Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 135: Take the Infant Forging Pill and become a god in half a step!

Chapter 135: Take the Infant Forging Pill and become a god in half a step! (Second update)

Seeing this, Su Xing's breathing became rapid.

"Finally, the dollar baby is ready to be condensed!"

Su Xing has been preparing for this day for a long time!
From collecting two kinds of medicinal materials, to breaking through the spiritual consciousness and refining the Infant Training Pill.

Now there is only the final stage of infant condensation to complete a self-breakthrough and achieve a perfect infant!

"The perfect baby, the opportunity to become an immortal!"

"I just don't know, apart from the opportunity to become an immortal, does this perfect baby have any other benefits?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Paradise, you swallowed the first Infant Forging Pill. 】

[The elixir enters the body and quickly melts into a stream of warmth, flowing into your limbs and bones. 】

[You feel the subtle changes in the Nascent Soul in the Dantian, and the subtle layer of golden light on the outer layer of the Nascent Soul is slowly falling off...]

[The golden light fell off faster and faster. In just a moment, the Nascent Soul villain in the Dantian became dull and dull, as if it had lost its divine power. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you feel that your Dantian seems to have turned into a bottomless black hole, and countless spiritual energy is quickly absorbed into your Dantian. 】

[This spiritual energy is transformed into pure spiritual power, constantly transforming the Nascent Soul in your Dantian. The golden light reappears on the surface of the Nascent Soul and becomes deeper and deeper. 】

[This process lasted for three days! 】

[After three days, you feel a little tired in your body and soul. This process of training the baby is really exhausting. If you accidentally fail to control the aura, all your previous efforts will be wasted! 】

[Even though you are a little tired, you don’t dare to take it lightly. 】

[Because before breaking through the five levels, the infant forging stage cannot be interrupted or paused. You must work hard at once, otherwise you will fall short! 】

[You take a deep breath and take the second Infant Forging Pill. 】

[As you take the second Infant Forging Pill, you feel the Nascent Soul in your body change again. The golden light dissipates, and then you begin to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy like a siphon. 】

[You try your best to stabilize the spiritual energy in your body and constantly temper the Nascent Soul in your body. 】

[Another three days passed like this...]

[At this moment, you feel that your sense of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is becoming more and more sensitive. With a thought, a large amount of spiritual energy will flow in to replenish the consumption of your spiritual energy. 】

[But the speed at which the spiritual energy of the surrounding world flows is terrifying. 】

[You are very lucky that you planted more than 100 spirit-gathering flowers in advance. If not, the spiritual energy in the blessed land of Lingtian would have been exhausted long ago, and you would only be able to break through. 】

Su Xing took a deep breath when he saw this.

"Sure enough, is the consumption of spiritual power by the cultivator of the gods so terrible? No wonder that old dog of the sect has been unable to break through the return to void stage, and the lack of spiritual energy in the spiritual stone is the biggest reason!"

After a pause, he woke up and thought again:
"But that guy Zong Laogou can still maintain his cultivation at the peak of becoming a god. I'm afraid he still has a lot of spirit stones in his hands. Otherwise, his level may have fallen long ago..."

Su Xing's eyes brightened.

No one can have too many spiritual stones. Naturally, the more the better.

Maybe when you are strong enough, you can earn a lot of spiritual stones from Zong Laogou?

Su Xing shook his head slightly, thinking about these things first, it was better to concentrate on making a breakthrough.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After the second training session, you feel that your physical body and soul are even more exhausted, and you desperately want to take a nap. 】

[But you know that if you interrupt at this moment, you will only fall short. 】

[So you decisively took the third Infant Forging Pill! 】

[The pill enters the body, and spiritual energy flows into the Dantian in your body again. At the same time, cracks appear on the Yuanying, but your Yuanying is not completely broken. The golden light on the Yuanying dissipates again. 】

[After three days of this, you have completed the third forging of the infant. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and said doubtfully:
"That's not right. According to what Shen Nong Arita said, after taking the Forging Infant Pill three times, the Nascent Soul will be broken into pieces and reborn, thus breaking through the Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop and entering the half-step of becoming a god..."

"At this moment, you already have the first-class Nascent Soul quality. If you don't choose to stay, you can directly break through to the Divine Transformation... But if you dare to give it a try, you have to go through five levels to achieve the perfect Nascent Soul."

Su Xing was a little confused. His current situation was different from the information he had received before.

"But there is no better way now. If we want to break the baby, we can only give it another try!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After taking three Infant Forging Pills in a row, the Nascent Soul in your Dantian still failed to break and then stand up, so you were heartbroken and took the fourth Infant Forging Pill! 】

[With the consumption of the fourth Infant Forging Pill, the Nascent Soul in your Dantian finally shattered completely and turned into little bits of golden light. 】

[At the same time, your Dantian is like a black hole, madly absorbing the surrounding aura of heaven and earth. 】

[This violent influx of spiritual energy makes the spiritual power in your body unstable. 】

[Even though you are very tired at the moment, you still grit your teeth and persevere. With the influx of spiritual energy, the Nascent Soul in your Dantian is finally condensing. 】

[After several days of this...] [You are exhausted at this moment. Even a Nascent Soul cultivator would have difficulty sustaining the high-intensity training process for more than ten days. If it weren't for your powerful spiritual consciousness, you might have failed to break through. 】

[But even if you are so tired, your efforts are worth it after all! 】

[You guarded your mind and saw the little Nascent Soul in the Dantian. At this moment, the Nascent Soul shines even brighter and exudes a mysterious aura. It is much better than the ordinary Nascent Soul before? 】

[With the success of forging the infant, you have successfully condensed the first-class Nascent Soul and become what everyone calls a half-step god-transformation monk! 】

[After successfully forging the baby, you finally fell asleep with satisfaction. You slept for three days and three nights before slowly waking up. 】

[Now you are faced with two choices: become a god in one go; or try to condense the perfect dollar baby to get a glimpse of the magic! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally, have you reached the half-step stage of becoming a god... Next, all you need to do is break through the five levels, cut off your delusions, and enter the stage of becoming a god, right?"

Su Xing whispered slightly.

As for breaking directly into the Divine Transformation Stage?
This option is not within the scope of Su Xing's consideration at all.

Only focusing on immediate interests and ignoring long-term development is undoubtedly a choice made by a fool.

Waking up with the simulator, his eyes were looking at the highest mountain on the road.

"As for cutting off distracting thoughts and becoming a god...if I remember correctly, it should be about cutting off the five levels of lust, fear, greed, pride, and anger. The first is the level of lust, followed by fear and greed..."

After a pause, Su Xing began to recall some irrelevant information.

"Breaking through five levels can be said to be one level after another. Every time a level is cleared, the speed of communication with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth during the transformation stage will increase by a level, and the spiritual power in the body will become stronger!"

"At the same level, a cultivator who has cleared two levels will almost certainly be able to defeat a monk who has only cleared one level!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"It's a pity that the five levels are not so easy to break! When breaking through the five levels, countless distracting thoughts will pour in at each level. You must stick to your heart in order to successfully break through! And once the breakthrough fails and fails to interrupt in time, it is very likely that When the body dies, the Tao disappears!"

"So any monk who wants to break through the five levels must make adequate preparations!"

With the result already in mind, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[You did not choose to enter the stage of transformation, nor did you immediately start to break the five levels. 】

[Before breaking through the five levels, you need to make full preparations, otherwise once the breakthrough fails, you will waste the simulation. 】

[So after the retreat, you refined elixirs every day as always, and became brothers with Zong Laogou. 】

[In the third year, you have collected enough medicinal materials and are ready to betray Adventism. 】

[Of course, before you rebelled, you didn’t forget to treat Old Dog Zong to a meal. 】

[The next day, you and Luo Shuying rebelled from Adventism and joined the Daxia military. 】

[After you took out the elixirs you have refined over the years, the Daxia military warmly welcomed you to join and gave you high respect. 】

[Freed from the shackles of Adventism, you can practice in Kyoto with peace of mind, refining elixirs every day. 】

[At the same time, after the Advent Cult learned that you and Luo Shuying had rebelled, they launched a hunt for you. Of course, Zong Laogou was also hunted down. 】

[In just a few months, you have been assassinated more than ten times, but you have been prepared for it. With your strength comparable to that of the Martial Emperor, ordinary assassinations cannot harm you at all. 】

[So you spent two years refining enough elixirs to add tens of thousands of grandmasters, hundreds of heavenly kings, and dozens of powerful Martial Emperors to Daxia. 】

[In the sixth year, after everything has been dealt with, you begin to think wholeheartedly about how to break through. 】

[The first of the five levels is the level of lust and thought. According to your guess, this level should seduce you through beauty, causing you to lose yourself and be lost forever. 】

[And you, as a person, have never been very resistant to beauty. 】

[So in order to successfully pass the test, you are going to conduct special training on yourself! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing twitched the corner of his mouth and complained:
"Hey, hey, what do you mean I'm not resistant to beauty? It's just a simulator, please explain it clearly to me!"

"I swear, I am sworn in with drugs and gambling!"

Simulator: "...Where's Huang?"

Su Xing: "I swear, I, Huang Su Xing, am sworn in with gambling and drugs!"


Getting back to the topic, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel, wanting to see how he performed the "special training".

[You think of the immortal novels you read in your previous life, about immortals descending to earth to experience the world of mortals, so you prepare to experience it yourself. 】

[So you confessed your love to Jin Congxue, and Jin Congxue naturally had no reason to reject you. You two fell asleep together naturally. 】

[You guys had a great time, and your waist strength has decreased during this time. 】

[A few months later, you have accepted the devil's training from Jin Congxue, a great beauty, and you think you are somewhat sure about passing the Sex Nian Pass. 】

[But you decided to be more steady, so you went to find Luo Shuying...]

(End of this chapter)

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