Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 127 Zong Paopao’s life, the spiritual rice experiment was a great success!

Chapter 127 Zong Paopao’s life, the spiritual rice experiment was a great success!
"Slaughter a whole city of people just to refine the treasure. This old dog is really vicious..."

Su Xing cursed secretly in his heart, feeling that it would be too merciful for him to directly kill Zong Laogou.

He really should have been tortured with the Lihuo Technique for seventy-seven and 49 days, and it would not be too late to destroy his soul.

Su Xing then took out Zong Laogou's diary to look through.

Unfortunately, there are too many old dog diaries, and most of them are trivial matters. There is not much time for the immersive simulation of waking up, so I can only take a rough look at them, hoping to find useful information.

"In the year 2758 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, Tu Yi's sect accidentally obtained the secret method of childbirth, so he retreated."

"In the year 2769 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, I finally became the Nascent Soul!"

"In the year 2778 of the Xianwu Calendar, I was hunted down and ran for my life..."

"In the year 2803 of the Xianwu Calendar, I was hunted down and ran for my life..."

"In the 2930th year of the Immortal Martial Calendar, the Nascent Soul was completed, so I searched for the Refinement Pill, and wanted to form a top-grade Nascent Soul!"

"In the year 2933 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, we are looking for a master of alchemy who can refine the Infant Pill and kill him!"

"In the year 2935 of the Xianwu Calendar, escape for your life..."

"In the year 2940 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, a breakthrough in becoming a god!"

"In the year 2963 of the Xianwu Calendar, I returned to the sect and massacred the whole family!"

"In the year 3338 of the Immortal Martial Calendar, the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation was achieved!"

"In the year 3339 of the Xianwu Calendar, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became increasingly thinner. The monks had no hope of everlasting life, so they took Huangquan Dan and fell into a deep sleep, hoping to extend their lifespan and find another opportunity..."

"In the 5077th year of the Immortal Martial Calendar, I was accidentally awakened by a group of low-level body-refining monks, and was furious, so I killed them!"

"In the 5088 year of the Immortal Martial Calendar, there is no spiritual energy in the world, there is no hope of proving the Tao, and I can live..."

"In the year 5168 of the Xianwu Calendar, I met an old dragon by chance and joined the Advent Sect! In order to find the chance of immortality..."

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this and murmured:

"Old dog Zong, this guy is actually a monster that has lived for more than 2000 years?"

"Although, he fell into a deep sleep after taking Huangquan Dan and extended his life... but he has lived for more than 2000 years, which is really amazing!"

Taking a closer look at the life of the old dog of the sect, he is not considered to be a talented person. He became Yuanying at more than 300 years old and became a transformed god at more than 500 years old. I am afraid that he took a lot of life-extending elixirs to live for so long.

"This old dog of the sect has done many evil things in his life, but he is very cautious. He started running away from the foundation building stage and survived until the god transformation stage. Then he returned to the sect and slaughtered the entire sect... It can really be regarded as a villain's revenge. 500 years It’s not too late…”

Su Xing finally understood why this old dog was so cautious.

"However, there seems to be no mention of Changchun Gong in this old dog's diary...could it be that the sect he originally joined was the Changchun Sect?"

"Or maybe... this old dog got this technique when he was a member of the Human-Destroying Sect?"

Su Xing is a little curious, Changchun Kung Fu is the kung fu he is practicing now, but unfortunately it can only be practiced until the stage of returning to the void.

After this, Su Xing will surely be able to enter the Divine Transformation stage soon, and will not be far from reaching the peak of Changchun Gong.

Therefore, Su Xing must find a way as soon as possible to obtain more advanced techniques...

Su Xing suddenly thought of something, looked at the date on the diary, and murmured:

"The Immortal Martial Calendar... If I remember correctly, Daxia should have the coordinates of a dungeon called the Immortal Martial Era (the Age of Ending Law)? Perhaps Zong Laogou is a person from that dungeon world?"

Su Xing thought about it secretly, maybe he could go to the dungeon of Na Mo Fa Era to explore a little later, and maybe he could get useful information.

Su Xing briefly looked through Zong Laogou's diary.

Soon after, the immersive simulation time ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You checked the treasures and diaries left by the old dog of the Ichiban Sect, hoping to get some useful information from them. 】

[Through this information, you have indeed learned more about the secrets of the world of immortality. Unfortunately, most of Zong Laogou's magic weapons have been destroyed. 】

[You and Luo Shuying have been hiding in the mountains for several days. In these days, you and I have been together day and night. The man and the widow were alone in the dark cave, and our relationship has further heated up. 】

[A few days later, Lu Yuanwu brought several Martial Emperors and legendary powerhouses to meet you, and you arrived safely in Daxia Kyoto. 】

[After returning to Kyoto, you gave all the elixirs you accumulated over the years to the Daxia military, adding tens of thousands of grandmaster-level warriors to Daxia. 】

[The Daxia military immediately paid attention to this. You were hailed as a hero of the human race and successfully entered the upper echelons of Daxia. 】【In the face of fame and fortune, you are not interested. You just used your rights to contract a [-]-acre mountain in the suburbs of Kyoto, and used your staff to start developing the fields. 】

[In the seventh year, you directed the development of the wasteland while refining medium-grade elixirs such as Divine Power Pill, Dragon Spirit Pill, and Yuanwu Pill. 】

[You left hundreds of top-grade divine power pills for your own use, and the remaining pills were given to the Daxia military. You also added hundreds of heavenly kings and dozens of Martial Emperor-level experts to Daxia! 】

[As a result, your status in the Great Xia Kingdom and even the entire human race is getting higher and higher, but you are concentrating on trying to plant spiritual grains. 】

[You come to the [-]-acre field and start thinking of ways to set up a small spirit gathering array. 】

[The eye of your improved spirit-gathering array uses a spirit stone and a spirit-gathering flower as the eye. The spirit stone releases spiritual energy, and the spirit-gathering flower absorbs the spiritual energy and releases more spiritual energy. 】

[In this repeated cycle, a spirit stone and a spirit gathering flower are like a perpetual motion machine of spiritual energy, able to continuously release spiritual energy outwards. 】

[But you will soon discover that spiritual energy will continue to escape and be consumed. If there are too many creatures in the spirit gathering array, the supply of spiritual energy cannot keep up with the consumption, and the spiritual energy will gradually decrease until it is exhausted. 】

[You must find this balance so that the consumption of spiritual energy is slightly lower than the supply. You measured it a little. The maximum coverage area of ​​a small spiritual gathering array is three acres of land. 】

[So you set up three spirit gathering arrays in the fields on the outskirts of Kyoto, took out the seeds, and planted spirit grains in nine acres of land. 】

[In the next year, you will practice while trying to plant spiritual valleys. 】

[In addition, you also plant three-tailed phoenix grass and jade-bone snow ginseng in the blessed land of Lingtian every day. 】

[The growth of the three-tailed phoenix is ​​very gratifying. In just seven years, it is about to grow its first phoenix tail. You are pleasantly surprised, and you expect that it will be able to mature in this simulation. 】

[On the contrary, the planting of jade-bone snow ginseng makes you a little worried. Jade-bone snow ginseng grows in extremely cold places and requires spiritual energy. However, your spiritual field blessed land is like spring all year round, which cannot satisfy the cultivation of jade-bone snow ginseng. 】

[In desperation, you can only take Luo Shuying to the Arctic Region, one of the twelve regions of the Seven Kingdoms. The Arctic Region is located in the far north. The temperature is below minus [-] degrees all year round, making it difficult for ordinary life to survive. . 】

[However, as a monk at the Nascent Soul stage, you have been protected from cold and heat for a long time. You found a hidden place in the Arctic region, and then planted jade bone snow ginseng in it, and arranged a small spirit gathering array, specifically for Jade Bone Snow Ginseng supplies spiritual power. 】

[After confirming that the Jade Bone Snow Ginseng can survive, you return to Daxia Kingdom. 】

[In the eighth year, your experiment on the spiritual fields in the suburbs of Kyoto has been completed. You compared the spiritual valleys in the three spiritual gathering arrays and found that one of them has been depleted of spiritual energy, while the other two are still full of spiritual energy. 】

[You harvested the spiritual grains from the other two places and found that the yield from one acre of land is about five thousand kilograms. If it exceeds this amount, the supply of spiritual power will be insufficient. 】

[At the same time, because the land in the real world is not as good as the blessed land of Lingtian, it can only be harvested once a year. 】

[Even so, you are extremely satisfied. One spiritual stone and one spiritual gathering flower can plant three acres of spiritual fields, which is fifteen thousand kilograms!Moreover, this small spirit gathering array can operate for a long time, and it is not a problem to maintain it for hundreds of years! 】

[You still have thousands of spiritual stones in your hand, and it is no problem to produce 500 million jins a year! 】

[The problem is that you don’t have enough Soul-Gathering Flowers in your hand. If you want to plant a thousand acres of land, you need at least [-] Soul-Gathering Flowers. 】

[But your goal has been achieved. This spiritual valley can be spread to all mankind. It is a century-old plan and it will not be a matter of time. You are just trying to adapt to whether it can be planted in the real world. 】

[Over the years, you have planted spiritual grain on the five hundred acres of wasteland in your spiritual field blessing land. After six or seven years, you already have 3000 million kilograms of spiritual grain in your hands! 】

[You take out this amount of spiritual grain and select young people with outstanding talents from all over the country, a total of 10 people! 】

[These 10 people have not yet awakened their profession and are just ordinary people. However, you will supply one hundred kilograms of spiritual rice to each person every year. You want to conduct a large-scale experiment to see how much this spiritual rice can help ordinary people. 】

[You keep part of the remaining spiritual rice for yourself, and you give the rest to the Tarot Chamber of Commerce for sale. 】

[You sell Lingmi at a price of 10 yuan per catty. This price is not expensive, and it is no different from giving away for free. 】

[But you have one requirement, that is, the person who buys the spiritual rice must take it himself, and the person who buys it must reach the limit of the current level. Only those who cannot advance can buy it, and they can only buy up to twenty kilograms at a time. 】

[Even if you set a lot of rules, nearly 2000 million catties of Lingmi were still sold out in less than a month. 】

[Most of the people rushing to buy are professionals at the peak of bronze, with no hope of breaking through to silver level. 】

[There are also many professionals who are at the peak of silver but have no hope of breaking through to gold. 】

[2000 million kilograms of spiritual rice were sold to 100 million professionals in total. You asked the Tarot Chamber of Commerce to collect statistics on these people, and you want to conduct a return visit in a few months to investigate the results of these people, and whether Successfully advanced. 】

[This is a huge project, but you have enough resources in your hands, and the officials are also trying their best to cooperate with you, knowing that this is a major event that benefits all mankind. 】

[The first to see results are the bottlenecked professionals who bought 100 million spiritual rice. 】

[In just half a year, your staff has compiled all the data on these 100 million people and handed it to you. 】

[Among them, 60 bronze-level professionals, 30 broke through to the silver level within one month after taking ten catties of Lingmi, and 29 broke through within half a year...]

[The comprehensive breakthrough success rate is as high as over 99%! 】

(End of this chapter)

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