Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 147 The human sword is perfected and its strength increases dramatically!

Chapter 147 The human sword is perfected and its strength increases dramatically! (5k)

The prototype of the sword! ?
A flash of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and he felt a little excited.

In the general outline of sword cultivation books, there was an introduction to sword power!

The Three Talents Sword Technique is divided into three swords of heaven, earth and man!

Among them, the Human Sword is divided into the realms of Beginner, Small Success, Dacheng, and Perfection!

The sign of entering Dacheng is to understand the rudimentary form of sword power!
When it comes to sword power, it is as mysterious as it is mysterious. An ordinary swordsman who has practiced for hundreds of years can only learn sword moves, but he may not be able to understand the sword power!
As for Su Xing, because he had an epiphany before, he had a deep grasp of the principles of the human sword.

Coupled with his talent as a swordsman, he can learn swordsmanship ten times faster than ordinary people.

Even so, in the simulation, Su Xing only managed to reach the mastery of the human sword through constant pressure on himself and high-intensity sword fighting, and understood the rudimentary form of sword power!

Su Xing recalled the description in the general outline of sword cultivation and murmured:

"Tsk, tsk, this is the prototype of sword power! A swordsman who understands sword power, holding a sword in his hand, will have the momentum to go all out without fear of life or death!"

"With the power of a person and the power of a sword, the power of the sword in his hand will be fed back to the sword cultivator himself, greatly increasing his strength!"

"With a sword in your hand, you can move forward without fear of strong enemies. After understanding the power of the sword, your strength will be increased by at least [-]%!"

"Besides... the most important thing is that he is so handsome! As soon as the sword power is released, it can emit sword light and kill the enemy's head from a thousand meters away!"

Su Xing was excited, as there is a saying: being handsome is a lifetime thing!

But at the same time, Su Xing did not get carried away and murmured:

"If you become a master of the Human Sword, you can only comprehend the rudimentary form of the sword's power. But if you have perfected the Human Sword, you will be able to fully understand the sword's power!"

"With my current strength, if I understand the power of the sword, I must be really sure of defeating Zong Laogou, right?"

Su Xing's eyes moved slightly. Now his strength is only [-]-[-] or even [-]-[-]% compared to Zong Laogou. But if he understands the power of the sword, it can become [-]%!

After all, sword cultivators, among monks, are considered to have extremely advanced offensive methods!

"If it could trigger an epiphany..."

Su Xing had some desire in his heart. Now that he has perfected the Human Sword, he has understood the rudimentary form of the sword's potential. If he triggers the epiphany again, he will definitely be able to reach the perfection of the Human Sword!

Look at the simulation panel.

[After mastering the rudimentary form of sword intention, you have not slackened on your sword practice. You want to try whether your human sword can be cultivated to a perfect level. 】

[So next, you still use the sword to fight against the enemy, and continue to enhance your understanding of swordsmanship in actual combat. 】

[In the ninth year, after the completion of the Human Sword, with the blessing of the sword's power, you killed fifteen Demon King-level demon beasts in one year and obtained a large amount of flesh and blood essence. 】

[After taking a large amount of flesh and blood essence every day, your body training has improved again. 】

[In the tenth year, this year you killed the royal family among the two monsters. During the battle, your understanding of the power of the sword further deepened. 】

[Thousands of meters away, you swing your sword, and the sword light it emits is enough to cut a demon king into two pieces. 】

[In the same year, you took the flesh and blood essence of two royal monsters and felt that your body refining cultivation was not far from the eighth level of divine power. 】

[In the 11th year, you once again killed the royal family among the three demon beasts, and your name resounded throughout the Demon Suppression Pass. You were hailed as No. 1 among the legends of the Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[On the battlefield, with a sword in your hand, you don’t know anything about fear. Even if you fight against two demon kings at the same time, you can not fall behind and escape intact. 】

[You begin to constantly challenge yourself and break through the sword power. If there are no royal monsters to fight with you, you will take the initiative to face two monster kings at the same time to hone your sword skills. 】

[In No. 12, your body-refining cultivation finally broke through and you became an eighth-level monk in the realm of divine power! 】

[At the same time, your swordsmanship has become more and more superb, and your understanding of the sword's power is no longer the first glimpse. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing frowned slightly and murmured:

"Did it take a full 12 years to break through to the eighth level of divine power..."

"It seems that in the late stage of the divine power realm, it is really difficult to improve one's cultivation!"

This speed is a dream speed for ordinary divine power realms.

In the late stage of the ordinary divine power realm, it is common for people to fail to break through a small realm in three to fifty years.

Awakening is the result of the addition of many factors, which has led to such rapid improvement. One year is worth several years for others.

But Su Xing was not very satisfied and thought to himself:
"At this rate, I'm afraid it will take at least 30 years to reach the perfection of the divine power realm... This means that it is impossible for me to achieve the perfection of the divine power realm in this simulation!"

Su Xing felt a little disappointed when he thought about this, and brought out the difference between the ninth level of the divine power realm and the perfection, which was that Su Xing had to waste one more opportunity to simulate the reward selection.

And every choice of simulation reward is precious to Awakening.

Su Xing thought carefully for a while and recalled whether there was any way to further increase the speed of body training.

Immediately, Su Xing's eyes lit up and he murmured:
"Perhaps, if you can consume the flesh and blood essence of royal monsters every day, the speed of body refining will definitely increase further!"

"By then, maybe within the 25-year simulation period, we will be able to improve our cultivation to the perfection of the divine power realm!"

"But how to obtain more flesh and blood essence of royal monsters?"

Su Xing fell into deep thought.

Royal monsters are different from ordinary monsters. They are rarer in number and stronger at the same time.

But the biggest difference is...the royal monsters are more intelligent, almost the same as humans!

"It seems...those royal monsters are very fond of strength and care about their reputation...they hope to challenge the strong to prove themselves!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up and he had a plan in mind.

"Then, let's try this..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[After breaking through to the eighth level of divine power, you decided to be more high-profile to attract more royal monsters to challenge you! 】

[One day, you encountered another royal monster from the Fierce Rhino Clan. You fought with it for three hours and finally defeated it! 】

[After defeating this Fierce Rhinoceros monster, you did not kill him, but looked at him with disdain, saying that the mere royal family was just a weakling. You spared his life, and this Fierce Rhinoceros monster was just as you imagined. Likewise, the news was passed on to other royal monsters! 】

[For a time, your reputation became famous among the royal monsters. These royal monsters believed that the human race was just the lowest race, so they all hated you. 】

[As a result, more and more royal monsters are challenging you! 】

[No. 13, in just one year, you encountered the challenge of six royal monsters. 】

[This time, you will naturally not let them go. Instead, you will kill them all and harvest two thousand kilograms of the flesh and blood essence of the Royal Demon King. 】

[You can have enough flesh and blood essence every day, and your cultivation level will increase faster! 】

[At the same time, your swordsmanship gradually improves in successive battles with strong men, getting closer and closer to the perfect level of the human sword! 】

[No. 14, this year you killed seven royal demon kings and harvested a large amount of demon king’s flesh and blood essence. 】

[You were originally worried that killing the royal monsters in this way would make these monsters timid and not dare to look for you again. 】

[But what surprises you is that these royal monsters are not afraid of death. They hope to fulfill their reputation among the monsters by killing you! 】

[Therefore, the royal demon kings challenged you in an endless stream, and you were not polite at all. You killed them all and had enough flesh and blood essence. 】

[In No. 15, with the blessing of higher quality flesh and blood essence, your strength has improved rapidly, and your strength has increased visibly every day. 】

[But what troubles you is that your human sword is still stuck in the realm of Dacheng, with no sign of breaking through to perfection. 】

[Perhaps it’s because you are getting stronger and stronger. The ordinary royal demon king is not even enough for you to attack with all your strength. You are eager for a more valuable opponent! 】

[You try to challenge two royal demon kings at the same time, but you know that with your current strength, doing so is tantamount to death. 】

[Unless your strength goes further and reaches the ninth level of divine power. 】

[So, next, you practice even harder, forcing yourself to eat ten pounds of flesh and blood essence every day, and speed up the digestion of energy by practicing the witch clan's body-building techniques and engaging in high-intensity battles. 】

[No. 16, after a year of overloaded practice, your energy and blood are more abundant than ever before, and you can feel that you are getting closer and closer to the ninth level of the divine power realm! 】

[In the same year, more and more demon kings appeared on the battlefield. They launched a desperate attack on the Demon Suppression Pass. The human martial emperor suffered heavy casualties, and even the legendary powerhouses had to take action. 】

[Your performance on the battlefield is still outstanding. You can kill an ordinary demon king in less than an hour. 】

[Your defense of Zhenyao Pass greatly relieved the pressure and prevented the death of many Daxia sergeants. 】

[In No. 17, you are still active on the battlefield. With your strong strength and miraculous swordsmanship, you have become the nightmare of all the demon clans in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[Your understanding of the power of the sword has become stronger and stronger. With the sword light activated, one sword can even cut off mountains and rivers. 】【Wherever your sword light passes, a large pit tens of meters deep will even rise on the ground. 】

[With your own strength, the sword light can activate the monsters and fall into the army of monsters. You can kill hundreds of master-level monsters in one breath! 】

[Because of your presence, the pressure on the soldiers of the Demon Suppressing Pass has been greatly reduced. You are regarded by the soldiers as the God of War of the Demon Suppressing Pass. 】

[At the same time, you have not neglected your practice. As you continue to take flesh and blood essence, you feel that you are not far from the ninth level of the divine power realm. 】

[In the 18th year of No. [-], your body training has finally taken a step further, and you have successfully broken through to become a ninth-level monk in the divine power realm! 】

Su Xing looked a little excited when he saw this.

Sure enough, just as he expected, taking the flesh and blood essence of the demon beast royal family would increase the speed of cultivation much higher than that of the ordinary demon king.

It took him 11 years to go from the seventh level to the eighth level of the divine power realm.

And from the eighth level to the ninth level of the divine power realm, it only took seven years!

The improvement in cultivation speed is not even a small difference!
In addition, the power of the sword also shocked Su Xing.

Before waking up, although his swordsmanship was good, he lacked the ability to attack multiple enemies in a wide range.

But now, after understanding the power of the sword, he can activate the sword's light, which not only attacks from a very far distance, but is even powerful enough to crush an army of monsters with one sword!
"Tsk, tsk, a single sword light can kill hundreds of master-level monsters... Sure enough, for a truly strong person, no matter how many they are, it's useless!"

Su Xing felt a little emotional.

Obviously, if the awakening strength is strong enough, after returning to the void, integrating, Mahayana... or becoming an immortal.

The endless demonic beasts in this demon-suppressing pass may be nothing to Su Xing's eyes.

"In the end, we still need stronger strength!"

Su Xing sighed with emotion and was also a little curious.

"The ninth level of the divine power realm, with a strength of [-] tons, increased by [-]%... With my current strength, I wonder if I can try to fight two royal demon kings?"

Su Xing had some expectations in her heart.

"It took seven years to reach the ninth level of the divine power realm. Now, there are less than seven years left before the 25-year deadline. It may be difficult to achieve the perfect divine power realm..."

"But if I can practice the human sword to perfection and completely master the sword's power, the improvement of my strength should not be underestimated!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In No. 19, after breaking through the ninth level of the divine power realm, you are more confident than ever. You believe that you have few opponents under the legend. 】

[So, you spread the word to the outside world that because there is no strong person in the demon clan, you are willing to challenge two royal clan demon kings at the same time. 】

[As soon as the news was released, it immediately aroused a strong response from the demon clan. Those members of the royal clan attach great importance to honor, and they think that your move is humiliating them. 】

[Therefore, the demon tribe issued a reward order for you. Not only did the traitors of the Advent Sect launch an assassination attempt on you, but even the legendary demon beasts repeatedly took action, hoping to kill you. 】

[Fortunately, you have a very high status in the human race. Not only does the legendary boss Luo Shuying protect you, but even the legendary strong men in the military are also paying attention to you secretly. 】

[So those legendary monsters were stopped by them, and you got a relatively fair battle illusion. 】

[In No. 20, after your continuous provocations, two royal monsters finally prepared to cooperate and challenge you. 】

[This is a fierce rhinoceros tribe and a yellow lion tribe monster! 】

[You have killed a lot of monsters from the Fierce Rhinoceros tribe, and you know their racial abilities very well, but this Yellow Lion tribe is extremely fast, and it is extremely difficult for you to deal with them. 】

[But you are very confident in your own strength and believe that even if you face two royal demon kings, your life will not be in danger. 】

[So, under the pressure of the two royal clans and demon kings, I began to hone my sword skills. 】

[You still underestimate the pressure from the two royal demon kings. Under the combined attack of the two royal demon emperors, you can almost only passively defend and cannot organize an effective attack. 】

[In the first battle, you fought with two royal demon kings for a day and a night, and you were injured in dozens of places. 】

[You felt that you were really going to die if you continued like this. Fortunately, Luo Shuying came to your aid in time and you returned to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[For the next month, you spent your time recovering from your injuries in the Demon Suppression Pass. Although you were defeated by these two demon emperors, your understanding of swordsmanship improved rapidly. 】

[Within this month, you activated the talent "Great Wisdom and Ruo Fool" to keep yourself in a state of Ruo Fool. 】

[After your injuries healed, you challenged the two royal demon kings again. 】

[As expected, compared to the previous embarrassment, you are much more comfortable this time. 】

[And with the blessing of the state of great wisdom, your understanding has skyrocketed, and your understanding of the sword's power has gradually improved rapidly. 】

[This battle lasted for three days and three nights, and in the end you were defeated by the combined efforts of the two demon kings. 】

[You returned to the Demon Suppression Pass again and began to recuperate. For the next month, you remained in Ruoyu state. 】

[After the injury heals, you find the two royal demon kings again. 】

[The war is about to break out. With the blessing of great wisdom, you will have a new understanding of the sword's power almost every time. 】

[From being completely crushed in the first battle, to now being evenly matched! 】

[With your swordsmanship that is second to none, you can fight against two royal demon kings alone without falling behind at all. 】

[On the opposite side, the Demon King of the Fierce Rhinoceros and the Yellow Lion Tribe were shocked. Even if they tried to break their heads, they could not imagine why your strength had improved so much in just three months! 】

[In this way, the battle lasted for three days and three nights. 】

[After the Dazhi state ends, you can calmly return to the Demon Suppression Pass and start recuperating. 】

[Compared to before, the injury you suffered this time was much lighter, and it took less than a week to heal. So in the remaining time, you accumulated "Ruoyu" time while refining some elixirs. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said:
"Haha, I am using the Royal Demon King as a tool to gain swordsmanship experience!"

"Through the blessing of the state of great wisdom, my understanding of the sword's power has improved rapidly. At the same time, maintaining the stupid state while recovering from injuries will not affect the recovery of the injury!"

“You really kill two birds with one stone!”

Su Xing was a little excited. According to this progress, he might be able to defeat two royal demon kings at the same time soon and realize the great success of the human sword!
Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[One month later, you found the two royal demon kings again, and the war is about to break out! 】

[In this battle, you have been suppressing their two demon kings for almost the entire battle. Even though they have a numerical advantage, they are still in danger of being forced by your swordsmanship. 】

[But these two demon kings are not vegetarians. They adopted the tactic of exchanging injuries for injuries! 】

[The monster beasts are huge in size, and their resilience is far beyond that of humans. What's more, these are two royal demon kings, and their resilience far exceeds that of ordinary monsters. 】

[Even if you are a body-refining cultivator, your recovery speed from injuries is slightly slower than them. 】

[The battle lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, one of you and two beasts were all covered in blood! 】

[You were seriously injured, but these two demon kings were also seriously injured. 】

[Seeing that the two royal demon kings are giving up, they want to escape from this battlefield. 】

[But you will never do what they want. If they escape this time, I'm afraid you will never have the opportunity to hone your sword skills like this again. 】

[So, with the risk of serious injury and death, you finally activated a sword move! 】

[This sword is the strongest sword you have ever struck. Even though the body is seriously injured, the power of this sword to move forward without fear of life and death is far greater than before! 】

[With a swing of the sword, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked. You cut a huge ravine hundreds of meters long and bottomless on the ground! 】

[This sword destroyed the last remaining belief of the two demon kings! 】

[I saw the sword light streaking across the body of the Demon King of the Fierce Rhinoceros tribe, and cut him in half with one sword, and his body died. 】

[You looked at the sword you struck down, thinking deeply in your heart, falling into some mysterious realm. 】

[At this moment, without caring about anything else, you quickly entered the blessed land of the spiritual field. 】

[You seize this mysterious state of enlightenment and start practicing your sword without any thought. 】

[This epiphany lasted for a day and a night! 】

[One day later, when you wake up, you are surprised to find that your human sword is finally perfect! 】

[At the same time, you have completely understood the power of the sword! 】

(End of this chapter)

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