Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 123: Three days and three nights, chasing thousands of miles!

Chapter 123 Three days and three nights, a pursuit of one hundred thousand miles! (Second update)

Su Xing was shocked when she saw this.

Obviously, in this simulation, Su Xing aroused the fear of Zong Laogou because he was strong enough!
Therefore, Zong Laogou did not take strong measures, but wanted to make a deal with Su Xing.

"Sure enough, everything must be based on strength! If we are not strong enough, we won't even have a chance to negotiate!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he was a little curious about what Zong Laogou was going to do with him, so he continued to look down.

[Zong Laogou tells you that he knows that you are the one who sold spiritual rice in large quantities. He said that spiritual rice is not an extraordinary thing, and those mortals are not qualified to eat it, so he wants to make a deal with you and exchange spiritual rice from you. . 】

【You looked at Zong Laogou's hypocritical appearance, and your heart moved, and you said that you want snow bone jade ginseng. 】

[After Zong Laogou heard that you needed Snow Bone Jade Ginseng, his expression changed slightly and he looked at you deeply. 】

[You saw Zong Laogou’s reaction in your eyes and understood that Zong Laogou might really have Snow Bone Jade Ginseng. At least he had heard of this medicinal material. 】

[So you quickly expressed that if Old Dog Zong is willing to give out Snow Bone Jade Ginseng, you are willing to use anything in exchange. 】

[Zong Laogou smiled when he heard this, but said that he had never heard of this medicinal material at all, and left immediately. 】

【Before Zong Laogou left, you quickly planted the seeds of the ten-thousand-mile tracking technique on him! 】

Su Xing saw the excitement in his eyes, and murmured:

"Finally, is there any trace of Snow Bone Jade Ginseng? This old dog may have Snow Bone Jade Ginseng in his possession! At least he should know where this medicinal material is!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart became even more eager to "inherit Zong Laogou's legacy"!
As for how to inherit... Naturally, we should get rid of him first, and then inherit it reasonably!

"However, this old dog has a lot of tricks, and has the ability to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. He escaped from my ambush many times. If I want to solve it alone, I'm afraid it's impossible..."

After Su Xing pondered for a moment, he murmured:

"Only when a legendary powerhouse takes action can we be sure of dealing with him!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing already made a decision in his heart.

Continue to look at the simulation panel.

[You let Zong Laogou leave and did not choose to take action immediately. No matter how great the temptation was to break through to become a god, you knew that you might not be Zong Laogou’s opponent. Moreover, this is the Advent Sect’s base camp, and there is no way you can kill him from here. Old dog Zong. 】

[Afterwards, you return to your residence and practice the Thousand Miles Tracking Technique day and night. Finally, you have fully mastered this magical power and can feel the location of the person who has been imprinted by your spiritual consciousness. 】

[In the second year, you spent several months refining the Concentrating Pill. You asked Luo Shuying to replace the three-foot-long Concentrating Wood in the treasure house. In just a few months, you refined it. Thousands of concentration pills were released. 】

[You gave three hundred concentration pills to Luo Shuying. You know that this pill is of great use to Luo Shuying and can help her break through! 】

[You have refined a lot of top-quality Concentrating Pills. Next, you are going to completely digest this batch of Concentrating Pills and improve your spiritual consciousness! 】

[In the first month, you take a Condensing Pill every three days. In just one month, the strength of your spiritual consciousness increases from fifty feet to 150 feet! 】

[In the second month, you took ten Concentration Pills, and your consciousness increased to 250 feet! 】

[In the third month, you took fifteen pills of concentration, and your consciousness increased to three hundred feet! 】

[The fourth month...the sixth month...the eighth month&]

[Next, you spent a year. During this year, in addition to completing the necessary tasks, you only focused on one thing, and that was to improve the strength of your consciousness! 】

[In just one year, you relied on the mystery of the Condensing Pill to increase the intensity of your consciousness to more than [-] feet! 】

[Logically speaking, this is almost equivalent to the strength of the consciousness of ordinary monks in the realm of gods, but you know that Zong Laogou has a deep foundation, and it must be more than this, and you always have a hand in doing things, so you continue to swallow the Condensing Pill, Increase the strength of your consciousness! 】

[In the third year, you took medicine for another year and increased the range of your spiritual consciousness from 850 feet to [-] feet! 】

[This is the intensity of spiritual consciousness that far exceeds that of monks at the Nascent Soul Stage. Although you have not yet felt the limit, the growth of your spiritual consciousness caused by the Concentration Pill has been slow. 】

[At this time, Luo Shuying tells you that she has successfully broken through to the legendary level. You know, it is time to take action! 】

[In the past two years, Zong Laogou seems to have sensed something. He has been going deep into the temple and rarely leaves the main headquarters of the Advent Sect. However, you are very patient and know that as a protector, Zong Laogou will definitely go out to perform tasks. And you are ready to take action at that moment! 】

[You activate the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique and can sense the position of Zong Lao Dog. With the strength of your spiritual consciousness, Zong Lao Dog cannot escape your tracking within a radius of several thousand miles! 】

[So you waited patiently. 】

[This wait is two years! 】【In the past two years, you have not been idle. On the one hand, you continue to improve the strength of your spiritual consciousness. On the other hand, you farm and hoard elixirs every day. You have already stocked tens of millions of kilograms of spiritual rice in your spiritual field. , and you have also refined more than [-] Yuan Yang Pills, Fu Refining Pills and other elixirs. 】

[Just wait until the day you take action to kill the old dog of the sect, and you and Luo Shuying will betray the Advent Sect! 】

[In the sixth year, Emperor Tian has paid off his hard work. Zong Laogou has stayed in the sect these years and has not gone out to perform tasks, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of the leader of the fanatic faction. Zong Laogou has no choice but to go out to perform tasks. 】

[And after you secretly inquired about this news, you immediately notified Luo Shuying to prepare for action! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing felt a little excited and murmured:
"Finally, Zong Laogou, the old fox, still showed his flaws!"

"If he stays in the Adventist Cult, I really can't help it... There are at least three legendary powerhouses in the Adventist Cult. I'm afraid I have to bring at least half of the top combat power of the Great Xia Kingdom to be able to get out of the Adventist Cult. Forcibly killing the old dog of Zong...this would be unrealistic."

"But as long as this guy leaves the Adventist Church, everything will be fine!"

Su Xing seemed to have seen the moment when Luo Shuying killed Zong Laogou and he happily obtained Zong Laogou's inheritance.

"But we can't be happy too early! That guy Zong Laogou is very cunning and can't let his guard down until the last moment!"

Su Xing reminded himself secretly, and then looked at the simulation panel.

[Zong Laogou left the scope of Advent Sect, then got into the mountains, and fled towards the west. 】

[You are not in a hurry to take action, because Zong Laogou has only left Advent Sect less than a hundred kilometers away. At this distance, a Dzogchen monk in the Divine Transformation Stage can escape in less than a quarter of an hour. You are not sure that he will be able to escape in such a short time. Kill him within time. 】

[So you continue to stay in the sect, ready to notify Luo Shuying at any time, and use your secret tracking technique to sense the position of Zong Laogou at all times. . 】

[Zong Laogou stayed in the mountains a hundred kilometers west of Adventism for seven days, and then ran straight to the mountains in the north, where he stayed for another seven days. 】

[After that, he went to the east and south in turn, always more than 100 kilometers away from the Adventist Sect, and seemed to be testing something. 】

When Su Xing saw this, he immediately slapped his thigh and sighed:
"This old dog is indeed too cautious! He is more than 100 kilometers away from the Adventist Sect's base camp. I'm afraid he just wants to fish!"

"With this distance, he can definitely escape! And the reason why he did this is that he really discovered something!"

Su Xing knew clearly in his heart that this old dog must have sensed the danger, otherwise who would be a normal person running around so idle?
"Haha, but as a hunter, I am more patient than you think!"

Su Xing muttered and continued to look at the simulation panel.

[Zong Laogou has been testing again and again, and gradually moved away from Adventism, from one hundred kilometers to three hundred kilometers... Just when you were about to take action, Zonglaogou actually returned again, and came to a place a hundred miles away from Adventism. place, and stayed there for a long time...]

[You sneered after knowing what Zong Laogou did. You knew in your heart that he couldn't keep going like this because this task was time-consuming, so you simply refined the elixir while using the tracking technique to determine Zong Laogou's position. As long as he As soon as you run, you're ready to take action. 】

【Three months later, the Zonglao dog has been circling in circles within the range of [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers from the Adventist Church, without any rules at all. 】

[One day, according to your induction, the Zonglao dog came to the range of [-] kilometers northwest of the Advent Sect. Just when you thought the Zonglao dog was just running around like before, the Zonglao dog suddenly accelerated. He traveled hundreds of kilometers in minutes. 】

[You reacted instantly, so you quickly informed Luo Shuying that it was time to take action. 】

[As a cultivator in the realm of divine power, it is no problem for you to travel thousands of miles in an hour, and Luo Shuying is especially good at speed, and even travels faster than you. 】

[So you chased Zong Laogou all the way! 】

[In your induction, Zong Laogou's escape speed is getting faster and faster, as if he sensed something chasing him! 】

[And with your speed, you will not be able to catch up with Zong Laogou for a while, so you quickly told Luo Shuying the direction of Zong Laogou's escape, let her go after it alone, and you will arrive soon! 】

[You have been chasing for three days and three nights, but Zong Laogou is still running away. At this moment, he has even escaped from Daxia Kingdom's sphere of influence. 】

[And you have already separated from Luo Shuying, and you only use your mobile phone to keep in touch. 】

[Suddenly, under your induction, the old dog Zong changed its direction, no longer escaping toward the northwest, but toward the southwest. 】

[At this moment, Luo Shuying didn’t know about this at all, so you quickly sent a message to Luo Shuying, and then chased Zong Laogou alone! 】

[You chase towards the southwest, and pray in your heart that Luo Shuying can join you as soon as possible. 】

[But at this moment, in your response, the old Zong dog that had been running away suddenly stopped and ran straight towards you! 】

[You were suddenly shocked. To be honest, you were not sure about defeating Zong Laogou...]

[But it’s too late to think too much at this time, you must hold Luo Shuying back before he arrives! 】

(End of this chapter)

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