Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 140: The chess piece of Advent Sect, Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 140: The chess piece of Advent Sect, Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce (5k big chapter)

After saying that, Su Xing handed over a storage ring.

"There are 200 million cash in this storage ring, as well as some dungeon props and equipment. You can use them first!"

Wang Qingxuan shook his head quickly and said:

"No, senior, this is too expensive! I can't have it!"

Su Xing just thrust the storage ring into Wang Qingxuan's hand.

200 million is nothing to the current awakening.

The more valuable things in this storage ring are a bottle of low-end versions of the Yangyuan Pill, the Fu Refining Pill, and a bag of spiritual rice. Those are good things that can really enhance your strength!

"Senior sister, please accept these things...remember, don't let others know that I gave you these things!"

Su Xing said seriously.

Wang Qingxuan nodded obediently after hearing this, feeling moved again in her heart.

After comforting Wang Qingxuan, Su Xing sent him back to his dormitory, and then called Jin Congxue.

Ask her to help investigate the Black Dragon Guild.

After doing all this, Su Xing touched his chin and thought:

"In other words, although Qingxuan almost became a lost girl before...but people should not be bad."

"But in the future trajectory, she joined the Advent Cult. The huge change... I'm afraid it happened from the Black Dragon Guild incident!"

"Is there any connection between the Black Dragon Guild and the Advent Cult?"

Su Xing fell into deep thought.

In any case, this Black Dragon Guild is not a good thing. If the professionals under it die, they will not even receive pensions.

Wang Qingxuan will embark on the path of betraying the human race in the future, and it will definitely be related to this incident...

“However, let’s wait and see what the specific connection is!”

Su Xing thought this, and then entered the Lingtian Paradise and started a new week of alchemy career.

In one week, Su Xing skillfully refined six thousand elixirs, and even found time to comfort Wang Qingxuan several times.

Until that day, Jin Congxue sent a message to Su Xing.

"The Black Dragon Guild you asked me to investigate last time has results. The situation is a bit complicated... By the way, this week's goods have also arrived. Let's meet at the usual place!"

After reading the text message from Jin Congxue, Su Xing put away the elixirs he had refined this week and immediately rushed towards the villa.

In the room, Su Xing saw the carefully dressed Jin Congxue.

Today, Jin Congxue is wearing a girlish style, wearing a blue printed suspender belt and a clean little leather skirt, which is sexy yet pure.

"Tell me, what's the situation at the Black Dragon Guild?"

Su Xing sat on the table familiarly, eating deliciously and asking questions.

Jin Congxue looked a little serious, nodded and said:

"After my investigation, I found that the Black Dragon Guild was only established for more than ten years, but it has grown from a small workshop with only a few people at the beginning to a scale of over ten thousand people today, and is one of the top ten guilds in Kyoto!"

"There is even a Martial Emperor-level powerhouse in the Black Dragon Guild!"

"This surprised me even more, so after digging deeper, I found that the Black Dragon Guild has a close relationship with the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce... To put it simply, the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is the white glove of the Black Dragon Guild, specializing in helping to clean funds and acquire precious products in the market. Props and equipment!”

After a pause, Jin Congxue continued:

"And this Black Dragon Guild is going to any lengths to expand!"

"In the past few years, the death rate of the dungeons created by his professionals alone has exceeded [-]%! Thousands of professionals above the silver level have died or disappeared inexplicably."

"Furthermore, the family pension after the death of a professional due to performing a mission has never been paid. This matter caused quite a big fuss, but the relationship between the Black Dragon Guild and the Black Dragon Guild was so deep that it ended up being nothing."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, which coincided with his previous guess.

When Jin Congxue said this, he looked at Su Xing with a half-smile and asked:
"You ask this because of your elementary school girl, right?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and blurted out: "How do you know?"

Jin Congxue rolled his eyes after hearing this, and said:
"You didn't hide this matter, so of course it's easy to investigate!"

"Besides, the ambiguous relationship between you and that Wang Qingxuan...you don't always think that I don't know about it, do you?"

Jin Congxue rolled her eyes charmingly.

Su Xing blushed after hearing this, "Good guy, he was caught red-handed. This is too social."

Seeing that Su Xing remained silent, Jin Congxue got down to business:

"That little girl Wang Qingxuan is really miserable. I heard that her parents died in a dungeon mission. Not only her parents, but also 120 professionals who participated in that mission all died, and no one survived!"

"And there's nothing we can do about the pension... I also heard that when the little girl Wang Qingxuan went to ask for the pension, she was threatened by the person in charge."

After hearing this, Su Xing frowned slightly and said doubtfully:


Jin Congxue nodded slightly and said:

"That's right! A pretty little girl who is alone and has lost her source of income... Then the person in charge said that if she wants a pension, she has to commit herself to him!"

After Su Xing heard this, black lines appeared on his forehead. Good guy, are you trying to have both wealth and wealth?
This Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is really not a good thing!

Jin Congxue handed over the specific information he was investigating to Su Xing.

After that, Jin Congxue started talking about business.

"We've finished talking about the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce... By the way, here are your goods for this week!"

"As for the herbs you asked me to find last time, they have already been found. They will be in your hands in as fast as seven days or as slowly as half a month!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and gave out the elixir for the new week.

After exchanging pleasantries, Su Xing returned to school and entered the blessed land of Lingtian again.

After converting this week's goods into simulated energy, the awakened energy skyrocketed again, reaching more than 3000 million!
More than 3000 million may seem like a lot, but for Su Xing, it is not enough.

"Oh, I can't spend it all, I can't spend it all!"

"This 3000 million energy is enough for me to go from the fourth level to the seventh level of the divine power realm... Now I can barely afford the energy to increase my level!"

Su Xing sighed, and became more determined to make money.

On June 2024, 6, in the new era, Su Xing began a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 3900 energy points, leaving 3033 million energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Congratulations on getting the purple talent: Descendants of Shennong! 】

"Descendant of Shennong? That name sounds a bit awesome! What kind of talent is this?"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[Descendants of Shennong]: Purple talent, your affinity for any plant is greatly improved, and you can easily plant and ripen spiritual plants. The time required for spiritual plants to mature is greatly shortened. At the same time, your resistance to toxins is greatly improved. ps: Since Shennong died from tasting a hundred herbs, the resistance of his descendants to poisons has increased significantly.

When Su Xing saw the talent of this descendant of Shennong, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Good guy, this is the upgraded version of the plant affinity talent! With this talent, planting spiritual plants will become easier!"

"And it also comes with a toxin resistance buff, which is a god-level talent for farmers!"

Su Xing was extremely looking forward to this talent for a moment and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You start to try to play with the spiritual plants in the spiritual field, and sure enough, Shennong's talent is much stronger than the previous plant affinity. 】

[You can plant a seed at random and it will ripen quickly. It will start to take root and sprout in just one week, which is more than twice as fast as before! 】

[Your wood attribute spiritual power has a stronger effect on the ripening of plants, and the spiritual grains in the spiritual field become more granular and full. 】

[You were somewhat surprised to plant thirty soul-gathering flower seeds, and these soul-gathering flowers began to grow vigorously! 】【You begin to take time to cultivate wasteland. In just one week, you have planted another ninety acres of spiritual valley. At this time, the number of spiritual valleys in your spiritual field has reached one hundred acres! 】

[A week later, Jin Congxue brought you the thousand-year-old ginseng and other herbs she found. Although the quantity is not large, it is enough for you to refine several life-extending pills. 】

[During this period, Wang Qingxuan seemed to have lost a lot of weight. Although he no longer shed tears, he was often lost and looked completely different from before. 】

[Whether it is for Wang Qingxuan or to investigate the relationship between the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce and the Advent Cult, you decided to visit the Black Dragon Guild. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Sure enough, the talent of this descendant of Shen Nong is astonishingly effective. It seems that this simulation should be able to spawn a large number of Soul-Gathering Flowers!"

"As for the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, we can indeed investigate..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[One day, you took the top-grade Disguise Pill and the Life-Lifting Pill that you refined yourself. After making sure that you would not be discovered, you sneaked into the Black Dragon Guild. 】

[In your spiritual perception, there are not many strong people in the Black Dragon Guild. There are only several Heavenly King-level strong people, and there are also many masters and grandmaster-level professionals. 】

[The rumored Martial Emperor does not seem to be in the guild at the moment. With your strength, you can easily sneak into the innermost parts of the Black Dragon Guild. 】

[This is an ordinary courtyard, just like an ordinary courtyard house, but you feel more and more that something is not normal here. 】

[So, you activate your consciousness and carefully search every corner here, hoping to find any clues. 】

[But there seems to be no problem in the entire courtyard. It wasn't until you probed 150 feet underground with your spiritual consciousness that you discovered the clues! 】

[This is a very deep secret room hidden! 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

150 feet underground, which is almost 500 meters, right?

At this depth, let alone being used as a bomb shelter, we are not even afraid of nuclear bombs washing the ground!

"What kind of secret is it hiding nearly 500 meters underground?"

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the simulation panel.

[Although this secret room is extremely hidden, you still found the extremely hidden mechanism through your spiritual consciousness. 】

[You triggered the mechanism, walked up the long steps, and successfully entered the secret room. 】

[The scene in the secret room will shock you, because there are actually puppets in this secret room! 】

[With your excellent spiritual consciousness, you can sense that these people have faint spiritual marks on them. 】

[This means that there is a monk behind these puppets!It also means that there is a monk behind the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce! 】

[You are slightly surprised, but at this moment the mechanism has been triggered, these puppets have been awakened, and they are all attacking you. 】

[Through previous intelligence, you learned that most of the puppets here are professionals who have disappeared before, and their strength is between gold and master level. 】

[With such strength, even if hundreds of puppets attack together, you will not be afraid at all. 】

[You defeated all these puppets without much effort. 】

[Immediately, you quickly searched the secret room. 】

[In this secret room, there are many valuable equipment and weapons, ranging from blue quality to legendary quality, and the number is no less than hundreds! 】

[These are the equipment that the Black Dragon Guild obtained from the dungeon. Without much hesitation, you put them all into the Lingtian Blessed Land. 】

[Soon, you also found several bills in this secret room, which contained detailed records of the dirty dealings between the Black Dragon Guild and the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. 】

[You even found a secret letter in a secret compartment! 】

[This secret letter mentioned the keywords Advent Sect and Lord Long. 】

[You quickly put away the account books and secret messages, then looted the precious copy props and equipment in the secret room, preparing to escape from the Black Dragon Guild. 】

[You know in your heart that you have touched the mechanism of the secret room, and now it has been exposed. I am afraid that a powerful martial emperor will come later. 】

[So you did not choose to go back to school, but entered the most crowded professional trading market in Kyoto City. 】

[You found the right opportunity and entered the Lingtian Paradise instance in a corner while no one was paying attention! 】

Su Xing saw that it was clear that the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce was secretly colluding with the Advent Sect!
"As far as I know, there are only two monks in the Advent Sect, and Lord Long... should be the Dragon Protector!"

"Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, Black Dragon Guild...Dragon Guardian, I see, everything is connected!"

Su Xing frowned slightly. In the previous simulation, he killed a martial emperor from the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, and then he was approached by Zong Laogou.

There is also a connection between Zong Laogou and the Dragon Guardian. Perhaps Zong Laogou came to him after getting instructions from the Dragon Guardian!

"The strength of this dragon protector is unfathomable. I'm afraid it's not as strong as the old dog of Bi Zhi Zong. I'm still in trouble now!"

Su Xing wondered what the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce's account books and secret letters said, so he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for one hour!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function and spent 10 points of simulation energy, leaving 3013 million points of remaining energy.]

A white light flashed before Su Xing's eyes, and the next second, he appeared in the blessed land of the spiritual field.

The surrounding scenery did not change much, and Su Xing looked into the storage ring.

Sure enough, several bills and a secret letter.

After reading it carefully, Su Xing's face changed slightly, and he finally understood the origin of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

This Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is basically an organization of Advent Sect on the surface!

The core senior leaders of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce are all people whose souls were controlled by the Dragon Guardian using puppetry!

In recent years, the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce and the Guild have been able to rise rapidly because of the secret support of the Advent Sect and the Dragon Guardian.

Correspondingly, the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce and Guild provide information to the Advent Cult, as well as many precious props and equipment!
In this secret letter, it was written that the Dragon Protector seemed to be running out of life and wanted to use "blood stains" to extend his life.

As for this blood sacrifice, the stronger the target, the better the effect!

That's why so many professionals from the Black Dragon Guild have died in the past few months!
They didn't fail the dungeon mission at all, but were brought into the dungeon to provide the Dragon Guardian with the blood sacrifice needs.

As for the bill, in addition to the true accounts, the number of blood sacrifices was also recorded.

In just six months, the number of blood sacrifices reached 2!
In addition to the people from the Black Dragon Guild, there are also many professional professionals who are also targeted for blood sacrifices.

"It's unreasonable. This Dragon Protector is so bold! This is Kyoto! How dare the Black Dragon Guild blatantly engage in blood sacrifice here?"

It was hard for Su Xing to imagine that such a big cancer in the Black Dragon Guild had not been eradicated for so many years.

In addition to doing things covertly, I'm afraid there are also spies from the Advent Sect among the senior officials of Daxia, serving as their protective umbrella!
After Su Xing read the secret message, he looked at the props and equipment in the storage ring.

This glance shocked Su Xing.

"Good guy, how much simulated energy are these high-end equipment worth?"

"Hiss... there is such a big piece of fourth-level alien metal?! Darling, this must weigh two or three tons, right? Isn't it worth tens of millions of simulated energy?"

When I woke up, I felt a little excited for a while.

Just this large piece of foreign metal, as well as the surrounding high-end equipment, its simulated energy value is probably not less than [-] million!

Su Xing swallowed, feeling a little longing in his heart.

"In the simulator, I can cut out this batch of things, but can I do it in reality?"

"This is [-] million points of simulated energy! It's enough for me to reach the peak of the divine transformation stage!"

It's hard not to be excited when he wakes up. It will take at least two months for him to accumulate so much energy through the Tarot Chamber of Commerce alone.

Now, as long as you wake up and sneak into the Black Dragon Guild, enter the secret room and steal these things, you can become rich overnight!

Although the money and silk moved people's hearts, Su Xing still calmed himself down and murmured:
"No, even if you want to snatch this batch of equipment, you can't be so hasty!"

"At least... let's see in the simulation whether this will be discovered and whether it will be dangerous?"

One hundred million energy is a huge sum of money for Su Xing, but the premise is that Su Xing will not be exposed.

Otherwise, no matter how much energy you gain, it will be wasted...

Soon, the immersive simulation ends.

After waking up and returning to the real world, I can't wait to see what the future holds in this simulation.

[You figured out the conspiracy between the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce and the Advent Cult, which frightened you even more. 】

[For safety reasons, you decided to hide in the Lingtian Paradise for half a month. 】

[Soon, half a month passed, and you reappeared in the real world. 】

[At this time, the professional trading market is no different from before. You carefully pretended to pick a few low-level equipment and returned to the dormitory. 】

(End of this chapter)

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