Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 128 The limit of spiritual consciousness, the human race that is expected to rise!

Chapter 128 The limit of spiritual consciousness, the human race that is expected to rise! (First update)
Su Xing was overjoyed to see this.

Sure enough, the effect of spiritual rice on the promotion of low-level professionals is outstanding!

After all, the strength and speed of ordinary bronze-level professionals are not very high, and their physical fitness is probably only more than ten times that of ordinary people.

But taking Lingmi Lingmi for a long time can completely increase the strength of these people by hundreds of kilograms or even thousands of kilograms...

In this way, it is completely enough for them to complete the promotion task and successfully advance to the Silver level!

"The effect of spiritual rice on improving the bronze level is within expectation, but I don't know how it will work on the silver level..."

Woke up and looked down.

[There are 35 silver-level professionals who have swallowed spiritual rice, of which 15 have broken through and been promoted to gold level within three months. Within half a year, 5 people have broken through to gold level, and a total of 20 people have been successfully promoted. Gold level! 】

[The comprehensive breakthrough success rate is as high as 50.00%! 】

[There are 5 gold-level professionals who consume spiritual rice, 1 of whom have broken through to the master level within three months, and 1 have broken through within half a year...]

[The comprehensive breakthrough success rate is 40.00%! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing became a little excited.

Lingmi's strength improvement for silver-level professionals was only a little more than half, which was about the same as Su Xing expected.

But what he didn't expect was that Lingmi's strength improvement for gold-level professionals would be so huge, that it could actually allow nearly 40.00% of them to break through!

"This is only the data within half a year... If you take it for a long time for one or two years, I'm afraid the promotion rate will be even higher!"

Su Xing clenched his fists. Through experiments on a large number of samples, Su Xing finally confirmed that this spiritual rice is absolutely effective for low-level professionals!

As for master level and above...

Su Xing shook his head slightly. The master level and even the grandmaster level were already considered the mainstay of the human race. The strength of these professionals should not be underestimated.

There are power-type professionals who can weigh [-] kilograms or even tens of thousands of kilograms... As for the magic-type professionals, the power of the spells they release is also much higher than that of TNT.

For mid-range strength, Lingmi is no longer of much use.

At that time, it would be necessary for Su Xing to come up with more pills to help them improve.

But what can be expected is that if Lingmi is really promoted.

In the next ten or twenty years, the number of silver and gold level professionals nationwide will definitely double, or even increase several times!
A larger professional base also means that more grandmaster and king-level professionals will be born!
This increase in the overall strength of the human race is absolutely terrifying!

"If this time is extended to a hundred years...I am afraid that the overall strength of the human race will be more than ten times higher than now..."

Su Xing sighed slightly. Unfortunately, the alien race will arrive in more than 20 years, and the human race will not have so much time to develop.

But even so, within 20 years, the improvement of the overall strength by two or three times is still huge!

"It seems that the implementation of the Lingmi Project is indeed feasible... but the risks are also very high. Maybe you need to plan carefully..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After you collected the samples, you were very pleased and thought that Lingmi had great potential. Perhaps the strength of the human race would not improve much in the short term, but if you take a long-term perspective, this improvement would definitely be explosive! 】

[So in the following days, you practiced and cultivated three-tailed phoenix grass while learning Shen Nong’s spiritual cultivation technique, hoping to find a better way to grow spiritual rice. 】

[Every once in a while, you will go to the Arctic region to take care of the snow-bone jade ginseng you planted. 】

[Fortunately, the growing environment in the Arctic region is very compatible with the Snow Bone Jade Ginseng, and coupled with sufficient spiritual power, the Snow Bone Jade Ginseng grows very gratifyingly. 】

[In the ninth year, you still take care of the spiritual rice in the blessed land of the spiritual field every day, hoping to find a way to increase the production of spiritual rice from Shen Nong’s spiritual cultivation technique. 】

[But at the same time, you will also set aside part of your time to practice every day, swallowing the flesh and blood essence of the Demon King and Demon Emperor levels every day, and your cultivation will be further improved! 】

[In the tenth year, you took out all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures and medicinal materials from the Great Xia treasury, refined them into elixirs, and distributed them to the Great Xia military. The Great Xia military gained another group of master-level soldiers. The strong one. 】

[In the same year, you refined the Concentrating Wood in the treasure house into a Concentrating Pill to try to see if your spiritual consciousness could be further strengthened. 】

[In No. 11, after a year of taking drugs, your spiritual consciousness increased to 930 feet. You felt that your spiritual consciousness still had room to grow, so you put more energy into the cultivation of your spiritual consciousness. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Yes, the cultivation of spiritual consciousness is also extremely important. If my spiritual consciousness was not strong back then, I might have been knocked unconscious by Zong Laogou's black energy attack..." "A monk in the Nascent Soul stage, the highest spiritual consciousness is only [-] An ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator is only two or three hundred feet tall...and my consciousness, due to taking the Condensing Pill, is much stronger than an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, and can even rival that of a transformed spirit..."

"Before you break through to the realm of divine transformation, increase the intensity of your spiritual consciousness as much as possible. If you find the spiritual consciousness technique after you break through to the divine realm, your spiritual consciousness may skyrocket..."

Su Xing is no longer a stupid boy who has just entered the world of immortality. Through various channels, Su Xing still knows the importance of the soul.

This is how the so-called monks refine elixirs externally and cultivate soul internally.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 12, your spiritual consciousness has further grown, and the range has reached 950 feet, but you are still in the five-sense realm, and you don’t know much about the divisions of spiritual consciousness. 】

[No. 13, this year, you started to count the children who took Lingmi before they were old enough. Now five years have passed, and you don’t know how strong they are. 】

[What you didn’t expect is that among the 6 children at the beginning, the ones with the lowest strength are now close to the peak of the silver level, [-] of them have broken through the gold level, there are thousands of master level professionals, and there are even dozens with amazing talents Yes, it has reached the master level! 】

Su Xing was slightly surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect that Lingmi would be so effective on unawakened children.

You must know that the senior graduates of Kyoto University only have a dozen master-level experts and a few hundred master-level experts in a year...

And those who can be admitted to Kyoto University are all geniuses selected from thousands of miles, or even one hundred thousand miles!
But Su Xing’s experiment only slightly selected talented children, and after five years, the effect was even better than that of graduates from Jiangnan Vocational University!
"Hiss... the spirit rice plan should be implemented as soon as possible!"

Su Xing took a deep breath. The effect of this spiritual rice is not only to enhance the physical fitness of professionals, but also to stimulate the potential of unawakened children. The effect is really great!
After waking up and thinking for a moment, he looked at the simulation panel again.

[After thoroughly understanding the usefulness of spiritual rice, you no longer care about promoting spiritual rice, but focus on increasing the production of spiritual rice and improving your own cultivation. 】

[Because you know that promoting Lingmi won’t happen overnight, and besides, you don’t have so many Spirit Gathering Flowers and Spirit Stones.

[No. 14, what surprises you is that as you have swallowed the flesh and blood of the Demon King every day for these years, even though you have practiced very little, your body training has still broken through to the second level of the divine power realm! 】

[You must know that the realm of divine power is comparable to that of a god. If you want to break through it, you often need decades of hard training. However, your talent is amazing. Even if you slack off in your training, with enough flesh and blood essence, you will still have a breakthrough in strength! 】

[In No. 15, you took the time to visit the Snow Bone Jade Ginseng in the Arctic. The Snow Bone Jade Ginseng is still growing vigorously. According to your estimate, it may take another 30 years to mature. 】

[In the same year, the range of your spiritual consciousness increased to 950 feet. As the range of your spiritual consciousness becomes wider, you feel that you have encountered a bottleneck and it is difficult to break through. 】

[Fortunately, there are still a lot of concentration pills. Do you think your spiritual consciousness can be further improved! 】

[In No. 16, your consciousness is still improving steadily. Although it can only increase by a few feet every year, you are still very satisfied. 】

[You experimented with the spiritual rice planting methods that you have thought about over the years, but found that due to the aura and soil quality of the real world, the yield of spiritual rice has not been increased. 】

[So you turn your attention to Earth Dragon Technique again. After more than ten years of growth, the spiritual earthworm you raised has grown to the size of a python. It fertilizes the soil in the blessed land of the spiritual field every day, allowing your spiritual plants to grow. It’s faster, and you even save a lot of time in farming and plowing the soil. 】

[You try to place spiritual earthworms in the land of the real world, hoping to improve the soil quality of the real world through the earth dragon technique. 】

[In No. 17, after the diligent cultivation of spirit earthworms, the soil quality in the real world has greatly improved, and it has begun to transform from ordinary land to spiritual fields. 】

[What makes you even more excited is the growth of the three-tailed phoenix grass. The third phoenix tail has already sprouted into a sharp tip, so it will be fully mature in just a few years. 】

[In No. 18, the situation at the Demon Suppression Pass of the human race remained the same as before. Although it was suppressed by the alien race, it was still able to hold on. You knew that this time was precious, so you worked harder to seize the time to develop. 】

[In the same year, your spiritual consciousness range increased to 970 feet! 】

[In No. 19, due to the increase in the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence you took every day, you had abundant energy in your body. On a sunny morning, you successfully broke through to the third level of the divine power realm! 】

[In No. 20, the range of your consciousness increased to [-] feet! 】

[No.20: In the year of No. [-], you went to the Arctic region again to find the Snow-bone Jade Ginseng. The Snow-bone Jade Ginseng is growing well, and it may not take long for it to mature! 】

[In the same year, the range of your spiritual consciousness increased by another three feet, reaching 93 feet. You have a hunch that perhaps your spiritual consciousness of a thousand feet is your limit. If you want to make further breakthroughs, you need to reach the stage of divine transformation. 】

[No.20 In the second year, the spiritual consciousness increased by three feet again, and it was not far from the thousand-foot spiritual consciousness. 】

[No. In the third year of No. 20, the situation in the Demon Suppressing Pass has become increasingly worse, and the number of human deaths every year has increased. You know in your heart that the moment hundreds of legendary beasts arrive, the Demon Suppressing Pass will be destroyed. 】

[In the same year, the three-tailed phoenix grass finally matured, and your consciousness also increased to 99 feet. 】

(End of this chapter)

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