Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 141 The god-level talent of farmers, the difference between heaven and earth!

Chapter 141 The god-level talent of farmers, the difference between heaven and earth! (5k big chapter)

[For the next week, you still stayed in the dormitory and occasionally went to see Jin Congxue. It seemed that you were not exposed. 】

[But you are still worried, so you decide to go to the Black Dragon Guild to find out. 】

[You pretended to be a college student who wanted to apply for the Black Dragon Guild, and successfully entered the guild hall. 】

[The customer service girl who received you was very enthusiastic, but you noticed something was wrong in her eyes. 】

[Those dull eyes are a sign that the soul has been invaded! 】

[With a thought in your heart, you pretended to touch your little sister's wrist accidentally, but in fact your consciousness swept over it. 】

[After some investigation, you have determined one thing. The soul of this customer service girl has been planted with a soul seed. 】

[Although I don’t know how effective this divine soul seed is, you are sure that this is a monk’s method! 】

[Immediately afterwards, your eyes scanned the dozens of people in the hall, including the customer service and person in charge of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. 】

[What may surprise you is that the souls of these people seem to have been manipulated. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

These receptionists and persons in charge of the guild are obviously ordinary professionals.

But the unusual thing is that they have been planted with divine soul seeds!

The seed of the soul is a very special existence. It can not only forcibly control people into puppets, but also exert psychological suggestions on them to achieve the purpose of making the target obey.

Su Xing estimated that the soul planted by the Black Dragon Guild should belong to the latter.

"So, is the entire Black Dragon Guild, and even the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, already under the control of the Dragon Guardian?"

Su Xing's eyes narrowed slightly, this was not good news.

The Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, as a thorn in the Advent Sect in Kyoto, should be an important stronghold.

Not only does it serve the Dragon Protector, but it probably also serves the entire Advent Sect, right?
"But now, the most critical question is, if I break into the secret room, will I be in danger?"

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In the Black Dragon Guild Hall, you did not release your spiritual consciousness to explore, because ordinary professionals may not be able to feel the spiritual consciousness, but if they are monks with similar strength to you, they can easily detect the abnormality. 】

[You left the Black Dragon Guild calmly and returned to school. 】

[One day, your class teacher Liu Xiaodong found you. He told you that because your strength was not up to standard, you now faced two choices: drop out of school or repeat the grade. 】

[You did not hesitate and chose to repeat the grade. 】

[Ever since you learned that the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is the stronghold of the Advent Sect, you have understood that even Kyoto is not absolutely safe. 】

[Compared to the outside world, Kyoto Academy, which has many masters, is obviously safer. 】

[You secretly used your connections to find yourself a job as a school librarian, so that you could stay in the school with peace of mind as both a student and a school employee. 】

[On the day of graduation, you had a drink with your good friend Fatty Yu and a few other classmates with whom you were close, and bid farewell to everyone sadly. 】

[Later, you moved into a remote staff dormitory in the school. It is a single dormitory. It will be more convenient for you to enter and exit Lingtian Paradise. 】

[In the next few months, you planted spiritual plants and refined elixirs in the blessed land of Lingtian every day as always, and occasionally met Jin Congxue. You were not in danger. 】

[During this period, Wang Qingxuan continued to study in school because of your enlightenment. You secretly used your connections in the Tarot Society to support Wang Qingxuan. 】

[With Wang Qingxuan’s strength, he will be a good help when he grows up in the future. 】

[One day, you feel that the time is right and it is time to find a way to join Adventism. 】

[So you follow the memory in your mind and start looking for the headquarters of the Advent Sect. 】

[You quickly found an unexpected person, Zong Laogou! 】

[Zong Laogou can easily judge through his spiritual consciousness that you are a monk like him, and you are a great monk at the stage of becoming a god. 】

[You laugh and talk, seemingly harmonious, but in fact you are wary of each other. 】

[You inadvertently revealed the news about the Life-Sustaining Pills. Sure enough, Zong Laogou was fooled and exchanged a batch of elixirs for two Life-Sustaining Pills, and introduced you to the Advent Cult. 】

[Because you were recommended by Zong Laogou this time, you gained the attention of Advent Sect as soon as you entered and successfully became an elder. 】

[After that, you and Zong Laogou were brothers on the surface, but secretly contacted Luo Shuying and gained her trust. 】

[With Luo Shuying's help, you obtained a large number of elixirs. 】

[You fish in the Advent Cult every day, occasionally complete tasks, and spend most of your time in the spiritual field refining elixirs and planting elixirs. 】

[In the second year, with the blessing of Shennong’s talent, the thirty Spirit-Gathering Flowers you planted before have matured, and a new batch of fifty Spirit-Gathering Flower seeds have been harvested. 】

[You plant fifty Soul-Gathering Flower seeds and prepare to harvest more Soul-Gathering Flowers two years later. 】

[At the same time, you spent a year hoarding [-] pills such as Fu Refining Pill, Yuan Yang Pill, and Dragon Spirit Pill. 】

[Things are developing as you expected. You are ready to defect at any time as long as you drain out the medicinal materials in Adventism. 】

[In the third year, you have accumulated a lot of contribution points. You and Luo Shuying are going to go to the Advent Cult treasure house again to exchange the remaining medicinal materials in the treasure house. 】

[You and Luo Shuying entered the secret copy of Advent Sect. After passing the process check, you successfully entered the treasure house. 】

[In the treasure house, apart from you and Luo Shuying, there is only the dragon guardian huddled in the corner, dozing off. 】

[You glanced at the Dragon Protector, feeling a little cautious. 】

[In the simulation a long time ago, you were soul-searched and died by him, but now that you have undergone a major spiritual transformation, and with Luo Shuying beside you, the Dragon Protector should not dare to do anything to you. 】

[However, when you passed by the dragon guardian, the dragon guardian who had been dozing suddenly opened his eyes. 】

[He looked at you carefully, smiled slyly, and asked why you wanted to rob the Black Dragon Guild in the first place. 】

Su Xing's heart tightened when he saw this.

After looting the Black Dragon Guild, Su Xing did not encounter any danger in the first two years.

I thought we would be safe and sound like this, but I didn't expect that the dragon guardian would still find out the clues.

"How did the Dragon Protector find out? Was it the aura left behind when I broke into the secret room?"

Su Xing was thoughtful and somewhat understood why he was not in danger in the first two years.

"Dragon Guardian is different from other Guardians. His duty is to protect the treasure house, so he can't go out easily!"

"It is precisely because of this that the Dragon Guardian cannot even easily take action to investigate and retaliate against me."

"In addition, the Black Dragon Guild is not clean to begin with. After being robbed like this, I am afraid that it will be even more wary and afraid to conduct a large-scale investigation. In the end, we will have no choice but to let it go!"

Su Xing continued to think along this line of thought.

"In addition, after I escaped from the Black Dragon Guild, I went directly to the professional market, which is the most crowded place. The daily flow of people in the market is hundreds of thousands? This makes it even harder to investigate!"

"What's more, they can't find the blessed land of Lingtian no matter what!"

Su Xing closed his eyes and meditated, repeatedly thinking about the gains and losses of looting the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

"The advantage is that you can directly obtain more than [-] million energy..."

"The disadvantage is that if you encounter a dragon guardian in the future, you will easily find out the clues!"

"So, do you want to grab it?"

After thinking for a while, Su Xing clenched his fist and whispered:

"I'm so scared! That Dragon Protector stays in the treasure house all day long, and I'm afraid I won't be able to leave at all, otherwise I won't be able to do anything for the next two or three years!"

"Two or three years later... Haha, so what if the dragon guardian knows about it then? It won't be certain who searches for souls by then!"

Su Xing thought this and made up his mind.

"This vote is done! It has more than 1 million energy!"

"As long as you do it cleanly, there won't be any problems!"

I woke up a little excited for a while, eating black and white, is there anything more exciting than this?
More than 1 million energy can save two months of waking up.

"I just don't know how this dragon guardian is going to handle this matter?"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[After being questioned by the Dragon Guardian, you were stunned for a moment, then pretended to remember it and admitted it generously. 】

[You said that you had just seized the house and were short of magic weapons and money. You happened to pass by the Black Dragon Guild and robbed it. 】

[You said this very forcefully, looking at the dragon protector with confidence. 】

[The Protector Dragon's expression turned gloomy after hearing this, as if he was considering your identity and strength. 】

[After a long time, the dragon protector waved his hand ominously, telling you to get out of here after you exchange the treasures. 】【Seeing that the Dragon Protector stopped talking, you quickly exchanged the medicinal materials and defected from the Advent Sect with Luo Shuying. 】

[After defecting from the Adventist Cult, you and Luo Shuying were quickly hunted down, but you had already fled to Kyoto at this time, and the Adventist Cult did not dare to act recklessly. 】

[On the other hand, the unlucky guy Zong Laogou was in the church when the incident happened. He was besieged by several guardians and had to use all his cards to escape. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, as I thought, with the incarnation of a monk and the status of an elder, even the dragon guardian has no choice but to admit defeat!"

What Su Xing said to Dragon Protector was that he directly admitted that he was cheating on others.

What can the Dragon Protector do to him?
After all, everyone was not in the same camp at the time.

Moreover, the things lost by being awakened are neither too much nor too little.

There are just a hundred humanoid puppets, as well as some high-end equipment and exotic metals.

It's not worth it for Dragon Protector to offend an elder in the transformation stage and Luo Shuying on the side.

Thinking of this, Su Xing sighed and said:
"After all, it's still strength!"

"When I first met this dragon protector, I was just a little golden elixir monk, so naturally I was not worth mentioning in his eyes..."

"But even if you are a dragon protector, you have to consider the gains and losses!"

Thinking this way, Su Xing had a rough idea of ​​the Dragon Protector's strength.

Maybe it's better than the God Transformation stage, but it's definitely not to the point where you can ignore the God Transformation monks!
"Looking at it this way, this Black Dragon Guild really needs to go away!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After defecting to the Daxia military, you quickly gained the military’s attention due to your tyrannical strength. 】

[Subsequently, you took out more than [-] pills, and the Daxia military regarded you as a human hero, enjoying a very high status! 】

[In the third year, this year you still refine elixirs and take care of farmland. You refine all the remaining elixirs into strength-enhancing elixirs, adding many strong men to Daxia. 】

[For a time, the strength of Daxia’s military at the Demon Suppression Pass was unprecedentedly powerful! 】

[But you, as always, are indifferent to fame and wealth, and focus more on the cultivation of elixirs. 】

[After possessing the talent of Shennong, you find that the yield of spiritual rice has increased significantly. It is also harvested twice a year, but the yield per mu of spiritual field has soared from [-] catties to [-] catties! 】

[And each grain of spiritual rice is full and has distinct grains. You can even identify the quality of spiritual rice, thereby optimizing the variety of spiritual rice and making the spiritual rice more effective! 】

[In the fourth year, the second round of Soul-Gathering Flowers you planted matured again, and you harvested fifty mature Soul-Gathering Flowers and eighty Soul-Gathering Flower seeds. 】

[You transplant mature spirit-gathering flowers into the spirit-gathering array, and then start a new round of sowing. 】

Su Xing immediately became happy when he saw this and muttered:

"Good guy, I didn't expect this Shennong's talent to be so powerful!"

"On average, one batch matures in two years, and the number of harvested seeds is still about [-] times that of the original. If we continue at this rate, we can easily plant thousands of Spirit-Gathering Flowers this time!"

Thinking of this, the corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

If there were really thousands of spirit-gathering flowers, he wouldn't have to worry about energy in a short time.

"And this spiritual rice can double the yield per acre... One acre of land can produce [-] kilograms a year. The effect of spiritual rice is even better!"

"Then my 1000 acres of land will produce an annual output of [-] million catties?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows, if this trend develops.

Then his plan to plant spiritual rice on a large scale in Blue Star can also be mentioned.

After this simulation, the number of Spirit Gathering Flowers was almost enough, the only thing missing was the spirit stones.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the fifth year, you accidentally discovered that after your level was upgraded to the Divine Transformation Stage, the Concentrating Pill was once again effective in increasing your spiritual consciousness. 】

[Although the effect is not great, it can increase the range of spiritual consciousness by about fifty feet in one year. 】

[You made a mental note, and then gave most of the Spirit Gathering Pills to Luo Shuying. 】

[In the sixth year, a new batch of Julinghua matures. 】

[At this moment, the number of newly planted mature Julinghua flowers in your hand has reached 160, and the number of seeds has reached [-]. 】

[You start a new round of sowing. 】

[In the seventh year, your spiritual rice plan was a great success. In the Lingtian Blessed Land, each mu of land can provide you with [-] kilograms of spiritual rice a year, and a total of [-] acres of land can provide you with tens of millions of kilograms of spiritual rice. 】

[Not only that, you also sealed off two large mountains on the outskirts of Kyoto, totaling [-] acres of land, specifically for your experimental land to grow spiritual rice. 】

[But you spent a whole year and only set up hundreds of small spirit gathering arrays, which is far from what you expected. 】

[In desperation, you can only temporarily stop planting spiritual rice and instead improve your mastery of the spirit gathering array. 】

[In the eighth year, the number of Juling flowers you plant every year is still increasing rapidly. As the number of Juling flowers increases, you have to spend two hours every day to ensure the maturity of Juling flowers. 】

[In the ninth year, your Qi refining cultivation has further increased, and you feel that you are getting closer and closer to the second level of divine transformation. 】

[As time goes by, the spiritual energy in Lingtian Blessed Land becomes more and more abundant. 】

[Aura is no longer an obstacle to your improvement in strength, but breaking through the Divine Transformation Stage is several times more difficult than the Nascent Soul Stage. Even if you want to break through a small level, it is not that easy. 】

[In the tenth year, the number of mature Soul-Gathering Flowers in your hand reaches 150, and the number of seeds is also a full [-]. 】

[Plant 150 Soul-Gathering Flowers at the same time. Even if you are good at raising spirits, in order to prevent the Soul-Gathering Flowers from withering, you still have to spend three hours every day taking care of the Soul-Gathering Flowers. 】

[In No. 11, your Qi refining cultivation is still at the first level of Divine Transformation. 】

[The good news is that because of the daily use of the Demon King's flesh and blood essence, your body refining skills have made a small breakthrough, and you have become a fifth-level monk in the divine power realm! 】

[In No. 12, you made a small breakthrough in your research on the Spirit Gathering Formation, and the success rate of setting up the formation reached over [-]%. 】

[Over the years, you have deployed a total of five hundred small spirit gathering arrays. 】

[In the same year, the Lingmi Plan was implemented on a large scale. You transplanted [-] Spirit-Gathering Flowers into the Lingmi Experimental Field and paired them with Lingshi. The annual output of each acre of Blue Star Spiritual Field could reach up to [-] kilograms! 】

[Five hundred small spirit gathering arrays can cover 500 acres of spiritual fields. Blue Star’s annual spiritual rice production is as high as [-] kilograms! 】

[In No. 13, you informed Daxia’s top management of the progress of spiritual rice planting, which attracted great official attention. 】

[The Daxia military even dispatched a legendary professional and two Martial Emperor professionals to protect the safety of the spiritual rice testing site. 】

[Fifteen million kilograms of spiritual rice every year is enough for one million people, which means that Daxia can give birth to nearly one million more silver-level professionals every year and cultivate a large number of talented professionals. 】

[In No. 14, after the implementation of the Spirit Rice Plan, you will focus more on the planting of Spirit Gathering Flowers and the improvement of your own cultivation. 】

[In No. 15, you finally made a small breakthrough in your Qi refining cultivation, and you were successfully promoted to the second level monk of the Divine Transformation Stage. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing sighed and said:

"Hey, even if there is enough spiritual energy, will it take close to 15 years to break through a small realm?"

"Although this speed is considered extremely fast among monks who transform themselves into gods, it's still not enough for me!"

A monk who transforms into a god has a life span of thousands of years. If he takes life-extending medicine, it will not be a problem to live for [-] to [-] years.

It is even more difficult to break through the Divine Transformation stage. For ordinary Divine Transformation monks, if they want to improve their cultivation to the first level, it may take 30 to [-] years of hard training if there is no chance.

Awakening is a dual-system true spiritual root. Compared with ordinary god-forming monks, the cultivation speed is nearly twice as fast.

But even so, if you break through a small realm in 15 years, even if you practice hard, you will probably be able to reach the third level of God Transformation in one simulation.

And the cultivation becomes more and more difficult the further you go!
"Alas, it seems that if you want to quickly improve your cultivation, you have to obtain higher-level spiritual roots!"

Su Xing sighed. His current spiritual root is the blue true spiritual root. If he pulls out the purple spiritual root, his cultivation speed will soar.

But extracting the spiritual roots is not something he can control, it can only depend on luck.

"Forget it, I can't control the matter of talent, so just take care of the things at hand!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 16, as the base of Juling Flowers grew larger and larger, you even had to spend nearly one-third of your time taking care of Juling Flowers every day. 】

【But it's all worth it!This year, the number of Soul-Gathering Flowers in your Lingtian Blessed Land is close to [-], and the number of Soul-Gathering Flower seeds is also as high as [-]. 】

[According to your speculation, if the number of Spirit-Gathering Flowers reaches [-], this blessed land of spiritual fields may undergo a transformation! 】

[The rich spiritual energy density may be able to upgrade the portable spiritual field from the blessed land to the cave heaven level! 】

(End of this chapter)

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