Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 139 brings out the cultivation level and the changes in the divine transformation stage!

Chapter 139 brings out the cultivation level and the changes in the divine transformation stage! (5k big chapter)

Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"Sure enough, I still lack spiritual energy and spiritual stones!"

"Cultivation in the transformation stage requires a sufficient supply of spiritual energy..."

Su Xing pondered slightly.

It's not difficult to obtain spiritual energy. Su Xing still has thirty Spirit Gathering Flower seeds in his hand.

Through the simulator plug-in, Su Xing can easily bring out hundreds or even thousands of Spirit-Gathering Flowers in one simulation.

But in addition to the spirit-gathering flower, spirit stones are also necessary.

Because spiritual stones are solid spiritual energy, their efficiency in practicing and restoring spiritual power is much higher than using spiritual energy.

In addition, if Su Xing wants to plant spiritual rice on a large scale and enhance the strength of the human race, he cannot do without sufficient spiritual stones.

"After all, we are still short of spiritual stones! The 1000 yuan spiritual stones in my hand are probably not enough to cultivate at a small level of the God Transformation stage..."

"And there seems to be only one way to obtain spiritual stones that I know of now..."

"Old dog Zong...it has to be you!"

Su Xing felt that as an old dog who had lived for 2000 years, this old dog definitely had a lot of spiritual stones.

If Su Xing can be snatched... I'm afraid we won't have to worry about the shortage of spiritual stones in the short term.

"It's a pity that the old dog is not weak. With my cultivation level that has just broken into the spirit form, I may not be his opponent..."

"When I raise my body-refining strength again, I will try to bring bad luck to that old dog again!"

In any case, being able to break through four levels in a row and enter the stage of divine transformation has exceeded Su Xing's expectations.

Once the level is broken, the next thing will be easy, you just need to spend time cultivating and you'll be done!
Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[No.20, you continue to fight in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[As you continue to fight, your combat experience and strength are gradually improving. Gradually, you have become a famous Martial Emperor in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You are at the top of the list of demon slayers every year, and you even have the record of stalking two demon kings by yourself! 】

[So, another two years have passed. 】

[No.20 In three years, the situation in the Demon Suppression Pass has become increasingly bad. Even if you kill hundreds or thousands of demons every day, it will still be of no use to the Demon Suppression Pass in Nuo Da. 】

[However, your Qi refining cultivation has also improved slightly. Although you cannot practice for a long time due to insufficient spiritual energy, your cultivation is gradually approaching the second level of the Divine Transformation stage. 】

[No. 20 In four years, in one year, you killed dozens of demon kings. 】

[This is not only because you are getting stronger and stronger, but also because more and more Demon Kings are attacking the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You have a hunch that that day may not be far away. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 20, hundreds of legendary monsters invaded the Demon Town Pass, and countless human soldiers died in battle! 】

[You tried your best, but you could barely hold on to a legendary monster for more than ten rounds, and finally died from the monster's mouth. 】

[When you die, the talent of never closing your eyes will take effect...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at the bonus options on the simulation panel.

[I am Passerby A]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[26 years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, including some of the forging infant pills (Dacheng level) priced at 100 million energy.

[Level 1000 Cultivation of the God Transformation Stage]: Pass the five levels and step into the God Transformation. You become the ancestor of the God Transformation among the monks. The price is [-] million energy.

[Fourth Level of Divine Power Realm Cultivation]: Body training cultivation, priced at 3000 million energy.

[Eight years of combat experience]: Contains your eight years of fighting experience in the Demon Suppression Pass, and your insight into the weaknesses of the demon clan has been slightly improved. The price is 80 energy.

Su Xing looked at the simulated reward options in front of him and fell into deep thought.

With the talent "I am the first passerby", do you think he is strong?
That’s really great, it’s that kind of conceptual talent!
This talent is definitely useful when Su Xing doesn't want others to notice him.

For example, in this simulation, Su Xing used this talent to steal the treasure house of the Advent Sect!

You must know that there are not only medicinal materials in the treasure house, but also many other treasures.

Even if these treasures are not needed when they wake up, they can still be converted into energy, which is definitely an amazing amount of energy.

But this talent has obvious side effects, and sometimes it can cause a lot of trouble for people to wake up.

After hesitating for a while, Su Xing sighed:

"Forget it, let's keep this talent in the talent pool...and then take it out when needed later!"

After confirming that he does not need this talent for the time being, Su Xing naturally has nothing to worry about.

Looking at the two cultivation rewards, Su Xing muttered silently:

"I choose the cultivation level of the Divine Transformation Stage and the fourth level cultivation level of the Divine Power Realm!"

Immediately, the sound of the simulator came to Su Xing's ears.

[You successfully brought out the first level of cultivation of the God Transformation Stage, spending 1000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 4568 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the fourth level of divine power realm, spending 3000 million points of energy, and the remaining energy is 1568 million points. 】

The beep of the simulator fell, and two mysterious energies fell into Su Xing's body.

The first thing that Su Xing felt was a sudden increase in strength and body!

The first level of the divine power realm...the second level of the divine power realm...the third level of the divine power realm...

Just like water comes naturally, each wave becomes higher than the last!

Finally, the fourth level of divine power!
For body-refining cultivators in the realm of divine power, every time their cultivation level increases by one level, their strength will directly increase by [-]%!

Su Xing went through a total of three transformations from the first level to the fourth level of the divine power realm.

The power is equivalent to about 2.2 times the original!
This also means that the power of awakening has been directly increased from 2000 million jins to 400 million jins.

More than doubled the strength!

The body-refining cultivation level represents Su Xing’s current highest combat power.

This also means that Su Xing's strength has almost doubled at this moment!
"Hiss~ The realm of divine power is so terrifying... Each level will increase the strength by [-]%. In the end, the increase in strength will be explosive!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

Not only that, this huge force of 400 million kilograms is just the awakening of pure physical power, and after applying Yuan force...

The power of the awakening will double again, reaching an astonishing 8000 million pounds!
"No wonder it is said that body-refining monks can only exert their true power when they reach the realm of divine power..."

Su Xing murmured.

The so-called "one force can defeat all laws" should be like this!

At low levels, the body-refining monks and the qi-refining monks have strengths and weaknesses. Although the body-refining monks are physically stronger, the qi-refining monks' spells are long-range attacks.

Ordinary body-refining cultivators can't get close at all.

But now, when the body-refining monk is in the divine power realm, the power of the explosion has increased, and he can directly teach the qi-refining monk how to behave!

"My current physical strength should not be weaker than Zong Laogou, right?"

Su Xing suddenly had this thought in his mind.

In the last simulated fight, Zong Laogou should have been at the peak of Qi refining and becoming a god, and his body refining was close to the perfection of the divine power realm.

The strength was stronger than that of Su Xing, but now, Su Xing's strength has doubled, which should be almost the same as Zong Laogou's strength.

Wake up thinking.

at this time!

A surging power reverberated in the awakening body!
"We're about to break through!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he quickly held on to his mind, trying to control the fluctuations of spiritual power in his body.

The next second, Su Xing's body erupted with momentum like a raging river!

The spiritual power in his body was rising steadily, climbing several steps in just a few breaths.

The Nascent Soul in Dantian began to change, and in an instant it turned into a little golden man who looked like he was awake.

The awareness of the spiritual energy of the surrounding world is rising like a rising tide.

Su Xing can sense the subtle flow of spiritual energy in the air.

The most exaggerated thing is the sudden increase in spiritual consciousness!

Due to the limited space in the Lingtian Blessed Land, Su Xing didn't know to what extent his consciousness had soared.

I can only feel the turbulence in the space outside Lingtian Paradise and the nothingness.

When the breath on Su Xing's body stabilized, the spiritual power that stretched like a river in his body was completely restrained.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and murmured:
"So that's it, using human power and borrowing the power of heaven and earth... is this the cultivator who transforms into gods?"

With the breakthrough from Nascent Soul to Divine Transformation, the total amount of spiritual power in Su Xing's body has roughly doubled again!
And that's not the most important thing!
The power of the god-transformation monk lies in the fact that he can use the power of the general trend of heaven and earth to communicate with the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and add it to his body.

In this way, the power of the spell will be stronger and the spiritual energy will be restored faster!
Feeling the changes in his body, Su Xing said thoughtfully:

"If it were still an era when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was abundant at this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be Zong Laogou's opponent before..."

"Because the God Transformation monks, with the help of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, are not comparable to the Nascent Soul monks in terms of spell power or sustained combat effectiveness!"

"But precisely because this is the Age of Ending Law... there is no spiritual energy between heaven and earth, so the power of Zong Laogou's transformation into gods was not fully unleashed before, so I was able to hold on for so long, right?"

Su Xing frowned slightly. The lack of spiritual energy in the world was obviously not a good thing for him. After all, spiritual energy monks had no foundation at all.

Without spiritual energy, the awakening strength cannot be fully exerted.

However, compared to other monks, Su Xing still has certain advantages.That is the blessed land of Lingtian!
Although there is no spiritual energy in the outside world, after breaking through to become a god, Su Xing can rely on the blessed land of the spiritual field to quickly recover his spiritual power and continue fighting!
Thinking of this, Su Xing touched his chin and said:
"No wonder the monks all say: The value of this blessed land of the wealthy couple in the age of the end of the Dharma is terrifying!"

After a pause, a faint light flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and he murmured:
"Then next, let's see how much my consciousness has grown, shall we?"

With a thought in his heart, Su Xing appeared in the school dormitory.

Divine consciousness spreads like a tide.

One hundred feet... one thousand feet... two thousand feet... three thousand feet!

When the awakened consciousness stretched to three thousand feet, he finally felt the feeling of touching the limit.

"I see... My current consciousness is about three thousand feet tall!"

"Converted to modern units, that's a full ten kilometers!"

A look of surprise flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

With a radius of ten kilometers, this covers almost the entire central area of ​​Kyoto!
This means that as long as Su Xing releases his consciousness, there will be nothing that Su Xing doesn’t know about in the entire city center of Kyoto!

Whether it is used to find someone or to protect oneself, this is a magical skill!
However, divine consciousness naturally cannot be used without restrictions.

After maintaining a spiritual consciousness range of three thousand feet, Su Xing felt a little tired in his soul after only a quarter of an hour.

Afterwards, Su Xing tried to maintain his consciousness within about thirty feet of his body. In this range, the consumption of his consciousness was almost unnoticeable.

This also means that Su Xing can always open his spiritual consciousness and detect the slightest movement within thirty feet of his body.

"Within thirty feet around me, which is equivalent to within a hundred meters, I can detect any danger at any time!"

Su Xing felt slightly happy.

Within this range, most attacks and dangers can be avoided.

Su Xing's heart moved and he summoned his professional panel.

【Name: Wake Up】

【Age: 22 years old】

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator (the only hidden occupation)]

[Cultivation: Level [-] of the Divine Transformation Stage, Level [-] of the Divine Power Realm]

[Gongfa: Changchun Gong]

[Talents: Sword Crazy, Accidental Enlightenment, Alchemy Wizard, Big Stomach King, True Spiritual Roots of Wood and Fire, Strong Strength, Prosperous Business, Appearance Like Pan'an, Plant Affinity, Level [-] Beast Language, Never Die with Eyes in Rest, May you have good luck, seek good luck and avoid bad luck...]

[Skills: Lihuo (small level), alchemy (small level), spiritual explosion (small level), Shen Nong’s spiritual cultivation (entry level), three thousand feet of spiritual consciousness (five senses level), Yuanli mastery (winding level) , Sancai Sword Technique (Small Success in the Human Sword), Thousand Miles Tracking Technique (Introduction)]

[Equipment: Mo Bing]

After several simulations, Su Xing's physical and Qi refining skills have been greatly improved.

And the blessing of talent makes Su Xing comparable to a numerical monster.

Even in the skill bar, Su Xing has mastered a lot of magical powers and spells, and can barely exert his combat power equivalent to that of the God Transformation Stage.

"But this technique..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. The technique he was learning now was still the Changchun Gong he had obtained before, and he could only learn the Great Perfection of Returning to the Void Stage.

Although Su Xing has just entered the realm of spiritual transformation, he still has to consider what happens next, otherwise he will waste a lot of time looking for techniques in the future.

Su Xing's heart moved slightly and he murmured:

"Speaking of which, I have the spiritual root of both wood and fire elements, but the exercises I have learned now are only the wood element, and I have not mastered the fire element..."

"Currently, I know of four ways to obtain the technique."

"First, through a copy of the Luotian Conference, multiple immersive simulations are used to memorize the skills... but this consumes too much simulation energy and energy. Without triggering enlightenment, at least ten simulations are needed to fully memorize the skills. The technique of the earth level!"

"Secondly, through Zong Laogou that guy... As a monster that has lived for 2000 years, that guy should have skills that lead to higher levels, and maybe he can get it..."

"This third one is naturally the Dharma Ending Era dungeon. Although I have never been to this dungeon, I am now basically certain that Zong Laogou came to this dungeon, and the previous Changchun Sect should also belong to this dungeon... …”

"So although the spiritual energy has dissipated, we do not rule out the possibility of more advanced techniques!"

"The last point... of course, after breaking into the Void Returning Stage, I went to find my cheap master Qingyunzi to see if I can come up with a more advanced technique!"

Su Xing thought carefully in his heart.

It is not cost-effective to forcibly memorize the skills through the Luotian Conference. The simulated energy invested before and after may require hundreds of millions.

This road can only be used as a fallback, unless it is absolutely necessary, and Su Xing does not want to do this.

As for breaking through to the Void Return Realm and looking for the old Taoist Qingyunzi, there are too many uncertainties!

After all, Su Xing doesn’t know the details of Qing Yunzi yet. Although the old Taoist is Su Xing’s cheap master, he must be on guard against others. What if Qing Yunzi is a big devil and wants to make Su Xing into a human elixir?
When he first entered cultivation, Su Xing didn't know how cruel the world of cultivation was.

But now, through Zong Laogou, Su Xing understands the cruelty of the world of immortality.

In less than a year, he will enter the stage of returning to the void. This would be too shocking. What if Qingyunzi wants to dig out the secret behind him...

Hiss ~ the consequences are disastrous!

With Su Xing's caution, he would naturally not take this risk!

"So, there are only the last two ways left!"

Su Xing's eyes narrowed slightly.

"In the Age of Dharma Ending...and Old Dog Zong, I want both of these two paths!"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief as he had plans for the future.

When he was about to return to Lingtian Blessed Land to refine elixirs, he suddenly detected a figure within the scope of his spiritual consciousness.

Su Xing's expression changed slightly.

"It's Wang Qingxuan...why is she hiding behind the dormitory building alone and crying?"

Su Xing had some doubts in his heart. For this school girl, Su Xing could not be said to dislike him, he even had a slight liking for her.

After all, Wang Qingxuan is not a bad person and has always been very kind to Su Xing. In the early days, he even helped Su Xing get the Changchun Gong, a technique for cultivating immortality.

"So, what kind of trouble is Wang Qingxuan in?"

Su Xing's heart moved slightly, and he pretended to pass behind the dormitory building accidentally, creating a chance encounter.

"Senior sister, what's wrong with you?"

Su Xing looked at Wang Qingxuan who was hiding in the corner, choking, looking so helpless and weak.

Su Xing couldn't bear it and handed over a tissue.

When Wang Qingxuan saw that she was awake, she felt even more ashamed, as if she didn't want her sweetheart to see her like this.

So he hurriedly tried to escape.

Su Xing quickly grabbed Wang Qingxuan, wiped the tears on Wang Qingxuan's face with a tissue, and said doubtfully:

"Senior sister, tell me if you have anything to do!"

Wang Qingxuan raised his head and glanced at Su Xing, feeling warm in his heart. He couldn't bear it anymore and threw himself into Su Xing's arms and cried bitterly.

"Senior...me, my parents are dead...dead..."

Su Xing's expression changed instantly when he heard this. Are Wang Qingxuan's parents dead?
So Su Xing hurriedly said:

"Senior sister, please don't be impatient. Speak slowly..."

Wang Qingxuan took the tissue, slowly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and told her recent experience.

It turns out that although Wang Qingxuan's family background is not very good, her parents are both silver-level professionals.

He has been working for an organization called the "Black Dragon Professionals Guild".

Professional guilds can be regarded as the most common professional organizations in society.

After graduating from professional university, except for a few geniuses who will be specially recruited by the official, most professionals will join chambers of commerce, guilds, and companies.

The main job of the professional guild is to download dungeons to obtain equipment, or to help an employer obtain rare props in the dungeon, to help the employer level up, etc.

Professionals hired by the guild will receive a salary, and at the same time, they will also receive a certain commission from the equipment and props obtained from the dungeon.

The strength of the guild is not weak. When many professionals form a team to play dungeons, the level will grow faster and safety will be more guaranteed.

However, according to Wang Qingxuan...

Her parents died in the dungeon half a month ago due to an intelligence error on a mission conducted by the Black Dragon Guild.

Although this kind of thing is not common, it happens every year.

After all, downloading a dungeon is not just playing a game, it is actually fighting for your life against the dungeon monsters!

It's normal for someone to accidentally die in battle.

But the problem is that those who died fighting for the guild should be able to receive a large amount of compensation!
Especially for Wang Qingxuan, who is still studying in university, it is the period of rising strength and a critical moment to spend money.

Her parents died in the war, and the compensation she received could even exceed tens of millions of Daxia coins!

However, the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce refused to compensate and even tampered with the contract.

And how could a college student like Wang Qingxuan be able to compete with a powerful guild?
After his parents passed away and he lost his biggest source of income, Wang Qingxuan felt that life was hopeless for a while.

Seeing Wang Qingxuan sobbing in his arms, Su Xing felt a little pity.

"Black Dragon Professionals Guild, this name seems a bit familiar, right?"

Su Xing suddenly thought of something, thoughtfully.

"That's right! I remember that in the simulation, there was a chamber of commerce that I killed, called the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce... Is there any connection between the two?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and while comforting Wang Qingxuan in his arms, he said:
"Senior sister, you need to calm down your mood these days. I will help you find a solution for this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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