Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 149 Breaking into the mansion alone, the first person among legends!

Chapter 149 Breaking into Baili Mansion alone, No. 1 among legends! (5k)

Su Xing's heart trembled after hearing this.

Sure enough, there is no simple thing to become the mastermind behind a top chamber of commerce.

This Baili Tu obviously looked like he was running out of gas, but he still had some skills to detect the coming of his awakening.

Su Xing didn't act rashly, he just looked at Baili Tu quietly.

Being intruded into the bedroom by a strange strong man, Baili Tu did not panic.

He just sat up from the bed with great effort, looked at Su Xing and said:

"Why are you here?"

"If it's for money, my Baili family has quite a lot of wealth. I'm willing to sponsor you a sum of money. I believe you will be satisfied!"

"But if it's for the life of the little old man... Not to mention that I'm already dead, I don't need you to take action... Besides, our Baili family also has experts. If you break into my bedroom, I, the Baili family, must already know... …”

After a pause, Bailitu said with a hint of threat in his tone.

"If you retreat now, it's still too late... Otherwise, even if you kill me, one for one, you may not be able to make money..."

Su Xing remained silent after hearing this, but secretly marveled at Bailitu's courage.

After a moment of silence, Su Xing uttered a word.

"I'm here for a deal..."

Bailitu's frown slightly relaxed when he heard this, and he asked:
"Why are you trading?"

Su Xing didn't say anything. He just flicked his finger and a green pill fell into Bailitu's hands.

When the life-sustaining pill fell into Bailitu's hands, Bailitu's face changed slightly, and an exciting red appeared on his originally pale face!

Although Bailitu didn't know the life-extending pill, Bailitu could tell just from the rich vitality in this pill that it was a life-extending pill!
And he, Baili Tu, only has a few days left to live. This life-extending pill is a truly priceless treasure to him. How can he not be excited?
"This...could this be a life-extending elixir!?"

Bailitu was no longer as calm as before, and his tone was filled with excitement.

Su Xing nodded slightly and said concisely:
"This is a life-sustaining pill that can extend your life for five years!"

"What, five years of life!?" After hearing this, Baili Tu's eyes burst out with unprecedented longing.

As the head of the Baili family, Bailitu has a lot of resources and connections. He has used many life-extending props over the years.

This ranges from months to years of life extension.

However, most of these props will become more resistant the more they are used.

Baili Tu was a king-level expert, but he lived for more than 550 years and had used almost all the life-extending items he could find.

But he still failed to break through to the Martial Emperor level, so he felt despair and waited for death.

At this moment, a life-extending pill that extends his life for five years is an absolute surprise to him. Even if he breaks through to the Martial Emperor level within these five years, he will have hundreds more years to live.

Thinking of this, Bailitu actually swallowed the life-extending pill directly.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after seeing him, why was Baili Tu eating so randomly?

So Su Xing said doubtfully:

"Aren't you afraid that this is poison? Just swallow it?"

After hearing this, Bailitu's face trembled with laughter, and he said:

"Haha, I look like this now, do you need any more poison?"

"Besides, if senior wants to harm me, why bother taking out the elixir?"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, secretly thinking that this old man did have some courage.

So he turned around and asked: "Then if you swallowed this life-extending pill in advance, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to pay the price I want?"

After hearing this, Baili Tu laughed and said:

"Senior, I dare not say anything else...but the Baili family is quite wealthy, and the Baili Chamber of Commerce is also among the top five chambers of commerce in the entire Daxia Kingdom..."

"No matter what you want, is it precious equipment, countless money? Or power, beauty... I can satisfy you!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly after hearing this, and said:
"No, I don't want any of these! I want the replica props that your son Bailiqi has collected over the years!"

After hearing this, Baili Tu seemed to have not heard clearly and said in disbelief:
"Senior, what are you talking about? You mean...you want those useless dungeons?"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, "That's right! I want those dungeon garbage!"

After Bailitu confirmed it, a strange look appeared on his face. Obviously, he didn't expect Su Xing's request to be so strange.

After all, it’s not without reason that dungeon props are called “dungeon trash”.

Although there are some unrealistic low-level adventurers who hope to pick up shocking treasures from the dungeon trash, this kind of thing may not happen even once in hundreds of years.

Pure and pure is lower than the probability of winning the [-] million lottery jackpot.

Even Bailitu scolded Bailiqi a lot because of Bailiqi's eccentric habits.

But what Baili Tu never expected was that one day, his life would be saved by Baili Tu's weird collecting habit.

Just when Bailitu was surprised, his body began to change rapidly.

The life-sustaining pill has taken effect!

I saw that Baili Tu, who was still exhausted, suddenly began to gain strength, and his wrinkled skin gradually became smooth. In just a few minutes, he looked more than ten years younger, and even his spirits improved a lot. .

Bailitu quickly noticed the subtle changes on his body, and his face showed a look of ecstasy.

So he quickly asked: "Senior, when will our transaction begin?"

Su Xing heard this and whispered: "The sooner the better!"

After hearing this, Bailitu nodded and said as if asking for Su Xing's opinion: "Then, should I inform Quanzi to come over now?"

Su Xing nodded slightly.

Soon, Baili Tu summoned Bailiqi, and with Bailiqi, there were several middle-aged men with strong auras.

The three Martial Emperors from the Baili Chamber of Commerce are all here!

"Father, father, how are you? This gangster didn't do anything to you, right?"

I saw a man who was as fat as a ball rolling and crawling into the bedroom, and then protected Baili Tu behind him.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw the fat man. Apparently he didn't expect that Baili Qi would look like this.

Wearing short-sleeves with anime characters printed on them and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he is less than 1.7 meters tall but weighs at least [-] kilograms!

"Damn it, does this really look like a fat house?"

Su Xing complained secretly in his heart.

However, after Baili Tu confirmed that Baili Tu was fine, he waved his hand directly.

Immediately, a Martial King-level priest stepped forward and without any explanation, punched Su Xing.

Su Xing narrowed his eyes when he saw it, and without any hesitation, he also punched him.

In an instant, a loud noise like a landslide spread throughout the entire Baili Mansion.

The aftermath of the fist fight knocked all the tables and chairs in the room away.

After the punch was over, the strong Martial Emperor groaned, stepped back dozens of steps, and fell directly into the yard before reluctantly stopping.

On the other hand, when he woke up, he only took a half step back without changing his expression.


"Presumptuous! This is Baili Mansion, how can I stop you from doing whatever you want?"

The other two Martial Emperors immediately went berserk and seemed about to attack Su Xingqun.

For a moment, the atmosphere was tense.

At this moment, Bailitu scolded:

"How dare you! Stand down! This senior is my friend, how can he not allow you to do such things?"

After saying that, Bailitu slapped Bailiqi's chubby face and cursed:

"You're such a traitor, why did you attack your senior without any reason?"

"Quickly apologize to senior!"

After hearing this, Baili Qi did not defend himself, but directly saluted Su Xing and said sincerely:
"Senior, I was concerned about my father for a moment and almost made a big mistake. Please punish me, senior!"

When Su Xing saw the father and son, one was a good guy and the other was a bad guy, they were putting on a good show. He didn't expose it, he just sneered and said:

"Haha, it's almost time to test it, right?"

"It's time we get to the point! Where is what I want?"

After hearing this, Bailiqi showed a look of embarrassment on his face, while Bailitu was obviously thicker-skinned and just said:
"Senior, I will ask Quanzi to take you to get what you want!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and stood aside, waiting quietly.

Su Xing knew that without his father's signal, Bai Qi wouldn't have been able to let the powerful Martial Emperor take action directly.

In Su Xing's mind, Bailitu probably had two meanings in doing this.

On the first level, if Su Xing is strong enough, Bailitu really has no confidence in keeping Su Xing.

Then the deal discussed before will naturally count. Baili Tu will politely give those dungeon props, and even try to win over Su Xing in every possible way.

On the second level, if the awakening strength is not as good as that of the Martial Emperor, then Bailitu may turn against him on the spot.

Not only do they want to take down Su Xing, they even want the secret of the life-renewing pill in Su Xing’s hand!
After all, this elixir can prolong life for five years, how could Baili Tu not be tempted?
The simple fight just now was actually a game between Su Xing and Bailitu.

Bailitu relied on his sophisticated vision and wealth, while Su Xing relied on his confidence in his own strength!

Under the legend, he is invincible, and that is no joke!Getting back to the topic, Bailitu said happily to Bailiqi:
"Good boy, this senior values ​​your replica props. Why don't you give all your crappy stuff to senior!"

Bailiqi, who was smiling happily just a second ago, immediately turned into a frown upon hearing this, and put on a mask of pain.

He glanced at Su Xing quietly, and then whispered in Bailitu's ear:

"Dad, otherwise we won't stop doing anything and just kill him. In this way, not only will we get benefits, but I won't have to lose my treasures..."

After Bailitu heard this, he became very angry. This time he was really angry and slapped Bailitu on the face, almost knocking off his front teeth.

Bailitu then scolded:

"You rebellious son, why don't you go and present all those dungeon props?"

After hearing this, Bailiqi suddenly felt aggrieved and wanted to defend himself:
"Dad, I have worked hard to collect these treasures for more than 20 years... I just gave them away like this. I won't be willing to give them away!"

Seeing that the father and son were about to quarrel, Su Xing felt moved and stood aside to watch the show.

As expected, Bailitu's old face was already red with anger, and he yelled:

"Unfilial son, you unfilial son!"

"Which is more important, your junk copies, or your life? It's up to you!"

After hearing Bailitu's reprimand, Bailiqi actually showed a look of hesitation on his face, as if he was really thinking about whether his treasures or his father's life was more important.

When Bailitu saw this scene, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He slapped him several times before scolding him:
"Don't go soon!"

Bailiqi still didn't move, and even stiffened his neck and said:

"Dad, you have lived for more than 500 years, so you have almost lived enough!"

"But the child only lived for more than 50 years. Those treasures are half my life's work!"

Bailitu: "..."

Seeing that neither father nor son wanted to back down, Su Xing finally couldn't help it anymore and whispered:
"If Mr. Baili doesn't want to give up, I can just give you half of the treasure!"

After Bailiqi heard this, his face looked much better, and he gave his father a proud look.

Then he saluted Su Xing and said:

"Senior, I'll take you to get those treasures right now... Ahem, I agreed in advance! I'll only give you half!"

Although Su Xing was laughing so hard in his heart, he still looked cold on the surface and said:

Soon, Su Xing and Bai Qi walked towards the warehouse where the replica props were stored.

After the two left, Bailitu had a stern expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a moment of silence, Bailitu suddenly shouted:
"Afu, come here!"

"Master, what are your orders?"

The Martial Emperor who had sparred with Su Xing before came over and asked in a deep voice.

Bailitu asked:

"Afu, that mysterious man just now, what do you think of his strength?"

Ah Fu was silent for a moment, then stretched out his right hand to roll up his sleeve.

I saw that Ah Fu's entire right hand was red and swollen, he could hardly make a fist, and his entire arm was bent strangely.

Afu said:

"Master, that senior... his strength is unfathomable! Our Baili family must not make an enemy of him!"

"With just one punch, my right arm is considered useless. It won't heal at all if it doesn't take a year and a half!"

"Besides, I have a hunch...that senior may not have used his full strength yet!"

After Baili Tu heard this, he became even more silent.

This Ah Fu is an old man from the Baili family. He has lived for more than 500 years, and his strength has already reached the stage of Empress Wu.

He is a powerful Martial Emperor trained by the Baili family themselves, and is also the strongest among the three Martial Emperors.

And this Ah Fu is also a strength professional, and his strongest point is his physical fitness.

But even so, in the fight between Ah Fu and Su Xing just now.

Ah Fu took the lead and gained the upper hand, but was still defeated by Su Xing's move and even lost one of his arms.

This shows how powerful Awakening is!

After a long silence, Bailitu murmured:

"Oh, what a pity...when did such a strong person appear again in our country of Great Xia?"

"Defeating Queen Wu Qi with one punch, with such strength... I'm afraid it's not far from becoming a legend!"

Bailitu knew Ah Fu's strength, and because of this, he became increasingly frightened by Su Xing's strength.

"If our Baili family can make good friends with such strong men, I'm afraid we can keep the Baili family alive for another thousand years!"

Bailitu sighed, but then his face turned dark again when he thought of his unfulfilled son.

"After this episode is over, I must find a way to win over this mysterious powerful man. Even if he can't be used by me... I must try my best to make friends with him!"

Bailitu murmured.

On the other side, Su Xing followed Bai Qi to a warehouse.

Opening the warehouse door, Su Xing was quickly shocked by the contents of the warehouse.

The warehouse is more than ten meters high and hundreds of square meters, filled with various shelves.

On the shelves, there are all kinds of strange replica props. Each one seems to have been carefully cleaned, and even the placement is particular, making it pleasing to the eye.

Su Xing scanned it for a while, then frowned slightly.

"That's not right! The dungeon props in this warehouse... seem to be many, but they are actually not many. They are even about the same as Jin's Trading Company's output in half a year, right?"

"Could these be the replica props that Bai Qi has collected for decades?"

Su Xing estimated that the entire warehouse of props was worth about [-] million energy in total.

If divided in half, that would only be 5000 million.

Su Xing thought so, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

At this moment, Bailiqi said with some pride:
"Senior, look! The things in this warehouse are all the treasures I have collected over the years!"

Su Xing frowned slightly when he heard this and said, "This is all you have collected in these years?"

When Bai Qi heard this, he waved his hand and said:
"How can that be possible? These are only one tenth of them!"

Having said that, Baili took a few steps forward and opened a secret compartment, which contained hundreds of storage rings.

Bailiqi said:
"Senior, these are all my treasures! I agreed in advance that you can only take half!"

After that, Baili counted more than 50 storage rings and handed them to Su Xing.

Su Xing was not polite. After some inspection, he moved all the storage rings and put them into the blessed land of the spiritual field.

At this point, the corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly.

"Now that the deal has been reached, I won't stay."

After that, Su Xing was ready to leave.

After walking out of Baili Mansion, Baili Tu's shout came from behind Su Xing.

"Senior, senior, please stay!"

I saw Bailitu and several Martial Emperors chasing him out, and he regained consciousness and slowed down a little.

Baili Tu hurriedly said: "Senior, can you tell me that I saved my life... I, Baili, should serve you with a big banquet!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:

"No need, the deal has been concluded, then it's time for me to leave!"

After saying that, Su Xing jumped up and prepared to leave.

Behind him, Bailitu shouted loudly:

"Senior, are there any opportunities for us to cooperate again in the future? How should I contact you?"

Su Xing didn't look back, his voice echoed in the air.

"You guys are just collecting dungeon props. When the time is right, I will appear!"

After Su Xing said this, he stopped staying, turned around and disappeared into the distance.

Seeing Su Xing leave, Bailitu felt a little sad and sighed.

"Alas, this senior is unfathomable... If we can't form a good relationship with him, it will be a great loss to my Baili family!"

Seeing Bailitu looking sad.

Bailiqi laughed secretly and said:
"Father, let me tell you something..."

"In order to prevent someone from stealing my treasure, I put locating props in each storage ring. We, maybe we can know where the senior lives and what his identity is!"

After hearing Bai Qi's words, Baili Tu's eyes lit up and he asked quickly:

"Is this true?"

"Hahaha, you unfilial son, after all these years, you finally did something reliable!"

(End of this chapter)

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