Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

138. About the next update and the setting of Level 5 of Transformation God

Regarding the next update and the setting of the five levels of transformation into gods

Let’s talk about settings first~
The five levels of transformation into gods should be called "Heart Refining Level" in the setting, starting from the five levels of lust, fear, greed, pride, and anger. In fact, it is mainly a test of the protagonist's state of mind and pursuit of the truth.

From the transition from human desire to immortal nature, after all, after transforming into a god, it should be considered as gradually breaking away from the realm of mortals.

Although we are writing about immortality through a simulator, ahem, we still have to fit in with the word "immortal"!
That's why I have the setting of five levels of transformation into gods. It's a little idea of ​​my own.

The original plan was that in each simulation, the protagonist would gain experience and be better able to pass the next level.

But after thinking about it, we are a simulator, focusing on one thing.

It was decided to let the protagonist pass the remaining four levels as soon as possible and break through to become a god.

After becoming a god, return to the main line~
------Dividing line
Next, let's talk about updates.

Changed to two chapters a day, each chapter will be released at 12pm and 12noon.

One chapter is at least [-] words, and two chapters are [-] words!

After all, a new author feels sorry for my status...

After two chapters, the plot should be more complete, and it seems that the pace will be more exciting and faster.

Finally, woohoo~please vote for me!Bros!

The extra update is still the same as mentioned before. If you buy a monthly ticket of [-] yuan, you will get eight extra chapters!The rest of the rules for adding updates are the same as before.

(ps: One chapter is only [-] words, so two chapters is not too much, right?)
Thank you brothers for your support and updates!Love you guys!
I want to post a single chapter to thank you for the tip, but it won't make it... embarrassing!
(End of this chapter)

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