Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 126 Zong Laogou’s Diary, who the serious person writes a diary?

Chapter 126 Zong Laogou’s Diary, who the serious person writes a diary? (Second update)
"Bagua arithmetic?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this should be a secret book of monks that could calculate luck.

There is a proverb in the fortune-telling industry: one is destiny, two is luck, three is feng shui, four is accumulation of yin virtue, and five is reading...

Could this fortune-telling technique really be able to calculate luck?
Thinking of this, Su Xing suddenly realized.

He finally understood why Zong Laogou could always seek advantages and avoid dangers, and escaped from his ambush several times.

This guy definitely sensed the danger!
Even for this reason, he even spent several months in a ravine a hundred kilometers outside the Adventist Church. Even Su Xing had no choice but to accept this caution.

But this just proves that Bagua arithmetic is really useful!
Zong Laogou indeed relied on this secret technique to sense the crisis in advance and escaped from Su Xing's hands in several simulations.

But no matter how stubborn the monk is, he still can't compare to the cheater Su Xing. If Su Xing doesn't work once, just do it twice, and if he doesn't work twice, just ten times!

Anyway, it can be simulated, and finally this old dog was slaughtered in the simulator.

"This Bagua arithmetic technique... seems to be a perfect match for me?"

Su Xing rubbed his chin and muttered. As the chosen one who owns a simulator, what Su Xing needs most is stability, that is, not standing under a dangerous wall.

And this Bagua arithmetic technique is exactly in line with this point. As long as Su Xing learns this secret technique, are he still afraid of danger?

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly, and then he sighed:

"Although this old dog is an evil cultivator, I really learned a lot from him..."

"Monks are fighting against the sky. What they seek is immortality and immortality. They cannot compete for a moment's energy...Only those who are steady enough can have the last laugh!"

Su Xing thought of it this way, compared with Zong Laogou, he is still too young.

Thinking about it now, many things he did before had some flaws. If someone with a heart finds out, Su Xing might be in danger at this moment.

For example, Su Xing and Jin Congxue cooperated to establish the Tarot Chamber of Commerce, collect equipment, props, and sell large quantities of elixirs.

Although through simulation, Su Xing was sure that Jin Congxue could trust him, but the large influx of these equipment and these precious elixirs were not something that a small golden elixir stage monk from Su Xing could hold on to.

"But things are different now... The divine power realm is comparable to the strength of the Martial Emperor. It is indeed enough to protect a small Tarot Chamber of Commerce!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

"As for the large-scale planting of spiritual rice, we may have to wait for some time. First, we need to explore in simulations and continue to explore how to plant spiritual rice on the largest scale..."

"Secondly, my strength is not strong enough. If the matter of the Spirit Valley is discovered by the Adventists or even the aliens, I am afraid that I will encounter endless assassinations!"

When Su Xing thought of the hundreds of assassinations he encountered in the simulator, his scalp suddenly became numb.

Su Xing cannot live a life without feeling safe wherever he goes.

After thinking carefully, Su Xing looked back at the simulation panel.

[You excitedly picked up the Bagua fortune-telling technique and looked at it. Sure enough, this secret technique is really capable of measuring luck and sensing one's own crises! 】

[If you look through it briefly, you will find that the content of this Bagua arithmetic is not complete. A small part of the last part was erased by Zong Laogou when he destroyed the storage bag just now, but it is the most critical part. 】

[Thinking of this, you became angry again and burned the old dog of Yifanzong with Lihuo, causing him to scream in agony. 】

[Afterwards, you found a nearby place to collect, and collected the few remaining incomplete magic weapons. 】

[After doing all this, you threatened Zong Laogou with the Fire Lifting Technique. It took several days to find the complete storage bag that Zong Laogou had thrown before. 】

[What you didn’t expect is that the seeds of Snow Bone Jade Ginseng are actually in this storage bag. In addition to the seeds, this storage bag also contains a large number of diaries written by Zong Laogou! 】

Su Xing was stunned when he saw this and muttered:
"Let me go, this old dog is really not a good thing... Who can a serious person write a diary?"

"Hehe, but this diary is so wonderful. If you can learn something about the world of immortality from it...this is all valuable information!"

Su Xing's heart moved when he thought of this, and he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for two hours!"

[Ding, it has been detected that you are using the immersive simulation function, which lasts for 2 hour, consumes 20 energy, and has 2593 remaining energy points. 】

The sound of the simulator rang in Su Xing's ears.

Then Su Xing's vision changed, and the next second he appeared in a strange environment.

This is an endless stretch of mountains, already beyond the scope of the Great Xia Realm.

Next to Su Xing, stood a woman wearing black tights and a veil on her face, it was Luo Shuying.

There is also a strange black light in front of Su Xing. This is Zong Laogou.

"Wake up, we have to hurry up... It took too long to kill this guardian sect. We are worried that if time passes, the Adventist sect will find out the clues, and it will not be good if they come after them!"

Luo Shuying frowned slightly and whispered to Su Xing.

Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"Then let's find a place to hide first. This place is not far from the border of Daxia and is located in the north. I will notify people from Kyoto now. With their help, we should be in no danger..."

Luo Shuying frowned slightly after hearing this. She had been a traitor to the Advent Sect for decades, and she was inexplicably hostile to Daxia officials.

But as soon as she saw Su Xing next to her, Luo Shuying's brows gradually relaxed again, and she whispered:

"Okay, I listen to you!"

Su Xing nodded slightly and quickly contacted Lu Yuanwu. After telling him his location, he and Luo Shuying found a cave and got in.

Afterwards, Su Xing excitedly began to sort out the proceeds from killing Zong Laogou!
A small blood-red flag, with a traditional Chinese word "soul" vaguely visible on the flag, but the flag was damaged.

Su Xing summoned up his spiritual power and explored the flag from the air, then scolded Zong Laogou's soul:

"Old dog, what is this thing for?"

Frightened by the Lihuo Technique in Su Xing's hand, Zong Laogou could only say in a low voice:
"This is a soul-calling flag. It is a top-quality magic weapon. It can devour human souls, enhance spiritual consciousness, and can also assist in the cultivation of magical powers such as the Black Evil Hand..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard this. No wonder he felt a lot of sadness from this flag. It must have swallowed up many human souls in the hands of Zong Laogou...

Su Xing asked again: "What is the black evil hand?"

Zong Laogou said in a buzzing voice: "My left hand used to practice the black evil hand magical power. It can swallow other people's spiritual energy and turn it into evil energy. It is a small magical power..."

After Su Xing heard this, he immediately understood that this thing was the black energy that had caused him great losses before. It could continuously eat away at spiritual energy, like maggots on the tarsal bones, and it was indeed difficult to deal with!

Su Xing took out the bone sword that Zong Laogou used before. It was the only intact magic weapon that Zong Laogou had, and asked:
"What's the origin of this sword?"

Zong Laogou paused after hearing this and said:

"This is the withered bone sword, a middle-grade treasure..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard this and asked, "Withered bones?"

Zong Laogou smiled and said: "It is taken from the human spine, and one thousand 290 six spines can be condensed to get this dry bone sword..."

Su Xing took a breath after hearing this. The origin of this bone sword was so chilling... Su Xing felt an inexplicable chill and threw the bone sword aside.

Later, Su Xing asked Zong Laogou about the function of each broken magic weapon.

From half a purple elixir, to a broken talisman... to half a piece of spiritual jade, etc...

It is a pity that all these magic weapons were destroyed by Zong Laogou before. Even if they are not completely damaged, Su Xing cannot use them now.

What makes Su Xing frightened is that the origins of most of these magic weapons are frightening, and their effects are even more evil.

Just as Su Xing thought, this old dog sect is really an evil cultivator!
Su Xing took out the secret spell that recorded the "Eight Trigrams Fortune Telling Technique" and looked through it briefly for a while.

This Bagua fortune-telling technique is divided into two parts. The first part can calculate the luck of a place, a country, and a world, but it requires the blessing of a supreme cultivation. Su Xing estimates that it is impossible to practice the first part with his current strength.

The next chapter is about calculating one's own luck, which can seek advantages and avoid disasters. One hexagram every day can calculate one's own safety and secretly enhance one's luck.

This secret technique is obviously much more normal, but it is very difficult to practice, and it can take hundreds of years to master.

"It's a pity that the most critical cultivation method in the next chapter has been erased..."

Su Xing sighed, and then asked Zong Laogou:

"Recite this next spell to me!"

After hearing Su Xing's request, Zong Laogou chuckled and said:

"Fellow daoist, I'm not stupid... This gossip and fortune-telling technique is the most precious method in my body. If I tell you, old man, will I still have a way to survive?"

"How about you send me back to Adventism, wait until I reshape my body, and then write down this secret technique for you word for word?"

Su Xing sneered after hearing Old Dog Zong's words. This old dog had a good idea.

Just with a mouth, you want to wake up and let him go?
Reshape the physical body and then write down the secret technique for awakening?

I'm just afraid that Zong Laogou will bring people from Advent Sect to kill him!

Seeing Su Xing's unmoved look, Zong Laogou said:
"Fellow Taoist, what we call it is just chance. We can just make money...why risk our lives? There are not many monks in this world. It is a great fate for us to meet them!"

Su Xing remained silent after hearing this, but suddenly asked:

"Oh? There aren't many monks? Have you seen other monks?"

Zong Laogou chuckled and said:

"Although since the Great End of Heaven and Earth, spiritual energy has escaped and monks have almost become extinct... there are still a few old monsters... distributed in various worlds..."

"Speaking of which, fellow Taoist, which world are you from?"

This old dog of the sect obviously only has his soul left, and his life is in Su Xing's hands, but he still looks confident and even chats with Su Xing about everyday things.

Su Xing did not answer, but suddenly asked:

"The rest of the monks, like the Dragon Protector?"

Zong Laogou was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said with a smile:
"The old dragon is indeed very powerful, and he guards the treasure house. Let me tell you, there are many treasures in his treasure house. You and the Shadow Guardian can definitely rob him..."

Su Xing interrupted him mid-hearing and finally said:
"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Zong Laogou quickly said: "Of course that is the deal I made with fellow daoists before, I swear by the soul of Dao..."

Before Zong Laogou finished speaking, Su Xing interrupted directly.

"Since you have nothing to say, then go die!"

After saying that, Su Xing used the Fire Lifting Technique in his hand to directly extinguish Zong Laogou's soul.

Before Zong Laogou died, he didn't even think about why Su Xing would kill him so decisively and directly. Didn't Su Xing want the Bagua arithmetic?

He never thought that Su Xing would have the opportunity to obtain this secret technique.

In this simulation, the old dog Zong destroyed the secret technique, but when he wakes up in the future, the old dog may not even be able to destroy the secretary.

Moreover, the secret technique dictated by Zong Laogou may not be correct. If he cheats on the secret technique, his awakening will be in trouble.

Therefore, simply don't use the secret technique and kill it directly. It won't be too late to learn more when you get the complete jade slip in the subsequent simulation.

"This time, the most important thing is the seeds of Snow Valley Jade Ginseng!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he took out another complete storage bag. One of the small bags of icy blue seeds was the seeds of Snow Valley Jade Ginseng!

Seeing that the seeds were intact, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you get this bag of seeds, you will not be far from awakening and breaking through the divine transformation stage!
"The Snow Bone Jade Ginseng has been found, and the three-tailed phoenix grass has also been planted... The medicine required for the Infant Forging Pill has been gathered. All that is left to do is to refine it and successfully form the completed Yin Ying, and then you can break through the transformation into a god!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart felt hot!
After completing the transformation stage, it can be said that you are one step closer to becoming an immortal when you wake up!

"In addition to the seeds of Snow Bone Jade Ginseng, there are also many diaries of Zong Laogong!"

Su Xing was speechless when he saw the thick diary in the storage ring, which could have been stacked ten meters high.

"Damn, this old dog has lived for 1000 years. He doesn't write a diary every day, does he?"

It was hard to imagine for a moment when he woke up. As a great monk in the transformation stage, Zong Laogou actually had such a hobby?

Su Xing flipped through a few diaries casually, and was immediately shocked by what Zong Laogou did before.

"In the year 2376 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, while doing farm work, I met an old immortal by chance and entered the Immortal Sect!"

"In the year 2398 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, the foundation has finally been broken, and there is hope for immortality... I will go to the hill next door to find the Flower Fairy and have a long chat."

"In the 2434th year of the Xianwu Calendar, when the foundation building was completed, I went out to look for the opportunity to break the golden elixir. Before I left, I looked for the Flower Fairy. I accidentally met her having an affair with my second senior brother. I was so angry that I poisoned them, took away their treasures, and betrayed them. Sect.”

"In the year 2436 of the Xianwu Calendar, escape for your life..."

"In the year 2439 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, I broke through the golden elixir period and was hunted for more than ten years. Is it true that the ghost still lingers?"

"In the year 2448 of the Xianwu Calendar, escape for your life..."

"In the year 2513 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, with the sixth grade of Condensing Gold Pill, there is hope for immortality!"

"In the year 2673 of the Xianwu Calendar, escape for your life..."

"In the year 2712 of the Xianwu calendar, I went to the city to buy wine. I met a beautiful woman by chance. I yearned for her, so I slaughtered her husband, killed her father, and enjoyed her for seven days."

"In the year 2732 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, I entered a city and accidentally obtained the secret method of the Black Evil Palm. God help me! Then I slaughtered an entire city, condensed the best magic weapon, the Soul Conjuring Flag, and acquired the magical power of the Black Evil Palm!"

Su Xing took a breath when he saw this.

"Damn, this old dog of the sect really doesn't take it for granted... After being greened by the flower fairy, he has completely embarked on the path of darkness!"

(End of this chapter)

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