Chapter 146 The first active talent, as wise as a fool! (5k)

"This talent seems a bit strong, doesn't it?"

Su Xing roughly understood the role of the talent "Great Wisdom Ruo Fool".

To put it simply, use your usual low IQ and low comprehension in exchange for high comprehension and high IQ at critical moments!

The three states of stupidity, mediocrity, and great wisdom should be able to be adjusted at any time.

Su Xing quickly thought of the use of this talent.

"If in normal times, I remain in the foolish state and my IQ drops...but when I need to understand magical powers and learn new elixirs, and trigger the great wisdom state, won't the learning speed soar?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up and he murmured:
"I just don't know how much understanding and talent can be improved in the state of great wisdom?"

Obviously, this is a talent specifically designed for simulation!
In the real world, Su Xing can remain mediocre without any impact.

But in the simulation, by exchanging "foolishness" for "great wisdom", the goal can undoubtedly be achieved quickly.

The most important thing is that this talent can be activated at any time!

There is no need to rely entirely on luck to trigger epiphany like "accidental epiphany".

Thinking of this, Su Xing had some expectation in his eyes.

"Let me see how effective this talent of being wise and foolish is, right?"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You turn your attention to your own talent, and you are as wise as you are foolish. 】

[You start to tinker with this talent, and you quickly figure out the function of this talent. After setting the trigger password, you want to enter the state of great wisdom. 】

【But nothing happened...】

[You understand, you have to trigger the Ruoyu state first before you can accumulate the time to trigger the Dazhi state. 】

[So, you shouted the password "I admit that I am gambling" and entered the Ruoyu state. 】

[After entering the Ruoyu state, you feel like someone has knocked a brick on the back of your head, and your entire IQ drops rapidly. 】

[In the past, you couldn't get the answer to the simple questions that you pondered over, and your eyes began to cross involuntarily. 】

wake:? ? ?
Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but black lines appeared on his forehead, and he complained:

"Damn, after this Ruoyu state is triggered, he becomes mentally retarded every minute! How come he even has cross-eyes?"

"And what's going on with this password? You really think you're a chick from an experimental elementary school, right?"

Although he had expected it, Su Xing still didn't expect that Ruoyu's effect would be so strong?
"Then, what will be the effect if the state of great wisdom is triggered?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[You try to refine elixirs. Fortunately, the art of elixir refining has been engraved in your "DNA". Even if your IQ drops, you can still refine inferior and low-grade elixirs. It's just a matter of speed. Much slower. 】

[In this way, after ten days, you have refined five thousand pills. 】

[On this day, you shouted the slogan "I want to become smarter" and entered a state of great wisdom. 】

[After entering the state of great wisdom, you feel that your IQ has soared. You can easily figure out the difficult problems that you used to meditate on. Your IQ and understanding have been greatly improved. 】

[You try to understand the Three Talents Sword Art, and sure enough, in just one day of understanding, your cultivation speed is equivalent to the results of three days of cultivation in the past. 】

[The next day, the blessing of the great wisdom state ends, and you return to the mediocre state. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, thoughtfully.

"So that's it. Can ten days of stupidity be exchanged for one day of great wisdom?"

"In the state of great wisdom, understanding and IQ should be increased three times. One day of understanding is equivalent to the previous three days!"

"And if you are in a stupid state, you are not completely mentally retarded. As long as you don't try to learn new things or challenge high difficulties, you will only be slightly affected when performing some behaviors that do not require IQ or are extremely skilled."

Su Xing thought for a while, and quickly came up with a scenario where this talent of "Great Wisdom and Ruo Foolishness" would be applicable.

"During the immersive simulation, if I learn new magical powers, it will cost 24 million energy points in 240 hours. It will even take more than ten days to complete the learning, which is 2400 million energy points..."

"But if you are in the "Great Wisdom" state, the time and energy required to learn a new magical power are reduced by two-thirds!"

"Looking at it this way, maybe you can learn more advanced techniques through a copy of the Luotian Conference and try it!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly. Whether it was his current technique Changchun Kung Fu or the "Heaven, Earth and Man" Three Talents Sword Technique, they were all in urgent need of updating.

And with this talent of great wisdom and foolishness, Su Xing can save a lot of time and talent.

"In addition, when refining some high-quality elixirs, the lack of medicinal materials is also a big problem. To trigger the state of great wisdom, one refining of elixirs is equivalent to three times!"

"In this way, you can get started with new elixirs faster, and even reach the Xiaocheng and Dacheng levels faster!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

In short, he really found a treasure in this talent lottery!

Although the effect of improving understanding is far less than that of "accidental enlightenment", the advantage is that it can be triggered independently, which greatly increases the practicality!
"Tsk tsk, it seems that for this simulation, you can go to the Luotian Conference copy again. You can memorize the second half of the Sancai Sword Technique first, and then slowly understand it!"

Su Xing had a plan in mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[You quickly learned how to use the great wisdom and foolishness talent, so for the next ten days, you maintained the foolish state. 】

[In Ruoyu state, you can stay at ease in the blessed land of Lingtian, refining elixirs and strengthening your body. 】

[Ten days later, you shouted the slogan "Oh, just a mortal" and entered a mediocre state, and then prepared to enter the Luotian Conference copy. 】

[You are lucky. You were qualified to enter the Luotian Conference dungeon the next day and successfully entered the Luotian Conference dungeon. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, which lasted 24 hours, cost 240 million energy, and left 4373 million energy points. 】

A white light flashed in front of Su Xing's eyes, and then the scenery in front of Su Xing changed and appeared in the copy.

"Good disciple, go to the back mountain to invite Master Shennong to attend the Luotian Conference!"

Su Xing looked up and saw that the speaker was still the familiar Great Elder Niu Rulie.

"Yes, Master!"

Su Xing bowed and walked towards the back hill.

Along the way, Su Xing recalled the memory fragments in his mind.

"My identity is still Luo Xiaochuan, a true disciple of the Luo Tian Sect...but my current cultivation is that of a cultivator in the Transformation Stage and a genius in the late stage of the Divine Power Realm?"

"One of the three most outstanding geniuses in Luo Tianzong's contemporary generation who is under a hundred years old. Before he was a hundred years old, he condensed the Nine Transformations Golden Pill, broke through five levels, and became a god... a being who is qualified to become an immortal?"

After absorbing the identity memory in his mind, he woke up thoughtfully.

"It seems that this Luotian Sect is more powerful than I imagined!",

"Is the cultivator who transforms the gods actually just a true disciple? Then what kind of cultivation is required to be an elder...or even a saint son?"

What Su Xing now knows is that the old woman in the Sutra Pavilion is at least a monk in the integration stage.

And his master Niu Rulie, although he specializes in physical training, his cultivation is probably not weaker than that of a combined monk...

"Hiss, it is indeed a sect that has been cultivating immortals for hundreds of thousands of years. There are probably many immortals who have come out of Luotian Sect. Such a background... is really terrifying!"

Su Xing felt a little happy.

The more powerful Luo Tianzong is, the greater the benefit will be to awakening.

Because this means that the richer the treasure of this "Flower in the Mirror, Moon in the Water", the more skills and magical powers Su Xing can obtain.

Thinking of this, Su Xing quickly came to the back mountain and met Uncle Shennong.

Uncle Shennong still looked like a simple farmer. After seeing Su wake up, he put down the farm work in his hands.

Walking up to Su Xing, he smiled and praised:
"My nephew's cultivation level is getting higher and higher. He is less than a hundred years old and has become a monk in the transformation stage. If he works harder, he might become the holy son of our Luotian Sect!"


After Su Xing heard this, his heart moved and he quickly asked:

"Uncle Master, what are the requirements for becoming the Holy Son of my sect?"

After hearing this, Shennong Youtian glanced at Su Xing strangely, but still explained:

"You have now reached the late stage of the Divine Power Realm through body refining. If you become a monk in the Void-Breaking Realm or the Void-Returning Realm, and practice to perfection before you are a hundred years old, you can become the Holy Son of my sect!"

"Becoming a Holy Son is equivalent to stepping on the path of immortality with half a foot. The probability of becoming an immortal is very high..."

Speaking of this, Shennong Youtian said quite proudly:
"This uncle is the Holy Son of Luo Tianzong 3000 years ago!" Su Xing was a little surprised after hearing this and blurted out:
"Uncle Master, could it be that you have become an immortal?"

After hearing this, Shennong Youtian's face darkened, he coughed twice and said:

"Ahem, let's go to the Luotian Conference!"

Su Xing's words seemed to touch Shen Nong Youtian's sadness, and Shennong Youtian didn't say anything along the way.

Soon, after sending Shennong Youtian to the Luotian Conference, he woke up and said goodbye, and then came to the Sutra Pavilion.

Seeing the old woman dozing at the door of the Sutra Pavilion, Su Xing glanced at her with a guilty conscience and thought to himself:

"Speaking of which, I still owe this old woman a favor! But she probably won't remember it!"

Su Xing said hello to the old woman, and then walked straight to the "General Compendium of Sword Cultivation Classics" which recorded the swordsmanship of the three talents of "Heaven, Earth and Man".

"I want to be smart!"

Su Xing shamefully shouted the slogan and entered a state of great wisdom.

In the state of great wisdom, Su Xing felt that his mind was extremely thorough, and his learning and comprehension abilities had increased several times!
I looked at the time and saw that there were still 23 hours left before I could exit the instance.

Su Xing began to study the second part of the Three Talents Sword Technique, the Earth Sword.

The earth sword communicates between heaven and earth. It can bless the will of heaven and earth on one's body, exert the power of nature, and its power is greatly increased!

Su Xing was thinking clearly at this moment. He knew in his heart that he only had less than a day, so he just focused on reciting the contents of this earth sword.

Soon, the day passed, the immersive simulation ended, and I woke up and returned to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing rubbed his swollen temples and murmured:

"The sword skills of these three talents are profound and profound, and their contents are endless. I memorized at least tens of thousands of words by rote this day, and I could barely memorize one-third of the contents of the sword..."

"If you want to completely memorize the Earth Sword part, you will need at least two more times!"

Su Xing somewhat understood the power of accidental enlightenment.

This time, Su Xing's IQ and understanding tripled, and he only memorized one-third of the content of Earth Sword in one day.

But the previous accidental epiphany, which he only triggered once, was equivalent to ten years of understanding and learning.

Not only did he memorize the human sword part completely, but he also fully understood the content. He even learned the principles of sword cultivation in the "General Guide to Sword Cultivating Classics".

In comparison, the effect is much worse!
“Oh, if only I could trigger another serendipitous epiphany!”

Su Xing sighed and murmured:
"Even if I memorize the Earth Sword completely by rote, if I want to fully understand its contents, I'm afraid it will take more than ten years, right? If I add sword training... the time required will probably increase dramatically!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Fortunately, what he did this time was to try out the effect of his talent, and it actually exceeded his imagination.

Secondly, he is just preparing for a rainy day. He has only reached a small level of cultivation in the human sword part now, and he is already somewhat unable to keep up with the seventh level of divine power realm.

Next, Su Xing will find a way to practice the human sword to perfection. When the time comes to practice the earth sword, Su Xing's combat effectiveness will definitely rise a big step!

"If you fully understand the Earth Sword, you might be able to try to force your way through the killing battlefield!"

Su Xing's eyes were a little excited and he looked at the simulation panel.

[After you came out of the Luotian Conference copy, you began to think of ways to join the Advent Cult. 】

[After deliberately disguising yourself and gathering your breath, you arrived at Shuangqing City, Southwest Province. 】

[Subsequently, you repeated your old tricks and used your spiritual consciousness to sweep through Shuangqing City arrogantly. 】

[As expected, Zong Laogou found you within a few days. He thought you were a monk from other worlds like him. 】

[After a thoughtful conversation, you exchanged the life-sustaining pill for some precious elixirs and the opportunity to join the Advent Cult. 】

[Later, because of your strong strength, you successfully became an elder of the Advent Sect! 】

[On the surface, you are brothers with Zong Laogou, but you secretly contacted Luo Shuying, and obtained a large amount of medicinal materials through Luo Shuying. 】

[You start refining elixirs as usual and accumulate a large amount of medicinal materials. 】

[After becoming an elder, you can move more freely. 】

[In the second year, you found an opportunity to save your Dazhi state for a day in advance, preparing to enter the Luotian Conference copy. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and used the immersive simulation function again, which lasted for 24 hours.

After going through the task process, Su Xing continued to recite the three talents sword technique and the earth sword part.

Soon 24 hours passed, and I woke up and returned to the real world.

"Very good, everything is as I expected. I only need the last part to recite the entire Earth Sword!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the third year, you hoarded enough pills and thought the time was ripe, so you betrayed the Advent Sect with Luo Shuying. 】

[After betraying the Adventist Cult, you were hunted down, but because of the protection of the Daxia military, the Adventist Cult did not dare to be too arrogant. 】

[But Zong Laogou is in a miserable situation and has no choice but to flee to the end of the world. 】

[You have contributed the elixirs you have hoarded over the years to the Daxia military, adding many strong men to Daxia. 】

[Immediately, you saved your Dazhi status in advance and found an opportunity to enter the Luotian Conference dungeon again. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said again:

"Use the immersive simulation feature! Lasts 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, which lasted 24 hours, cost 240 million energy, and left 3893 million energy points. 】

The beep fell, and Xing Xing's consciousness entered the copy of the Luotian Conference.

Immediately, the familiar task process was completed, and Su Xing continued to recite the Three Talents Sword Techniques.

Soon the immersive simulation time ended, and less than 1 minute had passed in the outside world.

He regained consciousness and returned to the real world, with a hint of joy on his face.

"Great, I finally memorized the Earth Sword part completely. Next, I just need to practice the sword skills step by step!"

After receiving the gift of great wisdom and foolishness, Su Xing also set a goal for this simulation.

"In this simulation, we will see if we can improve our physical training to the perfection of divine power...or the three-talented swordsmanship and the human sword stage!"

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In the fourth year, you continued to refine elixirs and practice swordsmanship. You gave all the elixirs you refined over the years to the Great Xia military, adding tens of thousands of powerful masters, hundreds of heavenly kings, and dozens of martial emperors. . 】

[Later, you joined the Demon Suppression Pass, hoping to further improve your physical training and hone your sword skills through the battle in the Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[In the fifth year, you fought bloody battles with enemies at the Demon Town Pass for a whole year. During this period, you have been fighting enemies with swordsmanship. Your mastery of the Three Talents Swordsmanship has taken a further step! 】

[In the same year, you took a large amount of the Demon King's flesh and blood essence, but because your strength has reached the late stage of the divine power realm, the Demon King's flesh and blood essence has become less and less helpful to your practice. 】

[You begin to desire to kill the royal family among the monsters in order to obtain higher-level flesh and blood essence. 】

[But unfortunately, there are almost no royal monsters visible on the battlefield, and your cultivation speed is far slower than before. 】

[In the sixth year, you spent a whole year killing more than ten demon kings, hundreds of demon beasts at the demon king level, and countless demon beasts below the grandmaster level. 】

[In constant battles, your understanding of the human sword becomes even better! 】

[The Demon King's flesh and blood essence you swallow every day reaches eight pounds. Under the large amount of flesh and blood essence, your cultivation level is slowly improving. 】

[In the seventh year, your understanding of the human sword has improved to a higher level. In constant battles, you feel that your human sword has approached the level of Dacheng! 】

[In the same year, your physical training level slowly improved. 】

[In the eighth year, your reputation in the Demon Suppression Pass has grown. No less than dozens of demon kings have died in your hands over the years. 】

[One day, the Fierce Rhinoceros monster that you have longed for came to your door and challenged you. 】

[Your strength is much stronger than before. You know that the Liexi clan will not be your opponent, so you are ready to seize this precious opportunity to hone your sword skills! 】

[You fought with the Liexi tribe for three days and three nights. During this period, you only relied on swordsmanship to defend yourself against the enemy, and your mastery of the human sword rapidly improved! 】

[In the end, you cut off the head of this fierce rhinoceros monster with one sword and won! 】

[At the same time, your human sword has finally reached the Dacheng level! 】

[Congratulations on successfully mastering the rudimentary sword style! 】

(End of this chapter)

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