Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 124: Battle with Zong Laogou, the conspiracy of awakening!

Chapter 124 Fighting against the old dog of Zongzong, the awakened conspiracy! (Third update)
Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

Zong Laogou really has a strange ability, can detect danger, and can even sense his position!

And with Su Xing's strength, it is almost impossible to defeat Zong Laogou head-on.

"The only plan now is to hold off Zong Laogou. Only by holding on until Luo Shuying comes to support can we have the possibility of killing him!"

Su Xing felt a little excited for a moment.

From the first time he met Zong Laogou, he was treated like an ant and was even almost made into a human elixir.

Now Su Xing finally has the chance to fight Zong Laogou head-on!
Although the odds of winning are slim... Su Xing still wants to give it a try.

"If you want to fight, then let's fight! Let me see how terrifying a cultivator at the peak of his spiritual transformation can be!"

Su Xing made up his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[You realized that Old Dog Zong was coming towards you, but you had no intention of running away this time. You worked hard to adjust your breath and adjust your body to the best condition. Then you took out two spiritual stones extravagantly and started Restore your own spiritual power. 】

[You sit cross-legged, close your eyes and meditate, but you are always paying attention to the position of Zong Lao Dog. In your induction, the light spot symbolizing Zong Lao Dog is rapidly coming towards you! 】

[At a certain moment, you opened your eyes, pulled out the sword Mo Bing from your waist, and wiped it carefully. 】

[You know that when facing a powerful enemy like Zong Laogou, you must not hold back. You can only do your best from the beginning!And your biggest trump card right now is the human sword in "Three Talents Sword Technique"! 】

[The human sword is the sword of ten thousand enemies!You silently recall this sentence in the Sword Cultivator's General Outline in your heart. Your blood is boiling for the upcoming battle, but you don't have much fear. 】

[The spiritual sword Mo Bing in your hand groaned softly, seeming to sense the thoughts in your heart. 】

[A black spot comes from a distance, rapidly expands within your field of vision, and finally stops a hundred meters in front of you. 】

[The person who came was none other than Zong Laogou. The moment he saw you, his eyes were a little surprised, but also a little happy at the same time. 】

【Zong Laogou sneered, didn't say much, just took out a bone sword, turned into a black light and came towards you. 】

[When you see this, you also pick up the Mo Bingjian in your hand and head towards Zong Laogou! 】

When Su Xing saw this, he immediately slapped his thigh angrily and complained:

"Damn it, it's true that the novels are full of lies! Didn't you say that the villains will talk about it before they start fighting, and they will lose in the end?"

"Why do these old dogs start fighting whenever they disagree? Is this what a real villain does? He acts ruthlessly and doesn't delay at all..."

Su Xing knew in his heart that an old dog-level monk like Zong Laogou would never do messy things, which made Su Xing even more troublesome.

Continue to look at the simulation panel.

[Zong Laogou is powerful, and his swordsmanship is even more ruthless. His moves are deadly, and there are waves of whines coming from the bone sword, which seems to contain the resentment of countless wronged souls, constantly impacting your mind. 】

[Fortunately, you have a strong mind and soul. Although you are only in the Nascent Soul stage, your spiritual consciousness is already close to [-] feet. Otherwise, under the impact of Zong Laogou's bone sword resentment, you will definitely become a dementia person in an instant. 】

[But even so, when you were fighting Zong Laogou, you were greatly affected by the bone sword, and your consciousness felt like it was bitten by insects. 】

[You endured the discomfort in your soul, picked up the Mo Bingjian in your hand, and parried towards Zong Laogou. 】

【After only a dozen or so rounds of fighting, you felt something was wrong. Not only was this old dog ruthless and unpredictable, but his strength was not weaker than yours. 】

[You immediately understand in your heart that this old dog of the sect is probably also a practitioner of both Qi and Qi. Not only is he at the Great Perfection Stage of Divine Transformation, but he is also a veteran in the realm of divine power in terms of body training. 】

[But at this moment you know that you have no way out. Once a flaw is revealed, you will only die. 】

[You swung your sword with all your strength, forcing the old dog back. Then you stretched out your left hand, and a terrifying flame appeared in the palm of your hand. 】

[It is the magical power of Lihuo! 】

【You lightly toss Lihuo and fly towards Zonglaogou. Zonglaogou sneered at first, but when he sensed the terrifying aura coming from above Lihuo, his expression changed slightly. 】

【He seems to have seen the origin of the flame, and he looked at you with a hint of fear. 】

[But Zong Laogou is not a vegetarian either. As a strong man in the transformation stage who has lived for thousands of years, he naturally has some trump cards.I saw it stretch out a left hand hidden in the wide cuff, and a black air hit! 】

[You were shocked when you saw Zong Laogou's left hand, because that hand seemed to have been burned into charcoal, with only bones left, and the whole body was charred black, with a frightening black air wrapped around it. 】

[A large amount of black air in Zong Laogou's palm instantly wrapped your Lihuo, Lihuo kept flickering, and the flame gradually became smaller, as if it was about to go out. 】

[Seeing this, you quickly mobilized your spiritual power and continuously input spiritual energy into Li Huo. With the infusion of spiritual energy, Li Huo gradually seemed to be able to break free from the encroachment of the black energy and began to continuously counterattack. 】

[Zong Laogou frowned slightly when he saw this, and then added the input of spiritual power, and the black energy gained the upper hand again. 】

[Not to be outdone, you continued to input spiritual energy desperately, and immediately took out the spiritual stone from the storage bag, stimulating the spiritual energy while replenishing the consumption of spiritual energy. 】

Su Xing sighed slightly when he saw this.

"I'm afraid this is the rumored fight between monks, right? I don't know what the origin of that black energy is, but it can actually compete with Li Huo to a [-]-[-] level?"

But then Su Xing shook his head and said:

"Based on the rank alone, Black Qi is obviously not as good as Li Huo. That means Old Dog Zong's magic power is stronger than mine and his cultivation level is stronger than mine. That's why he can suppress Li Huo, right?"

Su Xing made a rough judgment in his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[You have been fighting like this for more than ten rounds, and you clearly feel that your spiritual power has been consumed too much. Even if you are in the Nascent Soul Stage, if you use full firepower, the Lihuo Technique will still consume a lot of your energy. 】

[What makes you even more frightened is that the black energy seems to be constantly eating away at the aura of the Lihuo technique, which doubles your spiritual power consumption, and you can only continue to absorb the spiritual stones to maintain consumption. 】

[Zong Laogou sees that Lihuo and Heiqi are unable to tell the winner, he immediately sneers, throws the bone sword in his hand, and then invokes the method, the bone sword stabs at you at an astonishing speed. 】

[But you were still trying your best to maintain Li Huo at this moment, and you didn't react at all. You were directly stabbed in the lower abdomen by the bone sword, and you were seriously injured. 】

[After you were injured, your spiritual power was unstable and it became difficult to maintain the Lihuo Technique, and you were immediately swallowed up by the black energy. 】

[You look at the wound in your lower abdomen, and a black energy is like a tarsal maggot that is constantly eating away at your flesh, flesh and spiritual energy. If you hadn't broken through to the realm of divine power and had strong physical strength, I'm afraid this blow would have killed you. 】【You quickly took out the spiritual dew from the storage ring, drank part of it, and applied the rest on the wound. The spiritual dew took effect and your injury improved a lot. 】

[Zong Laogou snorted coldly when he saw this: You have so many treasures, no wonder you dare to fight me. 】

【Finally, Zong Laogou stretched out his left hand, the black palm was covered with black air, and turned into claws to attack you. 】

[Zong Lao Gou is extremely fast. You know that you can’t dodge, so you can only use all your energy to cover your fists, and punch Zong Lao Gou head-on. 】

[There were two wounds on your body that were deep enough to see the bones. The black claw marks continued to eat away at your flesh and blood. Your vitality was quickly devoured. Only by continuously maintaining your spiritual power could you barely stop the black energy from getting worse. 】

[On the other side, Zong Laogou obviously didn't expect you to comprehend Yuanli, and was caught off guard, one of his arms was also broken, and he hung down powerlessly, looking at you even more viciously. 】

[But Zong Laogou's combat power was not affected much, and he once again raised his bone sword to kill you. 】

[You were hit by the old dog Zong one after another and suffered serious injuries. You knew you had no strength to fight, so you could only dodge in embarrassment one after another. 】

[In just one minute, you have several more wounds on your body, and with the black energy entering your body, your life hangs by a thread for a while. 】

[In desperation, you can only summon the blessed land of Lingtian and hide in it for the time being. 】

[Enter the Lingtian Paradise, you quickly take out a few healing pills, swallow them, adjust your breath for a few breaths, and then leave the Lingtian Paradise. 】

[Zong Laogou saw you suddenly disappearing and suddenly reappearing on the same spot. He was obviously stunned for a few seconds. 】

[But then he thought of something, his expression became fanatical, and he kept talking about the blessings from heaven. 】

[Zong Laogou has obviously guessed that you have a blessed place with you, and even for a top monk, this is a great opportunity for a magic weapon. For him who is struggling at the peak of becoming a god, this is undoubtedly a great opportunity, enough for him to Go one step further! 】

[Therefore, he wants to kill people and seize the treasure! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing sighed and murmured:
"Sure enough, the strength gap between me and Zong Laogou is still a bit big! Although I can delay dozens of rounds, it is obvious that I have been suppressed and beaten..."

"Furthermore, Zong Laogou obviously has much more combat experience than me. He actually has a sword-controlling technique that directly inflicted heavy damage on me..."

Su Xing was a little reluctant. According to his strength, although he was not as good as Zong Laogou, who had both realms of transformation and divine power, he should be able to delay it for a while with his human sword, Lihuo technique, Yuanli and other means.

But because of his lack of combat experience, he was severely wounded by Zong Laogou in a short period of time.

"It seems that I have to improve my combat experience as soon as possible... Find an opportunity to go to the Demon Suppressing Pass to bring out 20 years of combat experience. I fight in the Demon Suppressing Pass all day long. I think the combat experience will definitely improve my strength a lot!"

Su Xing thought about the next countermeasures.

"This old dog of the sect has obviously set his sights on the spiritual field blessed land in me. He has been searching for spiritual energy for many years. If he really gets this blessed land, I am afraid he will really have to break through to the stage of returning to the void..."

"But...it happens to be his weakness!"

Su Xing quickly reacted and murmured:

"This old dog of the sect used to come and go freely, and would run away if he couldn't be beaten, but now he is greedy for the blessing of the spiritual field in me and is reluctant to part with the treasure, so he has taken care of it, and I can take advantage of this weakness and play with him Delay tactics...until Luo Shuying comes to help!"

Su Xing secretly thought in his heart that this old dog of the sect may not know that Luo Shuying is also coming to surround him, so he only needs to hold off until Luo Shuying attacks, and he will be considered a victory.

"With Luo Shuying's strength, maybe he can arrive in a quarter of an hour, right?"

"I hope you don't make me wait too long..."

Su Xing sighed secretly and looked at the simulation panel.

[You saw the fanatical look on Zong Laogou's face, but you just sneered in your heart. You plan to change your tactics, not to attack head-on, but to delay! 】

[So, while controlling the Lihuo Technique, you kept flying towards Zong Laogou, interfering with his pace, while desperately trying to avoid it. 】

[This old dog knows the art of flying in the air, and its speed is much faster than you. Even if you deliberately delay, the distance is still getting closer, and there are several more wounds on your body in just a few minutes. 】

[As the black energy enters the body deeper, your wounds become more serious, and the spiritual power in the body is not functioning properly. You know that you must find a way to expel the black energy as soon as possible, otherwise it will even affect the foundation. 】

[Looking at the old dog Zong who was chasing behind you, you had an idea and hid in the blessed land of Lingtian again, but you didn’t dare to hide for too long, and you were afraid that the old dog Zong would leave. You adjusted your breath a little, and then Pulled out a few Juling flowers from the ground, and returned to the real world again. 】

[As expected, the old dog Zong was already waiting outside. The moment you showed your head, it attacked you. You barely dodged it and didn't let it attack your vitals. 】

[Just when Zong’s old dog attacked again, you threw a few spirit-gathering flowers over, turned around and ran away. 】

[As expected, Zong Laogou was stunned for a moment after feeling the breath of the Soul-Gathering Flower, then picked up the Soul-Gathering Flower and attacked you again. 】

[But the action of picking up the Soul-Gathering Flower was delayed for a moment. In this short moment, you have opened a distance of tens of meters again. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"No matter how cautious Zong Laogou is, he will instinctively want to seize such a valuable treasure. This spirit-gathering flower may be nothing to the world of immortal cultivation, but in today's age of law-ending, for Zong Laogou, even everyone For a monk, they are all priceless treasures!”

"Because the Spirit-Gathering Flower symbolizes a steady stream of spiritual energy!"

Su Xing sighed in his heart, even Zong Laogou couldn't resist such temptation.

Then proceed to simulate.

[Zong Laogou is chasing after you, and every time you get closer, you keep throwing spirit-gathering flowers. Although Zong Laogou sees through your trick, he can only reach out to pick it up. 】

[Because this is an unbreakable conspiracy of yours, the Soul-Juling Flower will wither soon after it leaves the aura. If Zong Laogou doesn't put it into the storage ring in time, I'm afraid he will come back to pick it up after killing you. The flowers have withered. 】

[To regard such a guarantee as ruined at once is tantamount to raping heavenly things, Zong Laogou can't bear it. 】

[In this way, you threw dozens of spirit-gathering flowers outside, delaying the attack for several minutes. Even though Old Dog Zong wanted to kill you, he was helpless. 】

[Suddenly, Zong Laogou’s expression changed and he no longer chased you, but ran away in the opposite direction. 】

[At the same time, you also felt a powerful aura coming towards here. You knew in your heart that it was Luo Shuying coming to help, and you quickly turned around to hold down Zong Laogou. 】

(End of this chapter)

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