Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 125: Finally killed the old dog of the sect and exploded the magic weapon!

Chapter 125: Finally killed the old dog of the sect and exploded the magic weapon! (First update)
[But Old Dog Zong doesn’t want to fight with you. He knows that although the blessed land is precious, it must be used for life. 】

[For him, he has already obtained dozens of spirit-gathering flowers. Such many spirit-gathering flowers are enough for him to break through the return to void stage within decades. 】

[So now he just wants to leave as soon as possible and escape from the terrifying aura that is approaching quickly. 】

[But how could you do what he wanted? You risked being seriously injured and desperately used your spiritual power to hold back Zong Laogou with your own body. 】

[In just a few tens of seconds, your body was severely injured again. 】

[But at this moment, Luo Shuying finally arrived! 】

[I saw Luo Shuying suddenly appear in a shadow, and then attacked Zong Laogou without saying a word. 】

[Zong Laogou was originally happy when he saw Luo Shuying. He was about to say something when he saw Luo Shuying attacking him and quickly raised his bone sword to fight. 】

[Obviously, Zong Laogou did not expect that you had already joined forces with Luo Shuying, with the purpose of taking his life. 】

[After all, in his opinion, Luo Shuying is a veteran protector who has been a member of the Advent Sect for more than ten years, and you have just joined for three years. How could she be instigated by you to rebel? 】

[But the matter has come to this point, Zong Laogou can't think too much, he can only fight back. 】

[The two of them fought for dozens of rounds high in the air like swords and shadows. 】

[But compared to you, the legendary Luo Shuying is obviously much stronger. He suppressed Zong Laogou throughout the whole process! 】

[And Zong Laogou also used all his cards to barely parry Luo Shuying's offensive. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, until Luo Shuying came... The strength of this old dog is really not to be underestimated. I am already in the realm of divine power, but there is still such a big gap between me and him..."

"In fact, this old dog can actually fight dozens of moves with legendary powerhouses. It is obvious that his strength is close to that of a legend..."

Su Xing wasn't too worried about whether Luo Shuying could defeat Zong Laogou.

After all, when Luo Shuying was at the peak of the Martial Emperor level, he was able to overpower Zong Laogou.

Now that he has broken through to the legendary level, it is obviously more stress-free.

But what Su Xing is a little worried about is that this old dog has many tricks and is very good at saving his life. Will it be possible to escape from Luo Shuying's offensive?

"Hiss~ It's really hard to say...Luo Shuying chased him for days and nights before but failed to chase him down. This old dog really has too many cards, and he must not be taken lightly!"

Su Xing reminded himself secretly, and looked at the simulation panel.

[While Luo Shuying and Zong Laogou were fighting each other, you quickly mobilized your spiritual power, trying to get rid of the black energy that Zong Laogou had penetrated into your body. 】

[But the black energy is like a tarsal maggot. Once your spiritual power comes into contact with this black energy, it will be quickly eaten away, but it will actually strengthen the black energy. 】

[You are even more frightened in your heart. This black energy is extremely vicious and is definitely the nemesis of the Qi Refining monks. If you hadn't also been practicing the body, I would have fallen at the feet of the old dog Zong. 】

[You try to use the Lihuo Technique to expel the black energy. Sure enough, the Lihuo Technique is taken from the ancient Suzaku fire and has a very good restraint effect on the black energy. 】

[It’s just that the Lihuo Technique consumes too much, and the process of removing the black energy is very painful. You consumed a lot of spiritual stones before you could barely remove half of the black energy from your body. The remaining black energy entered the body too deeply. It can no longer be eliminated in a short time. 】

[But now you have recovered your fighting power. After swallowing a few healing pills, you are ready to join the battlefield. 】

[Zong Laogou has already had a very difficult time fighting against Luo Shuying by himself. Now that he has regained his fighting power, he is immediately terrified. He knows that if he doesn't run away, he may really have to confess here today. 】

[Zong Laogou deserves to be rich in combat experience. Your joining did not make him lose his footing. He knows that if he wants to break through, he can only look for opportunities and loopholes. That is to seriously injure you first, and Luo Shuying will definitely be overwhelmed by then. At that time, it will be a great opportunity for him to escape. 】

[But you also know this, so you didn’t directly join the battlefield at all. You just controlled the Lihuo Technique from a distance to harass Zong Laogou. 】

[Sure enough, while Zong Laogou was fighting against Luo Shuying, he also had to be careful of the sneak attacks from your Lihuo Technique. He soon became unable to resist. He was hit by several attacks from Luo Shuying and was burned by your Lihuo Technique. 】

[Seeing that you are not up to the routine, Zong Laogou has a trick in his heart and starts to mock Luo Shuying. He bluntly said that you are Luo Shuying's little boy, and said that the Adventist Church treats her well. Opportunities from other races (foreign races) constantly disturbed Luo Shuying's emotions, hoping to find a flaw. 】

[But Luo Shuying was not disturbed by Zong Laogou's words at all. She had no loyalty to the foreign race at all, and she didn't care about other people's rumors. She just attacked Zong Laogou's power and increased it a bit. 】

[Seeing that Zong Laogou was forced into desperate situations several times, he gritted his teeth and activated the secret technique. Countless black energy poured into Zong Laogou's body. His eyes turned pitch black, as if possessed by a demon. 】

[In the state where the demonic energy enters the body, Zong Laogou is obviously not only stronger, but he can gradually withstand the offensive of the two of you. However, you can feel the instability of Zong Laogou's aura and know that he will not be able to maintain this state for long. . 】

[Sure enough, after only one minute passed, Zong Laogou thought about escaping and ran towards the distance. 】

[But you and Luo Shuying followed closely behind. Zong Laogou quickly exited the state where the demonic energy entered his body, spitting out a mouthful of blood stained with black poison, with a look of resentment in his eyes. ] Su Xing was a little dumbfounded when he saw this moment, and murmured:

"This old dog has more tricks than I imagined! He still has the trick of entering the body with devil energy. If he used this trick as soon as we met, I would definitely not be able to stop it..."

"But he didn't use it at that time, which shows that the price of this evil secret technique must be very high!"

"A monk in the transformation stage is really unfathomable, especially an old monster like this that has lived for thousands of years...It is easy to defeat, but it is too difficult to kill!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

"But because of this, I have to kill you! The road to cultivating immortality is to fight with heaven and people... Besides, this old dog in the sect is ruthless. If I don't kill him, he will come and kill me sooner or later... It’s better to strike first and be stronger!”

Wake up and look at the simulation panel again.

[Zong Laogou looked at you with cold eyes, and then roared, as if he wanted to rush at you to force a change. Seeing his desperate appearance, you suddenly became vigilant, and quickly mobilized your energy to parry . 】

[Unexpectedly, Zong Laogou stepped out halfway through the rush, jumped hundreds of feet like moving in space, and escaped from the encirclement of you and Luo Shuying in the blink of an eye. 】

[You quickly mobilized your spiritual power and chased after Zong Laogou, but Luo Shuying was faster than you and followed closely behind Zong Laogou. 】

[Zong Laogou kept activating his magic power, and there seemed to be mysterious steps under his feet. Every time he took a gentle step, he appeared hundreds of feet away in the next second. Even Luo Shuying could only catch up to this kind of escape speed. 】

[But you know in your heart that Zong Laogou's escape magic power will consume a lot of money and will not last long, so you quickly tell Luo Shuying and ask her not to give up the pursuit. 】

[Luo Shuying nodded solemnly and chased after Zong Laogou. The distance between the two of them was always several hundred meters. 】

【Zong Laogou looked back at you, seeing that you still refused to give up, cursed inwardly, and ran faster again. 】

[I saw him taking out one or two spiritual stones from the storage magic weapon from time to time to replenish his physical strength, with a look of pain on his face. 】

[But the escape magic power cannot be released forever. After you chased him for hundreds of kilometers, this old dog finally stopped. 】

[He looked at you, with a hint of pleading in his eyes. He said that it was not uncommon for monks to kill people to seize treasures. He was willing to hand over the Snow Bones and Jade Ginseng to you, and he only asked you to spare his life. 】

[But you snorted coldly and agreed on the surface, but you exchanged glances with Luo Shuying, and Luo Shuying understood you instantly. 】

[I saw Zong Laogou throwing a storage bag, throwing it far to the ground, and then continued to run away without stopping. 】

[Neither you nor Luo Shuying looked at the storage bag, but secretly noted the location of this place and continued to chase Zong Laogou. 】

[After chasing him like this for a day and a night, Zong Laogou has finally been consumed by you to the point where he is exhausted. 】

[Zong Laogou’s spiritual power is extremely unstable at this moment. Even you are panting and feeling exhausted. 】

[Only the legendary Luo Shuying is apparently in stable condition, just panting slightly. 】

[Seeing that Zong Lao Gou no longer ran away, Luo Shuying was not polite and went straight to kill Zong Lao Gou again. 】

【Zong Laogou sneered, took a deep look at you before he died, and then took out his storage bag, as if he wanted to destroy the storage bag on the spot. 】

[You wanted to stop it, but it was too late. You could only watch the storage bag explode on the spot and fall to the ground from a high altitude. 】

[At the same time, Luo Shuying also blasted Zong Laogou's head with one blow, causing blood and flesh to scatter everywhere. 】

[A black light flew out from Zong Laogou's body and flew straight into the distance. 】

[That is Zong Laogou’s soul in your heart. Naturally, you can’t just watch him escape, so you use the Lihuo Technique to attack Zong Laogou’s soul. 】

[Scorched by the high temperature of the Lihuo technique, Zong Laogou let out a miserable cry. He begged you to be a human being and stay on the front line, not to kill them all. 】

[You just looked at him coldly and asked about the whereabouts of Snow Bone Jade Ginseng. Zong Laogou said that there were Snow Bone Jade Ginseng seeds in the storage bag he just threw out, and he begged you to spare his life. 】

[Of course you won't believe him easily, but you don't have the ability to imprison the soul, so you can only threaten Zong Laogou with Li Huo. 】

【You first use your spiritual consciousness to find out the fragments of the storage bag that Zong Laogou shattered before he died. 】

[This old dog is worthy of his ruthlessness. He doesn’t want to leave you any treasures before he dies. Most of the magic weapons in the storage bag have been smashed into pieces, leaving only a few dilapidated magic weapons and jade slips. . 】

[You pick up one of the jade slips, penetrate it with your spiritual consciousness, and then your heart is shocked. This is a secret technique of a monk! 】

[Name: Bagua fortune telling! 】

(End of this chapter)

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