Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 129 Another way to get rich, the secret medicine for extending life!

Chapter 129 Another way to get rich, the secret medicine for extending life! (Second update)

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, everything was as he expected.

The three-tailed phoenix grass matures, and the strength of the spiritual consciousness skyrockets...

Next, as long as you bring out these rewards, your transformation into a god will be just around the corner!

"I wonder if I can fight with that old dog of the sect with my divine cultivation and the perfection of divine power?"

Su Xing thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"The uncertainty is too great! That old dog has lived for more than 2000 years, and he has both gas and gas cultivation. He has many trump cards... I'm afraid that even if he breaks through to the god transformation stage, he may not be his opponent..."

"But after transforming into a god, I'm afraid we won't be so embarrassed if we meet head-on again..."

Su Xing was slightly looking forward to it.

Although body-refining cultivators are stronger at the same level, it is obvious that the many methods of the Qi-refining lineage fascinate Su Xingxin even more.

In particular, the various methods of refining Qi can allow Su Xing to earn more energy and improve Su Xing even more!

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In four years, your spiritual consciousness has finally taken a step further and reached the realm of spiritual consciousness! 】

[As you expected before, Qianzhang Divine Consciousness is already at the limit of the Nascent Soul stage. If you want to continue to strengthen it, you must break through to the Divine Transformation stage. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 20, the situation at the Demon Suppression Pass took a turn for the worse. Under the successive attacks of the legendary army of demon beasts, it was in danger. 】

[You knew that time was running out, so you left everything behind and headed to the Arctic region alone. 】

[Sure enough, in the extremely cold climate of the Arctic region, the jade-bone snow ginseng that you planted was already approaching maturity. 】

[So you endured the severe cold, sat in the spirit gathering array every day, and used your own spiritual power to ripen Snow Bone Jade Ginseng. 】

[After one month of this, you finally got thirty mature Snow Bone Jade Ginseng plants! 】

Su Xing felt happy when he saw this. He successfully achieved the goal of this simulation.

With Jade Bone Snow Ginseng and Three-tailed Phoenix Grass, Su Xing can try to refine the Infant Training Pill, and he is not far away from transforming into a god!
"Counting the time, the end is coming soon..."

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[When you returned to Kyoto, you heard that the Demon Suppression Pass was broken a month ago, and the entire high-level human race fell into panic. 】

[You look at it calmly. You have anticipated this day for a long time. You know that the task has been completed, so you can enjoy the rest of the time with peace of mind. 】

[In the next three months, you quit everything and start spending time with your family and friends...]

[One day, a giant beast that covered the sky and the sun came to Blue Star and swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one bite. 】

[Before dying, you raised your middle finger to the giant beast. 】

[Ding, you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated...】

[In the stomach of the giant beast, you see the surrounding rocks and oceans that are constantly being digested and devoured. The stomach of this giant beast is like a terrifying black hole, digesting everything...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

Su Xing finished watching the simulation and nodded slightly.

Although he still died in the simulation, the plan to wake up has been achieved.

"It's just that this time, it seems that he has brought back some information... Does just the stomach of the giant beast possess such terrifying power?"

Su Xing marveled in his heart and became even more aware of the terror of the alien race.

"Forget it, these are too far away from me, so I'd better take care of the things in front of me... choose the reward!"

Su Xing looked at the reward of this simulation.

[Full of Descendants]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[25 years of alchemy experience]: Alchemy insights, including some alchemy insights, priced at 60 energy.

[Third Level of Divine Power Realm]: Body training, priced at 2000 million energy!
[Experience of Shen Nong’s Spirit-nurturing Technique]: Farming, cultivating spiritual enlightenment, priced at 100 million energy.

[Ten Trichosanthes Plants]: 300-year-old, mature Trichosanthes, priced at 1500 million energy.

[Thirty Strain of Snow-bone Jade Ginseng]: Snow-bone Jade Ginseng in the mature stage has medicinal properties that break and then become established. The price is 1500 million energy.

[Thousand-Zhang Divine Consciousness (Five Senses Realm)]: It has a thousand-foot divine consciousness and can sense the movement within a thousand-foot radius. The price is 950 million energy.

[Withered Bone Sword (medium-grade treasure)]: It is a treasure made by grinding human bones and condensing countless resentments. It will cause soul-eating damage to the target when it attacks. It sells for 3000 million energy.

[Half a Yellow Spring Pill]: If you walk around the Yellow Spring once, you can fall into deep sleep and prolong your life after taking it.However, there is only half a coin left, and there is a chance that he will fall into a deep sleep forever.The price is 50 energy.

[Soul Summoning Flag]: The best magical weapon, which can summon the souls of enemies. It sells for 800 million energy.

[Bagua fortune-telling technique (disabled)]: A heaven-level secret method that can measure good and bad luck. It sells for 7000 million energy.

Su Xing paused slightly after seeing the reward. The reward selection simulated this time was quite generous.

Most of them were exploded from Zong Laogou, which shows that he has a lot of wealth. Unfortunately, most of them are incomplete, and it is useless to wake up and choose them.

Su Xing looked at the reward options and thought for a moment.

"Needless to say talent, it's impossible to choose... I don't know that this poor descendant can also be rated as a purple talent?"

"As for the alchemy experience and cultivation, there is no rush..."

"Except for the sword, all of Zong Laogou's magic weapons and secret techniques are incomplete. It's useless to choose them...and the price is too expensive!"

Su Xing paused for a moment and looked at the introduction of the Bone Sword.

"Is it actually a middle-grade treasure... The price is 3000 million energy, which is more expensive than the Mo Bingjian. Looking at it this way, the Mo Bingjian may be equivalent to the level of a low-grade treasure?"

As far as Su Xing knows, the grades of monks’ magical instruments from low to high can be divided into:
Talisman weapons, magic weapons, treasure weapons, spiritual weapons...

As for the spiritual weapon, it is the legendary fairy weapon!

And the grade of this withered bone sword is obviously not low. A low-grade treasure may be equivalent to the best legendary weapon in the real world.

"However, the origin of this withered bone sword is too immoral, and its use is against the laws of nature..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and looked at the other options.

After some hesitation, Su Xing struggled with the three reward choices.

Qianzhang Divine Consciousness, Three-tailed Phoenix Grass and Snow Bone Jade Ginseng.

"This Snow Bone Jade Ginseng is a must-select. If you don't select it, I'm afraid I'll have to beat the Zong Old Dog again in the next simulation, which is not worth the gain..."

"As for Qianzhang Divine Consciousness and Three-tailed Phoenix Grass..."

After some hesitation, Su Xing decided to choose the three-tailed phoenix grass.

After all, with the Snow Bone Jade Ginseng and Three-tailed Phoenix Grass, Su Xing can refine the Infant Training Pill, which is obviously more critical for Su Xing.

As for spiritual consciousness, if there is a chance in the next simulation, it will not be difficult to cultivate it to a thousand feet.

Thinking of this, Su Xing muttered silently.

"I chose to bring out Snow Bone Jade Ginseng and Three-tailed Phoenix Grass..."

[Ding, you don't have enough energy. Please collect enough simulation energy and then redeem it...] The sound of the simulator came to Su Xing's ears.

When I woke up and looked at the remaining energy, I saw that there was less than 600 million left, and there was actually an energy gap of 400 million!
"Damn, I didn't expect that the energy would run out so quickly... Well, it seems I can only wait for a while. After the goods are delivered this week, it should be enough..."

Su Xing suddenly felt a little pain in his balls. Ever since he made money by making alchemy, he was never short of money.

But now that he is about to enter the stage of becoming a god, his energy is once again stretched thin.

Not to mention anything else, just to bring out the Dzogchen of Divine Transformation and the Dzogchen of Divine Power requires awakening tens of millions of energy...

"Oh, I still have to find a way to make money!"

"The Tarot Chamber of Commerce only provides 1000 million energy per week. If we continue at this rate, we will have to save for two months before we can break through to the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation... This speed is too slow!"

Again, it is impossible to reduce expenditures. Only by increasing revenue can we barely maintain a living.

"When the copy of the mining area is approved, the energy obtained should be much more..."

"But right now, we can only urge Jin Congxue more and ask her to get more dungeon props!"

Su Xing sighed, and first sent a few text messages to Jin Congxue, urging her to get more dungeon props for him. Then he took out the alchemy furnace and took the time to prepare the alchemy.

The life of alchemy is very boring and extremely tiring.

Even if you are a master of alchemy, if you don't master the subtle heat and timing, a batch of elixirs may be destroyed.

However, Su Xing was already familiar with alchemy.

In just one week, Su Xing refined six thousand pills.

On this day, Su Xing put away the refined elixir, went out to the villa, and met Jin Congxue.

Today, Jin Congxue was wearing a nightgown with suspenders, and there were two light dark circles around her eyes. She looked like she hadn't slept well.

Su Xing handed over the elixir and said with a smile:
"What, you committed a thief last night? Why do you feel like you didn't sleep well?"

Jin Congxue rolled her eyes and hummed:

"Humph, it's not because of you! Didn't you ask me to help you purchase a large number of dungeon props before?"

"In the past few days, I have visited dozens of branches and hundreds of warehouses of Jin's Trading Company in Jiangnan Province, and helped you collect many strange replica props... Take a look for yourself!"

After that, Jin Congxue handed over several storage rings.

Su Xing opened the storage ring and took a look. As expected, several storage rings were filled with piles of dungeon props.

Su Xing's heart moved, and he detected the energy of these props one by one.

[Ding, some energy-containing substances have been detected, with a total value of 1642 million energy points. Do you want to convert them? 】

[Ding, some energy-containing substances have been detected, with a total value of 976 million energy points. Do you want to convert them? 】


Several voices sounded in Su Xing's mind, and Su Xing counted them one after another.

Good guy, the total amount of dungeon props contained in these four storage rings is close to 5000 million simulated energy!
Su Xing was surprised and asked:

"Why does your Jin's Trading Company have so many dungeon props?"

Jin Congxue said:

"It's all professionals who come here to sell them! Every day, many professionals come here to sell dungeon props. Over time, there will naturally be quite a few..."

"Jin's Trading Company has a wide business scope. Occasionally, it will purchase a small amount of replica props and sell them, making a small profit."

After a pause, Jin Congxue said again:

"However, there are not many dungeon props in Jin's Trading Company, and they are scattered very scattered. It is not easy to find them..."

"If you are interested in these props, you may be able to contact Baili Trading Company in Guangzhou."

Su Xing heard this and asked in confusion: "Baili Trading Company?"

Jin Congxue nodded slightly and said:

"Baili Trading Company is located in Guang Province, the southernmost part of Daxia. It is considered one of the top trading companies. The eldest son of this trading company, Baili Qi, loves to collect such strange replica props. Over the past few decades, I am afraid that these things collected There are more than a few mountains piled up..."

Su Xing's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this. Good guy, I have collected dungeon props for decades. If I could really obtain them, how much simulated energy would they be worth!

So Su Xing hurriedly asked:

"How should I contact Bailiqi? I want to take all the dungeon equipment from him!"

Jin Congxue was a little confused after hearing this:

"Baiqi has an eccentric personality and doesn't like to meet people. Moreover, Jin's Trading Company is not familiar with him..."

"But I heard that Bailitu, Bailiqi's father, seems to be nearing the end of his life recently. He seems to be looking for life-extending props produced in the dungeon. If it can extend his life, he may be able to exchange them with Bailiqi for these dungeon props... "

Su Xing's heart moved after hearing this.

Life extension props are also extremely precious in dungeons, and are something that countless top bosses can hardly get even if they fight hard.

After all, the bosses behind these chambers of commerce may not have much time to improve their strength because they need to take care of the chamber, so they may barely reach the king level with various props.

As for the Heavenly King level, the lifespan is only three to five hundred years. If you want to live longer, you can only break through to the Martial King level.

"Is there a life-extending medicine... I will find a way to do this. After I refine the elixir that can extend life, you can help me contact the Baili Chamber of Commerce!"

Su Xing said so.

Jin Congxue was shocked after hearing this and said in a loss of voice:

"Can you refine a life-extending elixir?"

Su Xing was a little confused when he saw Jin Congxue being so surprised, but he still explained:
"It's not clear yet, but you can give it a try. You should be half sure that you can make it..."

As far as Su Xing knew, there were no fewer than seven or eight kinds of life-extending elixirs recorded in Lihuo Alchemy.

After all, isn’t this what monks are pursuing?

Immortal cultivators can be said to be professional in refining life-extending elixirs.

From the low-grade health-preserving pills to the low-grade life-sustaining pills and life-extending pills, to the middle-grade pills like Changsheng Dan and the top-grade pills Qingming Dan...

The effect of the medicine ranges from extending life by one or two years, to five years, ten years... or even decades.

However, life-extending pills are all drug-resistant. If you take one or two pills, then taking the same pill again will have no effect.

When Su Xingzheng was young, he naturally had no idea of ​​refining life-extending elixirs before.

But now, looking at it, the life-extending elixir may be the real profit-making elixir!
After Jin Congxue heard that Su Xing was half sure, he was even more surprised and said in disbelief:

"Do you know how precious life-extending items are? The life-extending items produced in a dungeon are comparable to legendary equipment, or even more rare!"

"If you announce to the outside world that you can refine life-extending elixirs, I am afraid that not only the major forces will treat you as a distinguished guest, but even the elderly senior officials of Daxia Kingdom will have to ask for your help!"

Su Xing's face became serious when he saw Jin Congxue was so surprised. He just thought about the huge benefits brought by the longevity pill, but he never thought that behind this pill, there were also huge risks!
After thinking for a moment, Su Xing said:

"I'm not sure about the longevity pill yet...so I ask you to keep it a secret and not publicize it to the outside world."

(End of this chapter)

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