights, priced at 60 energy.

[First Level of Divine Power Realm]: Body training and cultivation, selling for 1000 million energy!
[Ten years of combat experience]: Priced at 100 million energy.

Looking at the four rewards in front of him, Su Xing said without hesitation:
"I choose the purple talent of overwhelming strength, and the cultivation level of the first level of divine power realm!"

[You have successfully brought out the purple innate power to lift mountains, spending 100 million energy, and the remaining energy is 2503 points. 】

[You successfully brought out the first level of divine power realm, spending 1000 million points of energy, and the remaining energy is 1503 points. 】

As Su Xing made his choice, two mysterious forces descended on Su Xing's body.

The next second, Su Xing felt that the momentum in his body began to surge and his strength began to continue to rise.

A gentle energy enveloped Su Xing, and at this moment, Su Xing's physical body began to strengthen.

From flesh and blood to bones, to internal organs...

A few minutes passed, when the light on Su Xing's body dissipated.

Su Xing was successfully promoted to a powerful person in the divine power realm!
There was no pain or discomfort at all.

Everything seems to be in order.

Su Xing felt the surging power coming from his body and clenched his fists in excitement.

"That's it, the Divine Power Realm!"

"Divine power realm...endless divine power, such terrifying power...but in the Demon Suppression Pass, facing those strange beasts, I am still so powerless..."

(End of this chapter)

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