Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 133: Cultivation of the soul internally and refining elixirs externally!The wonderful use of

Chapter 133: Cultivation of the soul internally and refining elixirs externally!The wonderful use of Qianzhang Divine Consciousness! (Third update)

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

The development of the future simulation is as he expected, with his spiritual consciousness further enhanced and his alchemy skills becoming more refined.

Everything is developing for the better...

[In No. 11, you are familiar with Lihuo alchemy and want to try to see if you can refine several new elixirs with the existing elixirs. 】

[After your research, you found that you can also develop pills such as Mingxin Pill, Guijia Pill, and Blood Purifying Pill. 】

[Among them, Mingxin Dan is a middle-grade elixir. Its effect is similar to that of Mingjing Dan that was previously developed, but it is more effective and has minimal side effects. It can be taken continuously. 】

[The Turtle Shell Pill and the Blood Purifying Pill are low-grade elixirs. The Turtle Shell Pill can enhance physical defense in a short time after taking it, while the Blood Purifying Pill can remove toxins in the world. 】

[In the next two years, you practiced every day and began to study these new elixirs. 】

[In No. 13, you successfully refined the Turtle Shell Pill and the Blood Purifying Pill to a minor level. 】

[But refining the Mingxin Pill is not easy, and you have yet to get started. 】

[No. 14, your consciousness continued to grow this year, reaching a range of nine hundred feet! 】

[In the same year, your body training level increased and you reached the third level of divine power! 】

[No.16, after several years of study, you have already mastered the Mingxin Pill. 】

[During practice, you find that after swallowing the Mingxin Pill, you can enter the state more quickly, devote yourself to practice, and significantly increase the speed of practice. 】

[But it’s a pity that your cultivation is still at the Nascent Soul Realm, and you are not ready to break through before refining the top-grade Infant Training Pill. 】

[In No. 17, you gave the Infant Forging Pill to professionals at the Heavenly King level, hoping to see if this pill could enhance their strength. 】

[But it is a pity that ordinary people, even professionals, cannot have Nascent Soul, so the Infant Training Pill has no effect on them. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Indeed, compared to the elixirs taken by Qi Refiners, the elixirs used by Body Refiners are more helpful to professionals..."

It's not surprising to wake up, and then continue the simulation.

[Time passes slowly, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the past two years, you have insisted on taking the Condensing Pill to enhance your spiritual consciousness. Your spiritual consciousness has become wider and has reached 970 feet! 】

[In No. 20, you encountered a long-planned assassination. 】

[You have been assassinated at least hundreds of times over the years, but this is the one closest to you. 】

[A mid- to high-ranking military officer in Daxia invites you to have dinner at his residence. It’s hard for you to refuse his hospitality, so you can only agree. 】

[But I didn’t expect that the Hongmen Banquet is waiting for you! 】

[It turns out that this officer turned out to be a spy planted by the Adventist Cult. During the banquet, they poisoned you, and then arranged for two legendary powerhouses to kill you. 】

[After the poison enters the body, your spiritual power cannot function, and you cannot enter the spiritual field to take refuge. 】

[Fortunately, Luo Shuying has been protecting you. She fought with two legendary strong men, and finally the Daxia military came to support. 】

[But at that time, Luo Shuying was seriously injured as a result and was in a coma for a month before walking out of the gate of hell, leaving behind lifelong illnesses. 】

Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

Sure enough, as long as he is exposed, he will be greeted by endless assassinations.

This made Su Xing even more convinced that before he had enough strength, he still had to develop steadily.

Then proceed to simulate.

[No.20 In one year, your consciousness has grown to nine hundred and ninety feet, which is not far from the thousand-foot consciousness you once reached. 】

[No.20 In the second year, you suddenly felt a familiar aura in Kyoto. You followed the aura and found an old beggar you had never seen before. 】

[After your repeated confirmation, this old beggar is actually Zong Laogou! 】

[He has been evading the pursuit of the Adventist Cult these years, and now he comes to Kyoto alone and lurks. Maybe it has something to do with you. 】

[But you still have no interest in him. Now you speak in simple terms and rarely leave Lingtian Paradise. Even if you do, you are protected by Luo Shuying. This old dog of the sect cannot threaten you. 】

[No. 20 In the third year, your consciousness has grown to 99 feet again, and you are only one step away from reaching perfection. 】

[In the same year, the situation of the human race in Zhenyao Pass became increasingly worse. 】

[No. 20, you successfully reached Qianzhang Divine Consciousness. You knew that this mission had been completed, so you decided to enjoy the rest of your life. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 20, the giant beast came and swallowed the entire Daxia Kingdom in one bite. 】

[If you die, your talent will be activated...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation, Su Xing closed his eyes and meditated, reflecting on the simulation.

After a while, Su Xing opened his eyes and sighed:

"Sure enough, directly exposing the life-extending elixir is not a wise choice... The subsequent impact will be too great, so there must be a more covert method..."

"But since direct exposure is not possible, maybe we can hide our identity?" Su Xing touched his chin, thoughtfully.

"Forget it, it will take some time to collect those precious herbs, so let's choose the simulation reward first!"

When he thought of the rewards from this simulation, Su Xing became a little excited.

[Living Buddha is alive]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[25 years of experience in alchemy]: Insights on alchemy, including some of the training pills (small level), Ming Xin Dan (entry level), Ming Jing Dan (dacheng level), longevity pill (dacheng level), turtle shell pill (dacheng level), Purifying Blood Pill (Dacheng level), priced at 600 million energy.

[Third Level of Divine Power Realm]: Body training, priced at 2000 million energy!
[Thousand-Zhang Divine Consciousness (Five Senses Realm)]: It has a thousand-foot divine consciousness and can sense the movement within a thousand-foot radius. The price is 950 million energy.

[Life Renewal Pill (ten pieces)]: Priced at 300 million energy.

Su Xing glanced at the simulation reward options and sighed:

"I didn't expect the price of the Life-Extending Pill to be so cheap, but if it were auctioned, the energy earned would probably be dozens of times higher..."

"However, there is no rush to redeem it now. The tens of millions of energy in hand are enough for now... Besides, after gaining experience in alchemy, you can refine the life-sustaining elixir yourself, which will save you a chance to choose a reward."

Su Xing thought this, and then said without hesitation:

"I choose 25 years of experience in alchemy and thousands of feet of divine consciousness!"

As he finished speaking, a prompt sounded in Su Xing's ear.

[You successfully brought out 25 years of alchemy experience, spent 600 million energy, and have 3923 million remaining energy points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Qianzhang Divine Consciousness (Five Senses Realm), spending 950 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 2973 million points. 】

After Su Xing made his choice, two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The first is the mastery of a large number of alchemy skills and memory.

In just over ten seconds, Su Xing seemed to have decades of experience in alchemy refining, and the refining skills of various elixirs such as the Infant Training Pill and the Mingxin Pill were added to his mind.

The benefits of alchemy enlightenment are not only learning new elixirs. Su Xing will also have a deeper understanding of the elixirs he has mastered before, and even his understanding of the way of alchemy will be deepened.

"If you think about it carefully, I can now be considered an alchemy master who has been refining alchemy for hundreds of years, right?"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly. Now he has no less than twenty kinds of elixirs, and even a variety of middle-grade elixirs!

With a total of hundreds of years of alchemy insights, coupled with the blessing of alchemy wizards and talents, it can be said that in the ordinary world of immortality, Su Xing is already an alchemy master who can establish his own sect.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing began to emit his spiritual consciousness, realizing his newly acquired energy, Qianzhang Divine Consciousness!
The consciousness spread overwhelmingly, and in just a few seconds, Su Xing could clearly see every movement within a hundred feet of the Lingtian Blessed Land. He could even see the expression of every chicken brother and the wriggling movement of every spiritual earthworm.

But Su Xing seemed not satisfied with this and frowned slightly:

"The scope of Lingtian Blessed Land is still too small..."

After the words fell, Su Xing appeared in a hidden corner of the school.

Then the consciousness dispersed!

One hundred feet...five hundred feet...thousands of feet!
It's like there are countless more eyes and ears. With Su Xing as the center of the circle, Su Xing can clearly sense any disturbance within a thousand feet.

"Well, today's lunch in the cafeteria is braised pork..."

"Over there at the gymnasium, there seem to be incoming freshmen visiting?"

"The girls' dormitory on North Campus...cough! I am a gentleman, you can't do this!"

"Huh? There seems to be a couple in the woods behind the south playground...hiss, is this too fast?"

After waking up, I became very playful.

Staying in the dormitory, but being able to see and hear every scene with your own eyes, is a very mysterious feeling.

With the strength of Su Xing's Qianzhang consciousness, it can cover almost half of Kyoto Academy, which means that within this academy, nothing can escape Su Xing's eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, this spiritual consciousness is really fun...but it's a little too energy-consuming..."

Su Xing gently rubbed his temples. Only half an hour after his consciousness emitted, Su Xing felt a little tired.

"In the Nascent Soul stage, one can reach a thousand-foot-long spiritual consciousness... Then if it is in the Divine Transformation stage, how terrifying will the range of spiritual consciousness be?"

"And this spiritual consciousness has always been marked as the 'Five Senses Realm'. Could it be that there is a higher realm? It has more functions?"

Su Xing discovered that he had underestimated the role of spiritual consciousness before!
Fifty feet of spiritual consciousness is indeed of little use.

But if the radius is expanded twenty times to a thousand feet or more than three kilometers, it is almost equivalent to covering a district, or a larger town!
If it were expanded ten times, it would be able to cover the entire city!
"The monks cultivate the soul internally and refine the elixir externally... As expected, the ancients did not deceive me. The effect of spiritual consciousness is indeed amazing!"

Su Xing's current use of spiritual consciousness is not advanced enough.

In the future, if you master the magical power of using your spiritual consciousness and break into a higher realm, you will truly be able to exert the terrifying effect of your spiritual consciousness.

After all, the power of a cultivator is not just about refining elixirs, but also all kinds of mysterious magical powers that can bring out the true strengths of a cultivator!

(End of this chapter)

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