Chapter 136: Fear Nian Pass, awakening the fear in your heart?
"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could I be such a shameless person?"

When Su Xing saw his carefree life in the simulator, he was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Good guy, this is how you come to experience the world of mortals, right? This is for you to understand!"

Su Xing wished he could directly launch the immersive simulation and replace it with his own body.

"Oh, that's fine... just let me see the effect of this worldly experience, right?"

After Su Xing hesitated for a while, he still looked at the simulation panel.

[After being with Luo Shuying for several months, your waist strength is -3, and your resistance to beautiful women is +10. 】

[But you still felt unsafe, so you went to see Wang Qingxuan again...]


[After practicing this repeatedly for a year, you think that your resistance to lustful thoughts is enough, so you officially prepare to retreat and start to break through the lustful thoughts! 】

[You took two Bright Heart Pills, sat cross-legged in front of the thatched hut, and became one with the Nascent Soul, and your whole mind slowly sank into it. 】

[Soon, your consciousness slowly drifted away, and when you woke up again, you found that you appeared on the earth in your previous life. 】

[It seems that everything is a dream. In this life, you are a playboy, addicted to beauty all day long. You hover among various beauties every day, like a fish in water. 】

[You waste your time, drinking and having fun all day long.Happy to miss Shu. 】

[So, ten years have passed. 】

[One day, you look at your girlfriend who you have been with for two weeks and are about to break up, but suddenly you find that she looks familiar. Suddenly, you remember everything...]

[Because the girlfriend in front of you actually looks exactly like Jin Congxue. 】

[Memories flood into your mind like a tide, and you quickly realize that you are simulating and passing through the level of lust among the five levels! 】

[When you realize all this, you successfully walk out of the illusion and return to the real world. 】

[When you return to the real world, you find that a full month has passed. 】

[But the memories of those ten years in the fantasy world are engraved in your mind as if they were real experiences, and your mood has improved. 】

[Congratulations on your successful exploration of one of the five levels of transformation, the Se Nian Pass! 】

When Su Xing saw this, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"That's it? One of the five levels of divine transformation, the Se Nian Pass, doesn't seem to be difficult at all!"

"And... what is the key to successfully completing a level? Is it to realize that you are in a simulation?"

There was some confusion in Su Xing's eyes.

Based on simple simulated text, it was hard for Su Xing to imagine what he had experienced in the Se Nian Pass.

"But... it's good to pass the level. If you passed the first level so easily, then the rest of the levels shouldn't be difficult, right?"

"Strange, why is the difficulty different from what is described in ancient books? Could it be that... I am a genius?"

Su Xing was a little excited for a moment and looked at the simulation panel.

The second level of the five levels is the level of fear!
"So, what's my biggest fear?"

Wake up thinking.

[After passing the Se Nian Pass, although you have been in the illusion for ten years, only one month has passed in the real world. 】

[This month, the real world has not changed at all, everything in the outside world is as before. 】

[You begin to prepare for the upcoming second level of Fear and Nian Pass, but after thinking about it, you don’t feel that you have anything in particular to fear, so you prepare to start the trial of Fear and Nian Pass. 】

[In the seventh year, you chose a good and auspicious day, united your thoughts, and opened the fear level. 】

[The Fear of Nian Pass is very different from the previous Se Nian Pass. You have entered a void, unable to notice the passage of time, and you cannot feel yourself...]

[When you wake up again, you find that you have returned to the real world. You seem to have successfully broken through the fear level. 】

[Everything is exactly the same as before. 】

[So in the next year, you passed three levels in succession and entered the divine transformation stage! 】

[After entering the spirit transformation, you are like a fish in water, easily killing Zong Laogou and getting the legacy left by Zong Laogou. 】

[After digesting this inheritance, your strength increased greatly in a short period of time. In just ten years, you reached the peak of the Divine Transformation Stage! 】

[Immediately afterwards, you entered the Demon Suppression Pass, and through your own powerful strength, you continuously killed demon clans and even legendary monsters, thus harvesting a large amount of flesh and blood essence. 】

[In just five years, you have cultivated your body to the level of divine power! 】

[Then, God seems to have favored you, a child of luck. 】

[You unexpectedly received news that Daxia Kingdom had found a mysterious dungeon for cultivating immortals, so you entered the dungeon for cultivating immortals to explore. 】

[Half a year later, you came out of the dungeon. You made a lot of money in the dungeon and obtained countless spirit stones and techniques. In just a few years, you broke through the realm again and entered the realm of returning to the virtual world! 】

[Everything seems to be developing for the better...]

[After breaking through the realm of returning to the virtual world, in order to pursue the path to a higher realm, you activated the Qingyun Sect token and entered the world where Master Qingyunzi lives. 】

[Qingyunzi appreciates you very much. You have obtained his inheritance. In less than ten years, you have broken through again and become a powerful monk! 】

[After breaking into the integration stage, you returned to the real world. At this moment, the human race is facing annihilation, and you took action! 】

[You supported Daxia in general, and defeated countless alien races in the Demon Suppressing Pass by yourself. 】

[You alone have continued the destiny of the human race for hundreds of years. The world seems to have returned to peace, and the monsters have become legends among professionals. 】

[And you also successfully entered the Mahayana stage within these hundred years, and finally became an immortal. 】

[Just when you are complacent, the entire sky turns gray, a giant beast that covers the sky appears in front of you, and countless demons crawl out of the abyss. 】

[The foreign race seems to have never left, they are just waiting for the opportunity silently. 】

[But you disdain it. Now that you have become an immortal, you think you are invincible in the world. 】

[However, no matter what magical powers and magic you use, you still can't hurt a single hair of the giant beast in front of you...]

[You are completely scared. Could it be that even if you become an immortal, you will not be able to expel the alien race? 】

[Suddenly, a thought comes to your mind: When you realize that you can’t change no matter how hard you try, will you still persist? 】

[You chose to give up, and fear swallowed you up...]

[The giant beast swallows you into its mouth, and you die in the belly of the giant beast with deep fear...] [You are dead! 】

[Ding, due to the failure to cut off the fear, your soul collapsed... This simulation is over! 】

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

"What the hell? So everything that just happened... was really all in an illusion?"

"The biggest fear in my heart...comes from this?"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

Halfway through the simulation, he already noticed something was wrong.

Because everything went so smoothly, Su Xing didn't realize it until the end of the simulation.

"Let me tell you... if this is a simulation to directly become an immortal, it would be too hasty..."

"So everything is fake! I just fell into the illusion of the Fear Pass, and everything that followed was changed based on my biggest fears and conjectures?"

Su Xing was slightly shocked. He had not been able to experience the Pass of Fear in person. He could not imagine how all this happened.

"So, you have to realize that you are in the environment, then get rid of your inner delusions and face it head-on, so that you can successfully pass it?"

After two simulations, Su Xing realized the key to breaking through.

So I turned my attention to the rewards of this simulation.

[Seeking advantage and avoiding disaster]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[Six years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, including some of the Infant Training Pills (Dacheng level) which sell for 100 million energy.

[Half-Step Transformation into God (Fear and Thought Pass)]: Cultivation and state of mind perception. After purchasing, you will directly break through the Pass of Color and Thought Pass, and gain the memory and experience of passing the Pass of Fear and Thought Pass. The price is 300 million energy.

Su Xing frowned slightly. Because he failed to clear the level, there were few reward options left for Su Xing this time.

"Tsk, tsk, there are only three rewards, so I don't have to choose!"

Su Xing thought silently in his heart.

"I choose my talent to seek advantages and avoid disasters, and my half-step cultivation to become a god!"

[Ding, it is detected that your talent bar is full. You can spend 100 million energy to expand the third additional talent bar. Do you want to expand it? 】

"One million? Sure enough, it has doubled again ten times...but I can still afford this energy!"

Su Xing silently said:
"Expand additional talent bar!"

Then, a sound sounded in my ear.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully expanding the additional talent bar. You spent 100 million energy points and have 4388 million remaining energy points. 】

[You successfully brought out your talent to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, spending 100 million energy points, and the remaining energy points are 4288 million points. 】

[You have successfully brought out the half-step of becoming a god (fear and mind pass), spending 300 million points of energy, and the remaining energy is 3988 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and two beams of energy poured into Su Xing's body.

Immediately afterwards, subtle changes occurred in the awakened body. He seemed to have more control over the spiritual energy of the world and the world around him. With a simple breath, he could mobilize a large amount of the spiritual energy of the world.

Not only that!

This is Su Xing’s most special realm breakthrough!
Because in addition to the improvement in cultivation, many memory fragments also flooded into Su Xing's mind.

That’s what I saw when I was in the Pass of Passion and Fear!
Su Xing closed his eyes to rest and began to digest the memory fragments in his mind.

The first memory, from the beginning when Su Xing was a playboy in a floral skirt, every scene from those ten years flooded into Su Xing's mind, as if he had experienced it himself.

In the end, Su Xing saw through the illusion and gained a mental improvement.

Looking at everything in his memory, Su Xing was really addicted.

However, the second memory is not so beautiful.

In this memory, I swept all the way through the first half of my awakening, becoming an immortal like a child of luck.

But after Su Xing tried his best, he still failed. The feeling of powerlessness and fear made Su Xing feel the same.

Su Xing closed his eyes for a long time, and when he opened them again, two tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Only after he personally experienced the Fear Passion did he realize how terrifying it was to face the fear in his heart.

Just like a person who is afraid of snakes, when he wakes up and finds himself in a snake den, surrounded by poisonous snakes and pythons, he is so helpless and frightened...

After a long time, Su Xing's tone contained a hint of vicissitudes of life:
"The five stages of transforming into gods, that's how it is...face the truest part of yourself from the illusion, in order to discover your true self and seek to transform into gods..."

Su Xing was a little lucky. If he hadn't owned this simulator, it would have been like using a cheating device to break through the fifth level. I'm afraid it would have been extremely difficult to break through the fifth level.

"No wonder, so many talented and beautiful people in the world of immortality have fallen at the feet of the five levels of transformation into gods. If there are 99 people who have the potential to perform a perfect birth, [-] of them may not be able to pass..."

"And once you fail, you will only face death!"

"Fortunately, I have a simulator, so I can simulate and start over again. It's just a matter of time for me to pass the five stages of becoming a god!"

For Su Xing, after digesting this realization.

Not only do I have the confidence to break through the fear level, but I am even more confident about the next three levels!
"Strive to break more levels in the next simulation and enter the stage of becoming a god as soon as possible!"

Su Xing clenched his fists, feeling full of energy for a moment.

Immediately after the simulation ended, Su Xing refined the elixir as usual.

In one week, six thousand pills were completed!
After that, Su Xing went to the villa. Jin Congxue was on a business trip this week. After Su Xing only picked up the goods for the new week, he entered the blessed land of Lingtian again.

The energy value of this batch of goods is still about 500 million.

"Tsk tsk, I receive 500 million energy every week, it feels really good!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

On May 2024, 5, Su Xing started his No. 27 eight simulations on time.

"This time, I will definitely be able to break through the Pass of Fear!"

After digesting the insights from the last simulation, Su Xing was extremely confident and looked at the simulation panel.

"Start the simulation!"

(End of this chapter)

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