Chapter 132 triggers epiphany and forges the infant pill! (Second update)

[In response to Zong Laogou’s inquiry, you remained silent. 】

[But this makes Zong Laogou more certain that you must have used the technique of seizing the body. 】

[Zong Laogou proposes to use a technique of seeking benefits and avoiding disasters in exchange for your technique of seizing a house. 】

【But where can you take possession of your body?Therefore, he still looked at him with a cold face and remained silent. 】

[Zong Laogou has no choice but to settle for the next best thing, saying that he is willing to exchange treasures for the life-sustaining pill in your hand, and he can even introduce you to a powerful and mysterious organization. 】

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this. He finally knew why Zong Laogou was looking for him.

I want to extend my life by co-writing! ?
"If you think about it carefully, this old dog has lived for more than 2000 years. Even if he took Huangquan Dan and slept for more than 1000 years, he probably doesn't have many years to live... That's why you want to buy life-extending elixirs, right?"

"However, this is a good opportunity to join the Advent Sect. In this way, there is no need to drag junior sister Wang Qingxuan into the water..."

Su Xing sighed softly. For Wang Qingxuan, joining the Advent Cult may not be a good thing.

It would be great if Su Xing could join through other channels.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You agreed to Zong Laogou’s request and exchanged two life-extending pills for many precious elixirs from him. 】

[Later, you joined the Advent Sect along with Zong Laogou. 】

[When you first entered the Advent Sect, your powerful strength shocked all the elders, and with the recommendation of Zong Laogou, you gained the trust of the senior leaders of the Advent Sect. Just after you first entered the Advent Sect, you became an elder-level figure. 】

[The Advent Sect would like to express to you that if you work hard, you are guaranteed to be promoted to the protector level, and there will be more benefits by then. 】

[But you don’t care about any of this. You only think about how to empty the Advent Cult’s treasure house of medicinal materials. 】

[So you contacted Luo Shuying privately. Luo Shuying was initially hostile to you because she thought you were from the Zong Laogou faction. 】

[But it wasn’t until you told her everything and spoke the code word that Luo Shuying believed you. 】

[After gaining Luo Shuying's trust, you repeat your old tricks and let Luo Shuying help you obtain the elixir in the treasure house. 】

[After successfully obtaining the elixir, you start refining the elixir. 】

[You first refined the Condensing Pill. In just half a year, you refined thousands of Concentrating Pills. After you gave part of the Concentrating Pill to Luo Shuying, you took the rest and tried to improve your consciousness. 】

[In the past six months, you have been fraternizing with Zong Laogou on the surface, but in fact you have been secretly interacting with Luo Shuying, and you are considering when it would be more appropriate to kill this old dog. 】

[In the second year, because you had enough concentration pills, the intensity of your consciousness increased greatly, growing to a full two hundred feet! 】

[At the same time, you start to refine the Yangyuan Pill, Yuanwu Pill and other elixirs in advance to prepare. 】

[In the third year, with the help of Luo Shuying, you almost emptied the treasure house of medicinal materials. Do you think the time is ripe and it is time to rebel from the Advent Cult! 】

[So, you picked an auspicious day and even treated Old Dog Zong to a meal before leaving. The next day, you took Luo Shuying and defected to the Daxia military. 】

[The Daxia military was suspicious of you at first. After all, you destroyed the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce before and then turned to the enemy Adventist Cult. It is difficult to gain trust. 】

[But after you took out [-] pills, the Daxia army completely believed you and even regarded you as a human hero! 】

[Soon, the major forces in Daxia learned about your return, but they did not dare to offend you because you are now a high-ranking member of the Daxia military! 】

[In the land of Daxia, no matter how strong a force is, it must obey Daxia, because the military with the most powerful people is the uncrowned king! 】

[So these forces sent you gifts and apologized one after another, but you were not interested in it. 】

[At the same time, after the Advent Sect learned that you and Luo Shuying had rebelled, they immediately issued a reward order to gather the strength of the entire sect to kill you. 】

[As for the protector of the sect, because of his previous recommendation to you, he was joined together, lost his trust, and was hunted down by the advent sect. 】

Su Xing saw this and was immediately happy.

"Good guy, I didn't expect to trick this old dog before I left!"

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that I can let Zong Laogou introduce me to the Advent Cult in the future... This is not a loss!"

Su Xing thought darkly, looking at the simulation panel.

[Next, you devoted yourself to refining the elixirs, and spent another two years refining 10,000+ elixirs, as well as some Yuanwu pills and even divine power pills! 】

[You have added tens of thousands of Grandmasters, hundreds of Heavenly Kings, and even dozens of Martial Emperors to Daxia! 】

[For a time, all the forces were frightened for fear of your revenge, but the Daxia military paid great attention to you, took care of your emotions, and met almost all your requests. 】

[In the fifth year, in addition to refining elixirs, you will practice and improve your spiritual consciousness every day. 】

[This year, the range of your spiritual consciousness has increased to five hundred feet, which is equivalent to the peak range of ordinary Nascent Soul! 】

[In the sixth year, you ordered your men to collect the precious elixirs in Daxia’s treasure house. 】【You used this batch of elixirs to refine a lot of elixirs, which improved the strength of Daxia. At the same time, you also obtained another Condensation Tree, and you used it to refine a lot of Concentration Pills. 】

[In the seventh year, after you have exhausted most of the medicinal materials in your hand, you can finally concentrate on refining the Infant Training Pill! 】

[The refining of the Forging Infant Pill is not difficult. Among the middle-grade elixirs, its refining difficulty is simpler than that of the Divine Power Pill. 】

[The only thing that gives you a bit of a headache is that you don’t have many medicinal materials in your hands. Ten phoenix grasses and thirty snow-bone jade ginseng plants. Even if you plan carefully, you can only refine fifty furnaces of forging infant pills at most. 】

[In other words, you must learn the Infant Forging Pill within fifty furnaces! 】

[This undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on you, so you began to simulate the refining of the Infant Training Pill in your mind to ensure that you would not make any mistakes, and finally started refining it. 】

[You spent a day refining the first furnace of the Infant Forging Pill, but as expected, you failed. 】

[After the failure, you did not refine it immediately. Instead, you spent three days thinking over and over the details of the alchemy process. 】

[Only after you are sure that you have gained something, you will try to refine the next batch of Infant Forging Pill. 】

[You spent a month refining seven furnaces of the Infant Forging Pill. There is no doubt that all seven furnaces failed and they were all useless pills. 】

[But you have a normal mentality and know that learning to refine middle-grade elixirs will not be easy, not to mention that you are making progress with every refining attempt, so you calm down and continue refining. 】

[In the second month, you refined five furnaces of the Infant Forging Pill, but all failed! 】

[In the third month, you refined seven furnaces of the Infant Forging Pill, but as expected, they all failed! 】

[In the next few months, you will refine elixirs every month in addition to practicing. Although you have never succeeded, your understanding of the Infant Training elixir has improved rapidly. 】

[Finally, with the addition of the talent of the alchemy wizard, you successfully refined three Infant Training Pills one day. Your refining skills of Infant Training Pills have finally started! 】

Su Xing was relieved to see this, as long as he got started.

This shows that learning the Infant Training Pill is not difficult. If you can’t do it once, you can always learn the Infant Training Pill after two or three simulations.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

Unexpectedly, the next simulation gave Su Xing a surprise!
[After getting started with refining the Infant Training Pill, you still have less than half of the medicinal materials in your hand, so you will refine a batch of the Infant Training Pill every once in a while, hoping to further improve your refining proficiency. 】

[One day, when you are refining the Infant Training Pill, you suddenly have a feeling in your heart. The process of refining the pill seems to be infinitely slowed down, and infinite inspiration pours into your mind, and you trigger a state of enlightenment! 】

[When you realize this, you feel very happy. Taking advantage of the blessing of the enlightenment state, you madly improve your proficiency in refining the Infant Training Pill. 】

[Unfortunately, this state of enlightenment did not last long, only one day. 】

[But even so, your proficiency in refining the Infant Training Pill has also improved by leaps and bounds. It has reached the level of Xiaocheng, and is only one step away from the Dacheng level! 】

[You look at the several round and jade-shaped Ying Ying Pills in front of you, and you feel the urge to take them and condense the completed Ying Ying. 】

[You finally held back. Although these Infant Training Pills were successfully refined, they were only of ordinary quality and were not the best Infant Training Pills. You decided to be a little more cautious and wait until the top Infant Training Pills were refined before taking them. promotion. 】

Su Xing was a little excited.

"Hey guys, does this trigger a serendipitous epiphany?"

"Damn, you're so lucky! This is just one simulation, and the refining skills of the Infant Training Pill are close to the master level."

Su Xing originally thought that it would take at least two or three simulations before he could master the Infant Training Pill, but judging from the current situation, maybe in the next simulation, Su Xing would be able to refine the top-grade Infant Training Pill and try to condense the complete Dollar Baby!

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that for this simulation, I have to choose the alchemy skill. In that case, why not learn a few more low-level elixirs..."

Su Xing had a plan in mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[After triggering the enlightenment effect of the Infant Forging Pill, you know that your main task next is to refine the pill. 】

[So you will improve your alchemy skills every day. 】

[In the same year, the range of your consciousness increased to six hundred feet! 】

[In the eighth year, you have improved the refining skills of Mingjing Dan you learned before by more than one step, reaching the Dacheng level. 】

[In the same year, your body-refining cultivation reached a breakthrough, and you became a second-level monk in the divine power realm. 】

[In the ninth year, Jin Congxue helped you collect a lot of thousand-year-old medicinal materials, so you are going to improve your life-sustaining pill skills. 】

[It took you a year to successfully refine your life-sustaining pill refining skills to a master level. You have been able to refine the best life-sustaining pill. 】

[The efficacy of the best life-extending pill is twice that of ordinary life-extending pills. It can extend life by six years. The efficacy is almost close to that of life-extending pills! 】

[In the tenth year, the intensity of your consciousness is further improved, covering a range of up to [-] feet! 】

(End of this chapter)

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