Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 152: The secret of breaking the virtual realm, the blessed land ascends to the cave heaven!

Chapter 152: The secret of breaking the virtual realm, the blessed land ascends to the cave heaven! (5k)

Su Xing's heart moved when she saw this.

The state of mind is a mysterious and mysterious thing.

For ordinary people, it seems normal to have a poor mood, that is, a poor ability to resist setbacks, or a poor personality.

But for monks, state of mind is crucial.

The higher the state of mind, the smaller the probability of birthing inner demons, and the smoother the practice, with many benefits.

"I didn't expect that a classmate dinner could actually improve my mood..."

Su Xing was a little surprised and carefully recalled what he had experienced in the past few years.

From being the favored one in the beginning, to being unable to level up and being looked down upon later on.

And now, Su Xing has reached the pinnacle of the human race in less than a year.

Such encounters in life really touched Su Xing a lot.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After a hangover, you met your class teacher Liu Xiaodong the next day. 】

[His attitude is very bad, but he has no excuse for you. You successfully repeated the grade and still stayed in Kyoto Academy. 】

【Being a student can avoid a lot of trouble for you, and the school is safe enough. 】

[One day, you saved your Dazhi status in advance and went to the Luotian Conference copy, ready to explore the secrets of the Void-Breaking Realm. 】

[You successfully entered the Luotian Conference instance. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, which lasted 24 hours, cost 240 million energy points, and left 4 million energy points.]

As the beep sound of the simulator fell, Su Xing's vision changed, and then he appeared in the familiar Luotian Sect.

"Good disciple, please pick up your Uncle Shennong to attend the Luotian Conference..."

The familiar conversation of Great Elder Niu Rulie came to my ears.

Su Xing first accepted the extra memory fragments in his mind.

"Huh? This time, my identity has not changed. I am still Niu Rulie's disciple... but my status in Luotian Sect seems to have improved again!"

"The great elder's personal disciple, a monk who has achieved the perfection of divine power before he is a hundred years old...is expected to become the Holy Son?"

Su Xing felt something in his heart.

Speaking of which, this copy of the Luotian Conference is really wonderful. Every time Su Xing comes in, there will be some subtle changes.

But the date has always stayed on the day when the Luotian Conference was launched...

"There must be secrets hidden in this copy of the Luotian Conference that I don't know about!"

Su Xing secretly wondered in his heart, why was an infinite loop of copies born?
What secrets are hidden in this?
Su Xing was interested in exploring, but that was not the purpose of his visit this time.

So Su Xing saluted Niu Rulie, but instead of immediately looking for Shennong Youtian, he asked Niu Rulie:

"Master, my disciple's cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of the Divine Power Realm. I would like to ask you some secrets about the Void-Breaking Realm!"

This time, Niu Rulie did not let Su Xing go to Shennong Youtian first.

On the contrary, after hearing Su Xing's words, Niu Rulie nodded happily and said:

"You are indeed my good disciple. Maybe you can really get the position of the Holy Son!"

"Now that you have reached the Great Perfection of Divine Power Realm through body training, you are only one step away from breaking the void. Do you know what the breaking of the void is?"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. He was no longer a newbie entering the world of immortality. He had heard a lot about it.

So he said:

"Breaking the illusory realm is to prove the Tao with force and break the illusory realm!"

Niu Rulie nodded after hearing this and said:

"Yes, I can defeat all laws with my strength! This is also my ability as a body-refining monk to live in this world!"

"Then do you know that compared to the realm of divine power, the power of monks in the Breaking Void Realm has not been horribly improved, so why can they be able to defeat all magic with one force?"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized something and blurted out:
"Because... Yuanli!?"

After hearing this, Niu Rulie showed a very satisfied expression and said:

"That's right! It's because of Yuanli!"

"Yuanli is the foundation of my body-refining cultivator. It is divided into three stages, namely the strengthening stage, the entangling stage... and the final release stage!"

After a pause, Niu Rulie said:
"The strengthening stage is to strengthen one's own strength through Yuanli, and the entangling stage is to cover the surface with Yuanli, which can form high-strength protection for oneself..."

"As for the final stage of external release, the energy energy leaves the body to defend against the enemy, and can even be attached to the weapon, greatly increasing the lethality!"

"It is precisely because of the wonderful uses of Yuanli that we, the body-refining monks, can compete with the qi-refining monks!"

When Su Xing heard the words, he seemed to have some understanding in his heart.

To be honest, most of Su Xing's current strength comes from his physical training.

After all, with a hundred thousand tons of power in the divine power realm, it was really a monster in human form.

And Yuan Li is also an important part of Su Xing's strength. After using Yuan Li, the explosive power and super defense are also the confidence that Su Xing has to be proud of the powerful Martial Emperor.

"Are you releasing level Yuan power?"

Su Xing was thoughtful.

But Niu Rulie then said:

"You are an early starter in the practice of Yuanli. Now you have entered the second stage of entanglement. In our Luotian Sect's Sutra Collection Pavilion, you can go and read the books on the advancement and usage of Yuanli!"

Niu Rulie paused slightly when he said this, and then said:

"Xiaochuan, you are the one with the best understanding and qualifications among my disciples. There is a high probability that you will inherit my mantle in the future..."

"In this case, I won't hide it from you. I have a Yuanli magical power here, as well as the experience of how to cultivate to the third stage, so I will give it to you!"

After saying that, Niu Rulie stretched out his hand to wake up his eyebrows.

When he woke up, he felt that there was a small piece of experience in cultivating Yuanli in his mind, as well as a magical power of Yuanli... body-protecting Gangqi!
"Hiss...the body-protecting Gang Qi uses Yuan Power to protect the body surface, and the divine power adds to the body, making it invulnerable to all attacks!"

A look of ecstasy appeared on Su Xing's face. This body-protecting aura was definitely a magical method!
After gaining the magical power of Yuanli and the third stage of cultivation experience, Su Xing asked again:
"Master, after mastering the third stage of Yuan Li, how can we enter the Void-breaking Realm?"

Niu Rulie sighed softly:
"It's so difficult! Only by cultivating the energy to the extreme, cooperating with the powerful body of the body-refining monk, and then standing at the extreme place to break and then stand, can you achieve the realm of breaking the void!"

"Of course, even if there are hundreds of monks in the realm of divine power, only one or two can enter Poxu!"

"If you are not careful, life and death will disappear. Only when you are fully prepared can you give it a try!"

"There are also three, six or nine levels of monks in the Breaking Void Realm. The more dangerous the extreme place is, the more powerful the physical strengthening of the body-refining monks will be after entering the Breaking Void Realm!"

"This move is tantamount to going against heaven! It is precisely because of this that the number of my body-refining monks is so rare!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this, it was difficult for Niu Rulie to take one bite at a time...

It is difficult for such a powerful monk to be able to break through... Could it be that the Shattering Void Realm is really so difficult to break through?

So Su Xing asked:

"Master, what do you mean by the extreme place?"

Niu Rulie explained:

"There are many extreme places, such as the seabed that is thousands of miles deep. Endless pressure stands on you. If you can persist in the seabed of thousands of miles for several days, you may be able to achieve Breaking the Void!"

"Or maybe it was the baptism of thunder that day, the first spring thunder on the day of the Awakening of Insects. It is infinitely powerful and can cut through all illusions. If you can survive the nine thunder tribulations, or you can temper your body with the power of thunder and lightning, you will not only be able to break through the void, You can even take this opportunity to reshape your physical body and realize a trace of the precious power of thunder and lightning!"

Niu Rulie spoke eloquently.

Su Xing thought thoughtfully after hearing this. He probably understood what Niu Rulie meant.

Body-refining cultivators are meant to go against the will of heaven, focusing on strengthening the body and strengthening vitality and blood.

And if you want to break the limit of body refining again and again, you need to survive in that extremely dangerous environment.

Whether it's thousands of miles under the sea or nine thunders striking the top, it's all about breaking one's own limits.

If you step over this line, you will be broken, if you cannot step on it, you will die!

Therefore, you can choose dangerous places by yourself. In short, the more dangerous the place, the greater the improvement!

After figuring out the secret of breaking the void, Su Xing suppressed the excitement in his heart and saluted Niu Rulie.

"Thank you, Master!"

Niu Rulie looked a little tired, but nodded slightly and said: "Good disciple, you go to see Master Shennong first!"

Su Xing resigned after hearing this. After walking out of the hall, Su Xing's joy was beyond words.

"This copy of Luotian Sect is really a great treasure!"

"Is it so easy to comprehend a magical power of Yuanli? Hiss, although it still needs practice... But for this magical power alone, if there is no memory initiation, it will probably take me several days to learn it by myself!"

"And these third-stage Yuanli cultivation experiences are also extremely precious!"

"In Poxu Realm, I finally have some eyebrows... But Poxu can't be impatient. We must first enter the third stage of Yuanli!"

Su Xing grinned and suddenly felt that Niu Rulie was a little cute.

You must know that memory infusion puts a burden on the monk's spiritual consciousness, and it is difficult to use it easily. It is lucky to wake up and get the treatment of memory infusion several times.

Su Xing walked towards the back mountain with light steps.

After sending Uncle Shen Nong to the Luotian Conference, Su Xing came to the familiar Sutra Pavilion and began to learn the knowledge of Yuanli advancement.

Although Great Elder Niu Rulie gave him a magical power and the cultivation experience of releasing Yuanli, Su Xing still had to learn these advanced knowledge of Yuanli.

Activate the bonus of the Great Wisdom state, and you can stay in the Sutra Pavilion for more than 20 hours after waking up.

It is not until the immersive simulation time ends that the awakened consciousness returns to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Su Xing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

“This immersive simulation has made a lot of money!”

"Not only did I learn the experience of the third stage of Yuanli, I even gained a magical power for free!"

People feel refreshed when happy events happen, and Su Xing’s expressions when looking at the simulation panel are all smiling.

[After getting the secret of the Void-Breaking Realm from the copy of Luotian Conference, you are going to put the cultivation of Yuanli on the agenda. 】

[But before that, you still decide to join the Advent Cult to obtain the elixir. 】

[You spent several days to lure out Zong Laogou in Shuangqing City. 】

[Afterwards, after a while of py trading, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You haven’t forgotten that on the surface, you and Zong Laogou are brothers, but in fact, you have already contacted Luo Shuying and gained her trust. 】

[With Luo Shuying's help, you obtained many precious elixirs. 】

[So in the following days, you will be responsible for your own affairs every day. 】

[You plant five hundred spirit-gathering flower seeds in the blessed land of the spiritual field. Because there are too many seeds, you must spend four hours every day taking care of the spiritual field, watering it and ripening the spiritual energy. 】

[After that, you will spend four hours practicing and work hard every day to improve your Qi refining skills. 】

[The remaining four hours will be used to refine the elixir and prepare for joining the Great Xia military in the future. 】

[You have arranged the twelve hours every day so well that there is no time for rest at all! 】

When Su Xing saw this, he couldn't help but curl up his lips and muttered:

"Damn it, is this last sentence... a complaint from the simulator?"

"But then again, people have a liver in their body, so I think I have a human on my liver, right?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, joking, if he didn't work hard in the simulator... wouldn't he have to work harder in reality?

After complaining secretly, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the third year, the first batch of Soul-Gathering Flowers you planted matured, and you harvested 800 Soul-Gathering Flowers, and you have obtained [-] new Soul-Gathering Flower seeds. 】

[You plant a new batch of Julinghua seeds and prepare to wait for harvest in two years. 】

[In the same year, you thought the time was ripe, so you decided to rebel from Adventism. 】

[Later on, you and Luo Shuying fled into the Daxia military, but Zong Laogou was not in trouble and was also hunted by the Adventist Cult. 】

[In the fourth year, your twelve hours a day is really not enough, so you decide to stop practicing and concentrate on refining elixirs and planting spirit-gathering flowers. 】

[You spend six hours every day cultivating the Spirit-Gathering Flower, and another six hours refining the elixir. 】

[In the fifth year, you harvested [-] mature Spirit-Gathering Flowers and [-] seeds. 】

[You start a new round of sowing. 】

[As the number of Spirit-Gathering Flowers in the Lingtian Blessed Land increases, the aura of the Lingtian Blessed Land becomes more and more intense. You will get twice the result with half the effort in your cultivation! 】

[In the same year, you finally refined the more than 20 elixirs that Daxia needed. Due to good luck, more than one-third of your batch of elixirs were top-grade elixirs. 】

[Because of you, Daxia has added [-] master-level professionals, [-] heavenly kings, and [-] martial emperors. 】

[In the sixth year, you rarely refine elixirs and spend most of the remaining time on cultivation. 】

[In addition to planting Spirit-Gathering Grass every day, the rest of your time is spent practicing Changchun Gong. Your cultivation is getting better and better day by day. 】

[In the seventh year, the thousand spirit-gathering grasses you planted finally matured, and at the same time, you got one thousand five hundred immature seeds. 】

[You feel that the spirit-gathering grass in the blessed land is close to saturation, so you stop planting it and start cultivating it wholeheartedly. 】

[As more than 3000 spirit-gathering grasses slowly released their spiritual energy, the Lingtian Blessed Land underwent tremendous changes. 】

[The rich spiritual energy almost condenses into a liquid state in the air. With every breath you take, you will feel a large amount of abundant spiritual energy pouring in, making you refreshed. 】

[At the same time, the growth rate of spiritual plants has greatly accelerated. The spiritual plants that originally took five years to mature now only take three years to mature! 】

[The spiritual chickens in the blessed land have become stronger and their feathers have become more supple. Even the spiritual earthworms have grown a lot overnight and are slowly evolving towards the earth dragon. 】

[You know in your heart that this blessed land has evolved into a cave! 】

[In the eighth year, you start practicing in a planned way. 】

[Spend eight hours every day practicing Changchun Gong to improve your Qi cultivation. 】

[In the remaining four hours, you will practice Yuanli. I hope Yuanli can move from the entanglement level to the external release level as soon as possible! 】

[In the ninth year, the difficulty of cultivating Yuanli is beyond your imagination. 】

[According to the training experience Niu Rulie gave you, if you want to achieve external release, you must first let the Yuan Power reach the level of being wrapped around the whole body! 】

[That is, a layer of invisible energy armor is attached to the surface of the body. This layer of armor can resist almost all attacks. The strength of the armor is directly proportional to the strength of the energy. 】

[Although your Yuan Power has entered the second stage of entanglement, it can only cover limited vital parts. If you want to cover the whole body, your Yuan Power is far from strong enough. 】

[Although your Yuanli cultivation progresses slowly, this year, your Qi cultivation has successfully entered the second level of the Divine Transformation Stage! 】

[In the tenth year, you still continue to practice every day. Your physical training is getting higher and higher, but your Yuanli progress is still slow...]

Su Xing sighed softly when he saw this.

He naturally knows that it is difficult to cultivate Yuan Li. Practicing Yuan Li and improving cultivation at the same time will inevitably affect the improvement of Qi refining cultivation.

But waking up is also a helpless move. After all, Yuanli is related to breaking through the void.

If the awakening triggers an epiphany by chance... and enters the third level of Yuanli, it will be really profitable!
Therefore, waking up is just a try.

The most important time is to focus on improving Qi refining cultivation.

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[While practicing day and night, two years have passed in the blink of an eye. In these two years, you did not choose to join the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[Because you are practicing in the blessed land of Lingtian, whether you join the Demon Suppression Pass or not will not make much difference to you. 】

[In the 13th year of your cultivation in the Paradise of Cave Heaven, you have really made rapid progress. Your cultivation speed has doubled as before. Your Qi refining cultivation has become increasingly advanced, and you are gradually approaching the third level of spiritual transformation! 】

[The only pity is that your mastery of Yuanli has progressed slowly and is still at the entanglement level. However, as you practice, the body area covered by Yuanli is getting larger and larger. 】

[No. 14, a boring year of practice, you failed to break through to the third level of divine transformation...]

[In No. 15, on a sunny morning, you had a premonition, and it was a matter of course that you entered the third level of the Divine Transformation Stage! 】

[In No. 16, you temporarily gave up practicing Yuanli, but made an important decision...]

[You want to go to the Dharma Ending Era dungeon to find out! 】

[The Age of Ending Dungeon is a dungeon for cultivating immortality that you learned about a long time ago. According to official information, this dungeon seems to be at the end of the world of immortality. It is difficult for a monk to be born among 1 people. 】

[You have wanted to explore this dungeon a long time ago, but due to lack of strength, you, who has always been steady, decided to play it safe. 】

[Later, you learned that Old Dog Zong came from this copy, so you became more cautious. 】

[And now, your cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of Divine Power Realm, and you are confident that you have the ability to explore this copy...]

[You followed the coordinates in your memory and arrived at a dungeon stronghold outside Kyoto. After showing your identity, you successfully entered the End of the Age dungeon! 】

(ps: See Chapter 36 for details about this copy)
(End of this chapter)

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