About the update time and rules for adding updates~
It’s almost the beginning of the month!

Everyone knows that the monthly vote list at the beginning of the month is very important. Although I am just a newbie, I still hope to be on the classified monthly vote list. The best opportunity is at the beginning of the month~
And it has only been on the shelves for about ten days, so it’s time to have serious rules for adding updates~

①Additional updates will be ordered, and ten additional chapters will be ordered for every increase of [-].

Okay, this is purely a dream. The first order is a few hundred on Xiaopu Street. Currently, I have even ordered a thousand. Thank you everyone for your support!If it can really increase by [-] yuan, the update will be enough!

②Updates will be added with the monthly pass. For every 8 monthly passes in that month, [-] more chapters will be added!
The starting point writer’s lottery for one thousand monthly tickets!Wow, I haven’t tried it yet!
③Tip for extra updates. For every [-] starting coins, an extra chapter will be added!
There is everyone’s reward record in the background, I can see it~
④Dream more updates! ! !
If there is the first leader (pure dream), ten more chapters will be added!

The above chapters are all [-]-word chapters~
Also, let’s talk about the update time. The latest update time is really unstable because I wrote and wrote and had no inspiration, so I went to look for inspiration (really)!
If nothing else, the update time should be:

A chapter after 12 o'clock in the evening,
Chapter 12 at [-] noon,
Chapter [-] around [-]pm...

Woohoo~ Finally, the beginning of September is almost here!
Ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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