Chapter 134 New talent, seek good luck and avoid bad luck! (First update)
"And I am the only monk among the Blue Star people, which means that those professionals cannot detect my divine consciousness detection at all, which makes the practicality of divine consciousness even higher!"

Su Xing even probed his spiritual consciousness into the principal's office. Even the principal of Kyoto University, a legendary professional, could not detect his spiritual consciousness, which shows the hidden nature of his divine consciousness.

He carefully realized his newfound strength.

After waking up, he released his spiritual consciousness, made sure there was no one around, and entered the blessed land of the spiritual field again.

Entering the blessed land of Lingtian, Su Xing began his daily alchemy career.

"Oh, the future is bright! In addition to making money from alchemy right now, there will be endless money making from alchemy in the future!"

Su Xing sighed.

“It doesn’t matter, after all, it’s the early days of starting a business, so if you’re going to be hard and tired, just think of it as working hard for the future!”

In the next week, Su Xing still spent his time frantically refining alchemy.

In one week, six thousand pills were refined again!
Su Xing took the newly refined elixir and prepared to go out to find Jin Congxue.

"By the way, at this distance, spiritual consciousness should be able to detect it, right?"

Su Xing stood at the door of the school, his heart moved, and his consciousness moved towards the villa he often went to.

The distance between that villa and Kyoto University is only about three kilometers.

Su Xing easily saw every move of everyone in the villa.

"Well, the housekeeper and the chef are preparing lunch..."

"Hey, what is Jin Congxue doing?"

In the wake of the feeling, Jin Congxue seemed to be preparing to take a bath in the bathroom, her face was flushed, and she seemed a little nervous.

Fair skin, slender thighs...

"Ahem, don't look at anything inappropriate, don't look at anything inappropriate!"

Su Xing quickly took back his consciousness, thinking deeply in his heart.

"Tsk tsk, does this girl have to be so nervous? We meet almost every week, why are you still so excited?"

Su Xing thought that when he went to the villa, he would often practice alchemy for a week in a row. To say he was unkempt was a bit excessive, but it could definitely be considered unkempt.

But Jin Congxue, this girl, seems to look forward to every meeting and even dresses up carefully.

"Oh, it's hard to bear the grace of a beauty!"

Su Xing sighed, why didn't he want to be a quiet and beautiful man and have a sweet love?

But after knowing the doomsday, what reason does Su Xing have for not working hard?
Soon, Su Xing arrived at the villa.

At this moment, Jin Congxue had finished bathing and changing clothes, with a little makeup on her face. Her graceful figure and charming temperament made Su Xing feel confused for a while.

"Bah, little pervert, where are you looking?"

Jin Congxue snorted, her face slightly flushed.

"Cough cough, eat, eat!"

Su Xing quickly changed the topic and took a big bite of his rice.

After satisfying his appetite, Su Xing leaned back on his chair contentedly, took out the elixir he had refined this week and handed it to Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue took the elixir, handed the storage ring to Su Xing, and said:
"Because there are too many beauty pills during this period, the market is somewhat saturated, so the price of the pills has dropped slightly..."

"But, because of sufficient financial support, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce will have new business expansion every week."

“Here, here are this week’s items!”

Su Xing took the storage ring from Jin Congxue and scanned it with his consciousness.

Good guy, it’s a full [-]% more than the previous goods!
Then use the simulator to test the energy contained. This week’s goods have an energy of nearly 1500 million points!

"His~ Sure enough, there is no future for simply selling elixirs to make money! It is better to open a business association to make money, and mobilize the people under you to work together to develop equipment and props. This is the long-term solution!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

Jin Congxue saw the surprise in Su Xing's eyes and chuckled:

"I didn't expect that the Tarot Society would have such huge development potential. Now it is about to become a first-class chamber of commerce... We seem to have been very lucky during this period, and we have negotiated several big business deals!"

Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard this, thinking that this might be the blessing of his talent for prosperous business.

Jin Congxue then reported to Su Xing on the development of the Tarot Club.

"Now we have nearly 3 bronze and silver-level thugs, and we can obtain no less than a million pieces of white-quality equipment every week. Plus acquisitions..."

"The recycling of replica props is also very good. After all, our price is about [-]% higher than the average price in the market..."

"The signing of the duplicate mining area is still in progress, and it will be officially put into production in two to three months soon."

"As for the thousand-year-old ginseng and other medicinal materials you asked for last time... we are still collecting them. Such things are not so easy to get!"

Su Xing yawned casually. He was not interested in these business matters, as long as he could get energy every week.

Jin Congxue saw Su Xing's nonchalant look and muttered:
"Are you listening? You don't know anything about the Chamber of Commerce. You won't even know when I sell you!"

After hearing this, Su Xing smiled and said flatteringly:
"How can that be possible? Don't I believe you? I'll leave all the business matters to you, even if you enrich yourself from it, as long as you are happy!"

Jin Congxue felt moved again when she saw Su Xing's serious face and her trust in him so much.

After chatting for a few more words, he woke up and returned to school and entered the Lingtian Blessed Land copy.

Exchange the new week's goods into energy, and the energy in Su Xing's hands is close to 4500 million points again!

On the afternoon of May 2024, 5 in the new era, Su Xing started No. 20 seven simulations on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 3700 energy points, leaving 4498 million energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing said arrogantly, one hundred thousand energy is just a small amount of money to Su Xing now.

[Congratulations on getting the purple talent: seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck! 】

"Huh? Seeking advantage and avoiding disadvantage...this talent seems a bit interesting!"

Su Xing looked at Tian Tian's explanation.

[Seeking good luck and avoiding misfortune]: With purple talent, you are protected by luck, and bad luck will surround you. When you encounter unlucky things, you can often avert danger.

Explanation: A plane fell from an altitude of [-] meters, and you missed the flight due to traffic jam; a giant ship sank to the bottom of the sea [-] meters away, and you were picked up by an ambulance in advance because of seasickness and diarrhea.

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the talent of "Seeking Advantages and Avoiding Disasters" in front of him.

His first reaction was that this thing seemed to be a perfect match for the previous "I can't be unlucky alone" talent!
"My dear, I can't be unlucky alone. This talent is equivalent to a nuclear weapon that ignores the enemy and ourselves. Although it is powerful, it has too many side effects... But seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages seems to be a good way to resolve this!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have discovered a combo between talents!

He entered the Advent Cult alone and unknowingly caused the entire Advent Cult to be wiped out, but he left gracefully without leaving a single leaf behind... "Hey, it looks like there's something going on!"

Su Xing is very interested in this talent of seeking benefits and avoiding disasters.

"But the specific effect of this talent depends on future simulations..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You try to use your talent to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, but because you have always been lucky and haven't encountered any bad luck, you can't use it. 】

[So you deliberately went to the medicine shop and bought two kilograms of arsenic, and drank it gurglingly. 】

[With your constitution in the divine power realm, arsenic has no effect at all. 】

[But the strange thing is that after drinking a pound of arsenic, you actually had diarrhea.So you took arsenic to your boss to argue. 】

[As a result, someone from the Market Administration happened to pass by and verified that the arsenic was actually expired. The drugstore owner compensated you 50 yuan. 】

Su Xing immediately became happy when he saw this and said in surprise:

"Isn't this really a magical skill to seek advantage and avoid disaster?"

"If I were an ordinary person, I would not die if I ate this arsenic. I would just have diarrhea and earn 50?"

Su Xing happily continued to try.

[You went to the bank to withdraw money and met a robber. He forgot to load the bullet in his gun. You subdued him with one move and won the "City Good Citizen Award"! 】

[You went swimming in the river and were bitten by a non-venomous snake. The Biological Association verified that this was a species of snake that had been extinct for 2000 years. You received a large monetary reward for this. 】

[You jumped from a tall building...]

Su Xing tried several times before finally confirming it.

This talent will not be activated normally. It will only be activated when encountering danger or bad luck, and will help Su Xing save the day.

There was no loss in the successive suicide attempts and awakenings, but on the contrary, many rewards were obtained.

"Tsk, tsk, if you look at it this way, this talent is indeed a perfect match for 'I can't be unlucky alone'!"

Su Xing muttered and prepared to start the normal simulation.

[After testing the new talent, you are very satisfied, so you start to make daily alchemy. 】

[A month later, Jin Congxue will hand over the collected medicinal materials to you, and you use these medicinal materials to refine five top-quality life-sustaining pills. 】

[For the sake of safety, this time you did not go to Baili Chamber of Commerce with great fanfare. 】

[After knowing the location of Baili Trading Company, you took the Yirong Dan and the Xi Lian Dan. After making sure that your true identity would not be exposed, you went to Guangzhou. 】

[On a dark and windy night, you entered the courtyard of Baili's house alone and sneaked into Bailitu's room, indicating that you wanted to make a deal with him. 】

[Baiqi saw that you were dressed like this and the aura exuding from your body was so terrifying, so he could only stabilize you first and asked you what kind of deal you wanted to make. 】

[You take out a top-quality life-extending pill and tell him that this pill can extend his life for five years, and you need those duplicate props collected by Bailiqi! 】

[Bailitu saw the life-sustaining pill in your hand, desire flashed in his eyes, but he didn't know your identity and didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only agree temporarily. 】

[Unexpectedly, all the guards and worshipers from the Baili family arrived, including a Martial Emperor-level powerhouse. 】

[You snorted coldly when you saw this, and challenged the Martial Emperor alone, without falling behind at all. 】

[After you forced Emperor Wu back, you made it clear that if the old man was unwilling to trade, you would leave now. 】

[Bailitu became anxious when he saw this. The life-extending pill in your hand is exactly what he longs for. 】

[Finally, you met Bailiqi and used this elixir to make a deal with him. After some bargaining, you exchanged a top-quality life-extending elixir for half of Bailiqi's "treasure". 】

[After leaving Baili's house, you lurked and changed clothes all the way, and then entered the Lingtian Paradise for a few days. After making sure that the person you were following had been thrown away by you, you returned to Kyoto. 】

[Unexpectedly, half a month later, your identity was discovered. After the Baili family investigated you, they personally came to ask you for more life-sustaining pills. 】

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"Isn't it possible to conduct transactions after hiding your identity? What went wrong?"

Su Xing was a little confused. Logically speaking, the Yi Yong Dan plus the Restoration Pill, plus Su Xing was so careful, shouldn't be discovered...

"Could it be that there's something wrong with that batch of dungeon props?"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[You carefully checked the batch of dungeon props, but there were so many of them that you didn’t have time to check them one by one. 】

[So you asked Baiqi directly how he discovered your identity. Baiqi apologized to you and gave you another batch of props. He told you that he hid a positioning prop in the batch of copy props, so Then I know your identity and location. 】

[You were a little helpless, and it was inevitable that you had some ties to the Baili Chamber of Commerce in your heart, but for the sake of compensation, you didn’t say much. 】

[In the following months, your identity was discovered again and spread to various forces in Daxia. 】

[Countless people have come to ask for the life-extending pill in your hand. This has undoubtedly brought you a lot of trouble. 】

[You can only deal with it temporarily, until one day, Zong Laogou finds you. 】

[He still thinks that you are a monk who came out of a certain copy and took away your body. 】

[You didn’t explain much, and made a deal with him, using two life-sustaining pills in exchange for many precious elixirs, and successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[After that, you and Zong Laogou became superficial brothers. To others, you seemed to have a close relationship, but you each had your own secrets. 】

[A few days later, you contacted Luo Shuying, and after some communication, you gained her trust. 】

[Luo Shuying helped you obtain a large amount of medicinal materials, and you began to refine the elixir. 】

[In just a few months, you have refined thousands of Concentration Pills, as well as many Yuan-Yuan Pills and Fu-Refining Pills. 】

[You tried to take the Condensing Pill to see if you can continue to grow your spiritual consciousness, but your spiritual consciousness has reached a bottleneck and has not been able to grow for several months. 】

[In desperation, you put all your energy into refining the Infant Training Pill. 】

[You study the Infant Training Pill every day, and with continued refining, your alchemy skills become increasingly sophisticated. 】

[After several months of your hard work, the refining skills of the Infant Training Pill have finally reached the level of excellence! 】

[After that, you spent another two weeks refining ten top-grade infant forging pellets, and you are officially ready to complete the sprint for the infant! 】

[You choose a good time and a few days, make sure no one will disturb you and enter the blessed land of Lingtian. 】

[After swallowing two Bright Heart Pills and adjusting your state of mind to a state of selflessness, you are officially ready to break through! 】

 Brothers, I would like to ask my opinion here.

  I currently have three to four thousand words per chapter, and I update it three times a day to [-] words.

  But this may lead to incoherence in the plot, and you may not be happy enough.

  So I would like to ask, one chapter is 5000 words, two chapters per day, so the content remains the same, but the plot is more coherent, and I can write more smoothly.

  I wonder if everyone can accept this? (Mainly because the number of words is too much, I’m afraid it might be too expensive for everyone~)

  Brothers who have seen it, please give me your opinions. If you think it is good now, then I will keep the current update pattern~ What do you think?
(End of this chapter)

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