Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 145 Ten Thousand Demons Pilgrimage, the Rudiment of Killing!

Chapter 145 Ten Thousand Demons Pilgrimage, the Rudiment of Killing! (5k)

[You have been traveling like this for several days. In these few days, you and Luo Shuying have traveled at least thousands of kilometers. 】

[But we still haven’t reached the end of this battlefield. All you can feel is the blood moon above your head that is getting bigger and bigger. 】

[The red moon that was originally hanging high in the sky has slowly lowered, almost parallel to your line of sight. It seems that if you continue to run, you can touch the red moon. 】

[And as you continue to go deeper, the alien races you encounter become more and more powerful, and you are already a little overwhelmed by your own strength. 】

[From the original gold and master-level aliens to today’s king-level and demon-king-level aliens. 】

[These aliens are manic and irrational. They only know how to destroy all life around them by instinct. 】

[After a few days of this, you gradually discovered some legendary-level alien races. Those alien races were extremely powerful. You only glanced at them from a distance and did not dare to approach them at all. 】

[In this way, your progress will slow down, carefully avoiding the legendary aliens that may attack along the way. 】

[But in the end, you are still unfortunate enough to encounter a few legendary red-eyed aliens. 】

[Although these red-eyed aliens have lost their minds, they are still powerful. With the state you and Luo Shuying are in, they are simply unable to resist. 】

[Even if Luo Shuying tried to stop it with his life, you will still be torn into pieces by these red-eyed aliens. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Your soul left the body and wanted to escape, but soon the red moon fell on your soul, and your soul dissipated...]

【Your talent is activated! 】

[You opened your eyes wide and saw the red moon swallowing your soul. You vaguely noticed that the red moon became brighter and brighter. 】

[You saw on the blood-red earth, countless red-eyed aliens looked up at the red moon and made bowing gestures. 】

[This is... a pilgrimage! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the text in front of him, thoughtfully.

"Could it be that this red moon was really transformed from the death of an evil god?"

Although Su Xing thought this was a bit nonsense, everything that happened in the simulator made Su Xing have to be suspicious.

This red moon is indeed conscious!
Whether it was the awakened soul being captured by the red moon, or the worshiping movements of the alien beasts, it seemed that the rumors Luo Shuying said were not groundless.

"It's a pity that there wasn't enough exploration of the killing battlefield in this simulation..."

Su Xing's eyes flashed with surprise and he murmured:
"Mainly, it's because of insufficient strength! On this killing battlefield...there are actually a large number of legendary aliens wandering around!"

"And the deeper you go, the stronger these alien races are, and the greater the influence of the red moon on me... In the deepest place, will you encounter red-eyed alien races that exceed the legendary level?"

Su Xing felt a little unsure.

But no matter what, according to the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to break through this killing battlefield with the cultivation of divine power!

"Perhaps, with the peak of divine transformation and the perfection of divine power, I can forcefully break through those legendary monsters... But my current strength is not enough!"

Su Xing sighed and murmured:
"In the final analysis, I still don't have enough strength! But having said that, if I have enough strength... I don't have to find a way to escape from the killing battlefield. I can just fight with the planet beast directly!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and gave up this unrealistic idea for the time being.

It is still too early for him to come into contact with the killing battlefield.

But this is not necessarily a good thing. For Su Xing, it means that he understands the world better and has more paths.

"If we can really escape from the killing battlefield to other worlds, the duration of the simulation may be greatly extended!"

A flash of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

After all, he is taking the path of a monk. In the later stage, it takes decades or even hundreds of years for a cultivator to break through a small realm. After a little retreat, more than ten years will pass.

No matter how good the awakening talent is, it may take more than decades to break through to the first level in the later stage.

And Blue Star will perish in less than 30 years.

In this way, how can there be enough time for Su Xing to practice?
It is precisely because of this that Su Xing will try every means to improve the strength of the human race, isn't it just to have more simulation time?
"Oh, there's a long road ahead! Let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first!"

Su Xing looked at the choice of simulated rewards.

[Invulnerability]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[26 years of alchemy experience]: The price of alchemy is 100 energy.

[Three levels of cultivation in the God Transformation Stage]: Pass the five levels and step into the God Transformation stage. The price is 2000 million energy.

[Seventh Level of Divine Power Realm Cultivation]: Body training cultivation, priced at 3000 million energy.

[Twenty Years of Fighting Experience in Demon Suppression Pass]: Contains your combat experience of killing hundreds of thousands of monsters in Demon Suppression Pass for 20 years. After learning, your actual combat experience and combat skills will be greatly improved, and because of the continuous killing, you will understand The prototype of murderous intention, priced at 20 million energy.

Faced with these reward options, Su Xing didn't hesitate much.

After all, in this simulation, Su Xing not only wanted to explore the Demon Suppression Pass, but also wanted to improve his strength.

Moreover, the gains from this simulation were somewhat beyond Su Xing’s imagination, reaching the seventh level of divine power!
"I just don't know what the effect of this prototype of murderous intent is?"

Su Xing's eyes were extremely expectant and he muttered silently:

"I choose the seventh level of divine power realm and 20 years of fighting experience!"

As he finished speaking, the simulator's prompt sound appeared in his waking mind.

【Ding!You successfully brought out the seventh level of divine power realm, spending 3000 million energy and leaving 3435 million energy points remaining. 】

[You successfully brought out 20 years of fighting experience in the Demon Suppression Pass, spending 2000 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 1435 million points. 】

The beep fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The first thing Su Xing sensed was the many extra memory fragments in his mind.

Those memory fragments are my 20 years of fighting experience in the Demon Suppression Pass!

For the actual combat application of Yuanli and the actual combat application of swordsmanship...

Or how to deal with the opponent as quickly as possible in the battle, how to preserve physical and spiritual power as much as possible...

Even the weaknesses of monsters of different races, the handling of those details in battle...

Everything is clear to the mind.

With 20 years of combat experience, Su Xing has grown from a newbie into a combat master!

Abandon all useless movements and techniques, just focus on killing the enemy, just to kill the enemy, just pursue higher efficiency!

Not only that, the moment memories poured into Su Xing's mind, Su Xing exuded an astonishing power.

This is not an improvement in strength or realm, but an endless killing intent!
This kind of murderous intention can only be accumulated through continuous accumulation, and it cannot be accumulated without hundreds of thousands of lives at hand.

As the saying goes: The eyes of people who have killed people are completely different from those who have never killed people.

But now, the murderous intention radiating from Su Xing's body is not just as simple as killing people.

Randomly exuding aura is enough to make low-level monsters tremble with fear.

Even monsters of the same level will be affected by the murderous intention of awakening, and their strength will be reduced by about [-]%.

Su Xing's unconscious murderous intention was released, but the spiritual chickens in the chicken pen a hundred meters away fainted.

"This murderous intention is too strong and it doesn't seem good..."

Su Xing frowned slightly and tried to restrain the murderous intention in his body.

Immediately, the murderous intention moved freely, and completely poured into Su Xing's body, as if such an astonishing murderous intention had erupted.

From the outside, Su Xing is still the same as before, a cheerful and overly handsome college student.

"It's unbelievable... 20 years of combat experience, this is really a huge treasure!"

Su Xing was a little excited.

If we say that in the previous awakening, although he had the fourth level of divine power realm, he lacked actual combat experience and could only exert [-]% to [-]% of his strength, which was comparable to that of a junior martial emperor.

But now, Su Xing's strength can be fully unleashed, and he can even explode into strength beyond his cultivation level.

"Maybe the ordinary Martial Queen is no match for me anymore, right?"

A flash of confidence flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

However, it's not over yet.

The moment the memory was completely digested, Su Xing's aura began to explode crazily!

Cultivation began to grow rapidly!
The fourth level of the divine power realm... the fifth level of the divine power realm... the sixth level of the divine power realm...

Finally, the seventh level of divine power!
In just a few breaths, Xing Xing completed three consecutive jumps.From entering the middle stage of the divine power realm for the first time, he suddenly became a monk in the late stage of the divine power realm!
As for the divine power realm, every time the realm is improved, the strength will increase by [-]%!
The power of awakening increased 2.2 times in a few breaths!
A few breaths ago, the power of awakening was 400 million pounds.

But now, the power of awakening has directly increased to 680 million kilograms!
The power is close to [-] million kilograms!
"It's unbelievable. Such terrifying power...should have exceeded the limit of a Martial Emperor-level professional, right?"

Su Xing murmured.

"Perhaps, in terms of pure strength, I am already close to a legendary professional?"

A flash of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

Even if he is not as good as he is now, if he wakes up, his cultivation will be raised to the peak of divine power.

That force will more than double again, reaching an astonishing [-] million kilograms!
If converted into tons, it is one hundred thousand tons!
"Perhaps the limit of a monk in the realm of divine power is really so great, right?"

"No wonder I was able to kill so many Demon Emperors on the battlefield in the simulation, and even killed several of the Royal Demon Emperors... You know, it is difficult for ordinary Martial Emperors to kill a Demon Emperor. It’s even more difficult, and now I should be considered the pinnacle of the Martial Emperor level one, right?”

Wake up thinking.

The biggest thought in his mind now is, who is stronger and weaker than Zong Laogou with the strength of Xing Xing now?

After comparing for a while, Su Xing said uncertainly.

"In a pure competition of strength, I will naturally crush the old dog of the sect... If it were an actual battle, my burden would probably be between [-] and [-], right?"

"But that old dog has lived for two or three thousand years. If he still has some hidden cards... maybe I am not his opponent."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, and then a flash of confidence flashed in his eyes.

"Zong Laogou can be regarded as the genius of his world, but it took him one or two thousand years to have such strength..."

"And it only took me less than a year to do this!"

"At this rate, maybe in a month or two, my strength will be able to completely crush Zong Laogou! By then..."

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly, time was always on his side.

Now that he is awake, even if he cooperates with Luo Shuying, he can defeat Zong Laogou, but he cannot guarantee that the storage bag is intact.

The target of awakening is the treasure in his storage bag.

When the strength becomes stronger, Zong Laogou will not even have a chance to resist. The Zong Laogou's thousands of years of accumulation, spiritual stones, heavenly materials, earthly treasures, skills and magical powers will all be awakened by then!
Thinking of this, Su Xing's whole body was filled with energy!

"Come on, I'll be refining the elixir for a week. When the wind outside passes, I'll go find Jin Congxue!"

Su Xing muttered, and then started the liver elixir.

Time flies by like a blink of an eye, and one week is up in the blink of an eye.

Today is the trading time agreed upon by Su Xing and Jin Congxue.

After taking a breath-condensing pill, he woke up and adjusted his aura, then left the Lingtian Paradise and returned to the professional market.

After his consciousness dispersed and he made sure that no one around him noticed him, Su Xing pretended to be an ordinary college student, bought some low-level equipment and props, and then returned to school.

After returning to school, Su Xing took a leisurely stroll and even went to the cafeteria to eat a bowl of braised pork.

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, Su Xing sent a text message to Jin Congxue.

Immediately, he set off to the common villa.

It's not that Su Xing is too timid, but it's always right to be cautious.

After all, the Advent Sect is behind the Black Dragon Guild, so one cannot be too cautious.

If he was really being followed, Su Xing wouldn't be too afraid with his current strength, but if he came to the villa in a daze and implicated Jin Congxue, Su Xing would definitely regret it.

Arriving at the familiar villa room, Jin Congxue had been waiting for a long time.

Not seen for half a month, Jin Congxue is still beautiful and charming. She is wearing an ancient Hanfu, looking dignified and gorgeous.

"Sister Xue, why are you dressed so modestly today?"

Su Xing sat in his seat familiarly and smiled teasingly at Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue rolled her eyes when she heard this and explained:
"Today is the day for ancestor worship at Jin's Trading Company. We just finished the ancestor worship in the morning and haven't had time to change my clothes yet."

Hearing this, Su Xing was a little confused and said:

"Isn't your hometown from Jinling City? Why do you come to Kyoto to worship your ancestors?"

Jin Congxue was speechless when he heard this: "Who told you about my hometown, Jinling City? My ancestral home is Kyoto, but my father's generation moved Jin's business to Jinling, and then settled in Jiangnan..."

Su Xing nodded after hearing this, feeling somewhat understood.

Jin Congxue joked: "Hey, big boss, I haven't seen you for two days, where are you busy?"

Su Xing smiled when he heard this and said, "How can I have time? I'm busy refining pills every day!"

After that, Su Xing spent the 1 pills he had refined over the past two weeks.

Jin Congxue naturally didn't believe Su Xing's words, but she didn't ask any questions and handed the goods for the past two weeks to Su Xing.

"Here, here are the goods for the past two weeks. The Tarot Chamber of Commerce has been getting bigger and bigger recently. I don't know what kind of bad luck your kid has had..."

"If this situation continues, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce will probably grow into a top chamber of commerce in less than two years!"

Su Xing took the storage ring and smiled.

He knew in his heart that this was the effect of his talent for business prosperity.

Although Su Xing does not manage the Chamber of Commerce, he is the actual big boss of the Chamber of Commerce, and he is like a mascot, which will naturally make the development of the Tarot Chamber of Commerce smooth.

Afterwards, Jin Congxue took out two more simple jade boxes and handed them to Su Xing.

"These are the medicinal materials you want, a thousand years of life, Ganoderma lucidum, Polygonum multiflorum..."

"These medicinal materials are not easy to find! Only those families that have inherited them have some, and I spent a lot of effort to get them."

"And these thousand-year-old medicinal materials must be placed in a box made of high-quality ancient jade, so that the medicinal properties will not evaporate easily."

Su Xing nodded after hearing this, opened the jade box and took a look.

Sure enough, inside the jade box, there were several thousand-year-old medicinal plants lying quietly, exuding a good medicinal fragrance.

"Tsk, tsk, these thousand-year-old medicinal materials, even if they grow in mortal soil, are probably comparable to elixirs, right?"

Su Xing estimated that these medicinal herbs should be enough for him to refine seven or eight life-sustaining pills.

After refining the life-sustaining pill, if Su Xing has a chance, he can go to Baili Trading Company.

After all, Su Xing has been coveting Bailiqi's "treasure treasures" for a long time.

Su Xing put away the medicinal materials and spent some time with Jin Congxue before returning to school reluctantly.

Entering the Lingtian Paradise, Su Xing first exchanged the goods from the past two weeks into energy.

A total of two weeks of stocking up on goods provided Su Xing with nearly 200 million energy!
Coupled with the leftovers from Su Xing's last simulation, the simulation energy has reached more than 600 million.

Seeing that the simulation time has been refreshed, I woke up and prepared to start a new round of simulation.

On June 2024, 6 in the new era, Su Xing started the No. 17 simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 4100 energy points, leaving 4623 million energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing said directly without hesitation.

[Congratulations on getting the purple talent: Great Wisdom and Ruo Foolishness! 】

[Great Wisdom and Foolishness]: Purple talent, you may usually act naive or even a little stupid, but at critical moments, you can take out the wisdom you have accumulated before and burst out with unprecedented wisdom and understanding.This talent is an active talent and can be freely switched between three modes: "Foolish", "Wise" and "Mediocre".

Note: In the honest state, IQ and comprehension will decrease slightly, which may affect the host's normal life.

Su Xing frowned slightly after seeing the introduction of this talent.

"This seems to be another talent that affects understanding? However, why does this talent look a bit stupid?"

This was the first active talent that Su Xing encountered. Su Xing thought it was not that simple.

After reading it several times, a gleam flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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