Chapter 121 The Lingmi Project, benefiting all mankind?
Su Xing can feel the terror of his own power.

His current strength is many times stronger than when he first entered the Great Perfection of Yuanwu Realm.

But compared with those terrifying monsters in the Demon Suppression Pass, they are still too weak.

"The top priority is to increase our strength as soon as possible!"

Su Xing already had a plan in mind.

If nothing else, breaking through the first level of the divine power realm requires 1000 million energy.

And he doesn't have enough energy to bring out a lot of cultivation in a short period of time.

Therefore, it is time to consider the matter of refining qi and cultivating oneself to achieve a breakthrough in becoming a god.

"While accumulating energy, I will improve my body training to the perfection of divine power... and at the same time find the whereabouts of another material, Snow Bone Jade Ginseng!"

"Oh, but before that, we still need to make more money and earn energy!"

Su Xing sighed, and then started his daily alchemy.

It's a pity that the breakthrough in body refining does not help him in refining alchemy. In fact, rather than breaking through to the divine power realm, he hopes to reach the divine transformation stage first. After all, this will give him more spiritual energy and make elixir refining faster!
In the next week, Su Xing fell into a busy rhythm of alchemy again.

Within a week, Su Xing refined [-] pills again.

"Phew~ finally you're done, count the time, it's time to see Jin Congxue!"

Su Xing glanced at the time and rushed towards the villa.

Soon after waking up, he went to the villa of Jiangnan Vocational University, and met Jin Congxue who had been waiting for a long time.

It's May, and the weather is getting hotter. Jin Congxue wore a cool short skirt today, and she looked sober and secretly praised her.

Jin Congxue woke up with a white look and said coquettishly:
"Where are you looking? Come and eat!"

Su Xing smiled, sat opposite Jin Congxue, and started to feast on the food in front of him.

As Su Xing broke through the realm of divine power, he found that his requirements for food were getting higher and higher, and he ate more at each meal.

Although Su Xing is a Nascent Soul cultivator and can already live without grains, he is stronger in physical training. The consumption of the divine power realm will have a great impact on his strength if there is not enough food to supplement it.

Although the ordinary food in front of him was of little use to Su Xing, he was still very satisfied with it.

"Hmm~ This dish tastes really good! It's just that the rice is not delicious..."

Su Xing is used to eating Ling rice, even if it is the best Beidong rice, Su Xing still feels that it tastes like chewing wax.

"By the way, I have spiritual rice can use spiritual rice to cook from now on!"

Su Xing took out several hundred kilograms of spiritual rice from the storage ring and gave it to Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue has seen spiritual rice. After she came out of the copy of Lingtian Blessed Land, she also got some spiritual rice, but she has been reluctant to eat it!
Jin Congxue was shocked when she saw Su Xing taking out so much spiritual rice and asked:

"Good guy, how much spiritual rice do you have? How can you take out so much at once?"

Su Xing heard the words and thought for a while.

He opened up ten acres of spiritual fields in the blessed land. Because of the spirit gathering array and the spiritual power of awakening to ripen... If he masters the earth dragon technique in the future, it will not be a problem to produce five thousand kilograms per mu...

In the blessed land of Lingtian, the four seasons are like spring, the spiritual energy is abundant, and the Linggu can be harvested twice a year...

If so...

"It's not's only about [-] catties a year, which is barely enough for me to eat."

One hundred thousand kilograms of rice, barely enough for you to eat alone?Look, what did you say to yourself?

Jin Congxue rolled his eyes after hearing this, obviously thinking that Su Xing was bragging.

"One hundred thousand catties of rice is enough to feed hundreds of people for a year, right? Are you eating it alone?"

Su Xing nodded seriously and said:

"That's right! I have a big appetite...this spiritual rice tastes good...that's why I can eat so much!"

When Jin Congxue saw Su Xing taking out so many spiritual rice, he already had a guess about the source of these spiritual rice.

Obviously, these spiritual rice are taken from the Lingtian dungeon, and one hundred thousand kilograms of spiritual rice can be obtained every year... If Su Xing is not bragging... then he probably inherited the entire Lingtian dungeon, right?

Jin Congxue took a deep look at Su Xing and thought a lot in her mind. She had some guesses about where Su Xing learned these alchemy skills and spiritual rice.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Some lucky people accidentally enter a certain dungeon, and finally inherit the treasures in the dungeon, or even the entire dungeon, and eventually become strong.

In Daxia, one appears every few decades.

However, Jin Congxue has never seen a copy with such a high value!
Whether it is the elixir Su Xing took out or the spiritual rice in front of him, it is of great help to a person. It is not an exaggeration to say that with these things, one can become as rich as the enemy!

And Su Xing actually had no intention of hiding such a big secret from himself.

Thinking of this, Jin Congxue's heart warmed up again, and her eyes looking at Su Xing became even more affectionate.


Su Xing felt puzzled when he saw Jin Congxue suddenly looking at him affectionately in front of him. "What the hell...why are you looking at me like this all of a sudden? Isn't it just a gift of some spiritual rice...that's it?"

Su Xing thought to himself, he obviously didn't think that way.

After all, he and Jin Congxue have been cooperating for half a year, and if nothing else happens, they will continue to cooperate in the future.

Sooner or later these secrets cannot be hidden from Jin Congxue, so there is no harm in letting her know!
The most important thing is that Su Xing has broken through the realm of divine power and has combat power that is truly comparable to the level of the Martial Emperor!

It's easy to hold on to a copy.

After all, the biggest secret of Awakening is not the Holy Land, but the simulator he carries with him. That is the foundation for him to become stronger!

Jin Congxue called a servant to cook some spiritual rice. After taking a bite, his eyes suddenly lit up and he couldn't help but admire:

"This spiritual rice of yours really tastes great, and it is very useful for strengthening the physique of low-level professionals. If it is used as a commodity, I am afraid it can be sold at a very high price!"

After hearing this, Su Xing asked casually while taking a big mouthful of rice:
"It's just rice, how much can you sell it for?"

In Su Xing's mind, rice should be something that everyone can afford and is worthless.

How can you make money quickly by refining elixirs?
After hearing this, Jin Congxue thought for a while and said seriously:
"This spiritual rice is of great benefit to professionals at the gold level and even below the master level... If it were me, I would buy a pound of spiritual rice for 10 yuan!"

"This spiritual rice is extremely energy-rich. Ordinary gold-level professionals will be full after eating one tael per meal. Power-type professionals can only eat two taels at most... If you calculate it this way, one kilogram of rice is enough for them to eat for three or four days!"

"Furthermore, spiritual rice nourishes the body for a long time. If a silver-level professional consumes spiritual rice for a long time, his physical fitness will definitely be much higher than that of the same level. I am afraid that the chance of breaking through the gold level will be even greater! It is said that it can indirectly improve strength. Not too much!"

After hearing Jin Congxue's words, Su Xing was stunned.

What he cares about is not how much the spiritual rice can be sold for, but what Jin Congxue said is that this spiritual rice can help low-level professionals improve their potential!

This means that low-level professionals and even children may be able to take Lingmi for a long time to improve their physical fitness, and their strength will only become stronger in the future!
If you do this, you may not see any benefits in the short term...

But if it is ten years or twenty years later... the strength of the entire human race will increase by two levels!

Professionals who originally only had the potential to be promoted to the silver level may be able to be promoted to the gold level!

And the gold level can even be promoted to the master level!
The more master-level professionals there are, the more master-level professionals will become...

Then to the King level...

By analogy...


Su Xing took a deep breath, thinking this way, this matter is really a mess!

But the problem now is that Su Xing simply can’t get that much spiritual rice, which is enough for the entire country’s low-level professionals and even children!
There are billions of people in the Great Xia Kingdom, even if [-] million of them take Lingmi, that will be a huge number...

As for the revived spiritual land, the total area is more than 500 mu. Excluding the spiritual field where the elixir is planted, the annual output is only about 500 million catties...

Calculating it this way, it seems that it is completely insufficient!
Su Xing fell into deep thought, and suddenly thought of something.

"Wait... If I remember correctly, using spirit stones to arrange a spirit gathering array can transform ordinary land into a spirit field!"

You don't even need a spirit-gathering array. You only need to transplant two spirit-gathering flowers and spend one or two spirit stones. As long as the spiritual energy absorbed by the spirit rice is not as much as the spirit-gathering flower, you can completely turn an acre of ordinary land into a A spiritual field where spiritual rice is grown!
"This matter... seems to be going somewhere!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, and then he asked Jin Congxue:

"If you were to sell Lingmi, how much do you think you can sell it for?"

Jin Congxue thought for a while and said:
"The actual value of this spiritual rice is estimated to be only 50 per catty... But if it is commercially packaged and labeled as some kind of genius rice or rice specially taken by professionals, it is not a problem to buy it for [-] million per catty!"

After hearing what Jin Congxue said, Su Xing nodded and said:

"I will seriously consider this matter. If I want the Tarot Club to sell spiritual rice specifically, I will need your help!"

Jin Congxue nodded after hearing this and said confidently:

"Don't worry! If you really have enough spiritual rice to buy, I will take care of it. This is our exclusive rice. We are the only ones in the world who can sell it. No matter how high the price is, you are still afraid that you won't be able to sell it. ?”

After the meal, Su Xing and Jin Congxue chatted for a while, and then returned to the Lingtian Paradise.

Su Xing first exchanged the new batch of goods given to him by Jin Congxue into energy.

A total of more than 100 million simulated energy was exchanged. As the Tarot Chamber of Commerce grew bigger, the awakening received more and more energy.

Afterwards, Su Xing did not rush to imitate, but carefully considered the feasibility of selling spiritual rice.

"If I really want to grow spirit rice, I can just bring back some more spirit-gathering flowers from the simulator. Planting a few thousand acres will not be a big problem, but the problem is..."

"It is easy to detect clues when planting spiritual rice on a large scale. Others may not care about it, but that guy Zong Laogou pays close attention to everything related to cultivating immortals!"

Su Xing pondered for a moment and realized that he still had to start with Zong Laogou. This was one of the few immortal cultivators he knew, and he was also a strong man in the transformation stage. If he could be brought down, the effect would be huge!

"Forget it, let me try it in the simulation to see if I can plant spiritual rice on a large scale!"

Su Xing's heart moved, he called up the simulation panel, and said silently:

"Start the simulation!"

(End of this chapter)

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