Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 153: Entering the dungeon of the Age of Ending Law and fighting Zong Laogou again!

Chapter 153: Entering the dungeon of the Age of Ending Law and fighting Zong Laogou again! (5k)

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

He had previously planned to explore the Dharma Ending Era dungeon.

Now that I have enough strength to explore this copy, I should naturally explore it.

"Let's take a look at this Dharma Ending Era copy. How does it look like?"

Su Xing murmured slightly, looking at the simulation panel.

[You entered the Dharma Ending Era dungeon and landed in a large mountain. 】

[As you recall the memories in your mind, all the professionals who entered the dungeon in the End of the Law will immediately come to any place in the dungeon. 】

[You took out the copy map obtained from the Daxia military and began to think about it. 】

[This dungeon of the Age of Dharma is comparable to a small world. The map is vast and the level of technology is still in the ancient times. However, everyone is martial and the physical fitness of ordinary people is not low. 】

[You compared your position, and then your consciousness spread out like a tide. 】

[Three thousand feet of spiritual consciousness instantly enveloped the entire mountain, and every plant and tree in the mountain was under your induction. 】

[You frown slightly, because the place you came to is relatively remote, so except for some ferocious animals, there are no humans in the mountains. 】

[You take out the map. In addition to some towns, there are three main locations marked on the map. 】

[They are Changchun Sect, Xuanhuang Sect and Fusheng Sect respectively. 】

[According to intelligence, there are many undercover agents sent by the Daxia military lurking in the Xuanhuang Sect, and the Changchun Sect may be related to Zong Laogou. 】

[So you decide to rush towards the Xuanhuang Sect’s location first. 】

[In this way, you traveled for a day and a night, traveling thousands of kilometers, and arrived at the city where the Xuanhuang Sect is located. 】

[This city is called Xuanhuang City. It is one of the three major cities in the Xianwu Era (Dharma Ending Era) dungeon and was built by the Xuanhuang Sect. 】

[Your consciousness scanned the people in the city, and you were surprised to find that these plainly dressed natives were very powerful. 】

[Ordinary people’s Qi and blood are very strong, even close to those of first-time Bronze level professionals. 】

[You can even occasionally encounter one or two warriors with amazing energy and blood. Their strength may be comparable to that of gold-level professionals! 】

[What makes you even more confused is that the aura of these warriors is very close to that of body-refining monks. You suspect that they have practiced incomplete body-refining techniques! 】

Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and murmured:
"Sure enough, this copy of the Immortal Martial Era is really the time after the ancient Qi Refiners became extinct!"

"Although the spiritual energy is extinct, body refining can still be carried out! Could it be that...this copy contains body refining techniques?"

Su Xing was a little happy in his heart. There were no local immortal cultivators in Blue Star, so there were all the rumors about the immortal cultivating world.

It all depends on him to explore a little bit, and he has benefited a lot from the previous copy of the Luotian Conference.

If you can explore the Immortal Martial Era dungeon at this moment, you will definitely gain a lot!
Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[You did not act rashly, but stayed temporarily in Xuanhuang City. 】

[Gold and silver are available in Fantasy City. You use a few pieces of gold to go to the pawn shop to exchange for a lot of copper coins, and then you stay in an inn and wait quietly for your contact to meet you. 】

[The folk customs in Xuanhuang City are fierce and martial, but the food is very exquisite. You are very satisfied and have spent a few days tasting all the delicacies in Xuanhuang City. 】

[Until today, an elder from the Xuanhuang Sect who calls himself Wang Wu came to you. 】

[It turns out that this Wang Wu is actually one of the undercover agents sent by the Daxia military to the Advent Sect. 】

[He calls himself Xiao Wu, saying that he has been an undercover agent in the Xuanhuang Sect for 20 years, and he is quite familiar with everything in this copy. 】

[After learning of your arrival, Xiao Wu was extremely excited. Obviously you are a big shot in his eyes. 】

[You felt a little happy after hearing what Xiao Wu said. If someone could inform you of the information, it would surely save a lot of time. 】

[Xiao Wu asked you how the outside world was, and you answered one by one. Xiao Wu looked a little sad. 】

[After talking for a while, you hope that Xiao Wu can find you some martial arts secret books to study. 】

[Xiao Wu heard this and took out three martial arts secret books without any hesitation. 】

[According to Xiao Wu, the martial arts in this Immortal Martial Age are divided into nine levels, with the first level being the highest and the third level being the lowest. 】

[As an elder of the Xuanhuang Sect, Xiaowu can only have access to third-level martial arts. 】

[These three martial arts are the ninth-grade martial arts, five-step boxing, the sixth-grade martial arts, six-pulse step, and the third-grade martial arts, bone-strengthening skills. 】

[Although it’s a bad name, you still read it carefully. 】

[After studying for a night, you are surprised to find that whether it is ninth-grade or third-grade martial arts, there are shadows of body-training techniques in them! 】

[Even these martial arts may be simplified from the fragments of body training techniques...]

[And the more advanced the martial arts, the greater the shadow of physical training techniques and magical powers! 】

[For example, if you take the third-grade bone-strengthening technique, after you have perfected it, your bones will be as strong as gold and stone, which is similar to the bone-forging realm of a body-refining monk. 】

[You found something, and you were quite surprised, so you found Xiao Wu again and asked him if he had any news about more techniques. 】

[Xiao Wu shook his head slightly, but he told you that there is another undercover agent who has become the deputy sect leader of the Xuanhuang Sect, has a master level strength, and has a first-grade martial arts book in his hand. 】

[After hearing this, you nodded slightly and quickly asked Xiao Wu to call the undercover agent. 】

[A few days later, you successfully met the senior undercover agent and obtained a first-grade martial arts secret book, Pulse Forging Jue! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but complain:

"Damn, Daxia's military is really capable of doing things!"

"This undercover agent has become the deputy sect leader? If a few more decades pass, wouldn't he be able to become the boss directly?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but this martial arts technique had the shadow of the body training technique in it, which made Su Xing certain that there were definitely relics of ancient monks in this copy!

"The spiritual energy escapes and the Qi Refiners become extinct...but the treasures and skill inheritance left by the former immortal cultivators may still be found!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little happy.

This is the relic left by an entire world of immortal cultivation. Even if a lot of it is wasted in the long years, what is left is enough to wake up and be full.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[After your repeated research, you discovered that this pulse formula is not a martial arts technique at all, but a serious body-training technique! 】

[Pulse training realm is actually the first level of body training monks. Body training realm is to strengthen the meridians and strengthen the body! 】

[And this technique actually talks about strengthening the physical body by guiding internal force, and finally achieves the state of indestructibility of the physical body! 】

[The level of this pulse forging art is not high. Even if it is perfected, you estimate that it will be equivalent to the strength of the bone forging realm. 】

[But what surprises you is that the internal force described in this technique is very similar to the Yuan force you know. 】

[In order to explore the connection, you want to find more advanced techniques. 】

[But the undercover agent told you that it is rumored that he has acquired and innate martial arts above the first-level martial arts. 】

[However, these two levels of martial arts are only passed down to the master of Xuanhuang Sect, and the position of master is inherited from his father, and he cannot obtain it. 】

[If you fail to obtain martial arts above the first level, you will naturally not give up easily. 】

[So you activate your spiritual consciousness, change your appearance and sneak into the Xuanhuang Sect. 】

[You successfully found a copy of Houtian Martial Arts in the secret compartment in the sect leader's room. 】

[But at the same time, you were also discovered by the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect. Instead of killing him, you knocked him out. 】

[Afterwards, you return to your residence with Houtian Martial Arts. 】

[After carefully reading through this Houtian Martial Arts, you suddenly discovered that this method records a kind of medicine that can assist in body refining. If you practice according to this medicine, you can reach the highest level of visceral refining! 】

[But obviously, you don’t like this acquired martial arts, and you hope to find more advanced martial arts techniques! 】

[So you sneaked into the Xuanhuang Sect again, hoping to get another wave of Xuanhuang Sect's wool. 】

[Unexpectedly, the Xuanhuang Sect was well prepared this time. Not only was the sect leader present, there was even a hidden innate master in the Xuanhuang Sect who also took action. 】

[You are surprised to find that this innate master is actually a Qi Refiner. Although his Qi Refining Cultivation is only around the Foundation Establishment Stage, his body refining cultivation is comparable to that of Yuanwu Realm masters. 】

[Even so, the strength of this innate master is equivalent to that of the weakest Martial King, and he is still far from your opponent. 】

[So you surrounded the Xuanhuang Sect alone and captured the innate master alive. 】

[Afterwards, you use your spiritual consciousness to press and interrogate, and you learn that this innate master is the previous leader of the Xuanhuang Sect, and you have looted a lot of treasures from his hiding place. 】【An innate skill, Xuanhuang Gong, is a skill passed down from generation to generation by Xuanhuang Sect. 】

[There are several ancient books that record profound martial arts, which record the use of internal power. After checking it, you find that these are actually magical powers that can be used by several body-refining monks. 】

[Although the grade is far inferior to the "Body Protecting Qi" given to you by Niu Rulie, the great elder of Luotian Sect, it is still barely usable. 】

[In addition, there is a piece of broken jade that you cannot see clearly. 】

[Intuition tells you that this broken jade may hide a big secret! 】

[So you ask the former sect leader what the jade pendant does. 】

[The sect leader looked embarrassed, but he still told the key. 】

[He said it is rumored that there are three pieces of jade like this. If all three pieces of jade are found, an ancient ruins can be found. It is rumored that the ruins contain the secrets of the ancient Qi Refiners. 】

[These three pieces of broken jade are currently controlled by the three martial arts sects. If you want to collect them all, you must unify the three sects. 】

[But it is precisely because the three major sects have not been able to unify for thousands of years that they have not been able to enter the ruins. 】

Su Xing kept seeing this place, with excitement on his face, and murmured:
"I'm afraid that the secret of this copy of the Immortal Martial Era is hidden in this ruins!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said:
"Oh, it's still great to be crushed by strength! No matter what kind of sect leader you are, or an innate master... I just slapped you to the ground!"

"Then, all you need to do is collect three pieces of jade in a step-by-step manner!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After you got the broken jade, you set off for Fushengmen. 】

[Fushengmen is thousands of kilometers away from Xuanhuang Sect. You rushed for a day and night before you arrived at the city where Fushengmen is located. 】

[Afterwards, you disguised yourself and calmed down, and took advantage of the night to rush to the location of the Fusheng Sect. 】

[You defeated the master of the Fusheng Sect with one move, and then attracted the hidden innate masters of the Fusheng Sect. 】

[You successfully captured this innate master alive and obtained his storage weapon. 】

[In the storage artifact, you found a magical power called Fu Sheng Gong, several martial arts that use internal power, and the piece of broken jade. 】

[After you succeeded, you rushed to the last sect, Changchun Sect without stopping! 】

[But when you were still hundreds of miles away from the Changchun Sect, you felt a familiar aura through the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique. 】

[It’s the scent of old Zong dog! 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he murmured:
"I see... No wonder I couldn't feel the scent of Old Zong Dog before. It turns out that this guy has been hiding in the Changchun Gate!"

"The copy of the Immortal Martial Era is too far away from Blue Star. It is not the same world at all... No wonder the Thousand Miles Tracking Technique cannot sense it!"

Su Xing thought in his heart, this old dog of the sect may have hid in this dungeon to avoid being hunted by the Advent Cult, right?

"Okay, I just want to try it with this old dog. How is my current strength?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[You did not act rashly after meeting Zong Laogou. In order to prevent Zong Laogou from being discovered in advance, you chose to restrain your consciousness and entered Changchun City. 】

[Changchun City is built in a green valley full of life. It is quite large. The whole city gives you the feeling that it has a much deeper foundation than the other two sects. 】

[And in the reality of your thousands-mile tracking technique, this old dog seems to be lurking in the Changchun Gate! 】

[After disguising yourself and regaining your breath, you pretended to be someone who came to learn martial arts. Under the influence of Qian's ability, you bribed an admissions elder from the outer sect and successfully joined the outer sect of Changchun Sect. 】

[In the next few days, you repeatedly investigated and finally targeted an outer disciple of Changchun Gong. 】

[This outer disciple is disguised as Zong Laogou! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing took a breath and said:

"Hiss~ This old dog of the sect is really a bastard! A monk at the peak of his spiritual transformation actually disguised himself as an outer disciple and sneaked into the sect?"

"But... I will definitely defeat you this time!"

[After confirming the identity of Zong Laogou, you did not hesitate, but chose to take action directly! 】

[The entangling-level elemental force covers both fists. The power of the divine power realm completely explodes at this moment. You punch Zong Laogou on the head, hoping to kill him with one move! 】

[But this old dog is worthy of being a thousand-year-old dog. He actually sensed the danger in advance and narrowly avoided your punch. 】

【boom!Your punch hit the ground firmly, and in an instant there was a sound like a mountain exploding, and the entire Shanmen Square was shaking like an earthquake. 】

[The earth shattered for a moment, and countless disciples fled quickly. 】

[After you launched the offensive, Zong Laogou obviously felt the familiar aura on your body. 】

[Immediately, a ferocious smile appeared on his face. 】

[You want to kill Zong Laogou and seize his treasures. How could Zong Laogou not think so? 】

[So, the war is about to break out! 】

[Zong Laogou first sacrificed the bone sword. Its sword moves were fierce and vicious, and the resentment was wrapped in your spiritual power. 】

[But your strength is no longer what it used to be. At the same time, you are also holding the Mo Bing Sword, stimulating the power of the sword! 】

[The power of the sword increases, and an indomitable momentum rises in your heart, and your fighting spirit rises! 】

[And where the sword light passed, rocks collapsed and trees fell, Zong Laogou could only temporarily avoid its edge. 】

[You have fought for hundreds of rounds in a row, and you have been steadily suppressing Old Dog Zong. 】

[Zong Laogou knew that his sword skills were not as good as yours, so he started to use magical powers! 】

[Zong Laogou waves his palm, and the black energy rushes towards you like a poisonous snake. 】

[And you quickly activated the Fire Lifting Technique and rushed towards the black energy. 】

[Although your Qi refining cultivation level is only at the third level of the Divine Transformation stage, and your cultivation level is not as good as that of Zong Laogou, the Lihuo Technique's ability to restrain the black energy has been difficult to separate for a while. 】

[Wherever the black energy passed, the entire Changchun Gate was shrouded in despair, and thousands of disciples turned into bones in an instant. 】

[But your spiritual power protects your body, and your body refining cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of Divine Power Realm. With this cultivation in your body, the black energy will have little impact on your combat power in a short period of time. 】

[Seeing that your magical power has also been restrained by you, Zong Laogou gritted his teeth and summoned seven puppets in the Nascent Soul stage. These seven puppets had the same mind and formed a formation. In a short period of time, they were able to rival the monks of the Transformation of Gods. 】

[These seven puppets cooperate with Zong Laogou tacitly, and in a short period of time they can fight you evenly! 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this and murmured:
"Sure enough, this old dog really has a lot of trump cards!"

"There are even Nascent Soul puppets... Even if they are there, they can actually form a battle formation. Can the seven Nascent Souls put together be comparable to the god-transformation monks?"

Su Xing was a little amazed at Zong Laogou's methods.

But then he woke up and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth:

"It's a pity that I am not who I was back then! Let alone a puppet. Even if there is an extra god, I can't save your life today!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[Several puppets and old dogs will soon fight with you. 】

[After fighting for dozens of rounds, you relied on your rich combat experience to successfully seize the flaw and blasted a Nascent Soul stage puppet with one punch! 】

[One of the Nascent Soul stage puppets was broken, and the power of this formation was greatly reduced instantly. It didn't take you much effort to smash all the puppets. 】

[After that, you fight Zong Laogou alone again, fighting him for dozens of rounds, and beating Zong Laogou orally donating blood. 】

[Seeing the puppet being blown to pieces by you, Zong Laogou showed pain in his face, but at the critical moment of life and death, Zong Laogou could only use his trump card. 】

[A black flag appears in Zong Laogou’s hand, it is the Soul Calling Flag! 】

[Immediately, Zong Laogou distanced himself from you and quickly recited the spell in his mouth...]

[Immediately, in the induction of your spiritual consciousness, the souls of the sect disciples who died tragically in the Changchun Sect were actually summoned into it by the soul summoning flag of the old dog of the sect! 】

[As more and more souls pour in, the aura on Zong Laogou's body becomes increasingly weird. 】

[Finally, the black energy went straight into Zong Laogou’s arm. 】

[In an instant, the aura of Zong Lao Dog surges, his pupils are filled with black, and he attacks you! 】

(End of this chapter)

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