Chapter 150 Five hundred million energy, from the legendary assassination! (5k)

The words are divided into two parts.

On the other side, after Su Xing left Baili Mansion, he rushed to Fudong Province non-stop overnight.

After confirming that no one was following him, Su Xing decisively entered the Lingtian Blessed Land.

Taking out the large number of storage rings, Su Xing whispered excitedly:
"How much energy are these so many dungeon props worth!?"

Su Xing took out a storage ring and said silently in his heart:
"Exchange it into simulated energy!"

[Ding, a substance containing energy has been detected, with a total value of 987 million points of energy. Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing said decisively, and then took out another ring.

[Ding, energy-containing substances have been detected, worth a total of 1203 million points of energy. Do you want to absorb them? 】

[Ding, it has been detected that it contains... a total of 857 million points worth of energy. Do you want to absorb it? 】

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Su Xing kept taking out the ring, along with the ring and replica props, and exchanged them all for simulated energy.

"Hehe, I even absorbed the storage ring for you. How do you find me?"

Su Xing smiled. In the next few minutes, Su Xing saw the energy of the simulation panel soar.

"How much energy is there, exactly?"

After all the exchanges, Su Xing looked at the energy on the simulation panel and started to giggle.

"One...ten...hundreds, thousands...billions!"

A total of 8000 million points of energy!
"My dear, this much energy is completely enough for me to improve my Qi refining cultivation to the perfection of God Transformation!"

Su Xing's eyes were filled with excitement.

Obviously, after gaining so much energy, Su Xing will no longer have to worry about lack of energy for a while.

At the same time, with the support of so much energy, Su Xing's strength will surely make even greater progress!
After exchanging the energy, Su Xing repeatedly confirmed that he was not being tracked and that there were no loopholes left, and then he flew back to Kyoto from Fudong Province overnight.

After arriving at the familiar dormitory, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

I looked at the time and saw that it took about three days to wake up.

"Hey, even though I became rich overnight, I can't forget my original intention!"

"The long-lasting flow of water is the last word!"

After waking up and transforming into the Liver Emperor, he immediately got into the spiritual field and prepared to refine the elixir after returning to the dormitory.

Soon, a few days passed. Due to time constraints, Su Xing only refined three thousand pills.

Jin Congxue did not return to Kyoto this week. Su Xing took the goods for the new week and returned to Lingtian Paradise, preparing to start a new round of simulation.

On the afternoon of June 2024, 6 in the new era, Su Xing started the second simulation of No. 24 on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 4200 energy points, with 5 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Damn it, who are you looking down on? I have [-] million energy now, so why don't you give me the purple talent?"

Su Xing snorted coldly, looking like I was rich.

However, reality dealt a painful blow to Su Xing.

[Ding, unlocking the golden talent lottery function requires a total energy amount of one billion, and it takes [-] million energy to unlock it...]

After hearing the simulator's beep, Su Xing's face turned black on the spot.

"Damn, what the hell? With golden quality, the total amount of energy required to unlock it reaches one billion?"

Su Xing almost fainted on the spot, this was one billion energy.

Do you have to save up until the Year of the Monkey to wake up?
With a sad look on his face, Su Xing murmured:

"Forget it, I suddenly felt that the purple talent is pretty good too...extract the purple talent!"

[Congratulations on getting the purple talent: Lucky Star! 】

[Lucky star shines brightly]: Your luck is far beyond ordinary people. You are one of the lucky ones. You don’t need to look at the almanac when you go out. You often get lucky. You can win eight out of ten times when you buy lottery tickets. Even if you do nothing, Just eat and wait to die, and the goddess of luck will favor you.

Su Xing's eyes lit up after seeing the newly drawn talent.

Good guy, it’s another luck-based talent!

And compared to the blue talent of good luck, the purple quality of luck talent is obviously more powerful!

"My dear, I want to stay lucky all the way to the end!"

"I just don't know how big of an improvement a lucky star is compared to a continuous stream of good luck?"

There was some expectation in Su Xing's eyes.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You are in a good mood and decide to reward yourself with a meal of fried rice with fried eggs. 】

[Pa, you cracked an egg, it’s a double yolk egg! 】

[Bang, bang... You hit seven eggs in a row, all of which were double yolks. You knew this was the magical effect brought to you by your new talent, and you almost smiled crookedly. 】

[You continue to refine elixirs in the Lingtian Blessed Land. Your luck is particularly good. A full third of the elixirs you refine in a week are top-quality elixirs! 】

[A week later, you and Jin Congxue meet,]

[Jin Congxue brings you good news. She tells you that she has successfully obtained the contracting rights for a copy of the mining area. 】

[We are currently recruiting mining professionals. Mining can officially start in a month at most, and there will be a steady stream of exotic metals produced. 】

[You felt very good after hearing this, so you continued to go back to refine the elixir. 】

Su Xing saw the corner of his mouth raised slightly and said:

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed a purple talent!"

"With this auspicious star shining brightly, the effect is much stronger than good luck, isn't it? Can it even affect business luck?"

Su Xing remembered that Jin Congxue said that it would take at least one or two months to obtain the mining rights for the copy of the mining area, but he did not expect that it would be done in less than a month.

Presumably the auspicious stars are at work.

"Tsk, tsk, as expected, luck-related talents are all god-level talents!"

Su Xing was looking forward to the next simulation and looked at the simulation panel.

[Next, as always, you are ready to join the Adventist Cult and obtain the Adventist Cult’s treasure house. 】

[You went to Shuangqing City. You were very lucky. You met Zong Laogou in just three days. 】

[After that, you had a deal with Zong Laogou and successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[Because of the recommendation of Zong Laogou, with your strength, you directly became an elder, and the Advent Sect promised to make you a protector as soon as possible. 】

[But you don’t care about this. As always, you pretend to be brothers with Zong Laogou. In fact, you secretly contacted Luo Shuying, and with Luo Shuying’s help, you obtained a large number of elixirs. 】

[In the next two years, you kept a low profile in the Advent Cult and saved up pills. 】

[You are very lucky. The probability of refining top-quality elixirs has increased a lot. For elixirs such as Yangyuan Pill and Fu-Refining Pill, you can guarantee a [-]% rate of top-quality elixirs. 】

[In the third year, you felt that the time was ripe, so you took Luo Shuying to diagnose the Advent Sect. 】

[You fled to the Daxia military. The Adventist Sect could only temporarily give up the pursuit of you and set its sights on Zong Laogou. 】

[So Zong Laogou embarked on his escape career again. 】

[After joining the Great Xia military, you take out the elixirs you have accumulated over the years. Because of the high rate of top-quality elixirs, the Great Xia Kingdom has more than 7 master-level experts and more than 800 heavenly kings. , even the Martial Emperor has more than seventy more powerful men. 】

[Afterwards, you decide to go to the Demon Suppression Pass as soon as possible to improve your strength through a large amount of the demon emperor’s flesh and blood essence. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"The simulation energy is enough now. Next, we should break through to the perfection of divine power as soon as possible!"

The last simulation of Su Xing failed to break through to the perfection of divine power due to lack of time.

But this time, as long as he enters the Demon Suppression Pass in advance and kills the royal demon emperor in the Demon Suppression Pass as soon as possible, he will be able to obtain higher-level flesh and blood essence, thereby breaking through to the perfection of divine power!

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fourth year, you joined the Demon Suppression Pass and made your name in the Demon Suppression Pass in just one year. 】

[In one year, you killed more than ten demon kings and hundreds of demon kings. Your swordsmanship is so superb that you are known as No. 1 among the legends of the Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[But you are still not satisfied, because your reputation is only loud in the Demon Suppression Pass, but it has not spread to the Demon Clan. 】

[So, you did not hide your strength at all, and your performance on the battlefield became more and more outstanding. 】

[In the fifth year, you killed nearly twenty demon kings in one year, and there were countless demon kings. 】【The murderous aura in you is so strong that even low-level monsters dare not approach you. Even the Demon King and Demon Emperor do not want to confront you. 】

[You have successfully spread your reputation among the demon clan. 】

[In the same year, you got your wish and encountered a challenge from the Demon King of the Liexi Clan. 】

[You deliberately hid your strength, fought with him for a day and a night, and then spared his life. 】

[Tell him, the Royal Demon King is nothing but trash! 】

[This move of yours successfully aroused a huge response from the demon clan. 】

[In the past few months, there have been three royal demon kings challenging you, but you were not polite, accepted them all, and killed them all. 】

[In the sixth year, because you have sufficient high-quality demon emperor flesh and blood essence, your strength increases rapidly, and your body refining skills become increasingly sophisticated. 】

[You didn’t do anything to catch the fish. When you faced those royal monsters, you didn’t kill every one. Instead, you chose to kill one and let the other go. 】

[Because you know that only in this way will there be a steady stream of royal monsters coming to challenge you. 】

[In the seventh year, as you expected, there will be an endless stream of royal monsters challenging you. 】

[Because there are many royal demon kings who escaped with their lives by luck, they will think that those royal demon kings who died in your hands were just weak in strength. 】

[And this is exactly what you want. You seem to have kept the royal demon king in captivity. As long as there is no shortage of meat essence, you will kill two of them. 】

[In one year, you killed seven royal demon kings and obtained a large amount of flesh and blood essence from the royal demon kings. Your strength is not far from the eighth level of the divine power realm. 】

[In the eighth year, more and more royal demon kings challenge you. 】

[They are even proud to escape from you, because this proves that they are strong enough. 】

[And you are also happy like this, knowing that only in this way can you steadily harvest the essence of the Demon King's flesh and blood. 】

[In the same year, your cultivation finally broke through and you became an eighth-level monk in the divine power realm! 】

Su Xing was overjoyed to see this.

Sure enough, just as he expected, those royal demon kings had mysterious origins, but they loved fighting.

Su Xing's plan of fishing for law enforcement really worked, and a steady stream of flesh and blood essence came to his door.

"This is only the eighth year that I have broken through to the eighth level of the Divine Power Realm... It seems that it is not difficult to break through to the Great Perfection of the Divine Power Realm this time!"

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the ninth year, you still maintained the plan of killing one and releasing one. In one year, you were able to kill more than ten royal demon kings and harvest a large amount of flesh and blood essence. Your body refining strength steadily improved. 】

[In the tenth year, as your fame grows, the Royal Demon King who comes to challenge you becomes stronger and stronger. 】

[But for you, it is just a little more effort. No matter how powerful these royal demon kings are, they are still far behind you. 】

[Gradually, you discover that the energy contained in the flesh and blood essence of the royal demon king is also different. 】

[Although there is not much difference in the energy contained, you secretly guess that this may be related to the purity of the blood of the demon clan. 】

[This year, you killed more than ten royal demon kings, and your strength further improved. 】

[No. 13, over the years, the number of royal demon kings that have fallen into your hands has been close to one hundred and eighty. 】

[Gradually, the number of demon kings who come to challenge you is getting smaller and smaller. You know this is because there are too many deaths, and these royal demon kings have also learned to be smart. 】

[But fortunately, two stupid green demon kings come to challenge you every now and then. You still have enough flesh and blood essence. 】

[In No. 14, in addition to fighting every day, you practice training. Although the days are boring, the improvement in strength is visible to the naked eye. 】

[Your body training level is getting higher and higher. You can feel that you are not far from the ninth level of the divine power realm. 】

[In No. 15, with the protection of sufficient flesh and blood essence, you finally broke through and became a ninth-level monk in the realm of divine power! 】

[But what makes you a little troubled is that the royal demon king challenges you less and less, and the flesh and blood essence you have saved before is no longer enough. 】

[In desperation, you can only use the provoking method. You threaten that the royal demon kings are just novices. Even if you beat two demon emperors one by one, it will be no problem! 】

[Your provoking method took effect successfully, and the demon tribe that had been silent became active again, and at the same time they were extremely angry. 】

[You are on the monster clan’s bounty list, and there are even legendary monster clans who want to assassinate you. 】

[But you don’t care at all, you just want to get more flesh and blood essence and break through to the perfection of divine power as soon as possible. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing chuckled and shook his head:
"Oh, I'm really a slut in the simulation, I'm really not afraid of death!"

"One person can fight two royal demon kings alone. It may not be possible at the ninth level of ordinary divine power... but I have understood the power of the sword, so it must not be a problem!"

Su Xing was a little envious of himself in the simulator, where he could completely let himself go.

It's not like waking up in reality. He is obviously very strong, but he can only choose to remain silent.

"Alas, when I am strong enough to suppress everything in the world, I will have to be a good person to show my sage!"

Su Xing thought to himself, looking at the simulation panel.

[In No. 16, your provocation method successfully took effect. 】

[In less than two months, two royal demon emperors will challenge you. You fight with these two royal demon emperors for a day and a night, and finally kill the two demon emperors under their horses, harvesting a large amount of flesh and blood essence. 】

[Later, you even released news that these royal demon kings are not strong enough at all, and you are eager for more valuable opponents! 】

[Your behavior completely angered the demon clan. In a short period of time, dozens of royal demon kings lined up to challenge you. 】

[You were almost overjoyed, but you didn’t refuse, just accepted the order! 】

[This year, you killed dozens of demon kings and harvested a large amount of flesh and blood essence. 】

[After you have enough flesh and blood essence, you are not in a hurry to kill these royal demon kings, but are obsessed with practicing every day. 】

[In No. 17, your actions were resented by the demon clan. In this year, you were assassinated many times by human spies, advent traitors, etc. 】

[Fortunately, you have superior strength and are protected by Luo Shuying, so you are fine. 】

[In this way, in the next few years, you kept a low profile. Apart from practicing every day, you only killed enemies on the wall of Zhenyao Pass to speed up the digestion of flesh and blood essence. 】

[In No. 20, after three years of silence, what you didn’t expect was that a legendary monster was eyeing you! 】

[That day, you were standing on the wall of the Demon Suppression Pass facing the enemy as always. Just as you were killing a demon king with one sword, a black shadow came out of the shadows. 】

[This black shadow was so fast that you didn’t react at all. The sharp claws scratched across your chest. In an instant, blood and flesh flew everywhere, revealing wounds deep enough to show the bones. 】

[Seeing that one move failed to kill you, the legendary monster was a little surprised, and then it stretched out its sharp claws to grab you. 】

[In a critical moment, you can only grit your teeth and swing your sword, barely forcing the legendary powerhouse back. 】

[When you were about to escape, you found that the wound was decaying rapidly, and you were almost unable to stand due to a sense of dizziness. 】

[Before passing out, you saw Luo Shuying's anxious expression. 】

[When you wake up again, you are lying on the hospital bed, with Jin Congxue and Luo Shuying standing next to you. 】

[Your condition is not very good, but fortunately you are not in danger of life. 】

[Luo Shuying tells you that he has been in a coma for more than a month, and the legendary monster that attacked at the beginning was from the Shadow Clan! 】

[Luo Shuying tells you that the Shadow Clan is one of the ten royal families among the Monster Clan. They are good at assassination and concealment, and have the ability to shuttle between shadows. 】

[Furthermore, the claws of the Shadow Clan are extremely poisonous, and ordinary Martial Emperors would almost die if they touched them. 】

[But you miraculously survived. 】

[Later, Luo Shuying handed you a ring, and she told you that the legendary shadow clan had been killed by her and the legendary strongman in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[And Luo Shuying knew that you needed the flesh and blood essence, so she froze the flesh and blood essence of the legendary shadow clan, which is now in this ring. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing frowned but quickly relaxed.

"The demon there any royal clan above the hundred royal clans?"

"I'm afraid, those royal families are the real strong ones and elites among the demon clan!"

Su Xing knew in his heart that the legendary Shadow Clan was absolutely powerful.

The reason why Su Xing was able to withstand the attacks of the Shadow Clan was not only because of the physical strength of the body-refining monks.

More importantly, the talent of awakening, the descendants of Shennong!

A descendant of Shennong, he has a talent for farming, but he has a rare poison resistance effect. I am afraid it is this precious poison resistance that saved Su Xing's life!
"Oh, as expected, people still can't be too arrogant!"

Su Xing sighed and said:

"Even if I am already at the ninth level of divine power in the simulation and am invincible to a real legend, if I encounter a legendary monster that sacrifices my life to assassinate me, I will probably have a narrow escape!"

"Fortunately, it's the Shadow Clan who came. If one of the other legendary beasts had torn me alive, I would have been really dead!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but then the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

“However, the stronger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish will be!”

"The flesh and blood essence of the legendary monster beast...hiss, it should be enough for me to break through to the perfection of the divine power realm, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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