Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 131 Various chambers of commerce are going crazy, wake up and take action to intimidate!

Chapter 131 Various chambers of commerce are going crazy, wake up and take action to intimidate! (First update)
[Under the leadership of Baili Qi, you successfully saw his collection. 】

[Sure enough, these are just some ordinary dungeon props, but the number is a bit too much...]

[Just one-third of the amount is worth more than five times what Jin's Trading Company gave you! 】

[Baili introduced every dungeon prop proudly and like a treasure, but you lacked interest and just casually put the dungeon prop into the storage ring. 】

Su Xing felt a little excited when he saw this.

"My dear, it's only one-third, which is five times more than Jin's Trading Company? Doesn't this mean...this batch of dungeon props is worth at least [-]-[-] million simulated energy?"

I felt a little excited when I woke up.

If there are really so many, then after awakening, the energy to break through to the stage of divine transformation and the perfection of divine power will be there!
"However, the prerequisite is to refine the life-sustaining pill!"

Su Xing sighed and wished he could start refining immediately!
Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[When you were trading with the Baili Chamber of Commerce, you pretended to accidentally reveal that you had obtained this elixir from a copy, and there was only one of it. You also told the old man of the Baili Chamber of Commerce to keep it secret. 】

[You thought that this would save you from a lot of trouble, but you didn’t expect that trouble would eventually come to your door. 】

[There is no airtight wall in the world. The matter of you and Mr. Baili trading the secret life-extending medicine was soon known to all the major forces. 】

[For a time, you became the center of the entire storm! 】

[People from dozens of top-notch chambers of commerce in Daxia Kingdom have begun to contact you, saying that as long as you are willing to hand over the life-extending elixir, they can meet any of your requirements. 】

[But you know that once you hand it over, you will only face more troubles, so you insist that you got the elixir from the copy. 】

[Unexpectedly, many forces have already investigated your details in these days, from your school, identity, to your family and friends, as well as the Tarot Chamber of Commerce established between you and Jin Congxue. 】

[Through the clues such as the beauty elixir and healing elixir you refined before, they quickly determined that there is more than 50.00% chance that this elixir was refined by you! 】

[This puts you even more at the center of the storm event. 】

[But because of your relationship with Jin’s Trading Company, many chambers of commerce were polite to you on the surface, and began to invite you to various gatherings of upper-class people, and secretly helped the Tarot Club obtain more market resources. . 】

[For a time, the entire Tarot Society became very popular, and it even had the potential to become a top chamber of commerce. 】

[But you know, all this is just because they want to get the news about the longevity pill in your hand. 】

[Soon, various big shots begin to want to trade with you, including legendary equipment, fourth- and fifth-level exotic metals, or stunning beauties... As long as you are willing to give a life-extending elixir, these Everything is yours! 】

[Of course, there are also some forces that have begun to secretly threaten you. Some even expressed that they want to give your parents and sister a better life, and even told you that your friends can advance as soon as possible, as long as you are willing to hand over the longevity pill. 】

Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

These people mentioned Su Xing's parents and friends, seemingly wanting to make a deal with Su Xing, but in fact they were using these people as threats, right?
The meaning of the words is: We all know the details of your kid. If you don’t want your relatives and friends to suffer, you should take out the life-extending medicine as soon as possible!
"But what if I directly supply them with life-extending elixirs...?"

"If these people really want to make a deal, the life-extending elixir can exchange me for more resources, which is not a bad idea..."

Su Xing's heart moved and he was ready to give it a try.

Look at the simulation panel.

[Although you are very disdainful of this, you know that the power of these chambers of commerce is deeply rooted. Although you have the power of the Emperor Wu, there is no benefit in breaking up with them, so you can only give in temporarily. 】

[You spread the news to the outside world, indicating that you do still have some life-extending pills in your hands, so the Tarot Chamber of Commerce will hold a small auction. All people or forces who want to obtain this pill can participate in the auction in two months. Obtained at auction. 】

[Sure enough, after you spread the news, your family and friends no longer encountered threats, and your Tarot Chamber of Commerce also received many invitations in a short period of time. For a time, you became a popular figure in the entire Daxia Kingdom. 】

[One day, Jin Congxue came to you. She seemed a little embarrassed and hesitant to speak. You asked her what happened. 】

[Jin Congxue expressed embarrassment that there was an elder in her clan who was an uncle and was about to die. She asked Jin Congxue's father. Then Jin Congxue's father personally asked her if she could ask for a life-extending elixir. 】

[Jin Congxue had no choice but to come over and ask for your opinion. 】

[Of course, Jin Congxue also said that if you think it is difficult to handle, she will naturally refuse. If you have extra life-extending pills, you can give her one and just treat it as if it was purchased from Jin's Trading Company. 】

[You have known Jin Congxue for a long time, and she took great care of you. Naturally, you couldn't refuse, so you had to give her a life-extending pill. 】

[Afterwards, Jin's Trading Company also sent treasures that were enough to match the life-sustaining pill. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing sighed and said:

"Alas, even Jin Congxue can't help himself? The Jin family has a great business, and naturally there are some elders in the family who are approaching their end of life. With such a love, it is indeed difficult to shirk..."

Su Xing was a little helpless. The interests involved in the Life Extension Pill were too great, and the people involved in this matter, even Emperor Wu, might not be able to stay out of it.

"If the longevity pill is really announced to the public, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble!"

Su Xing sighed, wanting to see how far this life-extending pill thing would develop?

[There is no airtight wall in the world. The life-extending elixir you gave to Jin's Trading Company soon caused another commotion! 】

[For a time, all the great forces and powerful people in Daxia Kingdom knew that you took out two life-extending pills one after another, and if there are two pills, there will be a third one! 】

[This means that you really have the ability to refine elixirs! 】

[For a time, countless powerful people came to visit you in person, just to ask for a life-extending elixir, but you insisted that the elixir would naturally be sold at the auction next month. 】

[But there are some people who are so close to you that you can’t refuse them. 】

[One day, your good brother Yu Yan found you. He told you that his teacher, a king-level professional, was about to die. After knowing the relationship between Yu Yan and you, he also wanted to buy one from you. Life-extending elixir. 】

[In this regard, you are very helpless. Yu Yan has helped you a lot. He was your best brother in college, and his master has always been very good to him. Yu Yan can't shirk it at all. 】

[In desperation, you took out the third life-sustaining pill and gave it to Yu Yan. 】

[Soon, the news spread again, so that later, not only your friends, but also your parents and sister were entrusted by others, hoping to obtain a life-extending pill. 】

[You feel helpless, knowing that favor matters are the most difficult to deal with, so you can only pick and choose among them, rejecting most of the requests, and only agreeing to a small number of requests that you really can't refuse. 】

[Even so, in just one month, you sold five or six life-extending pills as a favor. 】

[Fortunately, you still have a few life-sustaining pills that you refined before, and Jin Congxue used connections to help you get some medicinal materials that are more than a thousand years old. 】

[You start refining the elixir, and there are still about ten life-sustaining elixirs in your hand. 】【Soon, the day of the agreed auction is approaching. You let out the news in advance that eight life-sustaining pills will be sold in this auction. 】

[For a time, all the major forces in Daxia were excited. The bosses behind the major chambers of commerce, the leaders of the top professional unions... and even Daxia officials sent people to participate in the auction! 】

[The auction is going on smoothly. With the eight life-sustaining pills, you have gained an unimaginable amount of wealth. This wealth is enough for the Tarot Chamber of Commerce to directly rank among the top chambers of commerce. 】

[But what you never expected was that something unexpected happened when the auction was about to end. 】

[Four or five masked men broke into the auction, trying to kill people and seize treasures, and take away these life-sustaining pills! 】

[You are surprised, there are actually people who are so bold and dare to kill people and seize treasures in front of all the big guys? 】

[These big guys quickly sent out their king-level bodyguards to take action, and even Emperor Wu of the Great Xia military took action himself. 】

[But what surprises you even more is that these masked men are incredibly powerful, and each of them exudes an aura comparable to that of the Martial Emperor! 】

[Seeing that they were outmatched, these big guys were frightened and wanted to run away. 】

[Seeing the chaos at the auction, you naturally would not stand idly by, so you chose to take action, which also exposed your strength! 】

[With your cultivation in the divine power realm, you are fully capable of competing against a powerful Martial Emperor. If it takes a short time, you can even hold back two Martial Emperors! 】

[With your help, the auction successfully persisted until the Daxia military sent people to help, and the men in black had no choice but to retreat! 】

[Since then, the elders of all factions have been in disbelief that you are such a powerful Martial Emperor-level expert at such a young age. 】

[They look at you with deep fear. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

As far as he knew, there were only a few forces in Daxia that could produce several powerful warriors at the Martial Emperor level.

In addition to the Daxia military, there is the Advent Sect!
"So, is it the advent cult that wants to snatch the life-extending elixir?"

Su Xing nodded slightly, it was not impossible.

But it's also possible that Su Xing didn't know that a powerful force was trying to seize the life-extending elixir.

"Oh, it seems that this life-extending pill has a lot of troubles... If you want to sell it, you must be careful!"

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[After the auction, your strength was also exposed to the eyes of the major forces in Daxia. 】

[Everyone can’t believe it. You are only in your early 20s, but your strength is comparable to that of the Martial Emperor. You are simply the number one genius in the human race in thousands of years! 】

[Even the Daxia military has extended an olive branch to you, hoping that you will become an honorary general of the military. 】

[You are not interested in these, because you know there are more important things waiting for you to do next. 】

[You have to join the Advent Cult in two months and obtain enough medicinal materials from it. This is your capital to extend the simulation time! 】

[So you declined to meet all guests and concentrated on exploring the refining of the Infant Training Pill. 】

[Now that the two most critical main medicines of the Forging Infant Pill have been collected, you need to obtain the remaining medicines from the advent sect’s treasure house. 】

[In the next period of time, you concentrate on studying the elixir. 】

[You originally thought that the turmoil over the life-extending pill would be over soon, but unexpectedly, within half a month, your parents were threatened again. 】

[Although your Martial Emperor-level strength is strong enough, you cannot guard against some secret attacks. 】

[The most important thing is that people's desires are endless. After knowing that you can really refine the life-extending elixir, someone actually put their thoughts on the prescription of your life-extending elixir! 】

[They want to threaten your parents to get the recipe for the life-sustaining pill! 】

[And this... also makes you completely angry!So you investigate secretly and finally find the chamber of commerce that threatens you. 】

[This chamber of commerce is called the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. It is a top chamber of commerce that has rapidly expanded in recent decades. In just a few decades, it has grown from a first-class chamber of commerce to a top chamber of commerce. 】

[According to your investigation, there is actually a Martial Emperor-level worshiper in this chamber of commerce, and this is the reason for his arrogance. 】

[But you are not afraid at all. The continuous troubles have made you want to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. 】

[So you went directly to the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. After a battle with the Martial Emperor, you won the battle, and then directly killed all the senior officials of the Chamber of Commerce who threatened you! 】

[This move instantly aroused strong dissatisfaction among the major chambers of commerce and forces in Daxia! 】

[In addition to Jin's Trading Company, Baili Chamber of Commerce, and Daxia Officials, which are relatively close to you, many chambers of commerce have also criticized you, saying that you are too lawless. 】

[But you expressed disdain for this and announced that you would stop supplying life-sustaining pills to these chambers of commerce! 】

[Now, they are even more angry, and they are slandering and accusing you of all kinds, but you know, what they want is just the life-extending elixir! 】

[You completely ignore them and concentrate on refining elixirs every day. 】

[But you didn’t expect that one day, someone you didn’t expect would come to you. 】

[This person is the protector of the Advent Sect! 】

[You were stunned for a moment when you saw the Zong Protector, and then you subconsciously became alert. Although you are already as powerful as the Martial Emperor, you are still unstoppable against his opponent. If he wants to harm you, you can only choose to escape for your life. 】

[The Zong protector smiled and said friendly to you, and asked in a low voice whether you have mastered the method of seizing a body, and this young man is the one who seizes your body? 】

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"What does Zong Laogou mean? He said that I took away my own body?"

But then he woke up and reacted.

It should be that Su Xing's strength is too strong. The Nascent Soul Stage's Dzogchen and Divine Power Realm... even among genius monks, it is impossible to achieve it in his early 20s.

That's why Zong Laogou thinks that he has taken away his own body, right?
"What does this old dog want to do?"

Su Xing was a little curious, and then looked at the simulation panel.

(End of this chapter)

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