Chapter 148 Simulating Energy Shortage and Awakening Plan (5k)

"Finally, the human sword is complete..."

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, with a smile on his lips.

"There are only less than five years left in this simulation. It may not be realistic to break through to the Great Perfection of the Divine Transformation Stage..."

"But it's an unexpected surprise that I can cultivate the Human Sword perfectly. It will greatly improve my combat effectiveness!"

The human sword is perfected, the sword's power is understood, awakened, and even one person can fight two royal demon kings alone!
With such strength, against Zong Laogou, it is not only a sure shot, but also a nine out of ten chance.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After understanding the power of the sword, you did not stay long, but returned to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[Next, you did not slack off, but turned your attention to the earth sword among the three swordsmanship. 】

[The Earth Sword, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, if it can be cultivated to a great extent, it will be no problem to cross levels and fight against legendary powerhouses! 】

[But the cultivation of the Earth Sword is much more difficult than you think. Before, you just memorized the methods of practicing the Earth Sword by rote, but you couldn't understand the meaning. 】

[So you can only spend a lot of time to understand the cultivation of the Earth Sword. 】

[No. 20 For one year, you will spend four hours every day to kill enemies in the Demon Suppression Pass to relieve the pressure on the soldiers. In the remaining time, you try to understand the training essentials of the Earth Sword. 】

[Gradually, you understand some of the basics of the Earth Sword, and your swordsmanship further improves. 】

[No.20 In the second year, your understanding of the Earth Sword has gradually deepened. Although you have not started, you are no longer memorizing it by rote, but you can understand the mystery of the Earth Sword. 】

[No. 20 In three years, you used your sword to defend the enemy on the battlefield every day, and further deepened your understanding of the earth sword in actual combat. 】

[No. 20 In the fourth year, even though you take the essence of the Demon King's flesh and blood every day, your cultivation is still stuck at the ninth level of the divine power realm. You know that there is no hope of breakthrough, so you put more energy on the understanding of the Earth Sword. 】

[No. In the fifth year of No. 20, the situation at the Demon Suppression Pass is getting worse and worse, and more and more powerful humans have died in battle. But fortunately, you alone are worth dozens of Martial Emperor masters, so the Demon Suppression Pass is not in danger. 】

[You continue to understand the training essentials of the Earth Sword in actual combat, and finally absorb all the knowledge you memorized by rote before. Your understanding of the Earth Sword has been successfully introduced. 】

[In the same year, hundreds of legendary monsters attacked the Demon Suppression Pass. You tried your best and could only hold one back. In the end, the Demon Suppression Pass was broken and you died. 】

[Your soul left the body, but was immediately crushed by the legendary monster. 】

【Your talent is activated...】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief.

In this simulation, Su Xing did not choose to go to the killing battlefield to find out what happened, but chose to steadily improve his own strength.

After all, the killing battlefield is too dangerous, and with the strength now awakened, it is just a waste of effort.

At the very least, one must possess legendary level strength to be able to explore.

"Although I failed to break through to the Great Perfection of Divine Power, I have reached perfection with the Human Sword and have also successfully entered the Earth Sword, which is quite impressive!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Great Wisdom and Foolishness]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[Ten years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, priced at 50 energy.

[Ninth Level of Divine Power Realm Cultivation]: Body training cultivation, priced at 2000 million energy.

[Twenty years of fighting experience in the Demon Suppressing Pass]: Improve your actual combat ability and slightly improve your understanding of killing intent. The price is 20 million energy.

[Three Talents Sword Technique (Perfection of the Human Sword, Introduction to the Earth Sword)]: Contains some insights into the immortal-level sword cultivation technique "Three Talents Sword Technique", including the first stage of Perfection of the Human Sword and the introduction to the second stage of the Earth Sword. Can understand the power of the sword and sells for 3000 million energy.

Su Xing glanced at the reward list with a look of understanding on his face.

"Sure enough, can fighting experience be accumulated? Not only can it improve my actual combat ability, but it can also improve my understanding of killing intent in the future... As for the energy consumption required, it should be determined based on my improvement..."

Although he didn't know the use of continuing to improve the rudiment of killing intent, his awakening intuition told him that it would be of great use in the future.


Xing Xing's eyes looked at the rewards of the Three Talents Swordsmanship in the last column, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Is this three-talented sword technique actually a sword cultivation technique? Sure enough, what is said in the sword technique that if the Heavenly Sword is perfected, one can become a swordsman, it turns out to be true!"

Su Xing's eyes were a little excited, this was a sword cultivator!

The path that sword cultivation takes is different from refining the body and refining the energy, but the understanding of the sword!

But after reaching a certain level, sword cultivators can also kill immortals!
"Sword Immortal, among the immortals, he should be considered an extremely powerful existence, right?"

Su Xing nodded slightly, without much hesitation, and said silently:

"I choose to bring out my talent, great wisdom, and foolishness, as well as my three-talented swordsmanship practice!"

[You successfully brought out the purple talent of Great Wisdom and Foolishness, spending 100 million energy, and the remaining energy is 3793 million points. 】

[It was detected that you have the same type of talent and an idea came up, it is being replaced automatically...]

[You successfully brought out the three talents of swordsmanship (human sword perfection, earth sword introduction), spending 3000 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 793 million points. 】

The beep fell, and two mysterious forces fell into Su Xing's body.

The next second, many memory fragments appeared in my waking mind.

These memory fragments include the understanding of the human sword, reaching the perfection level!
At the same time, Su Xing gradually understood and understood the Earth Sword training part that he had previously remembered in his mind. Although he could not display it, he still had a deep understanding of the Earth Sword.

Afterwards, a mysterious aura rose up from Su Xing's body.

Sword power!

From a weak rudiment of sword power, he grew rapidly. In just a few breaths, Su Xing completely mastered the sword power!
In this way, after Su Xing closed his eyes for a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

"So that's it... the human sword is a sword used against the enemy. I have cultivated the power of the sword. With the sword in my hand, I have the momentum to move forward!"

"The Earth Sword, on the other hand, relies on the power of heaven and earth to penetrate the sword in your hand. Every move has infinite power!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

What he gained this time was beyond his imagination. Not only had he perfected the human sword, Su Xing also had a profound understanding of the earth sword.

Afterwards, Su Xing glanced at the Mo Bingjian at his waist, took it off from his waist, and held it in his hand. Suddenly, Su Xing felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

The spirit sword was unsheathed, and Su Xing's aura suddenly changed, and there was no wind around him.

This continued for several breaths, but Su Xing still didn't swing the sword in his hand.

"Damn, I almost couldn't help but slash out! If this sword were slashed, I'm afraid the entire mountain in Lingtian Blessed Land would be cut in half, right?"

Su Xing patted his chest with some fear.

Nowadays, Su Xing is no longer a newbie entering the world of immortality, and he knows a little bit about the origins of Lingtian Blessed Land.

This Lingtian Blessed Land is actually a relatively stable small world located in the turbulent flow of space.

This small world maintains a mysterious balance inside, which prevents it from being crushed by turbulent currents and is relatively stable.

With the strength of Su Xing, it is naturally impossible to destroy the space of Lingtian Blessed Land.

But in the blessed land of Lingtian, the mountains are just ordinary mountains. If Su Xing cuts them down with one sword, he will be in big trouble.

Not only was the spirit field destroyed, but even the spirit gathering array in the mountain would probably be damaged.

"Speaking of which... my cheap master, Qingyunzi's strength is truly unfathomable!"

Su Xing felt a little emotional and murmured:

"Even if the small world of Lingtian Blessed Land already exists... but if you want to stabilize it, capture its spatial coordinates, and open it up as a portable blessed land... This understanding of the power of the avenue and rules may have reached a very deep level. The situation!"

"Being able to possess such great power... I'm afraid only the legendary immortals can do it, right?"

Su Xing remembered that Qingyunzi once mentioned the words "Three Thousand Worlds".

Perhaps Qingyunzi is the kind of superpower who can travel between worlds?
"If they have my cheap master's methods, what do the monsters in the Demon Suppression Pass have to fear?"

Su Xing was a little envious for a moment, but then shook his head.

The simulator is an incredible opportunity.

Relying on this golden finger, as long as Su Xing is willing to survive and grow, it will only be a matter of time before he drives out the demon clan and surpasses Qingyunzi.

"Oh, although the simulator can improve your strength very quickly, the money spent is like water!"

"Now I only have less than 1000 million points of simulation energy left in my hand... I can't even afford the energy for the next simulation to break through and become a god!"

Su Xing did some calculations and found that he needed 3000 million points of energy to break through to the perfection of divine power.

As for the goods that the Tarot Chamber of Commerce can provide him in a week, the total energy value is just over 500 million. Counting the remaining millions of energy, it is still a long way from 3000 million!

Thinking of this, Su Xing frowned again and sighed:
"Oh, it's easier to make money by killing people and grabbing treasures!"

"I robbed the Black Dragon Guild before and got more than 1 million simulated energy in one fell swoop. If I save this by myself, how long will it last?" Su Xing felt helpless, wondering if he could go to the Black Dragon Guild again to play in the autumn wind.

But if you do this kind of thing too much, you will inevitably be found. If you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet?
At this moment, Su Xing suddenly thought of something and quickly took out two jade boxes from the storage ring.

Opening the jade box, a refreshing medicinal fragrance came.

Thousand-year-old ginseng and thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum!
"By the way, I almost forgot about this! The Baili Chamber of Commerce also has dungeon props worth hundreds of millions of energy!"

Su Xing's eyes were slightly bright.

In the previous simulation, he used a top-quality life-sustaining pill to obtain a large number of copy props from Bai Qi. That batch of copy props was probably worth hundreds of millions of simulation energy!
The only pity is that Su Xing was exposed after selling the life-sustaining pill, and ended up causing a lot of trouble.

But in a subsequent simulation, Su Xing tried to disguise himself and conduct transactions, but the Baili Chamber of Commerce put a locator in the batch of goods and discovered the clues.

"But! During the simulation, I don't have the ability to use the simulator... But in reality, as long as I exchange all those props into energy..."

"Hehe, how will you respond then? I don't believe it... the batch of goods is gone, how can you still find my location?"

After thinking for a moment, he began to think about the feasibility of trading with Baili.

Immediately, Su Xing came to a conclusion.


But some careful planning is required!
Su Xing thought for a while and took out a map of Daxia.

Kyoto City, located in the north of Daxia, is the political financial center in the north.

Guang Province, on the other hand, is in the southernmost part of Daxia, and the two places are more than 1 kilometers apart!

Su Xing looked at the map carefully and began to plan the route to Guangzhou.

"Well, if I rely on my cultivation to travel on my own and need to rest along the way, it may take two or three days to arrive... But in this case, a big living person flying in the sky will be too eye-catching..."

"But if you fly directly to Guangzhou, it will probably take about a day... But the problem is that flight information is easy to discover and leaves clues!"

Su Xing pointed at several cities on the map and quickly found the most stable way.

"Perhaps, we can first fly to a city near Guang Province, leaving a few hundred kilometers to go, and then use our bodies to travel. This is the most concealed way!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, put away the map, and looked at the medicinal materials in front of him.

"Then the next step is to refine the life-sustaining pill!"

Su Xing's heart moved, he took out the alchemy furnace and started refining the elixir.

The refining of life-sustaining elixirs is not difficult, and it is also considered simple among low-grade elixirs.

The difficulty is that medicinal materials are hard to find. These thousand-year-old ginseng, polygonum multiflorum and other medicinal materials are rare in the world.

Add medicinal materials, inject an appropriate amount of spiritual spring, and activate it with spiritual energy...

Within two hours, Su Xing had refined a round and attractive life-sustaining pill.

After the alchemy was finished, Su Xing opened the alchemy furnace and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"What a good luck! There are seven pills in total, among which there are three of the best life-sustaining pills!"

This life-extending pill is about the size of a dragon's eye, has a light green appearance, and exudes rich vitality.

Su Xing quickly took out a jade box and put the elixir in it to prevent the medicine from evaporating.

Afterwards, Su Xing spent another half an hour refining a batch of "Sound Changing Pill".

This voice-changing pill is just a cheap gadget, but its effect is to allow people to freely change their voice.

Even a man can make a female voice without any abnormality.

With the Voice Changing Pill, combined with the Breath Condensing Pill and the Disguise Pill, even if the King of Heaven comes, he still won't be able to discover Su Xing's identity!
After doing all this, Su Xing withdrew from Lingtian Paradise, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to buy a ticket to Fudong Province, which is the closest to Guangdong Province.

But after searching for a long time, I found that the air tickets from Kyoto City to Fudong Province had been sold out.

Su Xing was dumbfounded and sighed: "Damn, it's so dense and sparse!"

At this moment, a text message from Jin Congxue came from Su Xing's mobile phone.

"Boss, I'm going back to Jinling City~bye~"

After seeing this text message, Su Xing was moved and asked:
"How do you go back to Jinling City?"

Jin Congxue replied instantly: "Of course it's a private plane~ (wink.jpg)"

Sure enough, so inhumane!
Su Xing checked the air tickets from Jinling City to Fudong Province.

Sure enough, there is still a ticket for tonight!

So Su Xing replied to Jin Congxue:
"Wait a minute, I have something to do in Jinling City. Can I give you a ride?"

Jin Congxue quickly replied: "Okay! I'll wait for you~"

So Su Xing quickly packed up and headed to the place agreed with Jin Congxue.

The plane is taking off soon...

In the luxurious private jet, Jin Congxue was wearing homely pajamas, looking extremely lazy and seductive.

"Hey, big boss...what are you doing in Jinling City?"

Su Xing looked at Jin Congxue's seductive face, coughed twice, and thought it was better that Jin Congxue didn't know about it at this time, so he said:

"Ahem, it's nothing...just go and have fun..."

Jin Congxue knew that Su Xing was just perfunctory, so he rolled his eyes and didn't ask any more questions.

Along the way, Su Xing and Jin Congxue chatted every now and then, and their relationship heated up again.

Soon, the plane arrived at Jinling City. Su Xing and Jin Congxue said goodbye for a while and rushed to the airport without stopping.


A few hours later, Su Xing appeared in a mountain in Fudong Province.

Su Xing raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was just afternoon.

So Su Xing began to dress up in disguise, take the Disguise Pill, the Voice Changing Pill, and the Breath-Condensing Pill, and then relied on the special skills of the body-refining monk to slightly change his skeleton and height.

A few minutes later, Su Xing's appearance completely changed, and there was no trace of his original appearance at all.

After repeatedly confirming that there was nothing missing, Su Xing found the right direction and rushed to Guangzhou without stopping.

An hour later, Su Xing appeared outside Baili Mansion. Looking at the luxurious buildings in front of him, Su Xing felt a little emotional.

"As expected of a top chamber of commerce, a family with a history of thousands of years... Such an inhumane temperament!"

After a moment of emotion, Su Xing spread out his consciousness, and every move in Baili Mansion was instantly understood by Su Xing.

"Hiss, it is indeed a top chamber of commerce. I didn't expect that there are three powerful people at the level of the Martial Emperor lurking in Baili Mansion!"

Su Xing felt something in his heart, knowing that such top chambers of commerce have their own trump cards and support.

Martial Emperor level experts are almost at the peak of the human race's apparent combat power, and those above the legendary level will not take action easily.

And these Martial Emperors were obviously enshrined by the Baili Chamber of Commerce.

Either they were hired by private experts at a high price, or they were inherited and trained by themselves.

"Sure enough, none of the top chambers of commerce are simple!"

Su Xing sighed softly, and then began to look for the aura of the head of the Baili Mansion, Baili Qi.

A moment later, when he woke up in the deepest part of Baili Mansion, he found an aura of decay and the end of his life.

"Hmm...Looking at this aura, he should have lived for more than 500 years. His death is approaching, and he must have taken a lot of life-extending drugs...that's why he survived until today?"

"This must be Baili Tu!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he sneaked into the house quietly and rushed towards Bailitu's location.

Soon, Su Xing rushed outside Bailitu's room, bypassed the two king-level guards, and easily sneaked into the house.

Looking at the old man lying on the bed, who was as angry as a silk, with all the oil and lamp dried up, Su Xing thought to himself:

"This should be the current head of the Baili family, Baili Tu, right?"

Just when Su Xing was about to take the lead and negotiate a deal with Baili Tu.

Unexpectedly, the exhausted Baili Tu suddenly opened his eyes, and a weak voice reached Su Xing's ears.

"I wonder if senior doesn't come here in person...what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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